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54.82% A True Beginning / Chapter 108: Ch.10

Kapitel 108: Ch.10

As the small barbecue party dwindle down to a close, I left with Lucifer and he told me about the case he and Chloe were working on with the bee keepers and the mob. I handed him a ring and enchanted it before saying. "Be careful with this. It'll only work on the guilty and criminals. It'll make them confess their greatest sins while in your presence so long as you want to hear them or ask for them."

He took it with a smile and I sighed. "It won't work on the detective. She's never murdered someone in cold blood before. That's the perquisite."

He looked a lot more bored with it now before asking. "Doesn't that take the fun out of everything?"

I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. I've taken down literally thousands of criminals with the same simple spell. It's basically a truth and compulsion spell mixed together with limiters."

He sighed. "I suppose it can't hurt at least."

I nodded. "That's the spirit. Now, I'm headed to bed, if you see Maze tell her I said now is her chance to apologize to Trixie for those awful idiotic things she said before."

I grabbed a shower and hit the bed before I was out like a light. The next morning I felt Amenadiel was back in town. I headed to the precinct to see what was on the docket for today and found Chloe and Lucifer bringing in the paradiso crime syndicate enforcers that were in town.

They just couldn't stop confessing and Chloe was having a hell of a time writing it all down. All five of the enforcers were giving her every detail of their crimes and even the crimes they were witness to or even knew about.

Dan was sitting next to me shaking his head. "Man, this city gets weirder by the day. All the sudden everyone wants to confess to their crimes as soon as they see an officer."

I shrugged. "Not a bad thing that's for sure. It makes our job a hell of a lot easier don't you think?"

He nodded. "True, but it's still weird every time I see it."

Chuckling I went to see the lieutenant about our next case which was a suspected gang shooting that could spark another gang war between the Bloods and the Black Dragons.

They'd been going at it lately over drug and prostitute corners and even suppliers on occasion. Something like this could see the streets of LA run red. It took us twenty minutes to find the killer and that was just the initial questioning as it was the store owner that killed him hoping to start a war to weaken both sides and get them out of his neighborhood so his business wouldn't continue to be effected for a while.

He himself was running a low key cocaine distribution operation out of the store. We didn't even get to contact the gangs as they heard his confession as well. We took him away in handcuffs while they scattered to go tell their bosses.

A while later the store was reported to have been robbed clean and trashed before being burnt down. We did make it back in time to see the federal marshal that killed the bee keeper who was in Woodsec, admit his guilt along with a laundry list of other murders and crimes he tipped off or straight up did himself.

The FBI came in and had a field day with it as he'd been apart of several ongoing investigations into most of the crimes he admitted to. By the end of the day Lucifer gave me back the ring saying it was too much power for him and it did make life a bit boring and predictable.

The former marshal did in fact shoot Lucifer in the hand before being hauled away in handcuffs. I guess there are somethings I can't really change as I am now. When he was away from the police far enough, Chloe pulled him into an empty office and I followed while Dan was distracted.

Before they could close the door, I entered behind them to Chloe's surprise. I grabbed his hand and told him. "Stay still. Chloe, do me a favor and watch the door while I heal him?"

I didn't give her time to answer as I did a powerful healing spell and concentrated on the bones, nerves and muscles in his hand before patching up the skin as well. All in all it took fifteen minutes and a great deal of magic as celestials are resistant to outside powers affecting them and my magic is clearly pagan at it's roots.

He flexed his hand and thanked me before Chloe saw what I'd done and asked. "What the- how did you do that?"

I chuckled. "He is my father after all Chloe and us angels have our own powers. Even a halfbreed like myself."

She gulped. "You're an angel?"

I shrugged. "Partially. Or enough to count anyway."

She frowned. "But I thought the devil couldn't have kids or they'd be the Antichrist or something!"

I snorted. "One, he's not the devil anymore. The devil as you call it, is a title for the angel who rules hell. Right now there is no ruler of hell and even if he was, I'm most definitely his son and I could give a shit about being an Antichrist or whatever. It's your world play with it as you like, I've no quarrels with humans or even angels. You really shouldn't believe what those dusty old books written by bigots say."

She frowned. "The Vatican-"

I snorted and cut her off. "Are a bunch of self serving, power hungry racists that happen to be hypocrites as well. Lucifer rebelled in heaven and poked around occasionally on earth for funzies. The rest is a bunch of crap they feed the masses to serve their agenda. Which by the way if I might point out, they've willing killed more people doing than any other crime syndicate to date has. They're a bunch of pedophiles and sheep that've been fed the same shtick for decades on end to the point where they've begun buying their own lies."

