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37.5% Arknights: Purpose and Will / Chapter 51: Chapter 45: Diabolic

Kapitel 51: Chapter 45: Diabolic

In a hurry, Saria charged right through anything in front of her. "Out of the way!" Like a tank, she broke through the doors like an invading army towards Poland.

"Quickly! Stabilize the girl!" Saria put her on a table in the Structural department that focuses on phenomena and experiments.

"Chief Saria, this is hardly appropriate." An old caprinae man wasn't quite appreciative of the administrator of defense barging through their part of Rhine labs.

"Her originium infection is high, stabilize her now!" Saria shouted and the admin of Structural; Ahrens Parvis shook his head.

"Pray tell chief Saria, if we help every single one that has an infection like the girl. Will Rhine labs be able to stay afloat? We are not a charity." He sighed, but still ordered his subordinate to start resuscitating the girl.

"Dr. Silence, you know what to do." Parvis nodded at the brown haired woman. She immediately assessed the young girl and unfortunately, her pulse is absent.

"I need 10 mg of epinephrine now! Partition it to ten doses! She has no pulse, we'll lose her!" Silence tried to resuscitate the girl.

"Chief Saria, there is no need for us here." Parvis gestured for Saria to follow him outside.

They stood right in front of the automatic door outside and were silent for a moment.

"What were you thinking Dr. Parvis? You hesitated in saving a little girl!" Saria was of course outraged from the old man's hesitation.

"I have just said my reason earlier. The girl is unfortunate yes. But Rhine labs; first of all, is not a hospital for infected. Second, if we show such charity to one. Then the people will demand freebies, do you understand?" Parvis explained and Saria winced.

She could understand his reasoning. It was correct really, but deep inside of her. It just wasn't the right thing to do.

"If you will excuse me, Dr. Silence is my protege. She can definitely save the girl, I will return to my work and Silence will inform me of her condition later." Parvis walked away and Saria's shoulders sagged.

The vouivre stopped herself from hitting the metal wall behind her. She felt powerless, especially after the girl she saved almost died.

Saria waited patiently and after an hour or so, the scientist from earlier walked outside. Wiping some sweat from her brow.

"Ahh, chief Saria. The girl is alright now thankfully. But we have to do something about her infection. It's quite severe you see?" Silence sighed.

"Thank you for saving her, and you don't need to call me chief. Just Saria is fine." Saria gave a small smile and Silence blushed a bit.

Saria is the co-founder of Rhine labs after all. And the scientists respect her very much.

"T-then, Saria. You can call me Olivia, it is very nice to be your acquaintance." Silence shook her hand with a smile and they nodded at each other. (pic)

"How is she doing?" Saria looked at the viewing glass. The girl is put under a chemical coma and was intubated, making her look severely ill.

"She is fine for now, but even I don't know how long she will be like that. Her body temperature is unusually high. And the originium on her body is unstable." Silence explained and was quite worried.

"Then you give a report to Parvis immediately, Olivia. This might be a security risk and we'll talk about how we'll manage the girl." Saria gave her orders and Silence nodded.

The vouivre sighed as she looked at the girl one more time. "I hope that it won't come to that though."


At one of the lobbies of Rhine labs. Ash is currently giving out contracts for the ones that Shining gave pamphlets to.

"Here you go, welcome to Paradiso." Ash rubbed his hands and was pleased with how many scientists and researchers they were able to get from the prestigious research facility.

"Are you sure this is fine Ash? You're basically robbing them in broad daylight..." Margaret sighed and was thinking he is quite shameless.

"It's fine, Kirsten approved of their resignation. Kukuku, we'll treat her employees very well too. I'm sure that Kirsten will be pleased with our discoveries." Ash grinned as he gave out another contract and the new hire would be transported to Paradiso later.

"What an evil bastard you are. That's why I really love you. Kekeke." Degenbrecher glomped on him and was quite pleased that he wasn't really trying to get inside Kirsten or Saria's pants as she once thought.

