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33.33% Beneath the Red: A Pokemon fanfic / Chapter 2: Some tests and first night

Kapitel 2: Some tests and first night

(A/N Small warning, small info dumb ahead. If you want to skip pokedex entries just know that the Pokemon have their movesets from Gen 7 games plus a few attacks from previous generations that make sense,)

(3rd's pov)

It was the start of Red's journey. Kind of. All that matters is that Red could move his body as he liked, which was new to him. He didn't pay it too much attention at the beginning as he was too focused on his Pokemon, which, no matter how many times he says or thinks, makes him all happy inside.

First, he did a few tests with the body parts that he learned at the hospital. He needed to do some slight muscle training regularly so he wouldn't suffer muscle deterioration. It wasn't much, and in the last year or so, his condition dropped significantly, so he couldn't do any of them, but they were still valuable to know. By doing them right now, Red could determine how much his body improved.

It was nothing crazy. A few stretches here and there, moving limbs slowly in unchanging speed. It was ordinary, but not for Red. Not only did he do them alone, but he wasn't even tired or winded. 

This was incredible!

Red wanted to test his body to its limits, but it wasn't time for that. He knew it, but he was already thinking about how to keep his health at an acceptable level. He wouldn't want to stay in bed anymore after 21 years of doing that already.

But that was for later. First, he needed to get out of this forest and find human civilization, and then... and then...

Red had a realization. He will be forced to interact with other people. He started sweating just thinking about it. Maybe he will ask Gardevoir for help... then he realized that it wouldn't matter. He would still need to talk, just not with his mouth.

The world is just unfair, but future problems are for future Red to solve. Right now, he needed to solve the problem of being in the middle of the forest. 

The solution was in his phone all along, as it came with all the regular phone features, including a map. 

Enlightened, Red clicked on the map... only to be disappointed as there was no service there. Technology has failed him once more.

Red could bring out Arcanine or Suicune to ride on them in whatever direction to hopefully find something, but he wanted to use his legs a bit first and take a look around him. Speaking of which...

Red noticed that he could see a few Pokemon. On the trees, there were Pidgies, looking curiously at him. Seeing them like that, Red opened his camera app and took a few photos. While a Pidgey was very similar to an ordinary bird, it was much more intelligent and obviously much stronger, but most importantly, Pidgey was a Pokemon, and that mattered the most for Red.

The photos weren't the best quality. They were made with a phone camera in a hurry by an amateur. It only meant that Red had a lot to learn, not only about taking photos but also about traveling and taking care of his Pokemon. Maybe a visit to the library would be a good idea. The purchase of a camera doesn't sound like a bad idea either.

For the next hour or so, Red was absorbed by just walking through the forest, taking photos now and then, and just breathing the fresh air. It was his first time in the woods, and still, he wasn't feeling tired. 

It was beyond belief, and Red's joy was overflowing, but it was time for more important issues, so he took Mewtwo's Pokeball and released the Pokemon. This time, the legendary Pokemon stopped himself from using his ability immediately after appearing.

"*How can I help you Red?*"

"I-I was walking around for a while but didn't f-find any signs of humans, so I hoped you could help me with some d-directions."

Mewtwo nodded with understanding and went into searching quickly as he activated his psychic powers to find humans. After doing a slow 360⁰, he closed his eyes, reopened them, and pointed somewhere.

"*If you go in this direction, you should find a human establishment. It should be around 2 days on foot from here. Arcanine or Suicune can help you get there much quicker if you are in a hurry. Even I can fly you there, but these two would be the fastest. I do not wish to disclose which one is faster as this could lead to a fight between the two.*" Mewtwo sighed at the end like a parent knowing full well that his/her children will fight over the silliest things.

"I think I'll w-walk. I want to try setting up a camp a-and sleeping outdoors for once. I'll c-call you or the others if I run across a d-dangerous Pokemon." 

Once again, the psychic Pokemon nodded with acceptance and was happy that Red wasn't afraid of using his Pokemon if needed. It was apparent from the previous conversation that Red cared about his Pokemons greatly, to the point that he would release them the moment they asked for it and even appreciated their opinions. Mewtwo was afraid that this might stop him from using his Pokemon so they would not get hurt, but he was content that his worries were unwarranted. 

"*Then I'll wait until then.*" 

Swallowed into a red laser, Mewtwo returned to his Pokeball, and Red continued his journey.


It was time to set up a camp. There was only one problem. Red couldn't find a tent in his inventory. He realized that there wasn't any key item that allowed him to sleep outside, even if it is implied that during the journey, a trainer would sleep in the wilds. Thankfully, Red wasn't discouraged. He would be safe and warm with the help of his Pokemon, and the weather was good enough to sleep without a roof.

