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10.65% A True Beginning / Chapter 21: Ch.20

Kapitel 21: Ch.20

Principal Snider's quick speech about being adequate enough to graduate preceded the mayor Wilkins's speech. It wasn't but a few lines in that the eclipse hit. I felt an instant loss of power from my werewolf side. As he went through his changes Buffy stood up and yelled. "Now!"

We took off the caps and gowns and the fire squad began firing flamethrowers at the snake. I turned and took up the rear of the fight where Buffy stationed me an Alice. There we found nearly a hundred vampires coming at us.

I reached out with the magic and only focused on the plant control. It cost me next to nothing to use so I stuck with that while Xander ordered the archers to fire. I reached out as dozens of tree roots burst out of the ground and began binding and impaling the vampires.

After a few moments I heard a roar as the mayor ate our principal. Buffy yelled. "Retreat, go!"

Xander took the lead. "Hand to hand combat, avoid the plants!"

I continued my mass slaughter of the vampires while we ran into battle. Alice dances around me killing vampires left and right while I focused on the plants. Angel and the rest of the student body followed by Wesley charged from behind the vampires.

Faith and Buffy distracted the mayor as he chased them through the school. I speed up my slaughter and minutes later the last of the vampires that hadn't managed to flee were killed. The school blew up as the last vampire turned to dust.

I released my control over the plants and the roots went back into the ground. Sighing Alice and I shifted through the semi burnt graduation diplomas for ours and the scoobies.

When Faith, Buffy and Giles joined us the fire department showed up with the police and ambulances. There were over a dozen dead and even more injured but it was finally over.

We stood by the benches after the rescue workers left and looked at the school. Willow asked Buffy. "Are you ok?"

She smiled weakly. "Yeah, I'm ok. I could do with some sleep though."

Xander spoke up. "I think we all could."

Buffy mused. "If someone could just wake me when it's time to go to college that'd be great."

Willow asked. "You guys ready to leave?"

Cordelia chimed in. "Absolutely."

Oz spoke up. "Guys, take a moment. We survived."

Willow sighed. "The fight was pretty tough."

Oz shook his head. "Not the battle, high school."

I chuckled and looked at the school before standing up. Oz followed my example. "And the moments gone."

Alice jumped on my back and I carried her to the vehicles we had parked across the field. That night Faith joined Alice and I in bed. It wasn't planned on my part and I wasn't exactly all for it but since it was something Alice wanted, I didn't resist. Apparently she and Faith had been talking about it since before she'd moved in with us.

For a mortal she was able to keep up until even I was satisfied for the most part. We'd spent the entire weekend in bed before we knew it. Alice was currently snuggled on my chest with Faith laying on my other side playing with my snail trail.

I shifted my hip a little when she clawed at it and told her. "If you continue like that we're going again."

Alice moaned. "No, stop. I'm not as durable as I once was."

Faith moaned in my ear. "Promise?"

My vision shifted to the green spectrum as a growl vibrated my chest. Alice slid off my chest saying. "You two had better not break this bed like the last two."

Faith slid on top of my lap and played with my hardening member before saying. "It was you two that broke the last one girlfriend. Besides, a slayer needs to scratch her itch."

I stilled and Alice spoke. "Relax, she doesn't mean it like that. She's not using us.."

I felt her in my mind making sure I stayed calm. Alice turned to Faith. "No more talk like that. He's sensitive about being used and toyed with."

I snorted as Faith saluted. "Scouts honor."

I sighed. "You're not a scout and don't say it unless you want to be the one that tells Xander you mentioned him in bed with me."

She chuckled and slid on top of her prize as she began her gallop. Alice reached up to play with her breasts while her other hand played with Faith's more sensitive regions.

I watched them enjoy their fun while I enjoyed the feeling of the velvety gloved sensation gripping my member. Say what you will about the slayers but they certainly had their charms.

When Faith hit her second peak of the morning I grunted and slid her off me before releasing on hers and my thighs. She muttered. "What's wrong with a little inside action? You're dead aren't you?"

