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62.89% Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs / Chapter 217: Relationships

Kapitel 217: Relationships

Two weeks flew by as the new Beacon semester neared, and with it girls who wanted to attend it, Weiss, Pyrrha, Blake, Yang, Ruby, Nora, Penny, and Harriet wished to attend the Beacon, with the entire alternate RWBY team and both Coco and Velvet already present.

Ren chose to stay some time away from Nora, just to let her mature as he knew he couldn't by always be her side to reign her immature side, and fully absorbed himself as Klein's butler apprentice.

But that was them as others chose to stay home, Ciri, Nebula, Dew, Gwen, Octavia, May, Arslan, Reese, Melanie, Miltia, Neon Katt chose to stay, with different reasons, Ciri for she wished to find her own way, Aegis knew that she just loved their everyday spars, team NDGO mainly because by their own words, Aegis would now have more time for them, Octavia, the red-haired minx already planned to get into Aegis pants from what he heard, the girls from Mistral, Arslan and Reese mainly because Mistral was in middle integration into Solitas and Reese loved the skate battle arena Aegis build for her, and Arslan because she wanted to get to know Aegis...

Neon Katt, in truth Aegis, wasn't sure what she wanted, still Aegis enjoyed her taunting and the literal trash-talking and from what he could see, Neon too enjoyed her time with him, so he supposed he could just wait how their relationship evolved.

And Neo both Neo's were too absorbed into their crime life to go play on school kid's, where Melanie and Miltia rejected that idea immediately even before Aegis could ask, by their own words, now that they could fuck him any day, they wouldn't go from his vicinity as they used their right's as his personal maids to fullest as they helped Aegis in work in such way that they literally sucked his stress out of his body, with either their mouths or the lower mouths...

Weiss still made sure to prepare the fastest Bullhead so she could return to Aegis in any day or hour she wished, Ozpin after much of talk, acknowledging that as princess and Aegis heir Weiss could leave even in school hours, still Weiss knew that with her present Aegis wouldn't be able to spend much of time with his new girls and women, so even if very begrudgingly, Weiss chosen to let them have some alone time with her big brother, something Aegis found amusing as Weiss instincts clashed, on one side, she wanted to be with him, and on the other, she wanted for Aegis to finally claim the other women, so she doesn't need to worry about them leaving, something Aegis made clear that if they wished they could...

That was for the family side as everything stayed mostly the same, Raven stayed back now as a full-fledged head maid after taking it from the previous one and using her position to sometimes send Malachite twins away so she could spend some time with Aegis, Willow was, well Aegis mother in her late pregnancy found out that with good partner her appetite for new sex experiments was enjoyable, Iris and Alexandra were mostly in their lovey-dovey faze, Aegis already heard about their plans to ask him for his sperm, something Aegis would be honored to give, Salem these times mostly stayed in her room from where Aegis could hear her practicing music, something she clearly had talent in as her piano performance became better with each day, but she still found time to spend it with Willow or others, and of course, she liked to visit Aegis when she could and their relationship evolved into something strange as Salem liked to have Aegis head in her lap and speak with him about even the most trivial things...

Amber, she with Aegis permission, chose to again travel the world, but this time she promised to visit each week and made Aegis promise her that he would take her every time she came back on the date, something Aegis gladly accepted, still her spirit called for adventures, unknown to her Aegis had Album to shadow her with spy drones that were build to assist Amber in case of danger.

Then there was Krull and her three daughters? Aegis still had no idea why they called them such, but he supposed it was a vampire thing, still the four women liked their games, especially when Vahlen let them toy with her new experiments as super soldier's serums to regenerative serums to forcefully psionic awakening to something much worse and let them inside the arena where the vampire women liked to hunt, or fight, or flee when Vahlen experiments get too dangerous, in such cases there are entire Sentinel division with Album's swarm of drones from a legion of Bastion's to aerial Manta drones, to Spider tank mechs, still the vampire girls stopped feeding on others as they somehow became addicted on Aegis blood, and it became common for them to visit Aegis each day for their dose of his fresh blood, especially Krull who liked to drink Aegis blood in privacy, just two of them alone with her sitting in his lap and sucking his neck as their chest touched, Aegis found her act very cute, so he let her doing it...