First, he wanted to do a little test, and Mewtwo would be a perfect candidate, so Red once again called the 'strongest psychic type' Pokemon.

"Mewtwo... do y-you remember what was happening while you were in... a box?"

"*Not in particular. As I mentioned previously, the last thing I recalled was our adventure in Alola. You wish to know if this will change if I go back there, don't you? Do as you like.*"

Mewtwo quickly deduced and allowed the experiment at the same time. The psychic Pokemon was more intelligent than most people, after all.

With his consent, Red returned Mewtwo and found the option to send Pokemon from his team back to Pokebank, so he did just that, and the Pokeball vanished. After waiting a minute, he returned Mewtwo's Pokeball to his hand and opened it again.

"How was it?"

"*...It was strange. It was a Pokemon ranch. There weren't any Pokemon besides me, so we can assume that only the Pokemon that you brought here and then returned back will be sent there. Overall, it is a nice place.*"

With this, Red wouldn't need to be worried about calling additional Pokemons if required. He wouldn't want to bring them just to return them to void.

Red nodded, happy that one of his worries was unfounded.

With this, he called all of his Pokemon out. In all his excitement, he forgot that he had one special app to check. The Pokedex app.

Opening the app, Red was welcomed with all the Pokemon data he had gathered, but to his surprise, there were empty spaces as well. It meant that there were Pokemon that he had yet to discover. It was an exciting thought, but he opened the Pokedex for another reason. He wanted to scan his Pokemons, and so he did it.


#150 Mewtwo

Height: 2m 10cm

Weight: 130kg

Gender: Genderless

Ability: Pressure

Classification: Genetic Pokemon

Type: Psychic



Laser Focus [Normal]

Psywave [Psychic]

Confusion [Psychic]

Disable [Normal]

Safeguard [Normal]

Swift [Normal]

Future Sight [Psychic]

Psych Up [Normal]

Miracle Eye [Psychic]

Psycho Cut [Psychic]

Power Swap [Psychic]

Guard Swap [Psychic]

Recover [Normal]

Psychic [Psychic]

Barrier [Psychic]

Aura Sphere [Fighting]

Amnesia [Psychic]

Mist [Ice]

Me first [Normal]

Psystrike [Psychic]

Psyshock [Psychic]

Calm Mind [Psychic]

Toxic [Poison]

Bulk Up [Fighting]

Taunt [Dark]

Ice Beam [Ice]

Blizzard [Ice]

Hyper Beam [Normal]

Light Screen [Psychic]

Protect [Normal]

Solar Beam [Grass]

Thunderbolt [Electric]

Thunder [Electric]

Earthquake [Ground]

Return [Normal]

Shadow Ball [Ghost]

Brick Break [Fighting]

Double Team [Normal]

Flamethrower [Fire]

Fire Blast [Fire]

Rock Tomb [Rock]

Aerial Ace [Flying]

Torment [Dark]

Facade [Normal]

Rest [Psychic]

Low Sweep [Fighting]

Round [Normal]

Focus Blast [Fighting]

Energy Ball [Grass]

Fling [Dark]

Charge Beam [Electric]

Brutal Swing [Dark]

Will-O-Wisp [Fire]

Embargo [Dark]

Giga Impact [Normal]

Stone Edge [Rock]

Thunder Wave [Electric]

Bulldoze [Ground]

Rock Slide [Rock]

Poison Jab [Poison]

Dream Eater [Psychic]

Grass Knot [Grass]

Swagger [Normal]

Sleep Talk [Normal]

Substitute [Normal]

Trick Room [Psychic]

Confide [Normal]

Signal Beam [Bug]

Low Kick [Fighting]

Thunder Punch [Electric]

Fire Punch [Fire]

Ice Punch [Ice]

Magic Coat [Psychic]

Foul Play [Dark]

Gravity [Psychic]

Icy Wind [Ice]

Aqua Tail [Water]

Zen Headbutt [Psychic]

Iron Tail [Steel]

Role Play [Psychic]

Drain Punch [Fighting]

Shock Wave [Electric]

Water Pulse [Water]

Trick [Psychic]

Magic Room [Psychic]

Wonder Room [Psychic]

Snatch [Dark]

Skill Swap [Psychic]

Telekinesis [Psychic]

Teleport [Psychic]


It was created by a scientist after years of gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments. Its DNA is almost the same as Mew's. However, its size and disposition are vastly different. It was made with battling in mind to create the strongest Pokemon, and at the very least, the scientists created one of the strongest and most versatile Pokemon known to man.