I snorted and took her hand before bringing it to my heart. After she felt it pounding like a sledgehammer I spoke. "I may be part vampire, but where I'm from male vampires can have children with humans. The process almost always kills the mother though and while I could theoretically turn you into a vampire to save you, this dimension is connected to a demonic one so your body would be possessed by a demon instead."

She paled before sliding off of me. Alice told her. "It's why I told you before to be careful. Unlike most vampires, Ryan can have kids, just not with me."

I sighed and pulled Alice closer to me, kissing her lips before releasing her. "I'd never have a child without you love."

She nodded slowly and bit her lip, looking at Faith while I sighed and got out of bed. They both snuggled up together while I cleaned us up again. When I was done I found them both moaning and playing with each other. I smiled and enjoyed the show, not wanting to interrupt their fun, what guy would?

Afterwards I ran a bath for us and lit some scented candles. We spent the day testing the rest of the house out and fed Faith after we made sure the kitchen counter was sturdy. We went to bed that night not even feeling the need to continue as we'd gotten the first blush of new sex out of our system for the most part.

The next morning I opened the Magic Box and adjusted its hours. I hired Giles to run the shop when Alice, Faith and I go to Devon. He had Xander and whoever he decided to hire as backup.

While the girls ran the store, I took off with Giles to the estate sale. The charger handled like a dream as we drove to LA. I stopped by the bank and withdrew some serious money as the estate sale was hard cash only.

Giles had brought a fair amount as he was only here to buy a few trinkets. The auction started with the land itself to be sold off at a hundred and fifty million, separate from the individual items.

I saw no great investment there as it was only a subpar condo not even on the beach. There wasn't anything magically interesting about it other than the ward stone that came with the land and I was fairly certain I could make a better one with the right materials.

I noticed a few demons and even a representative of Wolfram and Hart was here. When the items came up I bought a couple cursed daggers and a bow blessed created by the warlock in question to never miss. It was a bit old fashioned but the spell work was there.

When it came to the spell book collection I bought nearly everything there and only competed once with Wolfram and Hart. The representative got a call halfway through and dropped out of the competition.

The volume in question was called the Darkest Magick. I grinned when I saw it and knew I had to possess it. Giles got his word of Valios and a few ancient scrolls and texts on demons and prophecies.

Towards the end I realized I'd brought to much cash as I'd expected there to be a lot more competition or at the very least a lot more things. That's when the final item came up and the real fun began.

The auctioneer spoke up. "Our last item up for bid is the restless door. It is an object of great power that can open a portal between any two dimensions in any location. The starting bid is one million."

I spoke up immediately. "Ten million."

I looked around and released my killing intent across the crowd, secretly promising pain and death to any that tried to buy it. The Wolfram and Hart employee wasn't effected it seems because he yelled out. "A hundred million."

I looked him over before lowering my aura and putting it away. It became a battle between an arch demon and Wolfram and Hart for the box. In the end the demon won as it raised the price to a billion and a half.

As soon as the auction came to an end I moved like the wind and blurred, I came back into focus as I ripped the arch demon in half and took the box. I smiled carrying it over to where Giles waited with my books and other various items.

The Wolfram and Hart employee came over and introduced himself. "I'm Gavin Park, junior partner at Wolfram and Hart. I'd like to congratulate you on your prize mister Masters. I'd also like to apologize for my earlier actions. I did so only to weed out any and all other contenders. The demon you killed, Mazaroth, was keen on getting it to summon his hordes to this plane. Wolfram and Hart would like to thank you for eliminating the threat and make an offer on the box, we'd be more than willing to pay double what the demon did."

I chuckled. "So double death?"

He paled and adjusted his tie before stating. "Three billion for it in cash if you prefer."

I gave the box to Giles who grunted under its unexpected weight. Turning to the lawyer I told him evenly. "It's mine now. If you and your employers wish to have it I'd suggest you try my approach to getting it. I could use a laugh."

