Within the stars the perfection of the heavens was on full display, mesmerizing lights that encompass beauty itself. Millions of shining starts within the perfection of heaven, magnificent space beasts traversed the cosmos, illuminating the galaxies and shaking the celestial bodies. In the millions of stars one called Earth, began to create something that heavenly fates would not allow to exist. That was a new born child named Yu Xiao, in the Desolate mainland's Yu clan.
During the entire birth process the Heavens objected to his existence and tried wielding fate to end Yu Xiao, but ultimately failed. In a fit of rage the Heavens brought a calamity upon the desolate mainland, the Heavens wrath spread throughout the entire desolate mainland wrecking havoc everywhere. Countless lives were lost during this Calamity of Heavenly wrath, heaven was indifferent to the agony of living beings.
Still infuriated, the heavens decided to place a curse upon Yu Xiao. A curse that will one day become the biggest source of power for the enemy of the Heavens, Yu Xiao. A Heavenly decree containing the will of the Heavens that resonated with all living beings, that innately sowed in hatred towards Yu Xiao simple existence.
Yu Xiao was born, even as an infant the curse of Heavens was still prominent. Yu Xiao was born with demonic purple eyes that are deep as an abyss that peer right at ones soul, Yu Xiao's parents were Yu Ling Rong and Zhao Bai. The second his parents saw his face, something had triggered inside them. A feeling that was almost like mind control, it instructed them to make Yu Xiao live a life full of torment and agony. A life without knowing what joy and happiness was, when they heard this there mouths warped and made twisted wicked smiles.
Yu Xiao went through most of ages one to five pretty well, he would be locked in a dark cell underground were light could not penetrate. He'd get food every once a week which would be dumped onto the cold floor, he slept on a bed of coal that occasionally would get heated up by guards during the night to torment him.
Even through all this Yu Xiao had been told he was lucky compared to most kids by his parents, they'd told him that most kids would go months without food and would get beaten every time they would actually dare to try to eat said food. They sleep on shards of countless broken glass, and would get magma poured onto them for a blanket.
Comparing how he was being treated he was genuinely grateful to his parents for being so lenient with him, Yu Xiao had absolutely zero insight as to what the world outside was truly like. deep down he believed it must be similar to what his mother and father had told him, because they were the people who he trusted and loved the most.
"Yu Yao, bring me my newly made stamping iron." Roared Zhao Bai
"Yes master." The tired Yu Yao replied
"My my, honey are you going to be testing out your new stamping iron on that mistake of a child?" Yu Ling Rong laughed wickedly
"Of course sweetheart, the urge of wanting to torment that mistake becomes more restless everyday."
Zhao Bai's face has warped and became disfigured with excitement of what he was shortly about to do, Yu Xiao glanced over at his father with eyes full of love. Yu Yao brought the stamping iron to Zhao Bai, who proceed to use it on Yu Xiao.
Yu Xiao was hanging from his feet with a body covered in scars and scabs, he watched as his father slowly approached with a scolding hot stamping iron in hand. his father face had become distorted with pleasure, many hours later night had fallen. Zhao Bai had the time of his life, experiencing such immense pleasure.
"Yu Yao make sure you lock up and guard throughout the entire night, make sure not to fall asleep while guarding the entrance." Instructed Zhao Bai.
"Yes sir." The once tired Yu Yao became revitalized and responded back enthusiastically.
The second Zhao Bai and Yu Ling Rong left the underground building, Yu Yao went to his post and immediately feel asleep. This was an old trick of Yu Yao, he was lazy and would always act excited to stay guard, appearing energized and then would fall asleep.
Hours passed and Yu Xiao who was sleeping on a bed of coal was surprised nobody heated up the coal that night, Yu Xiao decided to sneak out to investigate the matter. Yu Xiao saw Yu Yao and the rest of the Yu clan guards fast asleep, wandering outside Yu Xiao looked up deep into the sky.
The lustrous moon hanging in the middle of the sky surrounded by millions of tiny stars, Yu Xiao was star struck. He'd never even seen what a tree had looked like, muchless the starry night sky. The alluring stars shimmered in the sky captivating Yu Xiao's soul, such magnificents gave Yu Xiao a strange feeling inside his heart.
Mesmerized by the starry sky, Yu Xiao had his curiosity peaked.
What's exactly beyond this dark room of mine?
Temptation surfaced onto Yu Xiao eyes, a desire to see beyond what he'd become accustomed to. Yu Xiao decided to venture outside beyond his room, possibly beyond the confines of the Yu clan. As a precaution Yu Xiao brought something to cover his face, to reduce his chances of getting recognized by the Yu clan members.
