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3.07% Abyssal Awakening / Chapter 19: Going For The Kill

Kapitel 19: Going For The Kill

As the two scrambled through the paths while trying their best to avoid the spider, Alice knew that it was just toying with them.

She could sense its beady eyes focused on her back while slowly throwing parts of the walls towards their general area, forcing them to run at their top speed as their life depended on it.

It wasn't aiming towards Lilia at all, but she was just unfortunate enough to be within Alice's area.

"What did you do to piss it off?!" Lilia shouted as she dodged some incoming debris.

"Don't! Know!" Alice shouted back through gritted teeth.

Grabbing Lilia's wrist, Alice swung Lilia around the next corner while Lilia did the same, cutting the time needed for both of them to run.

As bad as it was, they had to group up with the other slaves so its attention could be divided amongst everyone.

While they may not be the weakest of this batch, they are certainly not the strongest!

Seeing the shredded corpses of the slaves with crystals embedded into their chests, Alice knew that they had struggled against the Dusk Hunters. However, with the Twilight Hunter on the move, everyone was running away, friend or foe.

Picking up a left over spear from one of the slaves, Alice furrowed her brows in annoyance seeing a hand still holding onto the shaft.

Flicking the hand away, she glanced back and saw a thread shooting towards her face. Widening her eyes, she instinctively threw the spear back and ducked to the side.


Melting the spear, Alice understood that there was acid spread on those threads.

'Tsk! I just got that spear!' She complained in her mind before conjuring a new plan in her mind.

'My stamina is limited. Even with the boost I got from the sloth blood, it's running out and I can feel it. The slaves are also running so it'll be hard for us to catch up with them. The Assassin is waiting for the perfect chance. Meaning he won't make a move until the spider lets down its guard.' Alice thought to herself.

She knew the spider still had its guard up since the biggest danger was the Assassin while the Assassin was probably waiting for one of them to die before making the move.

Scratching her neck out of annoyance, Alice gritted her teeth since her options were fading. She cursed the fact that the main attraction was an Assassin of all things and not someone that could face it head on.

Picking up a dagger on the floor, she turned the next corner and hugged the walls.

Seeing that Alice wasn't running, Lilia panicked.

"Keep running!" Alice shouted, not wanting Lilia to waste her time.

Lilia wanted to complain but seeing the frustration and annoyance in Alice's eyes, she knew that Alice wouldn't suggest this if she wasn't prepared.

Gritting her teeth, she dashed around the next corner.

Sighing in relief, Alice took a moment to catch her breath while keeping an ear out for the spider's movements.

Alice's plan was simple, stall out the fight! She wanted to stall the fight until the Assassin has no choice but to move. If the spectators get bored, the hosts of this event will force the Assassin to intervene in order to not lose public interest.

Her idea was to take advantage of her eye in order to run circles under the spider and keep it in the same place.

It was a fool's plan, but it was the best she could think of. There was still some Abyss Blood left in her body so she can make use of its slowly attributes.

Taking deep breaths to prepare herself, Alice tightened her grip on the dagger as the ice on her arms started to coat the dagger as well.


Crashing against the wall, Alice could see the giant spider from below. Each segment of its legs was just as tall as her while the main body towered over her in size.

Alice didn't make her move just yet. The longer she waited, the more beneficial it is for her. Just as she expected, the spider didn't chase after Lilia, it was locked onto Alice's aura and slowly turned its body to see where Alice had been hiding.

However, Alice was not there as she was now sneaking behind the spider. She was using the advantage of her new perceptive abilities in short bursts to control where she was within the spider's eyesight.

A low hiss could be heard from the spider as it slowly approached the spot on the wall. It could still sense Alice's aura nearby, but the small human was no where to be seen. Understanding that Alice should be in the same area, the spider turned its body around and came face to face with Alice.

Even though Alice could see it coming, her body was simply too slow to react to the sudden movement.

With no other choice, she held her breath and lunged forward with her dagger, stabbing the spider in the eye and dragging the blade across its face as much as possible before letting go and rolling back to avoid the flailing of its claws.

Lifting her head, she widened her eyes as she was greeted with one of the spider's legs almost piercing her head.

Quickly tilting her head to the side, the leg shaved off part of her hair. A faint green liquid could be seen on the tip as Alice knew that it was the venom the Twilight Hunter would inject into its prey. The same venom that's present within its blood and causes people to hallucinate.

'One wound from that and I'm done for!' Alice shouted in her mind as she jumped back to create some distance.

Seeing that the spider was enraged from Alice injuring its eyes, Alice knew it was going to stop playing around with its food and aim for the kill.

Focusing her mind, she wanted to take advantage of the perceptive abilities she had received her in trying to do so, she felt a pain in her right eye, forcing her to close it momentarily.

'Did I strain it too much already? I used it against the first Dusk Hunter, then I used it against the second. I used it in short bursts against the spider when I was hiding from it… Sh*t!' Alice cursed in her mind as she had overused it from how much danger she had been in. It was no wonder her eye would be strained.

