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95.6% ATG Redux: 'Average' Young Master / Chapter 87: Power Consolidation in Illusory Demon Continent

Kapitel 87: Power Consolidation in Illusory Demon Continent

(3 out of 3 chapters of this week)

"Shall we begin the meeting?" Xiao Long's voice spread through the Imperial Palace.

In front of him were the Patriarchs of Twelve Guardian Families and their heirs

The Young Masters were quite intrigued by the fact that around half of them were not humans. This is impressive as the Profound Sky Continent is fully human. Yet, this continent is extremely diverse.

"The changes will be simple, I will be the ruler, but the majority of the time Twelve Guardian Families will be dealing with mundane day-to-day tasks."

When Huan Caiyi heard that her eyes widened as she quickly caught up with what Xiao Long was planning! He made 7 out of 12 families consume the pills. Meaning that no matter what seven families will obey him all the time!

The remaining Five will always lose in voting, at least this is what she is thinking.

"If decisions cannot be reached, voting will be done. If the majority votes for it, then the decision is accepted."

'I knew it! He is going this way!' 

The Ex-Empress thought to herself. 

"...What if the decision doesn't get enough votes?"

"Don't worry about that, I will be part of it regardless. I have some ideas on how to improve this continent."

Even though he said that the Twelve Guardian Families and the Ex-Empress were sceptical. He was an invader, he might plan to strip all the resources. 

Not that they could do anything. His might was simply on another level.

"Let's start with the role each family will be playing in the rule of the continent."


As Xiao Long was having fun with the continent-size kingdom-building simulation turned to real life, his grandmother had plans of her own.

She swiftly flew over to Duke Huai's location which was under the supervision of the Supreme Cloud Sect.

The woman swiftly went to see the main perpetrators.

"We finally met Duke Ming." 

"...Sovereign of the Seas…"

"...No longer. That title doesn't exist anymore. However, it doesn't mean I forgot what you did." As she said that her cultivation roared to life. 

The Duke who was a peak Monarch could only pale as he sensed absurd power radiating from this woman!

"H-Hold it! I assisted all of the invasions done by The Sacred Grounds! I helped with all the preparations!"

*Angry Snort!*

"You did! You played us, you bastard! You said that the mirror will assist us in reaching the next Great Realm! But we have people from the Realm of Gods who said it doesn't do it! It doesn't help! All it does is assist with Reincarnation!"

The man paled when he heard that. They learned the true purpose of that thing!? How on earth—

Before he can do anything, an unfathomable amount of force crashes into him.

"No one manipulates me and gets away from it!" Bolts of Lightning smashed into Duke Ming who could not even raise any sort of defence.

There was nothing left of him after that attack. The Duke was fully erased without leaving a drop of blood.

"What about the Palace itself? Grand Elder?" One of the Subordinates who came with her asked her.

"Leave it. Long'er can decide what he will do with it." 


After paying back for all the scheming done by Duke Ming, Qu Fengyi returned to the Sect. Her job was done. 


Huan Caiyi followed Xiao Long and saw all of his decisions, how he arranged all the Guardian Families and what they would do.

What is concerning to her is that he is decentralising Imperial Rule!

He is giving a lot of power to these families who are supposed to be her family's fighting strength.

Regardless, after spending the whole day organising it was time to call the day.

However, Xiao Long wants to know what the Ex-Empress is thinking. He made sure she stayed with him the whole time.

"Tell me what are you thinking about? That frown on your face tells me that you don't like it."

"... that's because I don't. You are giving away Imperial powers to people who betrayed me!" She angrily exclaimed.

"Oh? And I should care about it…why?"

Once again she frowned angrily.

"You asked and I answered!"

"Hmm, indeed, but for some reason you believe that you will return to ruling the Continent?" He asked with some amusement.

She clicked her tongue before looking away. A few seconds later she asked him regardless, since the Ex-Empress was curious.

"Fine. Then tell me why you have chosen this route." 

"Heh, so we are cooperating now?" Xiao Long teased her for a bit.


The Young Master hummed with satisfaction, it appears Huan Caiyi can be respectful when she wants to be.

"Several reasons. For one, it will lower their future vision. I have made them compete with other families which have similar positions and responsibilities. 

If a family's job is to build roads, will they think about building something else or even ruling the whole continent?

As Guardian Families their job was to guard the whole Continent and assist your family with rulership. 

You may think that I have discarded a lot of the power. Which I did, but I have discarded unnecessary responsibilities. Not like you ever did anything like that. Did you ever build new roads or a port?

Or expand by building a new city?" 

To his question, she simply stayed quiet and didn't comment.

"Yes, it appears you didn't bother."

She sighed as it appeared he would point out her faults.