Red didn't know what to say. Mewtwo had a lot of moves, and a lot of them Red was sure he hadn't taught them before as a good part of them were TMs, and it wouldn't be smart to teach Mewtwo weak moves like Charge Beam. 

All in all, it was a good thing that Mewtwo knew all these moves. Excited to see the rest, he turned to Suicune.


#245 Suicune

Height: 2m

Weight: 187 kg

Gender: Male

Ability: Pressure

Classification: Aurora Pokemon

Type: Water



Sheer Cold [Ice]

Bite [Dark]

Leer [Normal]

Bubble Beam [Water]

Rain Dance [Water]

Gust [Flying]

Aurora Beam [Ice]

Mist [Ice]

Mirror Coat [Psychic]

Ice Fang [Ice]

Tailwind [Flying]

Extrasensory [Psychic]

Hydro Pump [Water]

Calm Mind [Psychic]

Blizzard [Ice]

Roar [Normal]

Hail [Ice]

Ice Beam [Ice]

Hyper Beam [Normal]

Protect [Normal]

Return [Normal]

Shadow Ball [Ghost]

Double Team [Normal]

Reflect [Psychic]

Facade [Normal]

Rest [Psychic]

Round [Normal]

Scald [Water]

Quash [Dark]

Giga Impact [Normal]

Psych Up [Normal]

Bulldoze [Ground]

Swagger [Normal]

Sleep Talk [Normal]

Substitute [Normal]

Surf [Water]

Snarl [Dark]

Waterfall [Water]

Confide [Normal]

Iron Head [Steel]

Icy Wind [Ice]

Iron Tail [Steel]

Water Pulse [Water]


One of the three legendary Beasts said to be resurrected by Ho-Oh itself and is the closest to his Master out of the three Beasts. Said to be the reincarnation of North Winds, it can instantly purify filthy, murky water. It is also able to walk on said water as easily as on solid ground.


Suicune was more or less what Red expected with a surprise or two, so he went into the next Pokemon.


#059 Arcanine 

Height: 2m 20cm

Weight: 170 kg

Gender: Male

Ability: Intimidate

Clarification: Legendary Pokemon

Type: Fire



Thunder Fang [Electric]

Bite [Dark]

Roar [Normal]

Odor Sleuth [Normal]

Fire Fang [Fire]

Extreme Speed [Normal]

Sunny Day [Fire]

Hyper Beam [Normal]

Protect [Normal]

Safeguard [Normal]

Solar Beam [Grass]

Return [Normal]

Double Team [Normal]

Flamethrower [Fire]

Fire Blast [Fire]

Aerial Ace [Flying]

Facade [Normal]

Flame Charge [Fire]

Rest [Psychic]

Attract [Normal]

Thief [Dark]

Round [Normal]

Overheat [Fire]

Will-O-Wisp [Fire]

Giga Impact [Normal]

Bulldoze [Ground]

Swagger [Normal]

Sleep Talk [Normal]

Substitute [Normal]

Wild Charge [Electric]

Snarl [Dark]

Confide [Normal]

Body Slam [Normal]

Crunch [Dark]

Thrash [Normal]

Fire Spin [Fire]

Howl [Normal]

Heat Wave [Fire]

Double Edge [Normal]

Flare Blitz [Fire]

Morning Sun [Normal]

Covet [Normal]

Iron Tail [Steel]

Double Kick [Fighting]

Close Combat [Fighting]

Burn Up [Fire]

Iron Head [Steel]

Dragon Pulse [Dragon]

Helping Hand [Normal]

Outrage [Dragon]

Laser Focus [Normal]

Ember [Fire]

Leer [Normal]

Flame Wheel [Fire]

Reversal [Fighting]

Take Down [Normal]

Flame Burst [Fire]

Agility [Psychic]

Retaliate [Normal]

Dig [Ground]


A pokemon that has been admired since the past for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings. Its magnificent bark conveys a sense of majesty. Anyone hearing it can't help but grovel before it. It earned legendary status in the east, and legends tell of its Fighting alongside a general and conquering a whole country. 


Arcanine wasn't out of the ordinary either. The initial shock from seeing many moves was gone, and excitement came from imagining the possibilities, but it would wait until he scared everyone on the team.


