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88.23% Another Form of Power / Chapter 15: Katsuki Bakugou

Kapitel 15: Katsuki Bakugou

Things Kurogiri Doesn't Know: Katsuki Bakugou

"You will be given the opportunity to retest at the mid point of this year, and at the end of the year."


Nothing sounded quite as outraged as an entitled sixteen year old.

"Do you understand?" Honoka asked evenly. She was not getting paid enough to deal with this crap.

"No! I do not accept it!" the brat snarled, slamming his hands down on the table. She could hear small explosions coming from his hands. Honoka realised it had something to do with his quirk.

"Young man, public use of your quirk is not permitted," she told him.

That got her a glare. "That's fucking nothing!"

She was definitely not being paid enough to deal with this.

"Language, young man," she warned.

"No! This is bullshit! It's some bullshit fucking test made up because some fucker whinged to their daddy 'cos they fucking couldn't keep up!"

Honoka fixed him with her own glare. "Young man, I assure you the Hero Public Safety Bureau is not influenced by someone crying to their father," she spat his words back at him. "The mental health assessment is an initiative from the Government to ensure the health and safety of those attempting to be heroes. It is for your benefit."

"It is fucking not!" Further explosions came from his hands.

"Young man, if you use your quirk one more time, I will recommend a suspension from UA until you can properly control your quirk, as it is unfortunate to see one so old have such poor control. Usually by the time any one turns five they can consciously control their quirk." Honoka schooled her expression into something neutral. Really, what was UA teaching if this sort of control was normal?

"You're not fucking UA."

"Young man, I am a member of the Hero Public Safety Bureau, and while we do not traditionally interfere with specific students, except when directed, I assure you, I do have that power."

It shouldn't have made her feel good but his spluttering was rather pleasing. There were no further explosions. At least she'd gotten that much through.

"Do you understand?" Honoka asked her earlier question.

"This is fucking bullshit!" he repeated.

"The assessment is for your own benefit, and you may retest. As you failed, this is not negotiable."

"I am the best fucking student UA has!" the teen slammed his hands into the table again.

"In grades, perhaps," Honoka allowed. "But you lack the appropriate mental attitude to become a hero. You lack humility, compassion and from your display today, I can only judge that the assessments were implemented just in time! You would be…" she shook her head.

This boy was one of the most unsuited to being a hero that she had ever seen. It was as if no one had ever told him no! Well, thankfully the HPSB had that power and even though she wasn't being paid enough to deal with this sort of thing, it was just as well she was.

"I'll fucking appeal this."

Honoka smiled. It was slightly vicious. "There is no appeal," she told him.

"What?" There were explosions again. "That's fucking insane."

"In due course, you may retest," she told him. "Thought before that I would advise that you seek help."

He glared.

"You are dismissed," Honoka added, raising one hand and making a small shooing motion. It was a petty revenge but she wasn't being paid to deal with this shit!


"These are the results?"

"Yes, Representative Kakurete," Honoka nodded nervously. She was paying particular attention to her breathing. She hadn't expected to have to present the results of the assessment to one of the Members of the House of Representatives!

"Just relax," the Representative murmured as he looked at the papers.

Honoka flushed. She wasn't aware her nerves were showing that much. She forced herself to take a deep breath. It made some sense, Honoka supposed. The HPSB assessments were new, and Representative Imoku Kakurete had been behind the initial legislation, so of course he would be interested.

She was surprised when he hissed. "Oh dear," he muttered.

Honoka looked over. She couldn't tell what record he was on but was surprised when he looked up. His eyes were a rich green, she noted. That didn't come out in publicity photos.

"Did you have any problems?"


"Did you have any problems when you informed the students?"

Oh, she understood now. Since it was the first time the assessment had been performed, it had been deemed that each student who failed should be informed personally. That way their options could be explained in detail and any questions they had be dealt with. It was a lot of work but it was the first time and setting these things up often took more work to make it smoother for the future.

She winced at the member. "There were several who were disappointed," she told him diplomatically.

His expression changed to display exaggerated patience. "Just disappointed?" he asked pointedly.

Honoka took another deep breath. "May I speak in confidence, Representative Kakurete?"

The Representative closed his eyes briefly, and put the papers down. "Honoka," he said seriously. "I represent my electorate. I am here to promote their interests, which means I have to know their interests. That means they have to tell me, and even if they go against my desires, I will represent them. As such, I expect you to tell me the truth. You will not be punished for it," he assured her.

