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75% Akuma no Kaizoku / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Kapitel 3: Chapter 3

I was in front of Captain Kuro, he was not at all intimidating honestly but he did have a certain elegant style in his movements, although nothing too exaggerated.

"Since when are Kuroneko pirates so weak?" Kuro looked very annoyed as he looked at all the pirates who were defeated.

"You know, many say that the crew is a reflection of the captain" I said with a mocking smile on my face.

In an instant Kuro disappeared from the place where he was and stood right behind me, while putting the tips of his blades on my back.

"And do you know that a cat eats their tongues?" It was a slight whisper, I must admit that the guy is good at psychological intimidation ... but it does not work with me, much less because for me his speed is nothing.

With relative ease I moved at a speed that Kuro can only dream of having, and I kicked him in the face sending him to the other side of the ship, he lay on the ground for a few seconds and then he proceeded to stand up slowly, his glasses completely broken.

I try to accommodate them like he always does, but that only made them fall apart.

"That is a speed, very impressive and worthy of praise" Kuro looked serene, I suppose he thinks he can still beat me with his most powerful technique.

Kuro appeared in front of me with a speed greater than what he demonstrated in his first move, this time throwing his blades at my face but easily dodging them as I moved to the side.

Realizing that he had missed the first attack he attacked with a backhand of his arm, but this time I dodged it by ducking taking this opportunity to kick the stomach that raised it a few meters, using Kamisori I quickly appeared on him and with a kick The swivel I gave him on the back made him fall back into the boat causing a large hole in the deck.

"It's too bad your speed isn't worth praising." I gently landed on the ship while waiting for Kuro to come out of the hole.

This time Kuro was not so elegant, his hair was disheveled and he had several scratches on his body and clothes.

"Damned!!" At what I could guess was his maximum speed, Kuro started attacking me with a barrage of punches and combos, which I easily dodged just by moving my body slightly.

With one last blow, Kuro's right arm was extended across the empty space where I had previously been.

"Is that all? I'm starting to get bored" I was standing on the head of Kuro who began to shake with rage due to this humiliation, with a solid Geppo I jumped away from Kuro making at the same time that his head was thrown towards the ground and hitting the deck of the ship hard.

"I CAN'T ACCEPT IT !! ... How come you are so strong? You're just a little boy, this only gives me more reasons to stop piracy, more and more monsters like you will appear wanting to go after my head ... You will help me with my new plan "Kuro gave me a small smile, I can only imagine that in the plan that he devised I will be replacing Morgan and delivering the fake Kuro.

"Eeeeee…. No thanks, I'm not interested in helping you "Make fun of these serious guys is the best.

"I am not asking for a favor, I will show you my true strength, the strength of a pirate who has fought in many wars" Kuro began to sway from left to right.


kuro disappeared and then appreciated elsewhere, cuts appeared all over the ship, some pirates who had bad luck were cut with great depth.

When Kuro passed slightly close to me I simply moved to the side to dodge 'At this speed it would be a slightly decent enemy, but he doesn't even know in which direction he's attacking so he's still just as weak'

"I'm tired of playing" Just when Kuro passed by my side I extended my right hand and taking his face I smashed him against the cover, which was filled with blood, surely I broke his nose.

Stretching out my hand, I took him by the foot and proceeded to make an attack that I just thought of creating.


I hit Kuro from left to right against the ship like he was a rag doll, then I let go of him and the guy was totally unconscious.

Slightly funny this showdown.

I turned around to see the last pirate Kuroneko still conscious.

"I give up" Jango was tied to the neck, how had the solo been tied? No idea.

After searching the ship's armory for a while, I proceeded to tie Kuro, Sham and Buchi with iron chains.

Just to avoid discomfort, although I'm sure neither Kuro nor Sham would wake up for at least two days. After some pirates woke up, I forced them to sail to the nearest island that had a marine base, although there were some who did not want to do so when they saw their Captain defeated, they had to do it out of fear.

I went to check the room where they had the loot, if I was not mistaken they must have about 20 or 30 million Bellys between gold and money.

A good profit, now he just had to find a way to save the money before the navy claimed it.


Time jump

A few hours later.


Shells Town


How curious, the closest island was the island where Morgan was, the one who in the original line supposedly captured Kuro.

The pirate ship stopped at the dock while I waited for the sailors to arrive. Apparently if the sails of pirate ships were crossed out with Red or White it meant that they were captured by a Marin or by a Bounty Hunter.

It was common that if a bounty hunter managed to capture the entire pirate band, he would be forced to use the ship to take them all to the marine base.