And Hermione, Daphne, Astoria, Tracey, Fleur, Gabrielle and Luna started going into Atlas Royal Academy that started to teach Magic with their general studies and Magitech subject, plus thanks to being Solitas academy, the Atlas Royal Academy was very militaristic, so the physical and tactical subjects were there too, making the indoctrination into militant Solitas way much smoother for kids and teens to young adults who were learning there, of course, Aegis made sure that teachers don't try to play anything on his women.

Then there was Winter who, found herself a new secretary named Rina Blue, of course, the moment Aegis saw her, he could feel the blood connection with her, making it obvious who she was to Aegis, still, he could see that both Winter and Rina didn't want to come out with that fact just yet, so he gave them all the time they wanted, then there was Sienna who outrightly made a request for Aegis to fuck her, publicly, and somehow that woman made it sound very logical and practical...

Aegis was on the fence, on one side he started to enjoy playing with Sienna who wanted nothing more than for humping on him and breeding herself on his shaft, on the other hand, Aegis liked seeing her frustrated expression, something Sienna found out, which made her even more frustrated, but at the same time Aegis could see she started to enjoy that suspension, still he didn't want to torture her, so Aegis made plans to take her out and finally give her what she wanted.

As for Morgana, she started to spend more and more time in her laboratory, saying that she was near the completion of her work, from Aegis could gather from her ramblings when they spend time together, he already could guess what her target was, and he found it both flattering and unneeded as Aegis didn't mind them as they were, Aegis didn't need for Morgana to create Hera's bath, that they weren't virgins didn't make Aegis jealous or mad, in truth he quite enjoyed making the experienced women feel pleasure, still he let her work, maybe she just wanted to create something different, or just similar...

Merlin... Aegis frowned, as he thought, from the moment Arturia came out, and spoke with Merlin, they both became close? Still Aegis could feel that something was eating Merlin, and when they spoke, he could see guilt she held for Arturia, still Aegis knew that such wounds would heal just with time they spent together and so he let it be for the time, with just being there for Merlin when she needed someone to speak to, and Merlin did thank him for it, as she found that speaking with Aegis was much easier than to other's, the half-succubus truly had hard times to express her feelings as a normal human.

Then of course, came his Master, Scathach, who Aegis found lurking around him, not really going outside, but just sitting in the garden when she didn't train or spend time with someone other, more so with Aegis who Scathach liked to spend time in such way as to just by in same room as Aegis worked, in truth she didn't even mind when Malachite twins tried to have their way with Aegis, in truth Aegis could see a playful glint in Scathach eyes as she saw twins serving him, and told Aegis.

"Strong warriors have the right to have fun with any woman, and you, you are strong."

Scathach said with a smile, her world was all the twins needed to hop on Aegis dick, not caring that Scathach watched, which made Aegis both aroused and embarrassed, which in turn made Scathach grin even more...

The twins didn't care about being watched, as both served Aegis, one who was hoping on his shaft, and the other who was licking his ears, backs, and even his nipples...

Then came Modred who told Aegis that she would follow Weiss as she was her master, and the same thing for Jeanne, Aegis didn't spend much time with them as they were with their master's, but when he was with either Weiss or Pyrrha, both servants didn't mind talking with him or his presence, no in truth Aegis could see Mordred plotting something, and Jeanne well, Aegis did have a talk with her, and he found the Heroic Spirit Jeanne D'Arc utterly lovable, the girl was reserved, not timid, she was just person who didn't need to speak to show her mood or intentions, and Aegis found out, he quite liked her presence that brought his mind calmness, something which was strange as Aegis was NOT a follower of Jeanne's god, still the Holy aura she radiated made Aegis mind and even the souls that he had inside a calm, even the most despicable of souls, those who belonged more into monster category than that of human were somehow pacified in Jeanne's presence...

Artoria was another nut to crack for Aegis, as he found out, that she quite liked to be present in all Aegis kingly responsibilities, observing his decisions a king, and sometimes questioning his decrees and laws, not from malicious intent but from the pure curiosity of why he had them or how could they work, in truth Aegis found Artoria's opinions very valuable as even if not good human being, she was perfect King, and Aegis found himself asking her for opinion more and more, which seemed to make Artoria happier with each question...

