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84.24% Black clover: Reincarnating as the strongest character / Chapter 139: Convenient Power

Kapitel 139: Convenient Power

Sekke looked at Gauche and Marie who were easily dominating the fight against Asta and the remaining black bulls.

"That siscon is not giving them any opening for attack. Shall we lend a hand?" asked Sekke.

"Hehe, no reason not to fight against strong opponents," replied Luck.

"Alright! Let's knock some sense back into that siscon!!" declared Magna.

"La, Let's do it!"

"We have to save Marie-chan too."

Sekke nodded as his grimoire started flipping.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Bronze Rider-Flight Mode]

Getting on top of the overboard Sekke moved straight towards the elf siblings.

"I am coming as well!" said Luck as lightning boots and gloves appeared on him and he flew beside Sekke.

"Luck! Don't kill them! Hold back against Marie-chan, alright?"

"Eh? Then, you deal with Marie-chan. I will handle Gauche!"


The two increased their speed and in an instant, both of them appeared near the remains of the floating castle.

"Yo! Siscon!" greeted Sekke while Luck just rushed toward Gauche without any warning.

Elf Gauche widened his eyes in surprise when Luck appeared in front of him with a grin on his face.

"Yo! Gauche, let's fight to the death!" said Luck with an excited smile on his face as he kicked Gauche in the stomach sending him flying.

"Onii-chan!!" called elf Marie as she saw her brother being kicked away from her.

"Don't worry, Luck won't kill him....probably," said Sekke as he landed behind the little girl and held her in his hands.

"Waa! A human caught me! Let go of me! Onii-chan!!" scream the elf.

"Eclat!! Human gets away from her!!" warned the elf Gauche as his grimoire started flipping.

[Mirror Magic: Reflect Refrain]

Multiple mirrors appeared around the area around him.

"Oi! Your sister is here as well! Luck!" yelled Sekke as he glared at the elf.

"On it!" replied Luck as a spark of electricity appeared around him and in an instant all the mirrors shattered.

"Geez, don't let your sister get caught in the attack, you idiot. Gauche will kill us if as much as a scratch appears on her body," said Sekke as he looked at elf Gauche with an annoyed look on his face.

"So, little lady elf. What's your name?" asked Sekke as he turned Marie around such that both of them faced each other.

"I-I won't tell you!" yelled the little elf as she tried to protest against the human that captured her.

"Ok, I won't tell you-chan. I am Sekke Bronzaza, the dark lord. Nice to meet you. By the way, your name is kind of long and weird." said Sekke.

"That's not my name! My name is Eclat! It's not weird!" complained the little elf with a pout on her face.

"Okay, Eclat-chan~"

"Ah! I told my name to a human!... You meanie! You tricked me!" said Eclat with a surprised look on her face.

"Yeah, you were too easy to fool."

"Ughh, I am not! I won't get tricked again!"

"Look over there a flying house made of sweets," said Sekke as he pointed in a certain direction.

"Eh? Where?" asked Eclat as she looked in the direction where Sekke pointed only to find the empty night sky.

"See, you got tricked again," said Sekke as he chuckled.

"Ah!" exclaimed Eclat as she realized that the human lied to her.

She opened her mouth to protest but just as his mouth opened Sekke shoved a huge long....lollipop in the kid's mouth.

"Enjoy that, that's the last one Charmy made," said Sekke as he ruffled the little elf's hair.

Eclat wanted to protest, but the sweetness of the thing that the human gave her was too irresistible for her, and she simply licked the candy.

Sekke looked at the fight between the black bulls and elf Gauche while he took care of elf Maire.

He wanted to join them as well but knew that the elf would try to get close to his sister and this might injure the real Marie as well.

"So what's your brother's name Eclat-chan?" asked Sekke.

"Drowa....why are you fighting against us?" asked Eclat.

"Mostly for self-defense. If we don't fight back, we will lose quite a lot of things that we hold dear. Our kingdom, family, and friends." replied Sekke.

"Self-defence. But wasn't it humans that attacked us elves who were living peacefully?" asked Eclat.

She was a bit calmer now since she didn't feel any malice from the human name Sekke Bronzaza....though most of it was because of the lollipop.

"That's something, which happened 500 years ago or something. Don't know what were the circumstances then, but in this era, we didn't instigate the attack."

"500 years....why do people still fight after so long?" asked Eclat feeling a bit sad.