But to avoid any attack by cheating pirates, the ship would stay at the dock while the navy got there and no one on the ship could enter the city until the navy allowed it.

After a few minutes of waiting around 30 fully armed Marines arrived, then they made two lines thus forming a path for a Marin who was walking with a cape that I can imagine says the word justice.

"I can imagine you are a bounty hunter right?" The guy spoke in an imposing way, something good with his appearance, Tall about six feet, dark and muscular with black glasses and long hair in dreadlocks, his face was adorned with various scars.

"If so, capture the Kuroneko crew and I came to claim their rewards." I gestured towards the ship behind me.

"Very well, I am Captain Jackson and I am in charge of this base ... Men check the ship, only half the others prepare their weapons in case there is a trap!" The guy gave me a sharp look, trying to test my reaction.

"That's smart of you captain," I praised him willingly.

"CAPTAIN JACKSON, THE ENTIRE CREW IS HERE AND THEY ARE CHAINED, EVEN KURO <THE ONE WITH A THOUSAND PLANS> IS HERE UNCONSCIOUS!" A soldier yelled from the ship, apparently very surprised by Kuro's capture.

"PERFECT, MEN ARREST THEM AND TAKE THEM TO CELLS, THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC EXECUTION TOMORROW! ... You, follow me to the base to claim the reward" The captain turned and started walking towards the base.

After a few minutes we arrived at the base where some Marines were waiting, equally prepared in case the ship was a trap.

As Captain Jackson approached, they all lined up and paid their respects. Then a tall blond man came forward.

"Lieutenant Morgan files report sir, everything is in order and the soldiers are prepared for any emergency" Morgan did not seem like a bad guy, I suppose Jango's hypnosis must have melted his brain perhaps, or perhaps he is one of those types who become crazy when they acquire a lot of power in an instant.

"Well done Lieutenant, accompany and provide extra protection to the other soldiers who are bringing the Kuroneko pirates" Captain Jackson gave the order and continued walking towards the base, I followed him.

Morgan only gave me a brief glance and gave me a nod that I could see was out of respect, I guess he got used to the idea that I was the one who captured them.

After a while of walking around the base we arrived at an office that I suppose was the captain's.

"Very well proceed to fill out the necessary documentation to deliver the reward, I appreciate that you help this sea to be safer" He gave me a slight assent which I returned. While the subject was filling out some documents I just watched him do it, it wasn't long before he asked me something.

"Very good, to finish I would like to know your name to save you in the bounty hunter files, these files will be shared in all the marine bases, saving you time in future pirate deliveries" The subject stared at me waiting for me to give him my name .

I had been thinking about this for a while, I thought about using the name of my old life, but I didn't want to use the name my parents gave me, knowing that it would be someone infamous.

So I was thinking, what name would be great? For the last name I thought, if there is the Monkey family and there was also Jagua D. Saul.

Why not go for something like that, so I chose the surname Tiger D.

And why the D? Easy, it is the initial of my old name and also of my old surname, a small tribute to my old life…. And I also wanted to be a D.

And for my name, Kaiza which comes from Kaiser in English.

Tiger D. Kaiza.

A great name, for a great man.

"Tiger D. Kaiza is my name, I am 17 years old" I told the captain who gave me a nod in the form of acceptance.

"Your age was not necessary but that's fine" He looked at me a little weird.

Stupid… I chose the age of 17 because it is what I think my current body has, my birthday is January 8 so I would be close to turning 18, it seems the day I came to this world was January 8 (in this world).

"Very good Kaiza, as all the pirates were delivered alive, you will be given 100% of the reward, 7,000,000 of Bellys for the brothers Sham and Buchi, 9,000,000 of Bellys for Jango and 14,000,000 of Bellys for Kuro. that would be a total of 30,000,000 Belly, an extra is also added for bringing the boat and the rest of the crew giving a total of 30,500,000 Bellys. " Captain Jackson took out a briefcase and placed it on the table, then proceeded to open a safe that was on the wall, where he took out a large amount of money, counted it in front of me and deposited it in the briefcase.

"Here you go, hopefully this motivates you to catch more dirty pirates" The captain gave me a smile.

So he's one of those nice guys, too bad Morgan found him replaced in the original timeline

"So will Captain Jackson, until next time" I said goodbye to the subject and then walked to the dock, where some marines were aboard Kuro's ship and were also surrounding him. I walked to a medium-sized boat that had a sail and a small wooden construction to allow you to rest without worrying about the sun.

