With the ship now sailing towards the fleet, Alice and Ria began to feel nervous as they were now deep into enemy territory.
Expose themselves too soon and 'death' was guaranteed.
They could see that out of the original fleet, only 8 of the ships survived not including their own. Countless wounded Hunters could be seen leaning against the walls while they took turns to fire their abilities at the beast.
'Most of them are four star Hunters. Even if they're injured, they have access to Resonance that me and Ria don't have. Though the main issue was still the five star Hunters that surround us…' Alice though to herself as she observed their surroundings.
Shaking her head, Alice sighed as it was still too early to be thinking about fighting these Hunters and Harvesters. The key they needed to do here was to rack up contribution points against the beast that is the Storm Leviathan.
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