The lion was far from the small city and reeling in pain but not particularly upset. He knew from the beginning those two were stronger than him, and that was why his fights were far away from them.
The moment the attack came, he knew he just had to escape.
As the task stipulated, wreck havoc, devour and escape, he had done all that.
Because of their body condition that can alter themselves, the lion has already been actively healing. He was now running toward another metropolis but then he felt danger.
He stopped, it was coming from the location he was going to. He silently changes the destination.
Immediately after he left that location, a one-name denizen came from that location, running towards the other metropolis the lion escaped from.
Coming to the location, he asked, "I was told there was a lion here!"
He was then informed the lion ran away. The denizen turned and headed toward the path the lion had taken.
This particular denizen was a genius among their race that focused on lions.
In another location, two figures were running. Bororobo and Kororoko, they have all evolved and we're going to the Main Gland.
They soon reached a large door made of bronze. The aura from the door would have crushed them to pieces if they had a single name, but they have two now and have grown since.
They touched the door and they dipped inside.
Their body slammed down, but through sheer willpower, they crawled toward a certain direction. However, they couldn't reach it in time before their body began to be crushed.
They gently touched themselves and merged, the pressure of the place held them mend and became one.
They also crushed their mind and made it one. Their potential and talent skyrocketed.
Boroko is their name now.
Boroko stood and walked toward his destination. The place was teaming with denizens, beasts, monsters and other alien creatures.
But no one cares about them at all. Even if they were to be crushed and merged with the ground, no one would bat an eye.
That was a normal occurrence.
They reached a building and submitted what they wanted. They want to work at Malice Arena.
Now that they are one, they can move normally. Something was thrown at them, a small orb, from the counter that they couldn't see anyone.
They move and perform different trials until they barely reach Malice Arena and meet their Father.
"You are not strong enough!" He growled. He was once a Father but evolved and changed his profession.
Boroko was kneeling and didn't look at his father but said, "Read our memory!"
The denizen didn't dismiss them immediately and touched their head, his face creased,
"Interesting. How sharp could a tooth be to cut through the helmet with ease!"
He watched the memory many times before he nodded. "You did great!" He rewarded them and sent them where they could evolve before he, too, went looking for someone to buy the information.
Soon the information was bought by a small Arena Master, and the person ran toward North Battle Ground before the special beast was killed or escaped.
Days passed and the lion has caused so much havoc in multiple metropolises and escapes when things get dangerous.
His reputation spread and lion hunters were actively in his pursuit.
He wasn't afraid of all the lion hunters; there were some he could kill and some that he knew were on the same level. But that wasn't his goal, for now; he was training and learning about his capabilities.
He also knew about the danger of what he was doing, and for that, he always avoided no-name newborns. Even if they hunted him, he would escape them without harming them.
There was also something that bugged him: when will the challenge end? He has caused damage to 17 places now and has eaten more than a hundred named denizens, not to mention those that he bit their heads or legs and escaped due to things getting out of hand.
But there was no sign of finishing the challenge.
From Eugene, he was informed that if the wrecking havoc, devouring and escaping reached a certain level, he would be informed if he wanted to leave.
Unfortunately, The Being was a massive unknown; sometimes, what worked somewhere wasn't working in another place.
For that reason, the lion has been exploring, trying to understand his location and where he was, maybe there will be a clue on how to end the damn challenge.
Sadly, what he was learning was making him feel apprehensive. First, the Birth Battle Ground was just a starting point and to leave it, the denizen has to go somewhere.
The lion knew where to go but felt extreme danger, as if he was not ready to go there so he moved away from the location completely.
Now it was running toward the very first location he appeared. He found the corridor and relaxed a bit.
It was tiring; the constant fight, the developing, the running away, not to mention some geniuses among the denizens hunting him, all made it tense.
But it was not that afraid, but just wary.
Now, he knew he might have to go to that place where the denizens go after they reached maturity. For that reason, it needs to become stronger.
The lion shook and began to change. This time it will be awakening many natures that will help him.
In Ar Land, there were three races of lions, White Lion, Savannah Lion and Miracle Lion.
White Lions, as the name came, were known to have white hair and white mane.
Savannah Lions were your typical lion with yellow to brown hair and mane.
Each of them has their nature and Aspecto unique to them but all were known for their ferocity and pride.
Miracle Lions don't have a definite colour of hair or mane; they have red, blue, yellow, white and different colours. They were also tame to a degree and weren't born battle geniuses like white lions.
White Lion cub was born with a set of battle skills and techniques. They were the type you throw at the battlefield and come out on top.
Savannah Lions weren't born with battle skills, but from birth, they are capable of using all their nature and Aspecto with relative ease. This is something that no beast in Ar Land is capable of doing.
Miracle Lions must learn to fight traditionally, they also must learn to use their nature traditionally.
They can't even activate their natures until they fight and reach certain criteria or are faced with certain pressure that can push them to activate it.
Some say Miracle Lions were too lazy, that's why they have to go through that before they can activate their nature, but some say it was because they have the highest number of nature than any known beast in the world.
Miracle lions are known to have over 20 natures.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.