There I had hidden the treasure, now I was forced to find a place to exchange this gold and jewels for banknotes, I guess I'll head to Loguetown.

I did not want to go there yet because the most certain thing is that Smoker will be there, and it made me uncomfortable knowing that there would be a person whom I could not defeat no matter how hard I tried, at least not until I get Haki or Kairoseki.

Lodge is fucking OP on the 4 seas and in the first half of the Grand Line.


Time jump

1 week



Good news, Smoker is not in charge of Loguetown yet I am much calmer.

I already exchanged the gold for Bellys and in the end I got a loot of 27,000,000 Bellys I entered money and gold from the Kuroneko pirate ship, along with what I earn with their rewards gives me a total of 57,500,000 Bellys, hell if I am rich.

I'll be here in Loguetown for a while, I'll spend 2,500,000 Bellys and keep the rest, not only must I survive, I must also enjoy life. And here I was in a bar, with two pretty girls on my lap while one gave me a drink and the other stroked my hair.

"DEHHAHAHAHAHA Come on, I'll invite the next round !!" This is living quietly, I had enough money, I didn't have to work, I had enough power to know that no one could rob me.

What more could ask? Or yes, new clothes and a new gun that he had gotten.

The gun was in my hotel room at this time, no one would break into my room, after all the briefcase with the money was always with me, there was no reason to go to my room.

I had arrived in Loguetwon this morning, after exchanging the gold for Bellys I proceeded to buy clothes and some weapons.

Mainly buy a gun, a knife and a spear.

The gun just in case, the knife for an emergency and the spear because I like spears.

It also looked strong, anyway once I am in the Grand Line I will replace it with a stronger one.

(If you want to know what the sword looks like, google 'fate / grandorder scalithach spear')

And for my clothes I chose something simple: black pants, brown boots and a black hat with two white feathers that ended with a red tint.

(It looks like the cover image but without the coat)

"Alright girls, let's have a good time" I left while hugging each girl with one of my arms.


Time jump

Next day.


So here I was eating a delicious breakfast, I had woken up a while ago and after taking a shower I left the room where the girls I suppose are still sleeping, obviously I left after leaving the money, they did a good job.

"The famous captain Kuro executed, he was captured by a powerful bounty hunter" I was reading the newspaper to find out about new events, and it seems that the news of Kuro's execution has already come to light, something important for this sea.

My name is also published along with a brief account of the story, they say that I captured all the pirates on the ship after a hard battle ... pure lies, well I have never trusted the news.

The sound of shouts of joy took me out of my reading causing me to focus my gaze on some pirates coming down the street.

"Come on guys, get supplies for our trip to the Grand Line" A fat, bald man who was simply wearing pants and shoes was the one to speak.

"YES CAPTAIN!!!" The subjects were very happy and apparently proud.

"Captain with your new reward of 2,000,000 Bellys this sea is too small for you" A guy who was obviously the boot licker was behind the captain and was holding a reward sign.

"2,000,000 Bellys? Trash like you will die at the entrance to the Grand Line "The words that came out of my mouth made everyone stop and turn to see me.

Before any of them could react I took the spear that was on my back and with a quick turn of my hands I threw it towards the captain, piercing his hand against the wall behind him.

"All right, give up and tie up or I'll be forced to beat you to pulp" I made the typical threat of hitting my fist against my palm.

"YOU !!! .... That white hair and those red eyes, you must be that bounty hunter who captured the Kuroneko pirates, Tiger D. Kaiza no <Shiroi Akuma / (The White Devil)>."

All the pirates looked very scared.

Oh I see, so all my information was leaked and the nickname must be from what I told Buchi, they were all questioned for sure.

"You know, I really like that nickname. How about I punish sinners a bit? DEHAHAHAHAHA "All the pirates were practically wetting their pants.

End of chapter :D.

I hope you liked it.

Now I have something to say, I already chose the nickname and the name of your pirate band, after all it looks good with the name of the story, by the way there will be few times that I will say the nickname in Japanese, I like the way it is in English more .

I have also decided to give Kaiza the Mera Mera not me, you know to relate the whole issue of the devil and the fire.

And do not worry about training I will be able to dominate a flame as hot as the surface of the sun.

And for the awakening it will be to obtain even more power in the flames, obtaining the blue flames.

Also, fighting the villains of East Blue will be relatively easy as there is no one who can stand up to Kaiza.

By the way, what do you think of the name?

Last question, would you like someone like Zoro or Robin to join the crew? Because I have planned most of the crew positions but they are OC, what do you think?


next chapter
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