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47.22% American Fox / Chapter 17: 17

Kapitel 17: 17


The family owned Cookie Corners or CC for short is run by Ginger Snap Norton who is the CEO of the company. It was originally run by her mother who actually owned the land that the original factory appeared on, which Ginger Snap signed over to Barbie shortly after learning that she's in another world and there's no way for her to return to her world. She did it for money so she'll be able to live in this world, but Barbie took her in letting her live at the Eureka Lodgings, who already had adopted Sunset, Charlie, Penny and Peppermint. And over time Ginger just became part of the family and Barbie adopted her to the family. 


Once Ginger became a adult she became the new CEO of Cookie Corners, which her mom and her copies had been running for years. Ginger learned how to run the company from her mother and from Scrooge McDuck. Barbie had hired Scrooge to help run the company after he found himself in this world without even his lucky dime, and to help teach Ginger how to run a company. (1)


Ginger had learned much from Scrooge in how to run a business and do it right like he did. He had worked from the bottom to the top in his world. As he told her, 'I made it by being tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties! And I made it square!' and 'Work smarter not harder!' Scrooge is a member of the board of directors who help Ginger to manage the company. Which has expanded from the humble food production company it began as thanks to investments into other companies that some being subsidiaries to Cookie Corners. Because of the benefits, the pay and work environment made Cookie Corners a company that many people try to work for. Plus with them employing people who are of a different race, human or not and other things that would had them passed over by other companies, Cookie Corners produced many useful products thanks to the people that were hired. 


Companies like Veidt Enterprises and Robco, Cookie Corners are just a major shareholder, while others are side businesses. Some people from other worlds who ran their own businesses in their world came to Cookie Corners for start up money or to become a subsidiary to the main company. Like Rebecca Cunningham and her daughter Molly both talking bears runs a shipping company Higher for Hire, which is the main transport hub for Cookie Corners, who also transports other goods for other companies. There's the newer business that Ginger brought which is Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and its main attraction the restaurant's animatronic mascots. The only person in there when the pizzeria appeared was the night guard, Jeremy Fitzgerald which made him the new manager of the restaurant. After the animatronics were strip down, remodeled and reprogrammed to make them safe.


Then there's Sludge's Waste Disposal Services or SWDS for short, that's run by Sly Sludge. Barbie had found him after he appeared in this world and learned much about him. In his world he was an unscrupulous waste disposer who represents the harm caused by ignorance, short-term thinking, laziness, and the environmental problems  caused by waste disposal. Barbie showed him that his waste dumping scams only gained him short time gain, telling him that if he weren't so lazy and short-sighted, he'd probably be able to get rich and help the public good in his world. And now in this world he runs the best run land fill operation on the west coast.


Other companies like Path-E-Tech Management which was based in an office building are a complete write off. The management in the company was horrible and the products are awful. Despite all of this, the company has been successful and made lots of money, becoming a multi-billion dollar company in their world. According to the Pointy-Haired Boss, this is because their customers are even dumber than they are. Which in this world all the things that allowed such a company that had crime family connections quickly fell into ruins when they tried to do business as they did in this world as they did in theirs. Cookie Corners hired the employees who actually did a good job, like Dilbert, Alice, Asok, Loud Howard, Tina and Carol. The others like Wally the worker who does nothing wasn't hired at all, as did the Pointy-Haired Boss, Catbert and other workers who were all on their own. Which many of them are now working in other job fields then what they were doing before, mostly in low paying jobs if they could find anyone who would hire them. Seeing that they're either dumb, failed at the interview and that how they use to be able to do things in their world they taught would still work in this one or are in jail because of what they did, like most of the management.


Ginger Snap doesn't understand how companies like that even stay in business. Like OCP which while having high tech equipments and did build RoboCop who is now part of Spookhouse. They have the mindset of cool, but inefficient at best, and from the files she read about them they sink millions of dollars into flashy technologies that don't actually work while leaving the actual police understaffed and under equipped. Her mom had been the one who dealt with them and the break up of the assets of the company, which ended up with the employees grabbing what they could to sell themselves once they all learned they're in another world. Company loyalty wasn't their strong suit, which happened because of how badly the company was run. Like what happen at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Winfred-Louder, the Bluth Company, and Kruger Industrial Smoothing, all of them had the lower level employees stealing everything that wasn't nailed down as the higher ups are no longer their bosses and the guards also turned their backs as they weren't being paid anymore. 


Both Ginger and Barbie had a tough time in picking out the good employees who are usually the only ones who keep such companies afloat. That's if they could get there in time that is, the other companies and captains of industry have gotten wise and are doing what they can to get people who they wouldn't had hired before, both native to this world and those from other worlds. With the money that Cookie Corners is making and other Norton held businesses, made many people in the business world take notice and followed the path that would make them money. 