"Please, this is hardly evil. We are going through the right procedures Degenbrecher." Shining rolled her eyes and the caprinae put her tongue out against her.

"Hmph, so that's your plan... You evil mastermind!" Muelsyse pointed her finger at him accusingly.

"Hmm, did you say something?" Ash handed out more contracts.

"Kuuu! What are you doing!? Have you no shame? Stealing Rhine labs' employees in broad daylight! Kirsten might have approved of this and I don't know why. But you're clearly the reason!" Muelsyse shouted in frustration.

"Stealing? Oh you wound me! Can't you see? These scientists and researchers are already detached from Rhine labs. They're freelancers now, yet you accuse me of poaching?" Ash spread their conversation by manipulating the air and sounds.

"Stop acting coy! You evil man! What did you do to Saria and Kirsten? They won't allow this, ever!" Muelsyse was obstinate.

Margaret and Degenbrecher knew he was milking the situation. But Kirsten agreed on their resignation of her own free will. So they were about to give her a piece of their mind, though Ash raised his hand and smiled at them.

"You accuse me again? How much more are you going to slander us? I am just a man trying to find more people for our cause. Millions of people have been saved due to Asmodeus Bio Gentech." Ash gasped and put a hand on his chest with a mock hurt.

"T-that's..." Muelsyse didn't have a retort to that. Paradiso's Deliverance is famous worldwide. Thousands upon thousands of people and refugees go to Leithanien to beg the empresses for them to be sent to Paradiso.

And the nobles loved it, more people equals more tax after all. The empresses' positions in turn were rock solid. They were unstoppable in Leithanien.

Gertrude was also climbing the ranks as she helped transport the people to Paradiso for medical treatment.

The masses love her and she has achieved her dream of being a high noble that the empresses trust with important work.

"Even so! I know you've done something to Saria and Kirsten!" Muelsyse couldn't accept it and her stubbornness is simply too much.

Shining stealthily put some eye drops on Liz's eyes and the blonde Sarkaz acted. "You understand nothing! Our lord, Ash. He has even saved me from being stuck in a wheel chair all my life. My brain and spine are damaged from an originium accident!"

The crowd of course listened in on Liz who was crying. She was not.

"Shining had to push me as a cripple through no man's land as we travelled. Every hospital or doctor told us that I will never walk or my brain will never heal, my emotions forever gone. And my personality flickering like a mad woman." Liz looked at Ash with a thankful expression.

That one was genuine, but she was still sticking to a script. "Yet you slander him! He is the savior of millions of people, you accuse him of foul play! You're the shameless one here!" Liz pointed at her.

"Uh oh." Muelsyse could see that a lot of people arrived due to the commotion and were whispering to each other.

Muelsyse then felt a hand grasp on her head tightly. "Is this true Muelsyse?" Saria's expression was severe. Not only did one of their administrators pick a fight, she slandered the emperor of Leithanien in public.

"Uhhh, Saria. We can talk about this." Muelsyse started sweating heavily and Saria frowned at her. Saria made her grovel on the ground and she bowed deeply.

"Forgive us, I will discipline my colleague properly!" Saria closed her eyes and was expecting them to demand reparations.

"Now, now Saria. It's fine, to outsiders it would look like we were blackmailing you to release your employees or something." Ash smiled at her and Saria was confused.

"But she slandered you, it is lese majeste. I only hope you won't ask for her head." Saria pleaded and Muelsyse remembered that he was the emperor of Leithanien.

"Muelsyse here is just worried for Rhine labs, do not worry Saria." Ash waved his hand and gestured for them to stand tall.

"Thank you for your generosity." Saria's strictness was evident with how stiff she was. "But I cannot let this slight go like that. Please ask anything of Rhine labs for this one's mistake."

Ash then had a massive grin on his face. "Ohh, then why not let Muelsyse over there help us with our endeavors? I'm sure some good old fashioned service is fine?" Ash smiled sweetly and Muelsyse broke into a cold sweat.

