Making their way back to the camp, the duo made sure to rest up while Ria made some notes about the Shasura and where they had found it. She had to document as much as she could remember so that she could give the most accurate information to the Guild.
Not only that, in her documents she decided to add some notes regarding the rumours she's heard thus far about the Cult and the strange figure the driver had seen towering over the forest.
While Ria was documenting their discoveries so far, Alice had gone to sleep. With nothing else to do for the rest of the night, she wanted to catch up on the rest she was lacking.
Before she fell asleep however, she recalled the feeling she felt when making her way down into the depths. She couldn't put her finger on that feeling but it kept gnawing away at her mind.
Alice didn't know when she had fallen asleep but by the time she was conscious, she realised she was dreaming.
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