Watching the flames dance from one corpse to another, Alice knew she had to stop this and soon. She could not let the flames grow any bigger or else she would not be able to control it anymore until it has destroyed everything around it.
Gritting her teeth, she exerted her control over the flames as an imaginary shackle locked around its neck, forcing it to halt in place.
Alice could feel a hateful glare directed towards her but she already knew her flame had its own temper.
Ignoring its glare, Alice started to gather the flames back towards herself. Lashing out wildly, the flames cried out in rebellion, seeking to fuel itself so that it could break out of Alice's control.
It felt as though she was wrangling a large untamed dragon with a simple rope and her tiny body was dragged away by its strength.
Gritting her teeth, Alice glared back at the flames before remembering what Allura had done during their training.
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