#208 Steelix

Height: 10m 50cm

Weight: 500 kg

Gender: Male

Ability: Sheer Force

Classification: Iron-Snake Pokemon

Type: Steel/Ground



Thunder Fang [Electric]

Ice Fang [Ice]

Fire Fang [Fire]

Mud Sport [Ground]

Tackle [Normal]

Harden [Normal]

Bind [Normal]

Curse [Ghost]

Rock Throw [Rock]

Rock Tomb [Rock]

Rage [Normal]

Stealth Rock [Rock]

Autotomize [Steel]

Gyro Ball [Steel]

Smack Down [Rock]

Dragon Breath [Dragon]

Slam [Normal]

Screech [Normal]

Rock Slide [Rock]

Crunch [Dark]

Iron Tail [Steel]

Dig [Ground]

Stone Edge [Rock]

Double-Edge [Normal]

Sandstorm [Rock]

Roar [Normal]

Taunt [Dark]

Hyper Beam [Normal]

Protect [Normal]

Earthquake [Ground]

Return [Normal]

Double Team [Normal]

Torment [Dark]

Facade [Normal]

Rest [Psychic]

Attract [Normal]

Round [Normal]

Brutal Swing [Dark]

Explosion [Normal]

Payback [Dark]

Giga Impact [Normal]

Rock Polish [Rock]

Psych Up [Normal]

Bulldoze [Ground]

Dragon Tail [Dragon]

Swagger [Normal]

Sleep Talk [Normal]

Substitute [Normal]

Flash Canon [Steel]

Nature Power [Normal]

Dark Pulse [Dark]

Confide [Normal]

Rollout [Rock]

Rock Climb [Normal]

Heavy Slam [Steel]

Wide Guard [Rock]

Iron Head [Steel]

Earth Power [Ground]

Magnet Rise [Electric]

Aqua Tail [Water]

Endure [Normal]

Strength [Normal]

Mud-slap [Ground]

Headbutt [Normal]

Body Slam [Normal]


Its body was compressed deep under the ground. As a result, it is even harder than a diamond. Because of the result of its environment, it is able to see reasonably well in the dark. Steelix's eyes are adapted to see in the dark underground as it spends most of his time there. Scientists still can't determine why it weighs so little compared to its massive size and the material it is made of, but the most popular theory is that its insides are hollow or made of light metal/minerals to move with more ease.


Steelix was never known to be the strongest Pokemon and never was a victim of the so-called 4-move slot syndrome. Having a lot of options was always helpful, and just imagining Steelix using Magnet to rise and fly at his opponents makes Red excited, not that he would see that often. His plans aren't to battle everyone he meets but to see the world after all.


#428 Lopunny 

Height: 1m 50cm

Weight: 40 kg

Gender: Female

Ability: Cute Charm

Classification: Rabbit Pokemon

Type: Normal



Return [Normal]

Healing Wish [Psychic]

Bounce [Flying]

Rototiller [Ground]

Mirror Coat [Psychic]

Magic Coat [Psychic]

Defence Curl [Normal]

Splash [Normal]

Pound [Normal]

Foresight [Normal]

Endure [Normal]

Baby-Doll Eyes [Fairy]

Quick Attack [Normal]

Jump Kick [Fighting]

Baton Pass [Normal]

Agility [Psychic]

Dizzy Punch [Normal]

After You [Normal]

Charm [Fairy]

Entrainment [Normal]

High Jump Kick [Fighting]

Work Up [Normal]

Ice Beam [Ice]

Blizzard [Ice]

Hyper Beam [Normal]

Protect [Normal]

Solar Beam [Grass]

Thunderbolt [Electric]

Thunder [Electric]

Shadow Ball [Ghost]

Double Team [Normal]

Facade [Normal]

Rest [Psychic]

Attract [Normal]

Low Sweep [Fighting]

Round [Normal]

Focus Blast [Fighting]

Fling [Dark]

Charge Beam [Electric]

Brutal Swing [Dark]

Giga Impact [Normal]

Thunder Wave [Electric]

Grass Knot [Grass]

Swagger [Normal]

Sleep Talk [Normal]

Substitute [Normal]

Confide [Normal]

Fake Tears [Dark]

Fake Out [Normal]

Encore [Normal]

Sweet Kiss [Fairy]

Double Hit [Normal]

Low Kick [Fighting]

Sky Uppercut [Fighting]

Switcheroo [Dark]

Thunder Punch [Electric]

Ice Punch [Ice]

Fire Punch [Fire]

Flail [Normal]

Focus Punch [Fighting]

Circle Throw [Fighting]

Copycat [Normal]

Teeter Dance [Normal]

Cosmic Power [Psychic]

Mud Sport [Ground]

Power-up Punch [Fighting]

Covet [Normal]

Uproar [Normal]

Last Resort [Normal]