He backed up a little as my claws came out and my eyes glowed. His phone rang and he immediately answered it. "Yeah, yes sir, one second sir."

He held out the phone. "It's for you."

I took it, shifting my hand back and raised it to my ear. "This is Linwood Murrow, president of special projects and-"

I growled and he skipped the titles. "Anyway, I'm calling to apologize for our employees manners. The box and it's uses are limited and therefore it's value to us is limited. We do not wish to squabble over it with you and risk making an unnecessary enemy out of you. If anything we'd like to be allies. Consider this an apology and if you feel the need, his life as well is included in that apology. Thank you for your understanding sir Masters. Please put him on."

I tossed the phone to the lawyer and he listened to what his boss said. He paled and closed the phone with trembling hands. He gulped and trembled all over now. I snorted. "Piss off before I take your boss up on his offer and disembowel you."

He left in a hurry as if he thought I'd change my mind at any moment and eat him. I turned to Giles and muttered. "Lawyers. Can't live with them and you can't eat them without bad stomach aches."

His lips twitched as he handed me the box. I smiled and told him. "Set the rest of the books on top of the box. I'll carry it to the car so that you can open the trunk."

He did just that while carrying a bag with the rest of our combined items inside. After we loaded up the car I drove around LA as I smelled a few vampire nests. I told Giles about them adding. "They could have some useful magical items."

He smiled lightly. "Then by all means get some exercise."

He drove the car around while I slaughtered half of LA's vampire population. We cleared out every nest from the north side of LA to the east and south. We left the west side alone because it was getting late. Funnily enough we did see a bunch of street kids fighting a group on the east side before I intervened and dusted all the vamps.

They didn't exactly know what to make of me as I was clearly not human. We left them with a couple stacks of cash and some necklaces the vampires had on them. One of the participants of the fight was clearly Charles Gunn but I didn't care enough to stop and introduce myself.

He wasn't important enough to worry about in my book. His people were safe and happy from what I saw. Giles and I headed back to Sunnydale with a back seat full of various magical nicknacks we'd plundered from the vampires and demons that ran with them.

Giles was certainly happy as I'd told him he could sell what he wanted at the magic shop. When I mentioned feeling the magic in the word of valios he muttered. "Then I most certainly got it for a decent price. I thought it was a fake. I'll have to do a breath of the Atropyx ritual on it. We most certainly don't want an apocalypse we can avoid easily going down."

His mood went even better from there on until he asked. "Why'd you want the restless door anyway?"

I shrugged. "Dimension hopping can be fun for vacations or if you ever need to raise an army and send it through to a particular dimension. Besides, leaving it with demons and Wolfram and Hart felt rather dumb."

He nodded. "Keeping it away from evil is always a plus it seems."

I nodded. "Though the lawyers did have a point, it is limited. You can't force a door open to a closed dimension or one where gods rule. Not that you'd want to anyway as most higher beings are selfish assholes that would take it and kill the owner of the door."

He raised an eyebrow. "Been doing some reading?"

I nodded. "I got ahold of a book on the gods and goddesses we use when invoking magic and rituals. There are a few I'd be willing to invoke if I was desperate but for the most part I'd sooner rely on my own power to fight. Some of them make my father look like a saint."

He grimaced but nodded in understanding. "They're brings the forces of nature flow through, but you must always remember they are sentient beings with desires and wills if their own."

I sighed and picked up the book I'd spent a million on. I'd only had twelve million to buy things with. Now I'll reinvest the rest before heading out. The plane was leaving in three days and the girls were both making arrangements.

I offered to spot Giles a ticket but he refused saying he had work he knew he'd enjoy ahead of him. I spent the ride ride back telling him about how I had the shop running and answered his questions on identifying magical items and pricing them.

The Magic Box bought and sold magical items and books. But we only ever sold the fake stuff to none magic users. To separate some of the fakes from the real it was rather simple. I'd enchanted a scanner we had to pick up magical signatures. If it didn't have a magical signature it was either a book copy or a fake item.