"If that is your request. Muelsyse, as chief of defense. This will be your punishment, see to it that all their needs are met." Saria glared daggers at her and the elf yelped from terror.

"Y-yes ma'am." She hasn't seen Saria get that angry before. The vouivre then quickly left due to her earlier entanglement.

Ash snapped his fingers and the sounds around them dampened. The peanut gallery quickly left to do their job and Ash stared at Muelsyse as her heart started to beat faster.

She then saw him give a grin that Satan would be proud of. "Y-you played me, Saria, and Kirsten too..." Muelsyse gulped and thought she would be violated.

"Hehe~ Kyahahaha! I've got a new and smart little helper! Hmmm, how about I call you Mumu? As my new little pet, I should give you a nice nickname." Ash stood up and walked up to her.

Muelsyse lost strength in her legs and she dropped down on her bottom. "Awww, it's no fun if you just give up." Ash sighed.

"D-do whatever you want with me." Muelsyse was about to cry so he made her stand up with his powers and she floated right to a seat in front of them.

"Listen, shut up and don't tell anyone about this. Even Saria, do you understand?" Ash's tone suddenly changed and Muelsyse nodded.

"There's a traitor among us, Rhine labs is infested with a little rat." Ash told her and Muelsyse gasped.

"A... A traitor? But who?" She furrowed her brows and Ash shook his head. "I do not know, but Shining has been investigating the place. There was a lot of missing equipment." Ash gave her a report.

"Egad... This much? You can buy a couple of small labs with this amount." Muelsyse frowned heavily and she quickly changed her tune.

"Yes, so listen carefully. You are a good infiltrator with your arts. I want you to monitor the other administrators. I already investigated Ferdinand Clooney, he's clean." Ash tasked her and Muelsyse agreed.

She could turn into water and can pass through even the most fortified defenses with ease.

"I... I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't know that you're actually trying to help Rhine labs." Muelsyse scratched her head sheepishly.

"Stupid girl, it was understandable. Now go, don't talk to anyone about this." Ash patted her head and Muelsyse sputtered.

She then ran away and Ash rubbed his hands with a grin on his face.

"Wow... You are one evil bastard alright. That was hot, I want you to fuck me right now." Degenbrecher laughed at how he just got an infiltrator of the best caliber.

Not only was Muelsyse one of the top dogs there, her extraordinary control over water is excellent for the job.

"Hah, that wasn't nice Ash. You manipulated Muelsyse." Margaret sighed and she shook her head.

"It is fine, everything I said is true anyways. Clooney is clean, at least now he is. Parvis is hiding something. And endangering Rhine labs would label you as a traitor." Ash wanted more info on everyone in Rhine labs.

And Muelsyse the spitfire water nymph just offered herself on a silver platter. Who was he to reject her nice little offer.

"Good job by the way Liz." Ash gave her a thumbs up and Liz nodded.

"Ah... Acting is hard, I want to read and enjoy some quiet." Liz whipped out another book that Ash wrote about anatomy and physiology.


Saria was looking over the girl she saved from the ruins and she couldn't help but feel suspicious. "Why was this girl there? What happened? And how in the world did she survive when no one else did?" Saria was deep in her thoughts.

The girl with dirty blonde hair started to stir and Saria's eyes widened. "Olivia! The girl is waking up!" She shouted and saw her open her eyes. (pic)

"Ahhhhhh!" She instantly screamed bloody murder and was hurting herself by thrashing around.

The vouivre immediately restrained her and Silence arrived after hearing Saria. "What's happening? Quick! Get some anesthetics and muscle relaxants! Restrain her safely so she won't hurt herself!" Silence ordered.

The medical team were used to emergencies and quickly gave the screaming girl some drugs to make her sleepy and relax.

"This girl has some strength in her that's for sure." Saria sighed and she was surprised by how strong she was even in her state.

"Saria, I would like you to be beside her when she wakes up again later... You might be the only one that can restrain her safely." Silence sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"I would think so too. Anyways, where's Parvis?" Saria sighed as well and they waited for the administrator of structural.