Now Ginger is having a third-quarter performance review with all of her department heads, either in person or by video link. At the table with her are one of her mom's copies who was the CEO before her, Scrooge McDuck, Helena Douglas, Jin Kazama, and Ken Master. There is also Mr. Walker an old friend of grandfather Norton when he was still a merchant who was a trader before joining. Mrs Rock who's taken over her father's chair after he passed away, who's law office has been employing lawyer Barbie's for years. Then there's Mr. Roots who's the representative of the farmers who supply Cookie Corners with the food items for the factories. Then there's Mr. House and Mr. Veidt who are joining by tv screen link, both of whom are the newest members of the board of dictators. Ginger is steadying replacing her mom's copies with other people so that it's not so awkward in having a meeting with a room full of her moms. 


"Is there any old business that needs to be brought up?" Ginger ask who is wearing her light grey business power suit with pants instead of a skirt. She does still wear her hat that has become a trademark for her. 


"The Police Protectrons have tested well in the test cities as well as the other law enforcement test robots. With the robots being assigned to a human partner if something unexpected were to happen, as well as the robot keeping watch on their human counterpart. The first shipments of the new energy weapons have been shipped to Spookhouse," Mr. House said. 


"The first line of webguns have past all the tests and are being mass produce as we speak. I show T.R. the first working prototype and wants all the police in the country to have one, so that the police will have an option to take down someone without having to use lethal force. From firing a stream of webs or a webball and there are other uses for the webgun like in construction, temporary plugging leaks and other uses," Mr. Veidt said. (2)


"We have made a number of military contracts that will be bringing in money to fund other projects. And we're making sure that the money don't go into as you call it 'awesome but impractical' like cloning soldiers," Mr. House said. 


"It wasn't a failure," Helena said glaring at Mr. House. 


"The clones are now working as dancers and performers for Penny and Peppermint plays. Not to mention the sheer cost of making them in the first place and how to keep them doing what you want. Which is why I'm backing Mr. House robot army as they're cheaper and it isn't slavery. Which seeing how in this world the civil war is still in living memory that would just light a smoldering fire. Besides I never understood why it's a good idea to have bioweapons which can easily turn on you, what kind of war is happening off to the side where the idea of living weapons with minds of their own who can decide that they don't want to be slaves. Or if you made a unkillable bioweapon or like Umbrella you create a virus that turns living things into biozombies that can't be controlled and be able to spread world wide easily be a good idea unless you're in the mindset of destroy the world thing," Ginger said. "At least the robots can be turn off and their power cells taken out stopping them from powering up. And be reprogram to do something else after the conflict is over. Which you can't do with super soldiers, who are bred for war and I'm pretty sure the ones who made them never thought of what happens to them afterwards. What do you even do with lab grown soldiers who only know how to fight?" 


"Besides in this world things don't just all work out like they did before. A super soldier who is a good fighter can be easily killed with bullets. Jin your grandfather tried to catch a bullet with his teeth and that didn't ended well for him," Barbie said.


"He deserved it and he did hurt one of you," Jin said.


"The only one here who can catch a bullet is Veidt," Ken said.


"And I didn't think it would work," Veidt said.


"So the whole growing super soldiers is just plain dumb and not cost effective compared to a robot army which can easily be replace or repaired," Ginger said before turning back to old business. "Any other old business?"


"Otto Sump has gone through his face change operation and while it didn't make him handsome, he now much better looking then he was before. And he has gone back to running his Gunge factory which is no longer using disgusting ingredients and waste, even if the cooking does make it perfectly safe," Mr. House said. 


"Morries from Stardew Valley who had sold Jojamart to Cookie Corners and now apart of the Cookie Corner family has been transferred to be the new manager of the new Norton's Corner opening in L.A. and the Jojamart is being converted into a Norton's Corner. The flagship product Joja Cola has been studied and recreated to be mass produce but also improved on the flavor. The soda factory is already shipping out the first shipments of Joja Cola to market," Ken said. 


"Speaking of Stardew Valley how are the factory farms doing on growing the crops from there?" Ginger ask.


"Harvest is good with the new crossbreeds of some of the plants with the giant ones from your world is going well," Helena said. She's in charge of the biolabs and while it isn't what she used to it does give her a well paying job. She still can't believe how big those strawberries are where they grow to the size of a large watermelon, not to mention other berries. From what she understands Farmer Barbie had grown them herself using what Ginger had in her factory that she had gotten from her friends. From there the seeds had spread around and now are grown just about everywhere. 


"The farms with the company are reporting mostly good harvests thanks to the new farm equipments and free training you provided," Mr. Roots said.


"And the animal factory farms?" Ginger ask. 