The book copies were easy enough to pinpoint as Giles knew a spell when he saw one. I had Xander and Faith differ to myself or Alice when we worked together as one of us was always there during their shifts.

Now with Giles there he would be their expert. Fake items weren't bought but sold only and even then only to tourists as I liked to call them. After I finished the explanation I told him he'd have to keep an eye on the night shift.

I'd put in a non violence charm to protect my staff but it went both ways and wouldn't stop theft. Luckily it didn't effect humans but then again they couldn't do much against vampires and it would effect slayers.

I gave him the talisman that controlled it and told him to wear it inside the shop at all times as magic users didn't fully count as humans. He asked. "What are its limits?"

I chuckled. "It'll withstand and stop blows from my shifted forms. It's as strong as I am physically so if you find yourself up against anyone weaker than the mayor you can activate the charm and it'll bind them for a few hours or until they're out of the shop. Anything stronger than me will be stunned for a minute or two at most before you need to flee."

He seemed far more relieved now but I still cautioned him. "Giles, if you run into anything stronger than me you need to get out of the shop immediately. It will activate the traps inside after thirty seconds and bind the individual inside. Depending on how much stronger they are it could be for a few minutes or hours. Either way it's not a good thing."

Giles looked less confident now. "How many individuals do you suppose are stronger than you?"

I shook my head. "Physically not many but there are a few I'm sure. I try never to assume I'm the strongest there is. Cockiness gets you killed. As for magically, there are many. And each of them would be able to unravel those spells I put on the shop with relative ease. Those you need to be worried about. The mayor was one that would've had no trouble with them. There are many hidden demons and wizards out there stronger than I am."

When we arrived at the store we unloaded the back seat for Giles to do inventory. After dropping him off I went to the house and unloaded the trunk. I stored the restless door in my most heavily warded part of the cavern below my basement. I actually spent a bit of time putting it in place with various spells that made duplicates and illusions while making it appear as a natural part of the cavern itself.

When I finished I gave Faith her presents, the bow and the cursed daggers. The daggers caused agony when stabbed in an individual while they had a multiplying effect on the cuts they inflicted. One cut equaled a hundred random slices all over the victims body.

Faith loved them. "Wicked."

I chuckled and told her. "No practicing on humans or Alice or I'll be very angry."

She snorted. "I have other torture devices for Alice."

She wiggles her eyebrows and proved just that. That night Alice was the center of attention and she loved it. Faith and I both enjoyed making her scream and moan. When morning came we had to stop and pack.

We said our goodbyes to the scoobies that evening and caught the first flight out the next morning to Devon. When we arrived, Althenea, the covens seed picked us up at the airport.

From there we settled into the cottage they'd provided for us on their lands. Althenea was the main representative to us as we were seers as well. While we saw the future she saw many other things as well. She could sense our emotional states if what she implied is to be taken seriously.

The only other coven member willing to speak to me specifically was Ms.Harkness, the covens magical councilor and teacher to newbies when needed. Alice and Faith were allowed to meet the rest but as I was an unknown factor because I housed not one but two old ones inside me, they dared not risk the rest of the coven directly in case I wasn't who I said I was.

For the first month it was mostly meditation and healing spells along with guidance from Ms.Harkness on the spells I already knew. Once she grew used to me and the rest of the coven became reassured I wasn't the anti-Christ or whatever, they started teaching me defensive magic's and binding spells.

Alice, with mine and the covens help, grew far more powerful very quickly. Without fear of the hellmouth taint we both were able to grow stronger rapidly. By the end of the second month we'd learned all they were willing to teach us. My well of power grew three fold and now I had what was essentially a pit of magic inside me. Nearly for hundred feet deep and seven foot wide it was filled to the brim with concentrated magic.

Alice was only a little bit behind with a three hundred foot deep well off magic. She'd reached her limit though and seemed to be unable to go further. Faith had spent the time here with us coming to terms with her past and finding an inner peace of sorts.