Clutching her eye, Alice slowly backed away from the spider as she wanted to find a chance to run but the spider was not allowing such a thing to happen.

Rearing its head back, it spat a ball of webs that erupted into a web wall, blocking Alice's path of retreat.

'You've got to be kidding me…'

Standing up with fatigue, Alice looked up at the sky and sighed. Shaking her head, she glared at the spider. If it was thinking she'll give up and allow herself to get killed, it's in for a rude awakening. She wasn't going to go down without a fight!

Before she could charge towards the spider, she noticed a spear being thrown towards the spider's head.

Quickly turning around, the spider blocked the spear with one of its legs and noticed Lilia above the wall with a myriad of weapons next to her.

"Alice!" Lilia shouted out as she grabbed another spear and threw it. This time it was aimed towards Alice so that she had a weapon to defend herself.

Once she was sure that Alice received the weapon, Lilia opened her vial of Abyss Blood and drank the contents in one go.

Gritting her teeth, she grabbed two daggers and jumped down from the wall before kicking off the surface and charging towards the spider.

Letting out a loud hiss, it tried to stab Lilia in mid air but she managed to twist her body and dodge to the side. Getting within the range of the spider, Lilia swung her daggers up at the joints, causing orange blood to spill before ducking out the way since she remembered what Alice said about its blood.

One dose of that and she could forget about surviving this fight.

"Just stall! Don't risk yourself trying to kill. If it gets too boring, Assassin has to fight!" Alice shouted back as Lilia glanced back and nodded her head.

If her only task was to stall, it'll be a lot easier. Ducking through the legs, she left a myriad of cuts across its abdominal area before throwing a spare dagger towards the face, blinding another eye.

"How do you want to stall it? Keep running circles around it while wounding it or threaten the kill? If a bunch of no named slaves like us take the kill without the main attraction doing anything, don't you think he'll be in trouble?" Lilia grinned as she was annoyed by the actions of that Assassin.

"Let's threaten kill." Alice nodded in seriousness.

"Then let's go before the blood runs out!" Crouching down, Lilia charged towards the spider while Alice forced her eye open and readied her spear.

Seeing the actions play out in slow motion, she intercepted the spider's attack with her spear, allowing Lilia to get closer and landing more cuts across its body as well as a few stabs into the joints of its legs, causing them to fall limp.

Feeling a sharp pain in her eye, Alice was forced to close it once more as Lilia was about to stab the base of the spider's neck when a sudden force threw her backwards.

Furrowing her brow, she saw that it was the Assassin who grabbed her by the back of her dress and threw her aside.

"Know your damn place." He grumbled in annoyance as he heard their plan of going for the kill.

"About f*cking time you showed up, lazy b*stard. We practically delivered the kill to you." Lilia laughed as she landed next to Alice.

The show was now out of their hands, it was time for the main attraction to earn his pay.

next chapter

Kapitel 20: Trap

Ignoring the remark that Lilia had just made, the Assassin narrowed his eyes at the spider. There was a bad feeling in his heart hence why he chose to hide but he couldn't hide any longer.

If he let these two girls steal the show, his own future will be at risk.

Summoning his blades, he threw both of them towards the spider before crouching down low and dashing towards the beast.

He had already made his observations. With what the spider has shown, killing it was simple as long as he avoids the legs.

Entering the spider's attack radius, he dodged the legs with ease while cutting the joint areas, focusing the spider to fall limp before attempting to finish it in on go.

However, sensing the danger, the spider released a large web in the area around it, coated with the venom from its body.

'Not good.' The Assassin thought to himself as his instincts were screaming for him to dodge the attack.

Trusting in his senses, he stopped his attack and latched onto the wall while watching the spider trying its best to get back on its feet to no avail.

Glaring at the assassin in annoyance, it snapped open its mouth and let out a ear piercing screech.

Furrowing his brows, the Assassin noticed the Dusk Hunters converging towards their location, specifically towards him and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Dusk Hunters are coming. F*ck off if you don't want to die." He shouted out towards Lilia and Alice since he didn't want them stealing his show any more than they already have.

"We were about to run without you telling us!" Lilia retorted in annoyance since they've been trying to cut apart the web behind them to open a path of escape.

They barely managed to open a hole big enough for them to crawl through when the spider called towards its allies.

Seeing that both Alice and Lilia now left the area, the Assassin ignored their presence since it was his show now. The main act.

Summoning another pair of daggers, he stood straight on the side of the wall as a myriad of Dusk Hunters shot their crystals towards him.

Flicking out his cloak for extra flare for the audience, he parried each of the crystals with ease before diving into the shadows and appearing behind one of the Dusk Hunters that shot first.

Stabbing both daggers into its back, the Assassin flayed its back, revealing the bones and organs. A third Sigil lit up on his arms as black spikes erupted from the organs, piercing through other important organs as collateral.

With one Dusk Hunter down, he bent his body back and fell into his own shadow before disappearing once more, leaving the other beasts confused.