"They're up to code and are producing well," Jin said. 


"Mr. House how are the farm robots going?" Ginger ask turning to Mr. House.


"The old models have been reprogrammed and ready to be tested in the field. Once the test phase is done new models can be built," Mr. House said. 


"You're heavily investing in food production," Mr. Veidt said.


"Food production is a major corner stone for Cookie Corners. Food will always be something that people will always have need for," Ginger said. 


"And that in this industrial age if food production falls low there be starvation. Not to mention how many of the other big business people will be taking shortcuts among other things," Barbie spoke up.


"I remember that happening in my world. Too many look for short term riches no matter what the cost was in the long term. The robber barons of this world are the same as the ones in my world and that's not a good thing," Scrooge said. 


"Which is why I'm going to short term lost revenue for long term gain. Bamboo farms and hemp farms to replace trees from being cut to make paper and cardboard. Like how Mr. Veidt said that he replaced cars running on oil to electric cars," Ginger said. 


"Yes but of course my world doesn't have Smiling Mushrooms," Mr. Veidt said. 


"Those mushrooms would have solved many problems in my world," Mr. House said. 


"How is Bolder Dam coming along?" Ginger ask.


"The water has been diverted and the foundation is being built as we speak," Mr. House said. 


"And the new safety checks like it being able to take an earthquake?" Ginger ask.


"Yes it's been designed to be able to withstand an earthquake. As well as other features you wanted," Mr. House said. 


"Well more then half of the building budget is being footed by Norton's Water and Power," Ginger said having created the company to run the dam once completed that will provide both water and power to the region. 


"Not to mention the building supplies and transportation for the workers and housing," Barbie said. "The accountants have projected that we'll be in the red for quite some time till the dam is finish and starts paying for itself."


"And I have been making sure that we're not spending more then we need and not a penny more," Scrooge said. 


"We know," Ken said. "Everything in the building is either cheap or cost effected. We also have to bring our own food from home or go out to eat."


"There's no need for such expensive decorations or furniture, especially when its on the companies dime. There be no needless spending on my watch. You want that stuff then you pay out of pocket. Besides you all have free water at the water cooler in the break room there's no need for free food," Scrooge said. 


"We should have an image to uphold," Helena said. 


"For what? Joshua was never one for fancy and upper class taste. Being presentable for him was about being clean and groom, not because of how expensive the clothes are," Mr. Walker said.


"That's dad for you," Barbie said. 


"The company isn't publicly traded so we really don't need to present ourselves to investors. And there are still the other businesses to keep the company afloat," Ginger said. 


"Like selling the marijuana from the farms," Ken said.


"It's not like it's against the law to sell it. At least not to children," Barbie said.


"The legal department already hammered out a bill to be pass to make it illegal to sell marijuana to those under the age of 25," Mrs. Rook said before looking at Barbie. "So it's really bad for people under 25 to use marijuana?"


"It effects the growth of their brains which stops at around the age of 25. After that it's ok as long as one doesn't over do it," Barbie said. 


"And which I fall under," Ginger said being only 24 this year.


"Your mother keeping an eye on you?" Mr. House ask.


"Barbie keeps an eye on her kids like a hawk," Scrooge said. 


"Which brings me to new business," Ginger said as another screen turns on showing a black man in a suit. "Meet David Eiddy the new president of Quark Industries of New Tronic City. Which like the world where Mr. House came from that uses their own brand of Micro Fusion to supply most of their power. They appeared yesterday and Spookhouse agents are already on it to help settle them into the new world that they're in. Most of the city appeared here and while they're very advance in technology they still need the basic goods to be able sustain themselves. The leaders of the city are already talking and making deals to get resources. But for Quark Industries they have lost all of their suppliers and markets. Not to mention other issues."


"Yes and I was told that your company be able to help us," Mr. Eiddy said. With Dr. Axel Donovan having been away from the city and wasn't transported along with the city, leadership role had fallen onto him. Their money was no longer good and all the business dealing they had were gone as well, he managed to calm things down and told everyone to remain calm while he sort things out. 


"That's why we're all here for to make a fair deal. Like how Mr. House world's technology is out dated by your standards but how they were able to do things with it is something to marvel at. Like how from what, I understand your company has only been able to create two robots with true A.I.s while Mr. House's company Robco has that down to an art form," Ginger said. 


"Yes the Spookhouse agent who recommended to contact you had, a Mr. Handy with him. Doctor Slate is still trying to figure out how a robot using vacuum tubes can have an A.I. and then there's the Spookhouse agent Tick-Tock a fully self aware clockwork robot," Mr. Eiddy said.


"Yes Tick-Tock is a puzzle that many are still trying to figure out how he works," Mr. House said. 