She'd taken coinciding with Ms.Harkness and trained physically and instinctively with me and Alice. I let her go all out opting to not watch their sparing sessions instead so that I didn't have to see Alice getting stabbed in the heart.

She was fine of course thanks to the gem of Amara, but it wasn't something I could watch and sit still for. I had taken to training with Faith as well, letting her fight all out in each form so that she understood what it was like to fight something far stronger than herself.

I'd held back from each of the killing blows but left a scratch here or there that way she understood she'd be dead at each opportunity. She fought harder and harder at each session improving immensely.

She still found herself drawn to our bed each night so I figured she held no grudges. One evening during the night after a rather fierce round of lovemaking she seemed to have changed personalities. She held a stake I hadn't seen her grab over my heart while she leaned down to kiss me.

Lightning flashed outside and I saw what should've been impossible when she leaned back to push herself on my length. Her appearance changed for the briefest of moments into what I knew to be the first slayer. If I'd have blinked I would've missed it.

She purred as she rode me for a few strokes until I growled. She hissed in a language not even I knew before plunging the stake into my heart as she came. I shoved her off of me and pulled the stake out of my chest.

She came back to herself and Alice asked. "What's wrong?"

I grunted. "The first slayer either finds me attractive and wants to join our little three way through Faith or she wants to kill me while Faith has her own fun."

I tossed the stake at the foot of the bed. Faith spoke up. "I hadn't even realized I was doing anything. I was still feeling numb after the last round of fun we had."

I sighed. "It's time we went back to Sunnydale. Hopefully Giles will have answers to this. I can't imagine the coven knows anything either way. We'll say our goodbyes in the morning and fly out."

Faith kicked the stake off the bed as I laid back down and she joined me and Alice for a spooning session. She hadn't enjoyed spooning to much at first but now I think she likes it almost as much as the sex itself.

The next morning I told Ms.Harkness of our departure plans and Althenea showed up with the rest of the coven. They were mostly females and from what I sensed nearly all of them were as strong or stronger than me magically.

I bowed to them and thanked them for their trust in me as they risked a lot in this moment. Amanda, the coven leader spoke up. "While you were here else watched you from the astral plane and magically sensed the presences inside of you. We thank you for your sacrifice in keep this dimension and all others safe from the evil inside of you."

She telekinetically floated a necklace over to me. "This is an object of great power that we've imbued with all of our Magic's to help you in keeping the darkness at bay. It works much like your own prison inside your mind. If you should ever fall to them, or they should ever break free, it will trap them inside you and render your body immobile indefinitely."

Althenea spoke up next. "It will also automatically cleanse the evil taint off of the magic you or those near you gather. It's range it approximately three meters so be careful."

I nodded and thanked them again before putting the necklace on. The last thing I want would be fore those two evil bastards to get free. They both wanted my body as a vessel to reform their own and should one of them succeed it would be disastrous.

Althenea drove us to the airport where we flew to an airport just outside of Sunnydale. Our classes were already set as we'd turned them in the day before we left Sunnydale so we had very little to actually do.

I checked up on the Magic Box and found it to be in working order. Giles was running it with Anya and Willow. Xander had bought a car from his uncle and went to travel to all fifty states or some such nonsense.

When I walked in Giles was actually entertaining a female friend of his that had stopped by. Anya was at the register to greet me. "Welcome to the Magic Box, please buy something from our lovely selection of items."

Willow told her. "Anya, that's Ryan, the owner. Hey Ryan, are you guys back?"

I nodded. "We've spent all the time we can there now we're just getting ready for School. Faith and Alice are out doing a patrol and looking for Buffy."

She smiled. "That's good. This summer has been rather constant with the slayage. Buffy would probably appreciate the help."

I nodded and Anya spoke up. "You're not going to fire me are you? Because Giles said I could work-"

I waved her off. "Relax. Giles is still in charge of running the shop and if he trusts you that's good enough for me. If you don't mind me asking, are you happy working here?"

Anya smiled. "Very much so. People hand me money for the stupidest things and I get paid a lot."

