Sitting in the carriage that was making its way to a port city leading to the east, Alice glanced up at the sky and let out a long, deep sigh.
After bidding farewell to Selen and Egil hurriedly, Alice caught a ride on a small caravan heading to the port. There was a small party of guards assigned to it with 3 carriages in total and Alice sat with the cargo.
[Feeling regretful?] Cayla asked as both Alyss and Alice nodded their heads.
'What a waste…' Alice complained.
'If the Doctor didn't appear out of nowhere, it would've been a perfect kill.' Alyss followed up.
As they both let out another sigh, Cayla closed her book.
[You still could've killed him at the end.]
'I know…' Alice agreed. If she decided to kill Albert then and there, it would've been easy. Eryn was preoccupied with the Doctor and she could've gotten Caera to help her out.
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