"If you both are going to sing again then kindly warn us before. We don't want to die due to shock. That would be more than enough," Eleena smiled and Arabella furiously nodded her head, agreeing with her.
"That's it?"
"That's more than enough. You guys got amazing voice and we won't mind listening to you both the entire day but no need to give us shocks."
"Aww, thank you guys. That means a lot. Oh, even though we have talked a lot already, we still haven't shared our names. I am Olive and that's my friend, Cherry," she said pulling that nerdy looking girl, Cherry into her arms.
"Wow, quite interesting names you got there. It seems like you both are sisters," Arabella said.
"I know right, the moment I heard her name,I knew that we are meant to be. I didn't waste a single second and forced her in being my friend."
support my loves:)