I was a bit conflicted about whether to first go see my family or to create the Essence.
But after a bit of contemplation, I decided to visit my family, the Essence wasn't going anywhere, and consuming it would incapacitate me for a good amount of time again.
The most important ones right now were the new generation of my family, the rest could wait. My sudden arrival was met with conflicted emotions, on one hand, Leo and Freyna were happy that I wanted to meet my grandkids, on the other they were a bit miffed that I just suddenly showed up after not hearing from me for a long time.
My seven grandkids were happy to finally meet me regardless. Although they were already over two hundred years old, they developed a lot slower than races, so they were mentally between seven and fifteen years old. They all were different from each other, one liked to spend her time in the library and read, another experimented with the many strange things in the storage, and another was indulging her/his carnal desires with my servants.
If I didn't know better I would have thought that the last one was a reincarnator but the fact that I had taken precautions for something like that not to happen and that he/she was genderfluid and not as vain as reincarnators reassured me. I didn't mind her/him sleeping with my servants, they were happy to serve in any way they could.
After giving everyone some gifts and spending time with them, successfully becoming a beloved grandfather, I decided I had put the Essence of Infinite Omniversal Energy on hold long enough.
This Essence would not only give me a truly Infinite reserve of energy, it would also add every energy in existence to my NE and I mean that literally. Every time a new form of energy was created, I would automatically receive an infinite amount of it.
Even Azathoth only had seemingly infinite energy but no matter how much you grow, it will never reach infinite, just like how you can't count to infinite. Since my body was also made of NE, it would also be completely rebuilt. Although my current NE contains hundreds of energies, compared to the energies I will soon get, my body will grow from a speck of sand to a whole universe.
Creating Essences would also be a lot easier since I no longer had to worry about energy. The only thing slowing me down would be belief but once I created the Essence of the Essence and mastered the creation of Essences.
This time I wouldn't make the same mistake and allow others to sense the essence because I was sure that this time even Azathoth would go all out to obtain it. After massively strengthening the defense and stealth of the Tower to a level that I wasn't capable of last time due to not having consumed the Essence of Blank, I was finally ready.
Just like when I was asleep, I left my body on the Throne and entered the Nothingness with my mind. I could already see something forming but with one last push, it fully formed and disappeared,
Opening my eyes again, I saw a ball of multi-colored liquid float in front of me and I could barely believe the amount of energy I could feel radiating from it. Since I wasn't being attacked by others for having an Essence this time, I took the time to closely inspect it.
The Essence was created directly from the Nothingness and surpassed the conceptual rank while being only second to the Nothingness itself. Since it was still a level below Nothingness, I could swallow the Essence without worrying about it overwhelming my NE and replacing it.
Realizing this, I immediately slurped the floating liquid ball like an astronaut and before I could even understand what it was tasting like, everything went dark and I returned to the Nothingness, just this time I could feel that my body had been completely destroyed by the energy.
Considering that we were talking about infinite energy, that was no surprise but it still startled me a bit, my body was nothing to joke about either but I guess it was still a far cry away from being able to contain Infinite energy.
I could feel an Infinite energy made up of nearly infinite forms of energies clash against my weaker NE, trying to replace it but my NE didn't budge and even started to slowly subdue the violent storm of energy and absorb it.
During that, I not only gained access to even the strangest forms of energy but also got an entire body and soul metamorphosis. My soul still remained a part of Nothingness and had no visible changes, I could feel myself breaching the last barriers that separated me from becoming one with Nothingness.
My body was also being slowly reformed, only this time completely different from my True Form. Instead of my normal humanoid body with two arms, eyes, and flaming hair, my body became… Nothing.
I would even go as far as to say it was fading from existence but I could feel my body expand beyond any size possible to explain. Just like I had suspected, I was gaining my Divine Form after consuming the Essence of IOE, the only thing different from what I was expecting was that I didn't get a Divine Form but was taking one on.
My body was becoming the Nothingness.
I was the Nothingness.
Everything that isn't, beyond understanding and everywhere and nowhere simultaneously.
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