After coming to an agreement, Alice accepted a Law of Agreement to finalise the contract.
In return for protecting his shipment from Pirates, she'll get 2 Platina per successful delivery. If all 10 are delivered in good condition, she'll be awarded an extra 5 Platina.
Once that is done, their contract ends.
But if some of the shipments are damaged, they will be deducted from her payment.
A simple arrangement that was to Alice's liking. While his choice to support slavery and business in the underworld rubbed her the wrong way, she could get behind the straightforward manner of his contracts.
Of course, this could also simply be his way of being careful after her little showcase in front of everyone.
Regardless, she was happy with the arrangements.
With the contract now finalised, Alice left the establishment without staying longer. Her job will start in two days and be finished before the week ends.
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