"Whoever made him, is simply a master," Mr. Veidt said as while he is smart even he struggles to figure out how Tick-Tock works. He simply doesn't have the talent that went into creating Tick-Tock. (3)


"So lets sit down and see what one side has that the other lacks and make a deal," Ginger said knowing that this is going to be a long one.




Elsewhere -


It all began at Leafmore High, which was a high school founded by the Friedman Brothers sometime in the early 1900s. One of the brothers, Herbert Friedman, is the principal of the school. However, unlike any other school, its true purpose was to be a substitute for a laboratory to conduct experiments to serve the Principal's grotesque scientific pursuits to find a cure for his mutated brother Leonard Friedman. Unsuspecting students took part of these experiments and were captured and put into prison cells. 


The story begins with Kenny Matthews, a jock and popular school basketball player, staying late in the gym to shoot some hoops. Ashley Thompson, Kenny's girlfriend, calls him and diverts his attention from the mysterious figure running off with his gym bag. When he's finished, he notices his bag is gone and goes to find it. He is led behind an iron gate leading to an old mansion. In the basement, he finds a secret passageway that leads to an underground corridor. As he walks further down under the mansion, he discovers glass cases with plants and other experimental subjects. He opens a seal locked door at the end of the hall to find Dan, a student who has been used as a guinea pig for the experiments and locked in the underground lab. Kenny convinces Dan to leave with him. Upon re-entering the corridor, they are attacked by a giant mutated creature. Dan gives his life to allow Kenny to escape. Hurrying up the ladder at the end of the corridor, Kenny is locked in by the mysterious figure.


The next day, Ashley informs Kenny's sister Shannon Matthews that he stood her up the other night. Shannon states that Kenny didn't come home either. Both girls concur that Kenny must be in trouble and they need to find a way to aide him. They visit Josh Carter, the school videographer and would-be detective, to ask him if he knows of Kenny's whereabouts. He does not, but suggests that they stay after school to look for him.


After everyone has left and all the doors are locked, they begin their investigation. First they go looking for the principal at his office in the classroom wing of the school. They find Stan Jones, the school stoner and slack student, if he knows where Kenny is. He does not, but upon hearing Kenny's missing, decides to join them in their search. When they enter the principal's office, they are attacked by a dog-like creature. This is new to Stan and Ashley, but not to Josh and Shannon, who encountered them earlier, where their Biology teacher Denny Walden showed them that the creatures react harshly to light.


In the principal Herbert Friedman's office, they discover that he has a twin brother Leonard Friedman. They also find a note informing the janitor that Herbert is in his office at the school library. Upon meeting him in the library, the four inform Herbert of the monsters plaguing the campus and of Kenny's disappearance. He then informs them that he will find Kenny and that they should leave immediately. He tells them to speak with Mr. Garrison, the school janitor, to let them out. When they visit the janitor, he has been ripped apart and is in a bloody heap on the floor. Josh takes the liberty of watching security tapes in his office. Josh finds out that Kenny is trapped behind bars in some unknown location, and that Elisabeth Lucy Wickson, the school nurse, is trapped in the nurse's office. They travel through the cafeteria wing to get to her and get some answers.


When they find Nurse Wicson, she appears to be out of her mind. However, in her mindless babble, she reveals that Herbert has been doing something "unsafe". The four then make their way to the opposite end of the campus. In the school amphitheater, they find class pictures spanning decades on the wall. In each one, principal Friedman appears to be the same age. They fire up the theater screen and watch the tape that's inside the player. It reveals the Friedman brothers doing tests on human subjects and the subjects mutating into monsters. It also shows Leonard Friedman injecting himself and watching the skin on his face rapidly changing into something grotesque. They make their way by service elevator to the underground corridor and labs. They search and find Kenny in the lab holding cells. Upon walking in, principal Friedman unleashes a toxin, rendering them all unconscious.


When they wake, they're all in behind bars. Stan discovers a metal hook left in his cell by the back wall. He hands it to Kenny, who reaches the circuit breaker and pulls on the cords, unlocking the cell doors. Kenny then informs them that they have been injected with a serum, and if they are exposed to light for too long, they will mutate. The five then fight their way to the surface and back to campus, where it is now the dead of night. They venture into the student dorm rooms where they find a safe that gives instructions to be opened to take down Herbert Friedman. They open it, and find a mountain of data compiled by Dan, and revealing the dirty secrets about the Friedman brothers. It reveals that they both were scientists born in the 1900's. They went to third world countries in search of a rare plant that, if correctly manipulated, would become an anti-aging serum. They needed to know if it worked, so Herbert tested in on himself and his wife Elisabeth Lucy Wickson, and it worked, keeping them the same age indefinitely. However, when Leonard injected himself with the serum, he became a monster. Herbert then founded Leafmore High School, and built a lab beneath it. He and Nurse Wicson would thieve students of the school and perform tests in order to find a cure for Leonard.