She looked choked by my words and I realized I was subconsciously releasing a small bit of my presence. I apologized immediately. "Sorry, I just get worked up when I see a perfectly intelligent person start believing the words of man over the words of those who were actually there. Humans never really understand the divine even when presented with it and when they don't ask questions and start making up their own crap you get religion. Lucifer, Amenadiel, Maze and I are all here on earth and we'd answer all your questions if you just asked. No lies, no bullshit and no dumb religions."

She looked thoughtful and I sighed as I saw Dan coming. "I gotta go. By the by, Linda knows about us and she's human. She might be able to shed some light as well in a more human perspective."

Lucifer, having let me vent on his partner pulled her away to talk as I went to meet up with Dan. He asked. "What was that all about?"

I shrugged. "Lucifer wanted to talk to me and ask my opinion on them dating again especially after she broke up with him so harshly before. I told him I was cool with it but I think I embarrassed Chloe as she overheard the last part. Anyway, we got a new case? I finished the paperwork on the shop owner."

He nodded. "It's a stakeout for some Armenian human traffickers. It got kicked over to us when several of their people wound up dead."

I sighed. "Let's get to work then. I'll take first shift and wake you up when I get tired. We taking the utility van?"

He shook his head. "We got stuck with our vehicles."

I shrugged. "We can take mine then. My SUV has armor plating and bullet proof windows. Besides, it's tinted dark enough that they won't see us even if they walk right passed it."

He agreed easily so long as I let him drive which I had no complaints with. For the next five days I was on the stakeout with Dan. The only power I used was a concealing spell to hide our presence from then so long as we didn't move.

The rest was all grunt work that had us sound recording and videotaping everything that went in and out the warehouse. I did use my natural hearing as well but it wasn't a spell or anything special.

We caught a break on the fifth day as their bosses came to 'inspect the merchandise'. The moment we caught a glimpse of those poor girls Dan radioed it in and called for backup while we went to scout what we could as quickly as possible.

When backup arrived we stormed the place with SWAT and found a bunch of men playing poker innocently in the middle of the warehouse. Dan ordered a search of the place and I told him to help me as I moved the table and chaired off the floor where they'd been sitting to find the hatch.

They did not like that at all and if SWAT didn't already have guns to their heads they might've tried to stop us. I gave Dan the signal and went down the hatch as soon as he opened it, strapped.

I killed two enforcers and wounded three top lieutenants that refused to put their weapons down and instead tried to fire at me or in one case one of the girls. The boss however, knew not to resist as he simply put his gun down and raised his hands above his head.

Dan covered me perfectly taking out two armed men who tried to flank me. It was really interesting to see how he'd react in a kill or be killed situation and I couldn't have been prouder when he didn't fail my expectations.

The boss refused to cooperate but the subordinates who were alive were a different matter all together as we kept them all separate. The women and girls they'd smuggled to be sold were taken care of and would be sent back to their home countries if they actually had a home to go back to.

Most didn't and would be given a work visa and a chance to make a life here but a few would actually take the chance to get home to their families they were ripped from. I knew why the boss didn't fight as soon as he pulled out his wallet. He had diplomatic immunity.

Scowling, I put the whammy on him and he confessed to the lieutenant in person. All his dirty secrets and crimes were laid bare including implication on the rest of his organization. He was just a captain while those he was sharing dirt on were his superiors.

He even gave up all the bank account information for cyber to look into before coming to and realizing the deep shit he was now in as he'd waved diplomatic immunity, not that it mattered after his list of crimes which included aiding known terrorists into America's boarders amongst a shit ton of murders and all kinds of nasty crap.

The lieutenant got a medal for that one as they was personally responsible for seeing it through. When shit hit the fan with Interpol, our asses were covered and the syndicate was out for blood as their captain had turned states evidence and was put in woodsec until the hearing.

He was simply in too deep now to not cooperate. Dan and I got praises for bringing them in but the real deal was on the lieutenant who was very grateful. Unfortunately for Dan though, his past prevented them from giving him a further promotion as it was an embarrassment to the force.

He'd already made detective again and that was as far as he could go career wise now without a seriously big bust or a shit ton of small busts with a squeaky clean record between now and then.

Life became easy for a while at least. Chloe and Lucifer calmed down a bit and while they did have their date, she hadn't tried to dose him as he was giving her everything she asked for and when he didn't, Linda and Amenadiel did.

I did keep an eye on them just in case so when the creepy priest showed up to meet Lucifer, I was there drinking at the bar. He was shocked to see me and when he asked Lucifer who I was, he told him. "This is my son, Wraith Morningstar."

The priest was disturbed, calling me the Antichrist and telling Lucifer that Chloe was trying to poison him. I sighed. "Even if she were, it's because you and your silly words wormed their way into her head while she was weak and vulnerable to your lies, isn't that right mr.pedo?"