Yu Xiao took charcoal dust and smeared it all over his face, and used the rag the guards put weekly food on to hide everything except his eyes.
Yu Xiao walked past the fast asleep Yu Yao and onto the premise of the Yu clan, Yu Xiao saw buildings other than the four walls he lived in. Their intricate architecture fascinated Yu Xiao not as much as the starry night sky, but still enough to make Yu Xiao want to know more.
Yu Xiao explored through most of the Yu clan undetected, most of the guards were asleep or barely awake. Yu Xiao had no difficulties whilst exploring the surrounding area of the Yu clan, until he reached the end of the Yu clan's area and was met by a 50 meter tall stonewall.
Yu Xiao was wondering whether he should try to wander beyond the area of the Yu clan or not, he'd been getting treated so well by his family he didn't want to infuriate them. However, Yu Xiao had built up a lot of confidence whilst exploring the Yu clan area. He believed he could go out and come back in time so his parents wouldn't notice.
He decided to venture further into the unknown and see what fascinating things are there for him to learn, he had begun planning on finding a way to get past the wall. Yu Xiao decided to walk around the entire perimeter of the wall, to see if there were any areas that looked exploitable enough to escape the confines of the wall.
It took Yu Xiao forty minutes, but he finally found a spot where he could escape from!
The spot was located near the southwest side of the Yu clan and it appeared to be a hole dug by rabbits over the years that had yet to be filled in. Yu Xiao was barely small enough to fit through the hole, But soon enough he made it to the other side.
Yu Xiao popped his head out like a rabbit and stared into a dark forest with his purple alluring eyes, Yu Xiao was amazed once again seeing all these trees. Inside the Yu Clan there weren't many trees, seeing this many shocked Yu Xiao because he assumed that Trees were rare and special, that's why there were very few in the Yu clan. But it was the complete opposite.
Getting out of the hole Yu Xiao started wandering into the forest, he'd discovered mushrooms and other plants along the way. After an hour of exploring Yu Xiao decided to call it quits and go home before his parents notice he was missing, right when Yu Xiao turned around he looked at more forest. He was lost.
Yu Xiao started to panic.
Oh no, what will mother and father have done to me if they find out I escaped during the night!?
Countless thoughts echoed inside of Yu Xiao's head, he became afraid of what his parents would do to him if he was caught sneaking out. The naive Yu Xiao decided that he will try his best to find someone wandering at night and ask for help.
Yu Xiao wandered for 2 hours before he finally found something. It was a Traveling merchant troop base camp, He saw dozens of people drinking out of gourds, laughing around a campfire. Yu Xiao was so mesmerized by the fire he missed the fact one of the merchants actually spotted him.
The merchant was waving over to him, indicating to him to go. Yu Xiao hesitated at first but he'd already come so far in his tiny little exploration journey he decided, why not. This single decision would cause a shocking truth to be revealed and would be the start of a journey filled with anguish.
Hello everyone, this here is the very first Chapter of Anguish Emperor! There will be many more Chapters to come in the near future, I truly hope you enjoy reading my story.
Yu Xiao traversed towards the merchant who was waving at him, slowly as he approached more of the dancing drunk merchants noticed Yu Xiao. Ignoring the other merchants, Yu Xiao continued to go in the direction of the merchant who waved at him.
Once he had reached the merchant, Yu Xiao got a better look at who called him over. It was a middle aged man with dark black hair and bronze skin with a well defined face structure. When the man got a better look at Yu Xiao he felt an immediate displeasure that stemmed from his very soul. But this merchant was a compassionate person and fought back against the displeasure, the curse from the heavens was still in effect but as Yu Xiao face was covered fully the effects of the curse had been reduced.
Instead of pure hatred when looking at Yu Xiao most would feel uncomfortable around him or would feel displeasure being around him, this was exponentially better than how his parents would treat him.
When Yu Xiao got close enough the middle aged man looked at him as asked
"What are you doing wandering out so late at night little one?"
"What's your name?" Yu Xiao asked quietly
"Hehe, this old mans name is Wei Long." laughed Wei Long
"You still haven't answered my question kid, what are you doing alone wandering the resentment forest. Don't you know that evil spirits haunt it and even Qi essence practitioners wouldn't necessarily be safe out here alone?"
"What do you mean by Qi essence practitioners, Also What are evil spirits, and what's the resentment forest" Yu Xiao questioned he'd never heard of anything like this before, just like when he looked outside his room it amazed him, now he's hearing new words and terms.