Knowing this, the five venture back down underground and find a massive door, sealed tightly. In Dan's notes, however, he outlined a machine that he believed powered the door's mechanics. The five then locate and start the machine, resulting in the opening of the door. When the five arrive at the opening, they witness Principal Friedman there with a briefcase being threatened at gunpoint by Denny Walden. Herbert exclaims that the antidote (the contents of the briefcase) would not save Mr. Walden because his infection was already evolved to the state of no return. Denny then shoots him, opens the briefcase, and injects himself with the antidote. A large tentacle then spears through his chest and throws him across the room, ending his life. The five are left to fight the Leonard Friedman monster. In doing so, they cause the ceiling to collapse on top of him. 


They resurface back in the school gym and they all inject themselves with antidote, saving their lives. The Leonard monster then surfaces for another round. Day breaks, sunlight beams into the gym, killing the Leonard monster for good. While Kenny and Ashley make up, and Josh and Shannon take a breather, Stan recovers the briefcase. While bending down to get it, the Denny Walden monster rises above to attack. Stan jumps back and pierces its head with a bullet.


Two years after the events of Obscure, Shannon and Kenny are now  enrolled in the nearby Fallcreek University, while Stan is making ends  meet as a delivery truck driver. Stan and Kenny have to take medication to prevent the effects of the plant from infecting their bodies, while Shannon has been able to adapt to the changes. As the story begins, a new drug created from a strange flower what is growing all over the campus is quickly spreading its influence over the University's populace. Soon enough, a small group of students (Corey, Mei, Amy and Sven) along with the Leafmore High survivors have to face a horde of mutants and stop the spread of contagion before the situation becomes critical. The students meet a scientist Richard James in the Delta Theta Gamma Frat House that was having a party when the transformation began to happen, who is immersed in the biology of scientific black spores, and aids the students several times. 


The spores spread through the campus and affects the nearby hospital. Mei, who gets a call from her twin sister Jun, goes with Sven to rescue her, but fails when she is killed by an unknown monster. Corey finds Shannon and her brother Kenny, who is badly injured by the black spores and turns into a monster. Thanks to him taking the drug made out of the strange flower earlier. 


When Sven and Corey meet up at a warehouse part of Fallcreek's Dam with the others, monstrous Kenny appears and kills Mei, thus distressing Corey. Stan having respond Shannon's call and meets with the surviving group and drives them away, until he crashes off a cliff into a forest. Eventually, Kenny strikes again, while Corey and Shannon defeat him by making him fall into a pit in a warehouse. 


As the survivors continued to try to escape the nightmare they found themselves in, Stan and Shannon got closer. While they find a place to take refuge, Amy and Sven explore looking for anything useful inside a abandon house greenhouse and are ambushed by a man with a disfigured face carrying a chainsaw. The disfigured man fights Sven while Amy escapes. 


When they found Sven he was impaled on a meat hook by the disfigured man at an abandoned house, Stan and Shannon chase after the disfigured man, leading to the ruins of Leafmore High, to find a tree with huge moving branches. Who is revealed to be the mutated remains of Leonard Friedman and the disfigured man is his son, Jedidiah. Friedman had injected himself with a strain of virus that mutated him and was passed on to Jedidiah. Stan and Corey kill the Friedman tree, while Corey finishes off Jedidiah. 


When the pair return, they find Richard James and the aid had arrived quickly but to the group's surprise and dismay, it turns out that the Delta Theta Gamma Brotherhood, under the facade of a school fraternity, proves to be a secret society obsessed with studying Mortifilia and its potential benefits. Richard being an honorary member is completely loyal to it. They capture Shannon and Amy to examine the effects of contamination of mortiflia on them, especially Amy, who is carrying Kenny's unborn child. The ambulance take Stan, Shannon, Amy, and Corey away, but they crash at a bridge after going through a cloud of spores. Stan and Shannon try to find out where Richard's new pick up point is, to try and reach it, while Corey goes to rescue Amy. 


When Shannon and Stan reach the new destination point Lincoln Stadium a large football yard, they find Corey fighting Kenny, and Richard James taking off with Amy in a helicopter. Corey, feeling desolate, states that Mei was the only one he cared about, and commits suicide. Stan and Shannon kill Kenny by crushing him with a huge platform of lights over the football pitch. As Kenny lies dying under the platform, he pleads to Shannon to take care of his child. Shannon swears that she will not let it live. The helicopter containing Amy and Richard fills up with a cloud of spores, and the helicopter explodes. Stan asks Shannon what to do next as a cloud of spores filled the air created by the child. She replies that she will continue and cut all family ties.