"Well...the first fight starts with the person who wants to show that they are superior and stronger. After that, it's a series of revenge until one side perishes or gives up. Not all people are satisfied with peace. Some do it because they are threatened by something and want to exterminate that while some do it just for fun and wanting to prove they are superior. Though because of the ones who instigate it, the whole community gets involved."

"Ummmm.....It's confusing," said Eclat with a frown as she tried to wrap her head around what Sekke said.

"Haha, well just think of it as the way how living creatures who can think are. It's kind of in their nature to fight," replied Sekke as he smiled at the kid's words.

"Does that mean we will continue to fight?"

"Unless both sides make up, then yes."

"...That's sad."

"It is Eclat."

The elf and the dark lord turned silent. Sekke silently patted the kid's head as both of them looked at the fight that was going on between her brother and the black bulls.

"Won't you go and fight my brother too? Your friends might get injured."

"I would like to, but I have to keep the little lady Eclat safe. Besides I believe in my friends. They can take care of themselves."

"Why are you saving me? And from what?"

"Well, the body that you and your brother are possessing right now, belongs to our friends and since he is strong, some of us might not be able to hold back well enough and might get you injured during the fight," replied Sekke.

"...So you want to protect the human whom this body actually belongs to..."

"Well, there is that, but I personally won't like to see a kid like you get injured. It doesn't matter if you are human or long as you are not trying to kill that is. If you do that, then I might need to punish you for being a bad girl." said Sekke as he teased Eclat.

"I won't do that! I just want to be with my brother."

"Is that so, well that's good then. I will take you where your brother is soon. Though I can't let you two be in these bodies, I will make sure that you and your brother are together in the end."

"Umu, thank you Sekke-nii-chan."

"Mention not. *Sigh*If only most people were not stuck-up idiots and be more like Eclat-chan. The situation might have been different." said Sekke.

"Different?" asked Eclat.

"Yeah, if there wasn't a grudge between humans and elves we might have been coexisting together. The two of us might have been friends too since elves live for a long time," replied Sekke.

"It would have been fun. I know let's be friends now Sekke-nii-chan!" exclaimed Eclat as she looked at Sekke with a smile.

"Huh, really. Alright. I, Sekke Bronzaza, the great dark lord give you the honor of being my friend."

"Hmph, then I, the great elf Eclat, give you the honor of being my friend. Accept it or I will take the offer back!"

"Hoho, so the great elf Eclat-sama is such a petty little lady. Alright, looks like I have to accept it before she changes her mind. The dark lord accepts your proposal my little lady great elf Eclat-chan-sama."

"That's too long! Call me Eclat-chan, like you were doing earlier. Hmph, you are weird."

"Hehe, now you are stuck with this weird man, who is now your friend."

"*Sigh*Well, I am a generous person so I will accept it."

"You are getting cheeky Eclat-chan...time for punishment," said Sekke as he started tickling the young elf that started to fumble around and laugh out loud.

While all this was going on elf Gauche was crying tears of blood seeing his sister openly talking with another man while he was busy fighting.

He didn't know who the human was, nor did he want to know. The only thing that mattered to him was that he will make sure to give the despicable human a horrible death.

"Hahaha....stop it! I give up! I give up!" pleaded Eclat as she tried to speak in between her laughter.

Sekke stopped tickling the girl seeing that she had slight tears in her eyes because of excessive laughing.

"You are a mean friend! Hmph!" complained Eclat with a pout.

"But still a friend," replied Sekke as he poked her inflated cheek.

The two stared at each other for a while but soon they heard a loud shattering noise which made them look at the source of the sound.

"Looks like your brother's been defeated. Let's go then."

"...Okay...Sekke-nii-chan, are you strong? Rhya and the others said so."

"One, if not the strongest. Why?"

"...Can you please stop this battle between the elves and humans...I don't want kids like me to get injured. You will feel bad too, right?"

"I will feel bad...alright, I will try my best to stop this...I promise you."

"Umu, thank you!" replied Eclat cheerfully as Sekke slowly walked towards elf Gauche.

"By the way Eclat-chan, you were using magic earlier to fight my friends, right? Why didn't you use it on me?" asked Sekke.

Just as he said that Eclat's eyes widened in shock as she held her head dramatically.

"I forgot!! Ugh! I am a big dumb dumb!"

"Oh my, such a big dumb dumb."

"Hey! Don't make fun of me. I will use my eye magic on you otherwise." threatened Eclat.

"Aww, so scary the way do show me your magic," asked Sekke.