I raised an eyebrow. "How much exactly?"

She didn't miss a beet. "Nine hundred a week."

I frowned and turned to Willow. "How much are you being paid?"

She fidgeted. "I sort of volunteered."

My frown deepened and I turned to Giles in the back talking to his friend. I walked up to him and spoke evenly. "We need to talk. Now."

I headed for the back room where the magical artifacts and the ingredients were stored. When he came in I waved a hand, closing the door telekinetically. "Why have you cut the cashiers pay and why the bloody hell is Willow working for free?"

He raised an eyebrow and I frowned. "Sorry, Ms.Harkness rubbed off on me. Anyway, why?"

Giles took off his glasses and cleaned them while saying. "The accounts weren't entirely opened to my use while you were gone. I've managed to keep us afloat with the basic income of the shop but-"

I slammed my hand down on the bare table shattering it into pieces. "Dammit, Xander was supposed to give you the account information and set you up. I left him instructions and everything! What the hell was he up to?"

I took a few deep breathes while Giles said. "He wasn't to awful concentrated on the job after your departure but you mustn't blame him entirely. A vorash demon showed up one evening and it seemed to have effected him poorly."

I grunted. "It shouldn't have come in. There must've been a mix up in the delivery otherwise the dangerous demons tend to stay away. I'll unlock the accounts, take yours and the girls pay out of it immediately. The over seas transactions are all wireless so there's probably a back log. You're about to be very busy. If it helps there's a bonus for you once you've finished with it."

He seemed to cheer right up as it was now pay day. I opened the room door before waving a hand and repairing the table. He looked at me oddly and I chuckled. "Devon agreed with me a great deal. Althenea sends her regards and Ms.Harkness said to kiss you but I'll save us both the awkwardness there."

He coughed. "Yes, right you are."

I chuckled and headed behind the counter waving away a worried Anya. Giles told her. "Don't you worry, he's just getting the accounts open so we can all get paid our real money. Anya, you've been receiving less than half your real pay and Willow hasn't been paid at all. I've been scraping by myself, now we're all getting paid in full and from now on we'll be getting our full paychecks."

Willow spoke up. "Oh.. oh! This is good! Now I don't have to worry about school supplies!"

I chuckled as I typed in my passwords and wrote them down for Giles while writing down the instructions I had for him. I typed in their hours from the schedule on the wall and wrote a check for each of them. Anya was getting a little over eight grand while Willow was getting nearly twenty.

Giles himself was getting forty and a bonus of ten grand when he finished the back log I printed up a list for. I handed each of them a check and Giles recurved the first check with the list and passwords. "There's your money and instructions. Giles, once you've finished the list your bonus check will be in the safe."

Willow frowned when she saw the amount she was getting. "This is too much!"

I snorted. "It's not really. There's two main reasons it's that high. One, this is California where everything is more expensive. And two, this is the hellmouth. That's hazard pay that takes up half the check you receive. While the shop is magically protected, there are only so many things you can prepare for plus it's open at night when shit goes down. That and you having to leave the protection of the shop to get home is reason enough to put the hazard in hazard pay."

Willow brightened up. "Oh, I'm that case, yay me!"

She hugged me before hugging Giles and Anya. I chuckled before turning to Giles. "The instructions for the accounts uses are on the second page with the passwords. I've long since talked to my bank and you're able to sign for me up to a hundred grand. There's special instructions for rare purchases for my personal collection on the back. You'll receive a ten percent finders fee for each rare book you find that isn't already in mine or your collection. As for the limit on that account there's nearly eighty million in it that's to be used for purchasing rare books only."

He gulped and nodded. "Thanks, I-I'll see what I can find."

The woman he was talking to before spoke up from the other side of the counter. "Rupert, I didn't know you were taking orders from a kid."

I chuckled. "Love, I'm a nine thousand year old immortal. I'd be careful who you call a kid."

She seemed taken aback by my honesty. Giles told her. "This is Ryan Masters, a unique being even on the hellmouth. He's the owner of this establishment, and technically the man I work for."