She nodded, feeling reassured. Imoku Kakurete was an independent. He didn't listen to the party line. "There were several who seemed to expect the results and who, I feel, will in time mature and be able to rejoin their Hero Course but there were others who were…" She fished for the right word. "Difficult," Honoka concluded.

He nodded sympathetically. "That is disappointing, but unfortunately not unexpected," he told her. "You did well to meet with them, and I will see that you are rewarded for that difficult task."

"That's not necessary, Sir. I was just doing my job!" She was just doing her job, and sometimes that meant doing difficult things.

"You deserve it," Imoku pressed.

Honoka gulped. "Thank you, Sir!" She knew when to quit when she was ahead.

"Then I thank you for a job well done," he said.

Honoka nodded and rose, giving the Representative a small bow before she left.


"You wanted to see me, Sir?" Juro Abe said as he came into the office.

Imoku looked up at the man. He was the current Chair of the Hero Public Safety Commission's committee.

"I did," Imoku said. "You've seen these?" He asked, holding up the papers Honoka had delivered earlier.

Juro winced. "Yes." He seated himself at Imoku's desk, looking over at the Representative. The desk was surprisingly clean. There was a name badge, and a leather inlay for writing and some sort of ornament but apart from that, the desk was clean. A tablet lay to Imoku's side but the screen was blank. Juro knew there was probably an inbuilt keyboard somewhere.

"They aren't good reading, are they?"

"Not at all, Sir," Juro agreed. The mental health assessments of the Hero Students was not good reading. They didn't have the actual assessments, just the over all results, and the summary notes about each individual. That maintained privacy while giving the HPSB a background on the reason the individual either passed or failed.

"I am particularly worried about this one," Imoku said, sliding a paper over his desk.

Juro picked it up, his eyes immediately going for the name. Katsuki Bakugou. He knew that name. The boy had placed first on UA's entrance exam and at the Sport's Festival but… His assessment highlighted anger and arrogance as being two very large problems. It was interesting, that despite the anger and arrogance, Katsuku had done very well on some of the other parts of the assessment.

"From what I understand," Juro said after a moment, "this Bakugou boy will need some serious anger management therapy. Assuming he can get a handle on his anger, he will then be able to retest and should pass."

"That's what worries me," Imoku said delicately.

"Sir?" Juro frowned.

"There is no question that this Katsuki Bakugou is both academically and physically skilled. And he has been blessed with a powerful quirk," Imoku explained. That conclusion was very clear. Katsuki was not the number one in his class but he was in the top five, though physically he was vying for the number one position. He truly did understand what it took to be a hero, at least in a physical matter. Mentally, there were problems there. "But it is the very nature of that quirk which bothers me."

Juro looked at the page, reading the description. Explosions from nitroglycerin sweat.

"Quick and flashy," Imoku said.

Juro nodded his understanding. That was a reasonable conclusion. Quirks didn't define the personality but they could influence it.

"As I said Sir, he will need some serious anger management therapy," Juro repeated carefully, feeling out what the Representative wanted.

"I think it might take more than that," Imoku said. "I want you to look into his past, specifically his middle school history," he added.

"You know something?" Juro asked, putting the paper back on the Representative's desk.

"I suspect," Imoku told him. "You know my stance on Quirkless people?"

"Ah, yes Sir." The Representative had made his stance very clear, and went so far as to only hire quirkless people. He had received quite a large swell of public support for the initiative. Juro was actually thankful for it. His cousin was quirkless and had now managed to find a job, not with one of Kakurete's companies, but with others who realised they were missing out on a resource. It made a lot of sense. Twenty percent of the population was quirkless! One in every five people! That was a lot of votes. It was a lot of labour to just be ignoring.

"One of the stories I've heard actually relates to Katsuki Bakugou."

Juro blinked. "There are always stories, Sir," he said tactfully. He could imagine what some of them said though.

Imoku nodded. "I know, which is why I am asking you to investigate. And then-" the Representative paused.

"And then, Sir?"

Green eyes lanced into him. Juro shivered and he felt like he was drowning in them. "If you do find something, Juro, I would take it as a personal favour if you ensured that Katsuki Bakugou never passes a reassessment."

"You want me to rig his results?" Juro breathed but then it felt like he had no breath, his lungs were constricted somehow by bands of steel around his chest. He stared into the Representative's eyes.

"I want you to make a judgement based on what you find," Imoku corrected meticulously.

"Sir, I ca-" Juro stopped when Imoku raised one hand. He felt that he had to.

"I trust you will make the right decision, given the evidence," the Representative said gently.

Juro swallowed. It was not quite a threat but… he recognised the power the Representative had, even as an independent. "I will make a decision given the evidence," he said.