"Huh, really? Ok," replied Eclat as her eyes glowed and Sekke's body stopped moving for a while.

But soon the magic was released and Sekke got control of his body.

"That was strong magic considering that you still don't have a grimoire."

"Fufu, I am great, you know," replied Eclat as she puffed up her chest in pride.

"Mighty Eclat-chan-sama. Here enjoy this. One final offering from your human friend." said Sekke as he gave her a bunch of cookies from his storage.

She was about to leave this body so he wanted her to enjoy the final moment that she will remember.

Eclat to the cookies from Sekke and ate them without hesitation.

Sekke smiled at the girl's action and patted her head.

Soon the two reached where the other black bulls were and Eclat immediately let go of Sekke's hand and ran towards her brother.

"Onii-chan!!" exclaimed Eclat as she hugged her brother.

"Eclat! Are you fine? That human didn't do anything to you, right? Want me to kill him? Wait a moment I will kill him right now!"

"No! Sekke-nii-chan is my friend now, you cannot kill him. No more fighting!" said Eclat as she stood straight imposingly with her hands on her waist.

"A-A-A friend?! My dear sister made a friend?! And that too with a human! A male one at that!!.... I have to kill him..." said elf Gauche as he tried to break free of the flame restraints that Magna used.

"Calm down, man. I was just making sure she doesn't get involved in the fight and get injured somehow," said Sekke.

"Shut up you human! How dare you make a move on my sister."

"...Even the elf version is a siscon. Alright, then Eclat-chan. It was great that we met and I am so happy that you became my friend." said Sekke as he crouched down to her height and patted the elf one last time.

"Me too Sekke-nii-chan. I am glad that you became my friend too...Goodbye." said Eclat as she hugged Sekke tightly.

Sekke smiled and hugged her back as he patted her back.

"Goodbye, little lady great elf Eclat-chan-sama..."

"... That's too long....just call me Eclat-chan...Sekke-nii-chan....*Sniff*Bye Bye...." muttered Eclat as her voice turned heavier and tears started to come out of her eyes.

"... Bye-bye...*sniff*some is getting into my eyes...what about you Eclat-chan?*Sniff*"


The two finally separated after a while with both of them having tears flowing down their cheeks.

The two laughed seeing the other's crying face and Eclat finally went back to her brother.

"...Do it Asta..." said Sekke as he wiped his face and looked at the elf siblings who were about to leave the bodies that they possessed.

Asta nodded as he placed the demon destroyer sword above the siblings and Eclat gave a final wave towards Sekke.

Sekke smiled at the kid's action and waved back at her.

A magic circle appeared around the siblings as a dark aura released from the sword.

The elf Gauche looked at the humans around him, though he focused more on Sekke and Asta.

"A convenient power that can make it so that something never happened...Do you think such a thing exists?" asked the elder elf sibling.

Asta widened his eyes at that question, not knowing what to say.

"...It would be great if it exists..." replied Sekke in a sad tone.

" would have been great...I could have made sure that you never met my sister... Sadly, it doesn't. Remember this well, humans...Actions come with consequences. You can't escape that."

As those words escaped his mouth, the elf marks around the sibling's faces started to disappear and soon the mana in their bodies got back to normal.

Sekke looked up at the sky for a while before a sigh escaped his lips.

"You alright, my other half?" asked Vritra.

'...Probably...' thought Sekke.

"I see..."



'Is there such a convenient power that makes that none of these sad things happen?'

"It would have been great if there was such a power...I have too many uses for that."

'Even the great prison dragon king has regrets, huh?'

"So many that I have forgotten quite a lot of them."


"But coming to this world and meeting you is not one of them. You are one if not the best another half that I got....don't know if someone in the future tops that, but still there is that."

'You are speaking as if I am about to jump off into some dangerous shit and die.'

"...Aren't you?"

'...And you say you don't have access to my thoughts.'

"I understand you pretty well now."

'Not gonna stop me from being reckless?'

"Has that ever worked?"

'I don't think so?'

"Will it work now?"


"There's my answer..."

Sekke smiled upon hearing the dragon's words and just replied calmly.

"You were awesome as well...not as awesome as me, but still....awesome," muttered Sekke in a low volume.

Sekke looked at his friends who were teasing Gauche and just clenched his fists tightly.

"I promised will look bad if the dark lord goes back on his promise...." muttered Sekke as his sacred gear appeared around him.

He then took a deep breath and soon a determined yet confident smirk appeared on his face.

"Time for the dark lord to finally show his might!"

next chapter
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