"How potent do you think a cast can become if you combine multiple Spiritual Hearts?" Griselda asked with a cruel grin.
Hearing this, Alice felt a chill down her spine as she saw a familiar light in Griselda's eye.
A light of greed and insanity.
'She's not joking.' Alice thought while subconsciously taking a step back.
"Think about it. The output of a cast, while can be adjusted by the user, is still limited to one passage. That being the Spiritual Heart. There are people in the world who can target this connection, severing the tether momentarily or permanently. One being the Executioner, Allura.
"In the case where a person loses their connection to the Spiritual Heart, only two things can occur. If they are strong enough, they survive but lose the ability to cast or access their Sigil abilities. If they are not strong enough, they enter Spiritual Death. The body becomes a husk of its former self." Griselda explained with a laugh.
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