Jumping out of the shadows of a second beast, he stabs a dagger to the back of the neck before kicking it with the back of his heel, decapitating the beast without an issue.

All of the Dusk Hunters were small fries to him but he had to make up for the time he spent observing the spider.

'There are 8 of these small fries left. If I kill them then focus back on the spider, it should make up for everything and give me a good standing with the VIP's.' He thought to himself as he threw two daggers at the beast that lunged towards him while finishing it off with a final stab to its brain from under the jaw.

With 7 beasts remain, he danged through the shadows like a phantom, leaving behind corpses with black spikes erupting form their bodies.

Seeing the main attraction finally making a move, the crowd cheered for each kill while the announcer tried his best to keep the crowd entertained.

He was just happy the Assassin finally made a move since it had him worried. Many of the VIP's were expressing their discontent seeing the Twilight Hunter going for some no bodies while the main attraction watched while doing nothing.

Once he was finished with the fodder, the Assassin turned towards the spider once more as it was the last beast in the arena. Once he kills the spider, the event will be over.

Looking down at the beast from above, it noticed a few faint glimmers due to the light.

"So you made some traps while I was killing your allies. That makes sense since you're a beast that uses traps. Not its no use." He smiled confidently. He figured that he must've been too cautious at the start when he heard that the VIP captured this beast specifically and thought there was something special to it. But regardless the form, a beast is a beast, no match for a human.

Created a handful of daggers, he threw them with pinpoint accuracy and destroyed all of the webs before jumping down headfirst.

Power surged through his muscles as the look of fear within the spider's eyes caused his lips to curl up into a smile.


Transferring all of his force into a downward swing, he tried to decapitate the monster but it was able to use webs to pull itself to the side, dodging the blow.

Spitting out a mouthful of venom towards the man, the spider let out a furious screech while the man fell into his shadow and dodged the attack.

"Is this all you've got?" He asked with a confident smirk. Appearing next to the spider, he twisted his body and launched a kick to the spider's body, causing it to crash against the arena wall as blood dripped from its body.

Twitching on the spot while flailing what remains of its legs, it tried to get up and failed to do so.

The Assassin knew that he could play with the spider some more, get more reactions out of the crowd but things had to end.

Just as he was about to decapitate the spider, his dagger missed its target and the world seemed to spin.

"What the??"

The lights within this arena seemed to flicker with a myriad of colours while the walls and the spider itself twisted together before disappearing from his view.

Clutching his head, he could feel himself losing energy as he stumbled on the spot and barely managed to keep himself upright.

'The fumes!' Widening his eyes, he understood that he was being poisoned from the fumes of its blood.

"Damn beast!" He shouted in anger and kicked forward. Feeling his kick connect with the body of the beast, he sighed in relief since all he had to do was kill it now. Flicking his wrist, he summoned a dagger and stabbed it into the beast's body before activating his third Sigil.

Black spikes erupted from the spider and the kill was secured.

Standing up, he was about to celebrate his victory to the crowd when he noticed something was off. There was no one in the stalls and the arena was empty except for him. A sense of harrowing unease flooded his mind as the grips of panic wrapped around his heart.

Looking up, he could see the beady eyes of the spider acting as moons in the sky.

Stumbling back, he started to take rapid breaths as he frantically threw daggers towards the eyes in an attempt to break the strange illusion.

"!!!" Pausing in shock, he slowly looked down and saw the spider's leg piercing through his chest. In a moment of soberness, he managed to break out of the illusion and saw that what he was hitting was the moulted skin of the spider.

Coughing up a mouthful of blood, he gritted his teeth and glanced back. He could see the new form of the spider. Unlike its previous body, it was now coated with a pristine white with red highlights across its back. The tips of its legs akin to scythes dipped in a pool of blood while a ghostly glow radiated from its body. Summoning a dagger, the Assassin turned to strike at the spider.

"You damn inferior beas-!!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the spider opened its jaws and crushed the Assassin's head. The sound of bones crunching silenced the crowd as the Assassin's body twitched momentarily before falling limp.

Placing the corpse on the ground, it started to eat away while replenishing its strength.

Meanwhile, both Alice and Lilia were shocked as they watched everything happen all at once.

The moment the Assassin entered the range, he had already sealed his fate as he didn't even notice the spider moulting its outer shell.

"You don't happen to know what kind of spider it changed into now would you? Because that is definitely not a Twilight Hunter." Lilia asked while trying her best to sound calm. Unlike before, the spider now radiated an overpowering aura that caused her to become breathless. Each breath was taken with great difficulty as it felt like she was getting strangled by the spider.

However, Alice did not respond.

There was a strange foreign feeling within her, as though something was reaching out to her from the depths of the Abyss. It felt similar to the moment she killed the Abyss Hound only this time it was much stronger.

She felt as though she was sinking down with no signs of stopping. She did not hear nor see anything. Yet she instinctively felt it in her heart.

A question for her, the bearer of the Eye.

Do you wish to hunt this beast?

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