"That's the fault with you royals, you inherited the Empire from your father and continue to do what he did and what he did beforehand.

Thus living in this stagnation for the past several thousand years." 

Huan Caiyi's eyebrows furrowed as felt annoyed with what he was saying. 

"...You speak as if you have means to improve the ruling model my Ancestors came up with!"

"You mean the basic tribute system you have since the times of barbarians roomed through these lands?"


"First of all, the system which you are so proud of makes it that all the power lies with you. This model is fine as long as the ruler is doing something. 

If you were smart then you could have used this model to deal with your issues but you did not. You had 12 families to fix your issues but one of your relatives used all that time which you wasted to make seven families rebel against you." 


"This is why you are now my toy instead of Empress. But regardless let me explain how I am going to use my model to rule over this continent."

As he said that he watched her expression closely. It's funny to watch how she is trying to fight back all that anger she is feeling towards him.

"Your family 'absolute' power comes from the fact that you have Golden Crow blood. A powerful tool, but it is not limitless.

The Divine Crown blood will run out. Let me ask you what you are going to do after it runs out?"


It never crossed her mind. She never thought the crow's blood could potentially run out. It never had for the past ten thousand years!

"Such an expression, how cute. Well, thankfully for you, I am here, and the crow will never truly die." Xiao Long confidently said to the Ex-Empress.

"Fine. You have all the answers. I won't complain." She snapped at him. She got tired of him explaining and knowing everything, the longer she listened the more stupid she felt.

"Don't be spoilsport. I haven't explained the system I will use to rule your continent."

"... it's no longer my continent. You took it from me." She angrily snapped at him, her red eyes were almost glowing at him.

"And you don't think it's for the best? Soon, the continent will have the best roads for regular people, arrays of artefacts to assist in raising herbs and food, many of the people live longer and their cultivation will be higher. The resources that have flown into the Capital will spread out and improve other cities and territories.

I am helping them with something which you should have done."

"Your rulership model will cause wars in the future! I know for certain that you won't be able to rule this land for the rest of the time as your sect will continue to fly somewhere else!"

Huan Caiyi didn't like that there would be many other powers throughout the land who would have Monarchs only her family and the Twelve Guardian Families should have such powers!

"You are not wrong about the fact that I won't be here. But this is why the Black Moon Merchant Guild will continue to trade and exist here."


"The smaller floating islands are the extension of my will. Your concern is legitimate but short-sighted as well." With hand motion he made a box appear. It opened up automatically.

"These are the pills that only people related to my Sect can consume."

A much smaller box appeared next.

"These are pills that are for sale in this continent."

Her eyes widened for a second as she started to understand.

"People who follow me will always have an edge. Just like your twelve families have an edge by following your Huan Family.

Your family made these families indebted to yours, through several promises, resources, or help in the past.

Do you think I can't do the same?" 

When he pointed this out…she realised that he had more ways to earn the right to rule the continent than she could.

In the end, all she could do was bite her lower lip from frustration.

Why can't he just do what the regular conquerors do!? Just slaughter their way and establish their rule through sheer might!?

If he continues with this trend she is certain that in a few short years, he will have the loyalty of normal people and soon after he will have the trust of the Nobles, Dukes, Clans and Sects!

Even then…she underestimated the speed of his Sect…


Xiao Long's new hobby is spending time with Huan Caiyi, he never had an actual Empress before to spend time with.

Though most of the time all he does is debunk her method of ruling with his ideas.

So, it's a form of torture for the black-haired demon girl. 

Thankfully it didn't last long as he decided to show what his Sect has been doing.

"Welcome, This is one of the four clinics available for everyone in the Capital." The Young Master showed her the building which looked brand new. 

It was built at one of the major crossroads.

"...I don't understand…when did you build this?"

"It finished a couple of hours ago." He casually mentioned to her as he motioned for her to follow him inside.

"Couple hours ago…?" Her brain is trying to process the speed of this!

"Don't be surprised. My Sect is proud of the abilities they possess." For a second he bragged about his Sect before pointing at the walls.

"The building's foundations are done with a mix of several materials and a thick amount of Profound Energy. The walls themselves are layers of Profound Barriers encased in the same material.

People from Medical, Artefact and Array Halls finished the construction in just a few short hours."

Her gaze scanned the surroundings as she tried to sense Profound energy, to her surprise she couldn't sense anything in the walls or floor!

"This is a medicine-related building, any sort of excess flow of Profound Energy is controlled by the central Formation Core." He explained to her as he saw how she was looking around.

"...Even so…I should be able to sense…something."

"No, you won't. As there are layers to these walls. So don't worry. Instead, follow me. I will show you how I will control this continent." 