Then lastly came the snake, or rather Semiramis who, Aegis didn't quite figure out, she seemed like a very intelligent woman, which bore problem as Aegis could feel her ambitions, and from her legend alone Aegis knew she was someone who nobody should take lightly, still Aegis knew that he shouldn't judge her by her past, so he found that under all that pretense that her quite exuberant taste in a rich lifestyle, she was a pretty good talker, as Aegis and Semiramis spoke mainly about what just catch her fancy, which in Solitas by her words were a lot, still when one day he found poison in his drink Aegis just looked at her before drinking and Semiramis just humped as she said.

"As if that could kill you, or even harm you, so drink it, and let us build you resistance against poisons, and who better teacher than me? You can say it is my show of gratitude for giving me everything I want."

Semiramis said as it was the truth that Aegis let her buy, or enjoy any and all material things that Solitas got hands-on, and from that day Aegis drink poison after poison, mainly the ones Semiramis said were best and easiest for building resistance, and on the harder ones, they could move just when he was more resilient...

In such a way, their days continued as Semiramis showed an interest in chemicals, science and biology study in Solitas, thus letting her meet Vahlen, who was more than happy introducing Semiramis her work, who on the other hand praised Vahlen's spirit in creating new substances...

And lastly came Cinder with Emerald who Aegis started to spend more time with, in truth Emerald became more and more bold, moving from chaste and deep kisses to taking his member into her mouth, one day, when Aegis visited Cinder, he found them in the middle of sex, Aegis wanted to let them have privacy, just for Cinder to stop him, and outrightly making Emerald suck his member meanwhile Cinder herself buried her head between Emerald's legs as her own hand moved between her own legs...

And with Album, it was, even more, easier as Aegis had a neural implant that was connected to Album, so Album knew of everything that Aegis done, and Aegis could be aware of everything Album done, or rather her most present work as Aegis couldn't even try to know everything Album was doing as he wasn't stupid enough to compare himself to ultimate A.I who was able to multi-task on such a scale that Aegis was sure his head would fry if he even tried to know everything Album was currently aware of fully...

And that were a just people who Aegis spent his time with, as there were multiple Schnee family servants who, surprisingly were all women, minus Klein, so Aegis was every day greeted with the sight of maids who were on a level of models, or were familiar to Aegis, making him look into their past just to find they were either criminal or family member of one, or just family member of a failed politician's who were given a choice to either serve Schnee or go disappear, just another work of Weiss, Aegis didn't mind, the women knew enough to not play any game for attention as it was known that if they wanted Aegis attention they just needed to ask, same with Proto-maids, who even now were making Aegis fuck them, which made them each day better and better in both method and body as Aegis found that Album with each new data from proto-maids upgraded them to make the sex even better for him and even for the proto-maids who were practically android's...

The fact that Weiss practically made them slaves who were there to serve them and just in case for Aegis to release stress with them didn't make him much happy, but at the same time, he didn't find himself to care, as the women were both paid, weren't harassed, or even had such hard work as Schnee mansion was full of tech that made cleaning very easy to almost nonexistent need for organic help, still, Aegis made it clear that if some of these wanted to sleep with him, then they would become his, something that made the women delighted, and from the look of it, his words made them stop any competition or even hurry to hop with him into the bed, was it either from fear of Weiss or that they wanted to build a normal romantic relationship was something Aegis didn't know.

And Aegis found himself meeting with Mantle mayor more and more as it seemed that all three women from Happy Huntresses, mainly Robin Hill, Fiona Thyme, and May Marigold, had a crush on him, with May having the biggest one as their leader and Mayor of Mantle Robyn and Fiona teased her in his presence...

So when it came to Aegis, he had a lot of things he needed to do, and that wasn't even half as Aegis still had Kingdom to run...


*Author note*

FFUUUCK that was hard, but I made it!

Still, the next chapter would be more about Kingdom management as this one was about relationships...


Nisiris Nisiris

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

next chapter
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