"Very good," Imoku smiled.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Sir," Juro said as he rose.

"Merely doing my duty."

Juro nodded and left the office. He managed to make it back to his own office before he collapsed, breathing hard. Imoku Kakurete was … Dealing with the Prime Minister was easier! Or the budgeting committee… or the temperamental heroes!

But… he pulled up the file on Katsuki Bakugou, re-reading the information. Juro couldn't help but think that Representative Kakurete knew something and it was something about this Katsuki. He almost didn't want to know what because as much as he couldn't rig the assessment results, he had an awful feeling once he knew what the Representative knew, he'd want to.

He wasn't sure he'd be able to stop.



Imoku turned at the shout. So did the group with him. The word had been spat by a teen. He had messy blond hair and his eyes were wide and fanatical. The group with Imoku took a step back while the Representative just looked on.

He'd always remember that face. Kac- Katsuki Bakugou. And it looked as if life hadn't been kind to his childhood friend.

"May I help you, young man?" Imoku said. He almost burst out laughing when he said the words.

Katsuki's face flashed in anger. Imoku could see the rage there. In the past he would have quailed, now he just waved off his bodyguards. He usually didn't bother with them but at these rally's they were useful.

"It's fucking your fault!" Bakugou screamed at him.

"My fault?" Imoku questioned in confusion. Inwardly he was laughing. Oh it was his fault, all right, in so many more ways than Katsuki knew.

"You are the one fucking responsible for those fucking assessments!" There were small explosions coming off Katsuki's palms.

"You mean the mental health assessment for heroic potential?"

"Yes, you bastard!"

"You may retest," Imoku said.

"No, I can't, you moron!" Bakugou screamed. "It's your stupid fucking test! It has no benefit!"

"My boy," Imoku said, knowing that the pleasantry would only infuriate Bakugou further. "The assessment is for your benefit, to ensure your mental stability." Imoku could tell the group around him didn't think the boy was stable at all.

He had caught the fact that Bakugou said he couldn't re-test. It was amusing. That must mean Katsuki had either taken his retests or… Juro had actually listened to him. Either option was perfect. This was an unexpected opportunity. He had been content to just forget Kac- Katsuki but since he was here… Izuku would indulge himself. After all, some things required the personal touch.

"No! It's your fucking way of lowering the fucking bar! The fucking pansy's couldn't handle it! You fucking quirkless lover!" With the last, Katsuki leapt towards him, hands already bursting with explosions. He roared and then he faltered, looking at his hands. "What?"

Sensei had given Imoku the quirk Spark. Imoku had only ever shown anyone a pretty display of sparks, like a sparkler but he had practiced with it until he had absolute control. Katsuki Bakugou's quirk relied on making small sparks in his hand that ignited his sweat. He couldn't create explosions with Imoku suppressing the sparks.

"Using your quirk in public is very dangerous," Imoku scolded.

"You bastard!" Bakugou screamed.

Imoku gave him a smile. No one ever said Katsuki was slow. He'd figured out that he'd done something. "I'll get you!" He charged again.

Again, Imoku waved off his bodyguards before he moved, intercepting Bakugou. The boy had trained, but Imoku had matured and trained. He was no longer Izuku, no longer the small boy Katsuki had known. As an adult he had greater reach and that was enough. He caught Bakugou's shirt, and pulled. The extra momentum made Katsuki lose his balance.

Imoku supported him and leaned forward so that his mouth was at Bakugou's ear. Imoku continued suppressing Bakugou's explosions. "If you want to be a hero that badly, there's a quick way to do it," he whispered.

Bakugou froze. He became stiff. Imoku smirked, his expression hidden by his position close to Katsuki. "Believe that you'll be born with a better attitude in your next life, and take a last chance dive off the roof," Izuku finished, releasing Katsuki as he took a step back.

The boy collapsed. His red eyes were wide, and stared into the distance. He remembered those words.

Imoku looked down at him for a moment before he moved on.


Imoku heard Katsuki's cry. He looked back, allowing his eyes to meet Bakugo's. There was a flash of recognition before confusion covered the teen's face. There was so much more Imoku wanted to say but it was best left between them. He nodded once, giving Katsuki a smug smile before he turned away, dismissing his old friend who was now looking at his hands, tears streaming from his face.

It was pathetic really, if Bakugou still couldn't face reality. Imoku chuckled. Which of the extra's had said that? It didn't matter. He'd remember the feeling of Katsuki collapsing under his grip for a long time to come.

It was so nice when things just worked out.

Jade_Tatsu_1688 Jade_Tatsu_1688

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