"First condition, let's make it one year instead of ten. Ten years guarding the Void Gate sounds more like a punishment than anything. I don't think I have done anything wrong to deserve that punishment."
"Second condition, I can return anytime to my world. Let's say I am allowed to return once a month, and so I have twelve days off in a year."
"Third condition, upon finishing my duty guarding the Void Gate. I want to be promoted to The Chief Administrator. In exchange, you can send me to the most frequently attacked gate."
"If you agree with those three conditions, I will take your special mission!"
If he thought about it, guarding the gate might not be as bad as he thought. It would be worth it if they agreed with those three conditions.
"Do you know that you just make yourself even more suspicious? Now you make us think you are part of the Void Cult."
One last chapter for this month.
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Alright, guys. a little bit announcement. I have written 83 chapters for this month (September) (84 chapters if you count this one too). That was a lot more than usually I write in a month. so yeah, I will take it slow for the next month and return to one or two chapters (mostly two) a day instead of three. I want to avoid getting burnout and end up posting ten to fifteen chapters a month. so yeah, next month is two chapters daily instead of three.
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Thank you for reading my story and supporting me ^.^ your supports mean a lot to me.