Listening to Egil's story, Selen was silent. She glanced down at the floor and contemplated in silence.
"Afterwards, my father left and it was just me and my mother. For a period, I was still harbouring a hatred but at one point, it was my ego that got in the way. I was still being rude to her despite knowing everything she did for me.
"Then the pandemic hit and she was left bedridden. I realised how foolish I've been this entire time." Egil sighed, finishing his drink.
Looking at the people walking around hand in hand with their parents, a small smile appeared on his face.
"When you ask me if I ever thought about the futility of my actions, I can only say yes. I question why I drank that vial of blood, why I wasn't nicer to my mother and why I couldn't be a better son for her until she was bedridden.
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