Hyper Voice [Normal]

Iron Tail [Steel]

Snore [Normal]

Heal Bell [Normal]

Drain Punch [Fighting]

Water Pulse [Water]

Helping Hand [Normal]

Endeavour [Normal]

Laser Focus [Normal]

Dig [Ground]

Rock Smash [Fighting]

Cut [Normal]

Strength [Normal]

Fury Cutter [Bug]

Headbutt [Normal]

Swift [Normal]


An extremely cautious Pokemon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger. It is very conscious of its looks and never fails to groom its ears. It runs with sprightly jumps. Lopunny sheds its fur twice a year. Its winter fur is soft and fluffy. Clothes made of its fur are really warm. The ears on this Pokemon appear to be delicate. If they are touched roughly, it kicks with its graceful legs.


Lopunny had a lot more special moves than Red expected since she is a physical attacker. He will need to test them later. He will probably test them when he's done with these Pokedex entries. Red was just so eager to see Pokemons in action, and they still had time before it got dark, but before that, he needed to scan his last Pokemon.


#282 Gardevoir 

Height: 1m 60cm

Weight: 50 kg

Gender: Female 

Ability: Telepathy

Classification: Embrace Pokemon

Type: Psychic/Fairy



Moonblast [Fairy]

Stored Power [Psychic]

Misty Terrain [Fairy]

Healing Wish [Psychic]

Growl [Normal]

Confusion [Psychic]

Double Team [Normal]

Teleport [Psychic]

Disarming Voice [Fairy]

Wish [Normal]

Magical Leaf [Grass]

Heal Pulse [Psychic]

Draining Kiss [Fairy]

Calm Mind [Psychic]

Psychic [Psychic]

Imprison [Psychic]

Future Sight [Psychic]

Captivate [Normal]

Hypnosis [Psychic]

Dream Eater [Psychic]

Psyshock [Psychic]

Taunt [Dark]

Hyper Beam [Normal]

Light Screen [Psychic]

Protect [Normal]

Safeguard [Normal]

Thunderbolt [Electric]

Return [Normal]

Shadow Ball [Ghost]

Reflect [Psychic]

Torment [Dark]

Facade [Normal]

Rest [Psychic]

Attract [Normal]

Thief [Dark]

Round [Normal]

Echoed Voice [Normal]

Focus Blast [Fighting]

Energy Ball [Grass]

Fling [Dark]

Charge Beam [Electric]

Will-O-Wisp [Fire]

Giga Impact [Normal]

Thunder Wave [Electric]

Psych Up [Normal]

Grass Knot [Grass]

Swagger [Normal]

Sleep Talk [Normal]

Substitute [Normal]

Trick Room [Psychic]

Dazzling Gleam [Fairy]

Disable [Normal]

Mean Look [Normal]

Memento [Dark]

Destiny Bond [Ghost]

Grudge [Ghost]

Shadow Sneak [Ghost]

Confuse Ray [Ghost]

Encore [Normal]

Synchronoise [Psychic]

Skill Swap [Psychic]

Ally Switch [Psychic]

Signal Beam [Bug]

Thunder Punch [Electric]

Fire Punch [Fire]

Ice Punch [Ice]

Magic Coat [Psychic]

Icy Wind [Ice]

Zen Headbutt [Psychic]

Hyper Voice [Normal]

Snore [Normal]

Heal Bell [Normal]

Pain Split [Normal]

Shock Wave [Electric]

Helping Hand [Normal]

Trick [Psychic]

Magic Room [Psychic]

Wonder Room [Psychic]

Recycle [Normal]

Snatch [Dark]

Telekinesis [Psychic]

Laser Focus [Normal]

Lucky Chant [Normal]

Charm [Fairy]

Flash [Normal]

Endure [Normal]

Swift [Normal]

Mud-slap [Ground]

Headbutt [Normal]

Body Slam [Normal]

Double-Edge [Normal]

Mimic [Normal]

Nightmare [Ghost]


Gardevoir has the ability to read the future, but there is not much research on it. As such, its limits are currently unknown. If it senses impending danger to its Trainer, this Pokemon is said to unleash its psychokinetict energy at full power. It apparently does not feel the pull of gravity because it supports itself with psychic power. It will give its life to protect its Trainer.


As Red read through the Pokedex entries, his Pokemon waited patiently until he was done, and as soon as his eyes left his phone, he unknowingly let a confident smirk creep on his face.

"Let's do some tests."


