That's the thoughts of Vincent as he ran towards his house, hoping that his family is alive and doing fine, evacuating or hiding from the Titans.
On his path towards his house, many people run in opposite directions to him, scrambling their way towards the gate of Wall Maria.
Running from the Titans in fear.
Many Guards were shouting and screaming, pointing their hands in the gate direction, telling the citizens to evacuate and run on that way.
But not all of them were in good condition. Looking at his left side, and seeing the body of people with blood and injuries.
Some even got crushed by the rocks that flew in different directions all over Shiganshina District. The kick of that Giant Titan made a hole in the Gate of Shiganshina Town.
Running and parkouring his way towards his house, wanting to get there as fast as possible.
Go Right!
Go Left!
Vincent ran with all his might, summoning all of his strength on his legs, wishing that he was in his prime, like his body in his previous life.
Then, going right...
In front of him... He saw his previous wooden house was now in ruins, and now has been crushed by different sizes of rocks.
In front of his house. 2 Titans stood tall there. One with a height of 3 meters and one with a height of 4 meters.
In the hand of 4 meters Titan, he saw one of the kids, Ben, lifeless, and his lower body gone.
The 3 metered Titan crouched, searching for something in the now ruined house of Vincent. On its foot, Vincent can see the crushed body of Marie.
Vincent didn't want to believe what he was seeing, but what was in front of him was the real deal.
Vincent calms his mind and prays that at least one of them is alive.
He then breathes out as he looks at this with a neutral expression. He draws out a short sword that is hidden on his waist.
Gripping it tightly, calming his mind.
Vincent walks towards the Titans…
… .
'I hope Vincent and his families were alright.'
Paul runs through the crowds of people, running towards a specific direction, and that is Vincent's house.
As he neared the house, Paul saw Vincent and the dead body of the kids and Marie.
Vincent was looking down at the dead bodies.
Paul couldn't help but be emotional at this sight
He silently called out towards Vincent...
Vincent heard something, as he looked at Paul.
Paul saw Vincent's expressions. It was calm, it was too calm that it was scary.
Looking to his right Paul saw a titan and it was 13 meters in height, walking towards them.
He looked at Vincent and said,
"Vincent let's go! I will guide you to exit..."
Vincent said that as he proceeded to kneel and pick the bracelet, necklaces, and hair clip. Items he gives to them, the items that will remind him of their existence.
He then got up and said to Paul
"Let's go..."
Paul and Vincent then run towards the gate of Wall Maria.
But Paul failed to realize that there's 2 smoke rising and thought that it was equipment or items in the house burning. But on that smoke laid 2 corpses of dead decomposing Titans.
… .
Upon exiting the Shiganshina District. Paul then brought Vincent towards the Ship and easily got through it due to Paul bringing him in, unlike the other people who'd been waiting for a while now.
Seeing that Vincent successfully boarded the Ship. Paul runs back and gets to the front lines where they will fight the Titans.
… .
Entering the boat, Vincent saw the scared expression of everyone that was boarding on it.
Some were curled up in the corner, crying, and some were blankly staring at the air.
Vincent then sat down like everyone else does waiting for the ship to row.
'Maybe if I didn't leave the house, maybe they're still alive right now...'
'Maybe they're still alive when the rock fall and then got killed by the Titans'
Vincent drowned himself on that thought. The 'maybes' he was thinking were endless and the possibility of his family being alive if he was there, is drowning him with guilt.
Then suddenly, a commotion took place at the gate of Wall Maria as a Titan rammed open and made a hole in the gate.
Vincent looked up at the Titan that made a hole and said
"I only want a happy Normal life. Is it that too much to ask for..."
Vincent looked down at his palm and clenched it.
… .
Within a few hours after Wall Maria had fallen in the Southern District of Shiganshina.
The Central Government decided to withdraw all Human Activity inside the Wall Rose.
The Estimated casualties are about 10,000 people. Eater or crush by the Titans and rocks that flew by as the Giant Titan, named Colossal Titan kicked open the wall of Shiganshina.
Upon entering the Trost District, Vincent saw many refugees, scared, and were hopeless about their future.
Vincent then followed the crowd as he was exhausted to think.
Then the soldiers started giving food; it was a bowl of soup and bread.
Vincent eats it as he looks at the sky.
"It is no different and the same sky on Earth..."
He then looked towards the people in a group, or people alone hiding in their little space. All of them were low in spirit, and some even had no strength to eat their food.
Some even have difficulty eating their food as they puke it after eating it. Maybe they recall or can't erase the sight of how the Titans eat people.
Closing his eyes, leaning on the walls, Vincent fell asleep…
The future may be bleak but it will not stop him from fulfilling his new goal.
… .
A few days later, the refugees were all sent to cultivate lands and to secure food.
But that couldn't prevent the food shortages.
In the following years of 846...
The Central Government launched a campaign to retake the Wall Maria using the refugees.
There were a total of 250 thousand refugees.
Almost Fifth of the Total population.
However, only about a hundred of them survived.
And with their "sacrifices", the food shortage has improved, albeit a little, and it's for those people who are still alive.
… .
Vincent stopped and got up in his pushing position; he was now 11 years old.
Black haired, serious face... tall at his age and with his perfectly trained body, Vincent had grown up.
Vincent then walked towards a crate and opened it. There laid a freshly cooked meat, and in this kind of time, meat is a luxury to anybody.
Vincent got this from the town leader as he sneaked into their house, and robbed their food.
Vincent then began to devour the food...
He didn't regret the thought of robbing people of their food, as he will do anything he can do just to fulfill his goal.
And one of the steps is by training and becoming stronger...
Vincent at this time was no saint. Vincent was, or from the start was not a good person.
Vincent this time is now the feared Killer of his previous life. The legendary Code-J, doing everything he can to finish his mission/task/ or goal...
Selfish as he may seem in everyone's eyes. Vincent didn't care about all of them.
Because in his eyes there was only and only 1 goal on his mind. It was clear and imprinted since that day happened.
And that is Killing Titans, many as he can or even killing all of them, avenging his family.
… .
"Just one year... and I will join the military training..."
Vincent said that as he got up and walked towards the busy streets of Trost Districts.
He first needed to get stronger physically and by doing that he needed a lot of meat... to build his muscles properly.
And then, after a year...
He will join the military...
And at the Military, they will train him, and tell him the weaknesses of Titans.
And tell him how to operate and use the ODM gear, the equipment that is built especially to kill Titans.
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