The priest tried to deny it but I just chuckled. "Go ahead weave your lies, but I see the truth. You're hoping to drive a wedge between her and my father for your own sick and twisted game. You can try to deny it but I can just call up the Vatican right now and see if you're on assignment or that you've like I suspect, gone rouge. It shouldn't be too hard when I accuse them of sending a priest to curse at my father and try to poison him."

Lucifer was neither amused nor in need of help as he told the priest. "It's time for you to leave. If he doesn't call them, I sure as hell will now. Your goofy little mortal games aren't amusing to me and I sure as hell won't let them interfere in my life!"

I smirked when I saw Lucifer's angry face. The priest couldn't see his burning eyes because he was too focused on the phone in my hand as I was dialing the pope directly. I'd gotten the number right out of his own mind.

When I raised the phone, he started to leave. I wasn't even surprised when the pope's assistant answered the phone. I explained things politely and even what Father McKinley was up to. Almost immediately they apologized and asked how I got the number.

I lied smoothly and told them I called his bluff on the number he gave me. They were not happy to say the least. By the time I hung up with them the pope had sent out his orders to have the idiot exorcist brought back to Rome to explain himself.

Lucifer wasn't happy still though he was more understanding when I explained Chloe was being manipulated just like his mother tried doing to him. Sighing I finished with. "All it took was the honest truth to shake you out of it from someone you trusted. It shouldn't take much more than that for her either. Just get her to Linda and see about getting whatever drug she has stored away from her. We can't have crap like that in circulation."

He agreed and I headed to bed. The next morning I made a trip to see this doctor Linda and meet her face to face for the first time. It's not like I avoided her, it's just that our paths hadn't had an opportunity to cross yet.

To my surprise Lucifer had anticipated my trip to see her and made an appointment for me. I'd only mentioned it in passing the night before but she seemed more than eager to meet me.

When I sat down on her couch, she asked. "So you're Lucifer's son? The son of the devil?"

I chuckled. "Not quite. You see, the devil is the title of the ruler of hell. Seeing as father left and abandoned his throne, he's no longer the devil. He's just a fallen angel now. Which ever sorry bastard gets stuck with the throne will be the new devil, king of hell."

She seemed shocked by my words and yet both happy and sad. "So he's still your father though right?"

I nodded. "Yes, he's my father as you would call it. So, you must be burning with questions. Ask away, I'm an open book."

She seemed happier now as she asked. "Do you have wings?"

I stood and unfurled them to her dismay. Especially when they caught fire. Sighing I put them away saying. "I didn't at first but I had them transplanted. They're the original wings my father cut of when he arrived on earth. As far as I understand, the child you carry, yes I can tell you're pregnant as can any celestial that is paying attention, won't have wings."

She seemed relieved by my words as I continued. "Should he want them though, Amenadiel will have to cut his own off and regrow them so the baby can get them transplanted when he's older. It's a painful process but I recommend him between fifteen and twenty for the transplant to take easy enough with as minimal pain as possible."

She started taking notes and asked. "Did you always have white hair? Is that a angel baby thing?"

I shook my head. "I got it because of my moms side of the family. Listen, I don't know how much Lucifer has told you, but the Christian pantheon of god and his angels isn't the only pantheon on earth."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh? Who all is out there?"

I shrugged. "As far as I can tell, every pantheon of gods and goddesses out there. My mother is Nyx, Greek goddess of night. That makes me half angel, half god with a lower case g."

She was a bit taken aback as she found that out. "Wait, there are other gods?"

Chuckling I told her. "In a way, but then again not really, at least not on this earth. You see, the other pantheons that I've come across are not the same type of gods as the Christian one. They are more like totems. They exist because people have faith in them, not despite it. They're more like juiced up nature spirits in a way. Elements and laws of the universe given flesh and consciousness. And because of that they've changed over time."

She started hyperventilating until she heard my last words. "How have they changed?"

I sighed. "At first they were innocent, pure nature spirits that represented things like fate, judgement, family and honor. But that was when humanity was barely starting out. Now, with so many humans feeding them their beliefs of those concepts, they've been corrupted from the inside. Honor became shamelessness, judgement became hypocrisy, and fate became choice. As far as I can tell, even their perspective on family changed to infighting. They're little more than power hungry ass holes now."

She frowned deeply before saying. "Then your mother-"

I stopped her there sighing. "She's not been changed by the human perspective. The night is and always will be the night. A time of reflection where hopes and dreams come awake. As far as I can tell, only Gaia has been corrupted out of the primordial gods and goddesses."

Linda frowned. "What's a primordial god and goddess?"

