With potions now prepared, there was nothing else Alice could think of that they needed to do.
She had done her research, made her preparations and Ria even purchased blood for when things went south. All that's left was for Allura to give her the wires and blood extraction kit.
"Is Allura still not here yet? Usually she's pretty on time. What did you say she was going to get?" Ria asked curiously, wondering where Allura was.
"She said she was going to buy blood extractor and some wires."
"And she never said where she was getting them from?" Ria raised an eyebrow.
Seeing Alice shake her head, Ria scratched her hair in annoyance as she made up her mind.
"Alright, I got an idea. Let's go gambling." She grinned, causing Alice to pause.
"Yep. I got a great place to show you." Ria rubbed her hands in excitement.
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