It took a moment for Allura to fully digest what Alice was saying but Kaden was quick to adapt. He understood that [Alice] was the source of her violet flames. An alternative conscience born from the moment she discovered her own peculiarities.
"So there are two Alices… One that likes spicy stuff, one that likes mead. One likes to wear less layers the other doesn't mind?" While Allura was muttering to herself, trying to remember the information, Kaden turned to [Alice].
"So would you like me to call you Alice? Or do you go by a different name?"
"Alice, please. In the end, we're still both Alices even if we are a little different." [Alice] shrugged since they were practically twins.
"Alright. So you mentioned that you wanted to talk about something. I'm guessing this has nothing to do with your revelation that there are two of you right?" He asked as [Alice] widened her eyes for a moment.
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