(Note: Original and most updated chapter are from webnovel.com. If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!)
"I cannot leave unless the others are free from the prism." Gao Lan Mei noted, silently confirming the deacon's question. Her answer also silently stated that she needs to be with them if they really want to leave.
Since she can control the treasure freely, there is, of course, a certain way to hide the presence of beings so they can leave without the enemies noticing.
It should be good to also use these escape option for the others that are within the Shizi Empire.
Then Gao Lan Mei concerned. 'How are they?' She thought to herself. Xiao Shi was not able to report how the others are fairing or where they are at that moment.
Did the YinYings already find them?
Hi guys! Thank you so much for the patience. I am still not feeling all well, both mentally and physically, but I will do my best to continue writing. I am sorry I am out for a while.
I just hope that the chapters during this time are not too crappy. Feel free to message me directly at discord: denthoughts#8073 for corrections and suggestions....