/ Anime & Comics / Being Deleted
4.92 (12 Bewertungen)
I will be removing the chapters as I am changing the story. Please check out the other fanfic. Thanks for the support
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Schreiben Sie eine Rezensionkeep it up with the story it is really good and has a good oc and do not let the haters get to you this is the best kuroko no basket fanfiction I have ever read keep it up
good start, just don't drop this fanfic [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
WQ - Almost Perfect. You are missing some punctuation marks. SD - Love it. Just thinking they will dominate the Junior Highschool Basketball tournament and will be famous. CD - Good design. From physical, mental, to phycological. US - Meh. No proper update schedule. WB - C'mon, do we really need to talk about the KnB world??
Spoiler enthülleni love this ficcccc, dont drop this plz! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOOD. Can't go wrong with a kuroko no basket novel. Keep up the good work. EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP EXP
.................................................................. good start, just don't drop this fanfic ...........................................................................................................................................................................
Autor Sanguinewhisper
Read this before reading the story. As of yet there is no consistent schedule on when I will release a new chapter. This will all be based on my free time sorry about that. I will try my best to release more chapters. Another surprise I have a artist working on the picture of Shin so yeah expect that book cover to change shortly. The sketches of the picture is posted on the discord chat. I have made a discord server for all my novels as I release new chapter there first to get a feedback and see what I need to change. If you would like to know the link comment in this section and I will post the link. Thank you again for reading this Fanfic