Waiting by the side while Velouria, Solaris and Enris took the lead in commanding their armies, Lumiria simply smiled and watched.
After all, her army is not afraid of death as death is not the end. Once they die, they'll enter her embrace and live a life of eternity after death.
The longevity that they longed for was within arms reach, why would they be afraid of battle?
Even now, her soldiers were the most 'insane' on the battlefield.
Laughing with each stab they receive, fighting back harder than ever with each wound.
Just when everything is going as planned, Lumiria paused. Her face contorted in a mix of anger and confusion as she stood up in shock.
One of her Lords had been killed and their connection to her severed. She will not enter her embrace and Lumiria couldn't do anything about it. It happened too fast and by the time she noticed, her subordinate was gone.
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