After arriving at the tavern, Alice immediately asked for a room, some mead for herself and spicy skewers for Alyss.
Even though she wanted to gather some more information, she couldn't help but admit that the fatigue was catching up to her.
When paired with her injuries, a good night's sleep was what she needed the most rather than information.
Making arrangements to meet up with Selen again tomorrow morning, Alice made her way back to her room and threw herself onto the bed.
"Ouch…" She groaned, feeling the pain across her body.
Relaxing herself in the bed for a moment, she sat up and glanced at her arm.
Peeling the bandages off, she could see the state of her body clearly. Bloodied scars riddled her arm with parts of it threatening to burst if she wasn't careful. In fact, some of them have already burst and Alice could see her flesh all the way down to her bone at certain parts.
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