"The commissioner is actually a noble of the city and the story behind it is pretty sad. However, the reward is nice and from what the Guild has told me, the Unbound Demonette is only really known for their blade attacks and speed. Both of which I can deal with rather easily." Ria explained while Alcie raised her eyebrow.
"Oh? There's a story behind this one?"
"Yep. Apparently, the Demonette was something a small Lord commissioned after his wife had passed away. It was supposed to be a reminder of what he lost. However, due to his dealings with Abyss Blood, it seems to have corrupted the original mannequin and now its gone out of control. He's asking for it to be disposed of before it could cause any harm." Ria explained.
The Guild didn't give her too much context but this was merely the rumours that people have heard regarding this Demonette.
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