That's when laser fire and plasma bolts struck the child hidden in the cloud of spores. The energy weapons knock the child out of the air where it was quickly surrounded by sentry bots, securitrons and soldiers wielding flamethrowers. The child was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of firepower poured on it, till a plasma bolt turn it to a pile of green goop and the flamethrower units sprayed it with flaming napalm making sure it's dead. 


The soldiers are the special bio-unit, SBU that deal with large scale outbreaks and large scale attacking forces from other worlds. They were created to deal with any form of infected like zombies and creatures that appeared in this world. Even if the viruses that transforms people into monsters aren't the super viruses they were in their world, they could still spread if left uncheck. Once reports came in of several buildings appearing that are overrun with monsters came in to Spookhouse, the SBU were flown in to take care of it before it spreads. Arrival about an hour before dawn and began killing and burning the bodies of the monsters. (4)


Most of the soldiers of SBU are from GAC which were Grant City Anti-Crime division which were a independent police force designed to support and replace existing ineffectual GCPD. They were better armed and equipped than most modern military infantry in their world. With hardened body armor that resists even the most powerful firearms and reinforced helmets made all of them hard to put down. Made up of different units, Scouts and Soldiers the basis units, Heavy Support who are battlefield suppression specialists and heavily armored, Assault who are melee troops with flexible but solid system of body armor, Dead-Eye the snipers, and Tank who are more of a mobile artillery unit than a soldier. Tanks are equipped with dual-purpose cannon that can fire rapid-fire heavy machine gun slugs or explosive shells, depending on what the situation calls for. They're lead by Captain Redwater to clear out the town of monsters and save survivors. 


They're joined by Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Rebecca Chambers, Leon Scott Kennedy, and Claire Redfield, who all survived zombie outbreaks. Eleanor Lamb who came from a world with a city under the sea and who still has her powers in this world. Ethan Thomas a former cop in his world who has the power to use his voice to make sonic screams that can make people's head pop open. The Starling family a family of zombie hunters, Gideon his wife Elizabeth, their kids Cordelia, Juliet, Rosalind, and Juliet's boyfriend Nick Carlyle. Abigail Black and Frank Delgado both use to be part of a government agency of the Department of the Occult Warfare, of the Jericho Team. With only Abigail keeping her telekinetic powers once they came to this world. And Regina who had to deal with man eating dinosaurs. 


They all lead teams fanning out into the forest and parts of the city that came to this world. With them already learning that the monsters hate bright light and with the sun up are dying after being exposed to direct sunlight. And that the flowers which from what they have discovered is the cause for the outbreak, which are all dying for some reason. They used the robots to lead the way and attract the monsters who were once humans out of hiding, where they're gunned down and then burn. The robots were mostly reducing the monsters into ash or green goop with their energy weapons. And their scanners allow them to detect the monsters and creating safe zones where human soldiers could reload their weapons, with gun turrets protecting the forward bases. 


"Alright people report in," Captain Redwater said from the base camp they setup.


"Thomas here, my team have secured the dam. There's less monsters here and it looks like someone took care most of them already, I'm having the robots check all the pipes. The dam has been abandon for 8 years in its world but still works. Some repairs and the dam be fully operation again," Ethan said. 


"Redfield here, my team have secured the Delta Theta Gamma Frat House. We discovered the cause of the outbreak, a plant called Mortifilia which we found the original specimen along with two embalmed bodies of the creatures," Chris said. 


"Chambers here. It seems that the ones who started this whole mess the Friedman Brothers, ventured into Africa where they spent a lot of time collecting unknown plant specimens, after some time of researching, they found a plant that emitted spores with age regenerative properties. They experimented with the plant in the hopes that its longevity and regenerative properties could be transferred to the human body. But it seems that the plant also causes people to transform into monsters with one of the Friedman brothers transforming into a tree like monster," Chambers said.


"Black here. We secured the remains of Leafmore Highschool and found the remains of a tree thing in the basement with the body of a disfigured man. We're loading the tunnels with napalm and as much high explosives we can get our hands on. I'm making sure the source dies," Abigail said.


"Kennedy reporting that Fallcreek University is under control. We killed most of the monsters and are now searching all the rooms for any that we miss and for any survivors. It seems that the reason why the outbreak spread so fast was because the students have been using the flowers as the main ingredient for drugs they been making," Leon said. 


"This is Starling, the hospital is a complete bloodbath. We have killed all the monsters but some of the hospital are block off by rubble. I'm having the teams strip the hospital of everything useful before we burn this building to the ground. The monsters are using the air vents to get around and we're keep getting ambush by them," Gideon reported in.


"How bad is the hospital building?" Redwater ask.


"With how much damage the building has gotten, I'm surprise it hasn't fallen over. We had to put out several fires that have gutted some parts of the building already," Gideon said.