"WHATTTT! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT EVIL SPIRITS ARE??" Wei Long was flabbergasted, how could any being be this uninformed?
"Nope," Yu Xiao replied with puppy dog eyes begging for him to explain what all those words meant.
"Man, you hopeless kid. Evil spirits are spirits of the dead which have been corrupted by resentment and anger. There are many different grades of evil spirits but I'm merely a lowly merchant from the Crimson Weapon sect so I don't have the privilege of that information." Wei Long replied
"The resentment forest I was referring to was the place you just came from, it's called resentment forest as it was once said that a demonic cult was hidden deep within the depths of those forests and many mortal sacrifices were made the entire forest will end up with resentment of the dead mortals."
"Uhhhh" Yu Xiao was startled, he didn't anticipate that he'd become even more confused after listening to an explanation
"You've gotta be kidding me, have you never been taught a day in your life? " Wei Long was bewildered at Yu Xiao's lack of common sense and knowledge.
"Are parents supposed to teach children things like that? My parents had always told me that going outside was forbidden and that most kids get brutally punished for even taking a breath of air, and because of them being lenient on me I should be thankful and stay inside a room with no light and get feed once a week." Yu Xiao said casually
Wei Long was now utterly speechless, that kind of treatment was no different than torture, and onto a tiny little kid no less.
"S.. soo your saying you've never seen the outdoors until today?"
"Yes" replied Yu Xiao
Wei Long felt a chill down his spine, he started to look at the child with pity but inside his soul became disgusted at the fact he even tried to bare pity onto such a thing.
Wei Long ultimately stayed neutral in all of this and began to give Yu Xiao Mind an astronomical amount of knowledge that will create his world view from scratch.
"Ok, so let me start off with some basics of how the mortal world works. Mortals are being's who don't awaken martial spirits when they turn 15, the mortal world is pretty simple, you have to work to make money to survive in that economy. But the immortal world is much different. Immortal cultivators use their martial spirit to absorb Qi from the surrounding cultivators are known as Qi essence practitioners, a sign that someone is a Qi essence practitioner if they are in the Qi essence realm. There are hundreds of different sects that rule over multiple different parts of the planet, because cultivation is a magical act of defiance that is said to give you power to rival the heavens and become a god. " Wei Long Preached
A staggeringly large amount of Information washed over Yu Xiao, Wei Long ended up giving Yu Xiao a lecture that lasted long enough for the sun to rise.
The blazing cruel heat of reality had caught up to Yu Xiao, he was balling in tears. All the pain he felt because of his parents and them deceiving him and making him care for them even more by torturing him day in and day out. Massive amounts of anguish washed over Yu Xiao, his mind was on the verge of collapse. Everything he cared about was a venomously cruel lie, it was like thousands of daggers had pierced his heart.
During his breakdown, Wei Long Swallowed the feeling his soul was giving him and tried his best to comfort him.
"Hey kid, you should take that off your face or else it will also get wet from all those tears. I'll take you near a horse and even let you sit on it, how about it?" Wei Long asked whilst his soul was aching in rage.
"I'll take it off while I'm on the horse, is that okay?" Yu Xiao asked while tears ran down his cheeks
"Sure kid, as long as you stop with all these tears," Wei Long replied.
Wei Long picked up Yu Xiao and put him onto a black horse that was looking in the direction of the resentment forest.
When Yu Xiao got on top of the horse, he stuck to his words and started taking off the rag that kept his face hidden. Wei Long had backed up 10 feet to give the kid some room.
The second the cover on his face disappeared, Wei Long's face immediately became warped and twisted just like his parents and looked at him with pure hatred. Wei Long immediately picked up a bow and arrow that were on a nearby barrel and aimed at Yu Xiao.
He pulled it back and fired, the arrow pierced Yu Xiao's shoulder, Agonizing pain overflowed within Yu Xiao he screamed at the top of his lungs. That startled the horse he was on causing it to start galloping forward at an astounding rate. It was headed straight for the resentment forest.
Wei Long had informed the rest of the merchants to stop Yu Xiao from escaping, Wei long charged back another shot and fired, this time it missed and hit the horse causing it to gallop even faster.
Yu Xiao managed to get away screaming in absolute agony mixed in with the cries of a horse. The horse entered the forest of resentment and started slowing down until it collapsed and Yu Xiao had already fainted due to pain, and now he was unconscious in the middle of the forest of resentment, alone with himself and the anguish of truth.
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