She shrugged. "At least he's pays better than the council."

I smiled. "I do at that. Are you looking for a job?"

She shook her head. "I'm on vacation. I work in the London branch of the watchers council special division. I find rare objects of great power and acquire them with any means necessary."

I grinned. "Not gonna find any here though I'd suggest you keep your eyes off my personal collection or I might eye the councils own stash for myself."

She chuckled. "Not possible. That'd be a suicide mission, stealing from the council."

I snorted. "So would stealing from me. Though I guarantee I'm far more deadly than a bunch of old bastards descended from some shamans. Live and let live aye?"

She nodded wearily while Giles told her in hushed breath not to push me as I wasn't joking. I grabbed my coat and told Giles. "If you want the job full time from now on just let me know, Alice and I are back in town with Faith. We can pick up any slack you need us to until school starts. I need to know by then if you want to continue with the full time work."

He nodded. "I'll get back to you on that. Stop by tomorrow and we'll talk."

I nodded and waved to Willow. "I hear Buffy hasn't gotten her class schedule figured out. If you want her in intro to psych with us you're going to have to help her get it done soon before the class fills up."

She nodded. "I'll talk to her tomorrow about it and get it done."

I left in the '75 charger. When I got home I found several rats in my traps downstairs but they'd all long since died from suicide. I had hundreds of traps surrounding the cavern and my collection so I wasn't surprised that those at the auction would try something.

When I hopped down I wandered through my spell work checking it for tampering. It seems none of the demons and creatures they sent made it this far. I chuckled as I looked at the illusion of my collection and turned left heading towards the darkest parts of the cavern. There I tossed a mage light up and revealed a blank wall.

With a wave of my hand it shimmered away revealing my real collection and a study of sorts. I had a recliner there so I could read a good book in piece. The mage light went out and the light in the cavern kicked on.

Dozens of mage lights fueled by the lay lines were activated by my presence in this one area. I picked up the book I'd left out to continue reading and did just that. I'd know when the girls got home or if they needed help thanks to the bracelets Alice made for us a month after we arrived in Devon.

I sat down in my lazy boy chair and continued my studies into the darker aspects of magic and offensive Magic's. The words seemed to float right off the page as I read them and tried to enter my mind promising power. I brushed it off as I knew that path was a dead end.

The spells were useful as most of them could be used without giving in to the dark magic's. When I finished the book and picked up the next one I felt a shimmer from my bracelet letting me know the girls were back.

Setting my studies aside I left the area and the lights went out. As I left the defensive spells reactivated and sprang back into place. I looked up at the entrance and levitated myself with telekinesis. I'd usually jump but I'd learned this trick in Devon and I really liked it.

It wasn't exactly flying as you cloud only safely go in one direction but it worked easy enough and didn't require more effort than lifting my own weight physically would.

I popped out of the cavern and tossed up some new defensive spells to add to the others before clearing away the dead demons with incineration spells. They were far to dead and decayed to be worth anything now anyway.

I went upstairs and found Buffy with them in the living room. They were sharing stories of the past few months while Faith joked about what it was like 'in the sack' with me and Alice.

I let it roll over me as she teased Buffy for her lack of experiences. I chuckled and added. "Then Faith fell off the bed ass first onto the book pile Ms.Harkness assigned me. I had to explain how the books got wet to an old witch that made me feel like a child every time she stared at me."

I shivered as Buffy burst out laughing with them now. Faith told her in detail what sex with us was like and made her very shy. I left the girls to talk as I'd decided I wanted no part of their female talks.

While it was amusing I certainly didn't want to intrude. Alice went me a few thoughts about Buffy I flat out rejected. I sent back that her path wasn't for us to decide. She will end up with Xander in the end.

Alice new this and wanted to limit her pain but I told her. (Painful experiences shape us just as much as good ones. If we change her fate here she may end up worse off then that outcome.)

next chapter
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  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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Stone -- Power-Stein
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