"Gather all the medical equipment and supplies then burn the building to the ground. That goes with all the buildings but for the dam. Thomas I want you to gas the dam with something that kills plants, test it first then when one works use it. And just to be on the safe side gas it again with another gas that works," Redwater said. 


"Why is the dam so important?" Juliet ask over the radio. 


"It's a dam that produces power and pumps water. One of the important items is that any infrastructure that appears from a even, like a dam is to be secured. Saves cost in building one and give the region around it power and water," Redwater explains. 


"Well this place needs to be bleached just to be on the safe side. Don't want any monsters springing up after this," Ethan said.


"We better spray the entire area with herbicides just to make sure all the plants are dead and then burn it afterwards," Regina said.


"Delgado here. We secured Lincoln Stadium and found two survivors and put them into quarantine. There is also a big monster here who they killed by crushing it with some stage lights. I'm having it blasted to ash and burn. From what I gathered from them, they're the typical action horror survivors who somehow survived everything that was thrown at them in their world. They're the ones who killed the tree monster which caused all the flowers to die. So there are only the leftover monsters to deal with, but they do die in direct sunlight. So have the robots scan for the monsters using the plant that turn them into monster to begin to find them," Frank said. 


"Have them tested and question, I want to know what they know what happen. Alright people we have about 12 hours before the sun sets and I want all monsters to be dead by then. I'll be calling in more feet on the ground," Redwater said over the radio before calling in for more help from Spookhouse.




Gravity Falls -


Naruto and Sunset we're together as the Pines twins lead them through the woods. They're glad being away from Sunset's party as her mom and sister have been teasing them since they got here. With Sunset's mom making Naruto be her personal bodyguard while they're here. Naruto and Lila's team have gathered much information about Gravity Falls and the people who live in the valley. Thanks to Dipper Pines keeping a journal about all what's been happening and the beings from before they came to this world and afterwards. And keeping all the strange items in a vault in the underground chamber of the shack that the Pines family live in, that they couldn't figure out what the purpose is. 


The Pines family have been acting as protectors of the valley along with the local police which is made up of only two cops. They had help from the non-humans in keeping the peace and from people fighting. It seem that with how weirdness was already drawn to the valley to being with, cause more events to happen here then anywhere else. The Gorgs being over 20 feet tall have been able to simply scare most of the more dangers creatures and beings away. And the elf village are the rangers lead by Drizzt also helped in keeping the peace of the valley. 


"So what is it like being a princess?" Mabel ask Sunset. 


"Lots of work and responsibilities. If my mom didn't come with me. I would be the one talking with the Gorg king and the other leaders of Gravity Falls," Sunset said. 


"Really?" Mabel ask.


"It's not all fun and games you know. As heir I'm expected to do the royal duties in handling all of the family's holdings and go to events for people I hardly know. Everything that my mother does already," Sunset said before turning to Naruto who is flipping through the manga guide book that gave the cliff notes of what happen in the manga. Namely what would had happen to Naruto if he never appeared in this world. "Naruto what did you found out?"


"That if I hadn't come to this world I would have been a god like ninja," Naruto said. 


"Really?" Sunset ask.


"I already know who my parents are thanks to Kurama telling me. As for what I would had become, thanks to living in this world I never underwent the desensitize program that all ninja children go through so that they don't see what's wrong in what they do," Naruto said. 


"What do you mean?" Dipper ask.


"Do you know how to make a child soldier?" Naruto ask.


""Huh?" Dipper ask.


"You strip them of everything until they have only one thing left," Naruto said. "The ninja villages know this very well. They have so many ways to do it through family or clans and just making sure that any child would see being a ninja is everything. No matter what they have to do to do it, rape, murder, torture and that's just the start. They are all eased into the mentality. They groom them into being soldiers from a very early age. Like what I would had been," Naruto said. (5)


"What do you mean?" Sunset ask.


"I around 6 when I appeared in this world. I don't remember much anymore but enough to know I was abused by the village while I was there. And reading this guide book shows that I would had clung to anyone who showed me anything of human kindness. And with what ninjas do in the manga is just what the writer put in and not showing the ugly side like those stories of pirates and not showing what real pirates would really act like. If I had stayed and went through what happen in the manga, I would be more then willing to kill, rape, and torture anyone if it was for the good of the village and to fit in with the very people who treated me badly just so that I would be accepted by them," Naruto said. 


"Good thing you're nothing like that Naruto in the manga then," Sunset said. 


"Yeah, with how Teddy raised me and showed me that I could do just about anything if I put effort in doing so," Naruto said. He was raised by Teddy becoming apart of the family, with Naruto tagging along with Teddy in many of his travels. Learning from everything that was thrown at him during said travels and from what Teddy taught him. (6)


"But then again you have alot to live up to. Like how I have alot to live up to," Sunset said. 