The first test would be about the power of the moves from different Pokemon. Let's look at the Ice Beam, for example. Ice-type Pokemon would not only have an easier time learning and using this move, but it will also be stronger than those used by Pokemon of a similar level but with different typing. This is known as S.T.A.B or Same Type Attack Bonus in games.

Red didn't have any Ice type, but three of his Pokemon could use Icy Wind. This trio consisted of Mewtwo, Suicune, and Gardevoir. He could test the same using Ice Beam, but Gardevoir couldn't learn it. Lopunny could, though, but she was a physical attacker, so it wouldn't be a fair comparison. Not to mention that Ice Beam is a more powerful move of the two. Lopunny's turn will come later on, though.

"Mewtwo, use Icy Wind on the tree." Red commanded. He was too absorbed in his research to be nervous at the moment, and Mewtwo was impressed by his Trainer's focus and used the Ice move as he was ordered.

Mewtwo outstretched his hand, and from there, a wind that looked blue, showing its Ice nature, shot towards the tree. It was a widespread move, just like in the games, so it wouldn't be strange if it dropped the opponents' speed as well. Probably as a consequence of the move's low temperature.

"Your turn, Suicune. Same as Mewtwo, use Icy Wind."

Suicune nodded, turned to another tree, and breathed out. That was the moment the move was used. It was released completely differently than Mewtwo. It also was slightly more powerful if the ice-covered trees were any indication. Suicune's tree was covered in slightly more ice. This only showed that Suicune's Icy Wind covered more area. The strength of the move is yet to be tested, but many water types have an aptitude for ice-type moves as well. These two elements are the same, just in different states. Although strangely enough, not many Ice types learn powerful Water type attacks.

This would need more testing, but not today. Red still needs to see Gardevoir's attack, speaking of which.

"Gardevoir." Red didn't need to say anything more. The command was clear.

Yet another tree was targeted, and just like before, Gardevoir used yet another method to use the same move. She brought her hands together to her red fin-like horn, and after outstretching her arms, the wind appeared. It was weaker than the other two but was still impressive.

Red started thinking deeply about the reasons for different move start-ups. Was it just preference? Self-hypnosis? Or something completely different?

At the same time, Gardevoir glared at both legendaries, seeing that her attack's area of effect wasn't as big as her teammates and she couldn't show off to Red as much as she liked. She did that, of course, when she was sure that Red wasn't looking. Mewtwo and Suicune rolled their eyes, more annoyed than threatened at Gardevoir.

After finishing his train of thought, Red turned to Lopunny, who was sitting, checking her ears and cleaning the fur nonchalantly with a bored expression. Noticing the stare of her Trainer, she stopped what she was doing, brushed her legs before standing up, and was ready for whatever Red had in mind.

"Lopunny, use Ice Beam."

The order was met with a raised eyebrow but was carried out nonetheless.

The fourth tree became the victim of an ice move. Ice Beam was technically stronger than Icy Wind, but it was less impressive. It didn't have the same Oomph as the weaker ice move if that makes sense. This was expected, but seeing is believing, as they say. It was also worth mentioning that Lopunny shot Ice Beam from her mouth.

Red needed to see Mewtwo use this move before he asked the question on his mind.

"Mewtwo, can you use Ice Beam?" Red asked.

With that said, Mewtwo pointed his finger at the tree. He used Ice Beam and shot a straight beam of ice. It was obviously much more powerful than Lopunny's, but the more interesting part was how this move was used.

"Mewtwo, do you use your move instinctually, or do you choose to use it consciously to shoot your attacks from your hands?"

The legendary Psychic Pokemon raised his eyebrow before realizing what Red was testing besides their powers. "*It's about 70% conscious and 30% instinctual. I can choose to shoot beam-like attacks from most parts of my body. I suspect that this is because of my Psychic typing. I am more aware of the energy that I'm using than most Pokemons, even of the same type. I don't expect many Pokemon to replicate my achievements in energy manipulation. Maybe some more powerful Psychic types or some legendary Pokemons.*"

Red nodded while listening carefully to his Pokemon. Mewtwo could possibly say that it was impossible for most Pokemon because of pride in his abilities. It would need more tests.


Red suddenly sneezed and hugged himself in an attempt to warm himself up because, all of a sudden, he felt cold. Looking around, most of the place was covered in ice because of all these move usages. Maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to use Ice-type moves in a place he planned on sleeping. Thankfully, he had a powerful Fire-type Pokemon.

"Arcanine, please warm up this place. Suicune use Rain Dance immediately as well to prevent any wildfire from starting."

With a loud bark Arcanine used Heat Wave and melted the ice from the trees. Suicune followed it with Rain Dance. He didn't use a lot of energy in the move, so the change of weather didn't last for long. It wasn't needed in the end, but it was better safe than sorry.