Once again she frowned at him. This guy was annoying to her as he was constantly making her feel useless. Her pride as Empress constantly is receiving a beating.

Regardless, she followed him into the deeper parts of this 'clinic'.

She never heard of this word. Her continent never had such things. Sure she has Medical Saints who have their Pavilions or Sects. Most of the talented men form Clans or Sects around themselves to continue their legacy and Art.

So she never understood the meaning of 'Clinic'. 

'What with this flowing water inside this building!?'

Now that she thinks about this she can see a stream of water flowing. Under her feet. It's like this water behind some sort of translucent barrier wall…

"So you noticed?" 

"Hard not to. This water is everywhere." Huan Caiyi said with an annoyed look. He is treating her like some sort of stupid person!

"Indeed. This water is what heals everything." As he said that he motioned to enter the main area.

When she saw it her eyes bulged out. She saw people floating inside of the water thingies. On their faces, there are some sort of constructs.

"...See that man over there?" 

Xiao Long pointed at the older man floating in one of the containers.

"... That's… Su Hongbo…"

"Indeed. He had a serious backlash when he tried to open three Profound Entrances. The water in these tanks will heal the internal wounds and properly open those three Profound Entrances.

He is one of the first people I have invited to try out these Medical Water Tanks."

She understood what he meant. He will make Su's family grateful to him!

"I even heard that Yun's family have their issues. Yun Canghai contacted me to check on his son and his daughter-in-law."

As he said that he looked at her reaction. Xiao Long can see that she is feeling quite threatened.

"I understand. But these things won't win over all of the Guardian families. Everyone has their pride and honour."

She said that with a certain tone.

"Indeed. But what about when they learn that I fixed you?" He smiled at her.

Her whole body shivered for a second.

"Then of course. Your Golden Crow? I will be bringing it back to life. Your family's power comes from the fact that you have Golden Crow blood. Something I can acquire as well."

Her reaction to his words was the last straw that broke the camel's back.


"Do what you want. I don't care anymore." She exclaimed with a snappy and cold voice. The guy is prepared for everything. No wonder he allows her to walk around like this. She doesn't even have guards! 

He is not afraid that she will do something!

It only makes her more annoyed with herself! Being powerless like this is like an open wound that is constantly hurting!

"Oh? You don't. Then what are you going to do?"


She looked at him with annoyance. As if she knows what she will do!

What she wants is to kill this guy in front of her. But she doesn't have the power or means to do that!

As she was pondering for a bit Xiao Long walked in front of her. He placed his hand on her head and stroked her silky smooth black hair.

"I know what you will do. You will be mine."


She didn't argue with what he said. There is not much she can do.

"Do whatever you want. I don't have the means to resist you."

"...So you don't want to gain Crow's bloodline? Or fix your health issues?" He asked with a small frown. Did he push her too much?

These royals sure can be annoying sometimes. All he wants to do is to crush that absurd arrogance and pride this girl has.

"... What's the point? I wanted this power so that I could consolidate my rule over the Illusory Demon Continent."

She spoke with a small voice as she watched how more people entered this clinic and started their treatment.

If he can fix all the people then her family will lose whatever influence they have. This man will easily undo what her family painstakingly created over thousands of years!

"...See. This is what I am saying. You just mentioned how my tactics could not work. But here it is. You only see your continent and nothing more.

My Sect rules two continents now. Soon it will be three." Her eyes widened when she heard that! There is another continent!?

"Yes. Three, so instead of ruling one why not try to rule three? You are limiting yourself by only focusing on one continent. Same way I am making those twelve families focus on their new duties."

The moment he explained she realised her shortcomings!

"...So that's how it is. Are you saying that I should accept and become part of your Sect? The very same Sect which took my Continent away from me?"

Even if it sounded amazing, to be part of something that could rule three continents it was not the same!

"Oh, so you don't want to have my assistance? You could gain my support and rule this place in my stead. My Sect backing your rule could be superior to the First Emperor who united the continent."

Huan Caiyi's eyes trembled. For a second she believed that such a scenario was possible, but that's just a trick. The longer he helps her the more in debt she will be for him.

"If you say so." The Ex-Empress casually agreed.

Her answer made him smirk. He saw through her lie.

Regardless, he is going to help her, he wants to see if he can fix her imbalance and see in person that Golden Crow's Bloodline.

"Come Caiyi, let me show you the Supreme Cloud Sect."

He motioned her to follow him, and the girl with a sigh followed him. It's not like she can tell him that she doesn't want to.

Now she could understand why Yun Canghai looked hollow in his eyes.

The pair left the clinic and proceeded to fly up, as the floating archipelago was right above the Capital City many miles casting a shadow at a specific time over the day.


For advanced chapters(5 chapters +18 chapters of lemons ) my pat: pat




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