"Yeah we're very alike in that way," Naruto said smiling at Sunset.


"We're here," Dipper said as he saw the stonewalls that the gorgs built creating a walled fort. On the walls are the elves who use the fort as an outpost as well as guarding what's inside the lone concert building in the center.


"Open the gates!" Mabel shouted to the elf guards waving at them.


The metal gate swung open revealing the camp that the elves have built within the walls. A windmill provided power to the outpost as well as the solar panels that were setup. A gorg was talking with an elf next to her wagon full of supplies for the outpost. The outpost served as a supply base where supplies from the town came in and what resources could be gathered in the forest were sent back to the town. Which is why there are many different beings in the outpost trading for things that they need, as they live in the forest and didn't want to make the long journey to Gravity Falls.


But that's not why they came to the outpost. The twins lead Naruto and Sunset to the lone concert building in the center that is also surrounded by a smaller stone wall around it. They went past the guards and came to the metal door of the building, where the commander of the outpost waited for them with the key to open the door.


"Hey Clive," Mabel greeted him.


"Hello Mabel," Clive said as he unlocks the door letting them into the building. 


Inside the windowless building, Dipper switch on the lights revealing a metal cage built around a strange statue. It was a one eyed pyramid thing, wearing a tophat and bowtie. It had one arm outstretch as if it wanted to shake hands with someone. The twins look ready to attack the statue as if they were expecting it to move suddenly.


"So this is Bill Cipher?" Sunset said looking at the statue.


"Yes it is," Dipper said. 


"He's the reason why you all came to this world?" Naruto ask.


"That's what we figure," Mabel said. 


"With him warping reality and everything else. I wouldn't be surprise that he had one last trick before our uncles killed him," Dipper said. 


"Even with how magic doesn't work in this world and other things we're not taking any chances with him," Mabel said.


"Reminds me of how Discord was turn to stone," Sunset said. 


"DISCORD, NOW THERE'S A NAME I HAVEN'T HEARD IN AN EON," Bill Cipher voice said coming from the statue.


"Did the statue just talk?" Naruto ask.


"Even if he's stuck as a statue and his mind was destroyed. He's still able to talk," Dipper said. 


"Don't get near him and don't even make a deal with him," Mabel adds. 


"You know Discord?" Sunset ask.




"Yes she is and how are you still able to talk? Magic, spirit and other stuff don't work in this world. Even gods like the Greek ones when they show up are powerless with the ones in the past either being killed or sold into slavery," Sunset said. 




"Power block universe?" Naruto ask.




"Do you know why events happen? People and places appearing in this world?" Naruto ask.




"Ok that's it we're done here," Dipper said as he and Mabel lead Naruto and Sunset out.


"Last time he made a deal we ended up facing end of the world type thing," Mabel said. 


"Right, making a deal with someone like him would just lead to something bad happening. Like those wish granting jerks," Sunset said.


"At least we learn something," Naruto said closing the door behind him.





Author's Notes -

1 - Ducktales reboot right before the first episode. 


2 - The webgun is based on Spider-Man's web shooters. Which I never understood why Spider-Man never made and sold to the police who would be able to blast the villains with impact webbing to trap them.


3 - Veidt is the smartest man on his world but there is a reason why he hired a group of writers and artists to create his monster for him. He just doesn't have the creative mind for something like that. 


4 - Pure undead creatures can't live in American Fox if they appear they just die no matter what. The infected which are just people whose brains are infected with a virus or something that's completely different. Also no rapid healing of wounds and limbs without some kind of energy input to give reason why a monster can regrow something. They would need to feed on something to regenerate and can't come out of nowhere like how it happens in most games. And viruses can't keep changing from infecting by fluid contact to being airborn or be able to survive for years in waiting to infect someone unless it's been frozen like real life viruses. And infections that causes the host body to break down will not be able to keep moving around as the muscles of the body would rot away. 


5 - No matter what the ninjas use child soldiers and groom them into that kind of life so that they don't see anything wrong with it. 


6 - The life of Theodore Roosevelt reads like an adventure book in what he did during his life. And Naruto being with him on his travels has learned much, with Teddy acting as his father and mentor during those years. Making Naruto completely different from his cannon self as he had a better childhood then the cannon one and much more matured too. 


First appearances of fictions in this chapter -


Ducktales 2017




Five Night's At Freddy's


Captain Planet 






The Office


The Drew Carey Show


Arrested Development




Big Guy and Rusty




Dead To Rights Retribution 


Resident Evil




Condemned Criminal Origins


Lollipop Chainsaw


Clive Barker's Jericho


Dino Crisis


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