Sitting on the roof of a building, Alice swung her legs back and forth while watching the swarm of beasts escape the fissure.
Her biggest surprise was the large mountainous beast that crawled through.
She didn't even see it walking up to the fissure before it tore through meaning there was a big chance that it was always there but Alice never saw it due to its size.
'Honestly, I wonder what kind of Sigil that beast holds. Seems fire related or something… well.. Size related.' Alyss wondered in amusement.
It would be quite a sight to see Alice suddenly transform into a beast larger than a village.
'True, but I don't want something so brutish. Ideally, I want something for my blood control. I need to bring it to the next level, the point I can begin manipulating the composition of the blood. And by extension, manipulate the composition of Abyss Blood within someone's body.
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