After some time, the caprinae arrived and he took a look at the girl's file. "What will we do professor?" Silence looked at him for answers.

"Chief Saria, Silence. I already told you, but this would be something detrimental for Rhine labs." Parvis shook his head.

"It's just one girl, besides. She has been rescued from that minor lab that suffered an explosion. She just might be a witness." Saria argued.

"But she is just a child, chief Saria. Whatever you say, that isn't going to hold up much in the grand scheme of things. Based on Silence's report, she also might be psychologically impaired. The girl screamed like a banshee when she woke up." Parvis retorted back.

Saria winced and Silence lowered her head in sadness as they won't be able to save the girl.

"Fine, I will talk with Ash. He has the most advanced suppressants in the world. It must cost a fortune because it can even give terminal patients a normal life. But I will appeal to his kindness and generosity." Saria was about to turn.

Parvis clicked his tongue and thought his playing hard to get backfired. But he remembered the incident reported earlier with Muelsyse.

"Are you sure? Taking advantage of the emperor's kindness even though he has already pardoned Muelsyse? If you are going in that direction, then fine. We will test a treatment on her." Parvis squinted his eyes and gambled.

Saria was too stiff though, so she got interested. Especially because Muelsyse did do a number on their image by committing a grave crime. It was quite easy to forget that Ash is an emperor of a superpower.

Casters from Leithanien and knights from Kazimierz marching entered her head as she imagined him losing his patience. It made her shiver, thinking of the best casters in the world teaming up with silverlance pegasi and the campaigning knights.

"Really professor? What can we do? We can only try to suppress her infection, is already terminal." Silence asked with furrowed brows.

"That is where this comes in." Parvis led them to the computers and he showed them a classified experimental treatment.

"Chimera treatment?" Saria and Silence heard of it, but they do not quite understand.

"Yes, we will be engineering much more stable originium organs like the crystals that appear on a person when infection settles in." Parvis explained and they listened intently.

Just like Ash, Adele, and Gnosis' improved versions that can suck up originium particles. Their experimental treatment would act like a magnet and theoretically decrease blood originium levels.

"What? But that's really dangerous, this hasn't even entered the stage where clinical human trials has been tested." Silence blinked and was quite anxious about the whole thing.

"It is the girl's only hope, she is terminal and would most likely did in a week. Or are there better options out there? Except for taking advantage his majesty Asmodeus?" Parvis countered with a grave face.

"That's... Olivia, we have to do this. She will have a chance of survival." Saria patted her on the shoulder and looked at the girl.

It was also a high chance that she really might give more evidence to what happened.

"I... Yes, this is her only chance... Let's do it please, she has her whole life ahead of her." Silence's eyes hardened as she fixed her glasses.

"Great decision, both of you. Then we will start the treatment when she wakes up later." Parvis smiled at Silence and his protege had a hopeful smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Kirsten was in a chipper mood and was reading a tabloid that Ash created to keep her busy and happy.

It was about rocket science. It is incredibly difficult even for Kirsten, due to the different branches needed to complete it.

The discipline needed tons of knowledge about chemistry for the fuel, physics for the calculations, engineering in order to complete the rocket, and many more.

But due to her distraction, she quickly approved of a project that was presented to her. Not wanting any distractions while she kept herself busy.

And at Parvis' office, it was called project Diabolic. "Yes, it seems the girl has already been given an originium organ like that feline with Loken. A Diablo Sarkaz huh? The chimera treatment is quite apt as a cover for this project." Parvis looked at his notes and smirked.

"We will just need to activate her genes and make the originium organ more active. My protege will be able to handle this quite well." Parvis remembered Silence.

She is an outstanding scientist that could rival even the greatest ones. Hard working, kind, smart... And the best one of all, naive.

"I expect great things with your treatments, Silence." Parvis smirked and he prepared to make serums for the chimera treatment that will further activate the originium organ from the extinct Diablo Sarkaz.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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