Red was satisfied for now, but now that his curiosity was satiated, he took notice of something. He was commanding his Pokemon without thinking. 

Did they have a problem with that? Will they now leave him since he didn't take their opinion before asking to use their moves? 

Red started shaking out of nervousness, and Mewtwo calmed him down again. After reassuring Red that everything was fine, it was time to prepare for the night. 

Arcanine dried the ground, and it was time to sleep. The sun was already setting, and Red was tired after walking for so long for the first time ever. Mewtwo prepared the leaves and some plants that would be comfortable to lay on. Arcanine positioned himself so Red could use him as a pillow. Lopunny seated herself next to her Trainer and used the fur of her ears to keep him warm at night. Steelix laid nearby, and so did Suicune. The latter used Mist to hide them in the forest so the wild Pokemon would be warier of them. Gardevoir took Red's other side as she couldn't be outdone by Lopunny. Mewtwo stayed nearby, and he closed his eyes.

It was finally time for their well-deserved rest.

(???'s pov)

"And remember, be careful. We don't know what caused the quake in the forest. I would rather you wait until tomorrow before you set off-"

"And I told you, Grandpa, the longer we wait, the more likely all evidence will be lost, be it because of weather or wild Pokemon. Besides, your old Arcanine will keep me safe, and there isn't a wild Pokemon strong enough to win against him."

I petted the big canine to show my appreciation for his help, and he panted with his tongue out. He may be old, but he still acts like a little puppy sometimes.

"It also won't be the first time I'll be sleeping outside. I even have Seych and Clefairy with me, too."

"I know, I know, just let this old man worry a little. No matter how old you get, you'll still be my little granddaughter."

Grandpa said with a soft expression. I know that he worries, but I couldn't be safer even if I wanted to. He also can't deny that he wants to know the cause of the commotion. It could be a natural earthquake. They do happen on some occasions, but we couldn't confirm it as Grandpa's trusty Alakazam was nowhere to be found. It wasn't that strange since the old Psychic type liked to solitude himself sometimes. It was unfortunate that he chose this time to vanish from our sight, but what can we do about it?

I checked for the last time if I had everything in my backpack, and seeing that I hadn't forgotten anything, I left into the forest on Arcanine's back and waved to Grandpa one last time as he did the same with his usual smile.

(3rd's pov)

Alakazam was astonished, flabbergasted, and dumbfounded. He trained for a long time and defeated many powerful Pokemon. In his eyes, he had justification to believe that he was strong. And that belief made it even more strange. 

This morning, he felt powerful psychic energy, but as quickly it appeared, it vanished just as quickly. The scary part was that it dwarfed Alakazam's power, and the Pokemon couldn't understand how something this powerful had emerged so suddenly and how it had hidden itself. 

The mustache-wearing Pokemon isolated himself so he could uncover this mystery without any disturbance.

The whole day went without any progress, but it wasn't because he couldn't find the cause of it. No, he was being blocked! He, the strongest Psychic type in the region! There couldn't be a possible stronger Psychic Pokemon here. There was Mew, but the feeling he got was more violent than the mythical Pokemon that won't be seen unless he wants you to. It must have been something different.

Alakazam used all of his mental power to try to break the barrier that prevented him from feeling what he was looking for, and finally, at the end of the day, he felt something, or rather, he heard a voice. However, it wasn't because of his own efforts. The being that created the barrier was the one who initiated the mental connection, and at that moment, Alakazam knew that he could stop the being from doing that even if he wanted to.

"*Cease your foolishness. Even if you spent 100 years doing your pathetic attempts at breaching my barrier, you wouldn't get any closer to achieving your goal. I may allow you one chance to comprehend your mistake. Stop now or face the consequences.*"

A lone sweat drop flowed down Alakazam's cheek until it reached his chin and dropped on the ground.

What kind of monster did Alakazam provoke.

(???'s pov)

The journey was very peaceful. I noticed the usual Pidgies and Rattatas, but there was an undermining feeling in Arcanine. At one point, he slowed down until he just walked. He was vigilant about something, so he probably could feel something that I couldn't.

It was eerie how ignorant I was while my Grandpa's Pokemon was wary.

What would usually take at most half a day stretched into a 2-day trip. I wouldn't chastise Arcanine for being careful. Safety is important, and when a strong Fire-type is being cautious, it is not the best sign.

Whatever was causing this reaction in Arcanine was probably the cause of the quake. The question now was if it was worth it to search for it. It could possibly be dangerous, and I wasn't a trainer. I could fight, of course, if needed, but I wasn't a battle junkie like my brother.

