A week had passed since the incident of Sir Bacchus the first. After visiting the shopping district, Alice was able to buy a flask which she named Sir Bacchus the second. It could hold up to 3 bottles worth of Mead, a little less than the original 5 bottles worth but it was still better than nothing.
After her flask was sorted out, Alice decided to buy a new set of clothes as her current favourite ones had been damaged beyond repair.
She didn't want to keep replacing her outfit and thus decided to buy something simply while saving up money to get Hunter's gear similar to the one that Sera had given her all the way back in the Slaughter Docks.
The outfit she settled on for now was a simple black dress with a pair of black stockings and knee-high boots. Along with this dress was a large white jacket with the edges reaching down to her thighs and a hood to cover her crown if needed.
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