But if I return now, it could be catastrophic to leave something so dangerous without confirming what it was.

For now, the smart thing would be to set up a camp. The night would come soon, and I needed to be well-rested for whatever was coming. The weather was good, so I shouldn't have any problems using my tent, and even if it rained, it was a pretty high-spec tent, so it could take some of what Mother Nature could throw at me.

Suddenly it started raining, but it ended after a short bit... It wasn't natural... The sky wasn't clouded enough for it to rain. 

It could be a Pokemon using a Rain Dance. I knew a few Pokemon that could use this move, and only the most powerful ones had the ability Drizzle, but they usually can't control the duration of the rain, so either the Pokemon who used the move was so weak that it couldn't maintain it for long or...

I bit my lip, thinking about the other possibility. To control Rain Dance to this extent would mean that the Pokemon was strong, very strong, and a bad matchup for Arcanine. I looked at the fire-type canine to ask him for his opinion. He was the one with better instincts. 

Arcanine was looking in one direction with narrowed eyes. He then looked at me and nodded, indicating that he thought it was safe enough to rest.

Immediately after that exchange, the weather changed again. This time, Mist appeared out of nowhere. This was confirmation that it was some Pokemon's doing, but it was nowhere to be seen. I once again glanced at Arcanine, but his decision didn't change. It could only mean that the Pokemon who used Mist must have been pretty far away from where we are, or at least far away that Arcanine doesn't feel any danger from it, or it is even possible that it isn't hostile. Many intelligent Pokemon avoid battles unless necessary. I could only hope that it was the case this time.

With the mist still around, I went to sleep, and when I woke up, the fog was still around. I still needed to travel. This time, however, I planned on walking beside Arcanine as he still was against running.

Walking across the forest through the mist, I noticed that it was quiet. No Pokemon noises could be heard, which was unnatural, especially at this time of the day.

After a short walk, I noticed something far away, and I could see silhouettes of some Pokemons and boulders behind them. I also barely noticed a person nuzzling between the two Pokemon. 

It must be a trainer, but why would he sleep without a tent or even a sleeping bag. Perhaps he lost his supplies and was forced to sleep with his Pokemon like that. He may even be lost because Pallet Town was nearby, and he could get there with Arcanine, that I could see. It was dangerous, and today, out of all days, was even worse.

I decided to approach that person and point him in the right direction if he needed help. When he gets to the town, Grandpa could help him.

As I got closer, I saw that it was a man. He was still sleeping, and I planned on waking him up. The mist was still up, so the powerful Pokemon must still be in the area.

When I got close enough to wake him up, I opened my mouth to speak up, but at that moment, before even a spec of voice left me, I felt a metal at my throat. It was barely touching me, but the threat was clear. I could die if it wasn't stopped. Arcanine didn't even react to that danger.

I looked down to see what sort of weapon could possibly end my life, and it was a... spoon?

I turned my eyes to my left, expecting maybe Alakazam, after seeing the giant spoon, but I was met with an unknown Pokemon. It was utterly alien to me, but I recognized the emotionless gaze as it looked at me.

"*Don't say a word. Red deserves to rest for now.*"

To be honest, I was terrified. This Pokemon next to me wasn't normal, and it was speaking directly to my mind. A powerful psychic type could do that, so I can assume it's this Pokemon typing as well. Unfortunately, knowing its type doesn't help me in any way.

Arcanine was ready to pounce on the mysterious Pokemon but was stopped by the words of our attacker.

"*Quiet mutt. Do nothing, and your Trainer survives and even if you performed a miracle and somehow defeated me...*"

The rest was left unspoken as the boulders behind the other Arcanine started moving, revealing that they were just parts of Steelix's massive body. Behind the trees, a-a-a Suicune showed up! A legendary Pokemon of Johto. What is it doing in Kanto, and what is it doing near a Trainer? It was showing apparent hostility towards Arcanine. 

After that, the two Pokemon on the man's sides stood up. They weren't very well known in Kanto, but I recognized them as Gardevoir and Lopunny. Gardevoir clearly glared at me, and Lopunny looked more bored than fight-ready, but as a Pokemon groomer, I recognized that she was ready to fight if needed.

The last of the present Pokemons was Arcanine, who didn't stand up, just glared, and even withheld a growl to not wake up his Trainer.

"*Now, young lady, tell us, who are you?*" The Pokemon asked me, so I answered him in my mind as he was insistent on letting the man sleep.

"*I'm Daisy Oak... and nice to meet you?*"



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