I sighed drew her a basic family tree then pointed them all out to her. When she asked about the incest they did I chuckled and cut my finger with a dagger showing her my golden blood. "Gods don't have DNA like humans do. They are made of something else. As far as I can tell, it's some sort of essence derived from the faith of those that believe in them. They are living concepts of human belief. As for the sleeping around, well, humanity has always been a promiscuous bunch."

She frowned. "If they're living concepts then how do they procreate with humans?"

I shrugged. "You've got me there. But the demigods, the children of those unions, are blessed with ADHD and dyslexia. Not a fun combo might I add. The dyslexia is because their brains are hardwired to read only their god parent's language. Whether it be greek, Roman, Egyptian or Norse. As for the ADHD, well, it's because they're blessed with battle reflexes. They literally can't sit still without years of practice and meditation attempts. Let me tell you, that shit is not fun."

She looked more and more amazed as I sighed. "Tell you what, you do your research on my mother's side of the family and when I come back again, I'll answer any questions you have on the topic. For now though, do you have any about my father's side of the family or for me in particular?"

She nodded. "Tons. But I'm not sure where to start."

Chuckling I told her. "Fire away, I'm here to help."

For the next hour or so I answered her questions as they came up as best I could. There were a few topics like what the other angels were like that I had to refer her to Amenadiel or Lucifer for as I hadn't met many of them.

When I left, Chloe was just coming in to talk to her. I sighed and told her. "It's ok to be afraid. So long as you don't act from a place of fear but one of true clarity, all will be well."

She looked at me sadly and I left her there while heading to the precinct to catch up on the new case with Dan. It turns out we were assigned to assist on Chloe and Lucifer's case. I didn't hold back any punches either when we had to confront the Los X's, an LA street gang that went big time.

Unfortunately they have high powered lawyers backing them but that didn't stop Dan and Maze from beating them black and blue to get the info they wanted in the end. Dan kept it from me out of some need to keep my nose clean of the down and dirty work.

Lucifer confronted the bad guy, a parishioner who was sent by Father McKinley to draw our Lucifer's true face. I arrived on scene as backup and found the secret room while Lucifer was confronting the murderer. When the priests tried to flee quietly, they were met with me holding them at gun point.

I cuffed them both and brought them around. The priest Father McKinley brought in to be a witness confessed and ratted out the old exorcist right then and there. Father McKinley struggled a bit but I loaded them both up with Chloe and Lucifer's help into the back of my SUV that I had modified to be escape proof while in the back seats.

With one confession, I did a compulsion spell on the exorcist and he admitted to his crimes which included pedophilia and conspiracy to commit murder. The other priest, Bishop Hoffman, agreed to testify and made a few calls, ending with Father McKinley getting excommunicated from the Catholic church.

When I saw Dan again, I slugged him hard enough to bust his lip, right there in the precinct. When he got back up I growled in his face. "The next time you think about going solo and playing cowboy, I'll kick your ass! We're supposed to be partners, not some rouge cowboy wannabes. If you can't trust me to have your back out there just say the fucking word!"

All eyes were on us as I turned and walked away, leaving him to deal with the people's questioning looks. He, at least had the good graces to look embarrassed and apologized before I got to the door. After a promise from him not to leave me out of the loop again, we made up over a round of beers and another barbecue.

This time it was more like an indoor party on my floor of LUX. He was dragged off to the guest bedroom by three very willing Britney's who all wanted a piece of the cop. I'm ever so happy for sound dampening spells and soundproof walls.

A few girls tried taking me to bed but I simply wasn't in the mood nor was I interested. They did however party well into the night and turned my living room into an orgy party.

I had to cut the night short for both me and Dan as we were called in for another crime scene later in the night. He was already sexed out by the time he got the call as well and joined me.

He looked at the living room then back to me saying. "You really are your father's son."

I shrugged. "Don't look at me, I didn't join them. I've no interest in these people. They were here for you. Unfortunately for you though, you left with the Britney's instead of having them just join in the orgy with you. I went to bed not long afterwards."

He didn't believe me at first but when I just shrugged it off he asked. "When's the last time you were with someone?"

I sighed and got in the car. "Just after Ella and I broke up. It was more of a rebound than anything else and it only lasted one night. Believe it or not Dan, I have standards. As for you though, I hope you wore a condom, those girls are notorious for their sleeping around."

He looked flabbergasted and I chuckled. "Relax, they have standards too. I got with all three of them as well not long after I got into town the first time around. They only ever go for Lucifer, me or Maze. You're probably the only lay they've had in a year or more. Other than each other of course."

He sighed and asked. "Is it always like this? A different girl each night?"

I shrugged. "It can be if you're willing and have the time. Though I've avoided it mostly until now because it's a hollow existence. They offer no real part of themselves and I'm not a man whore by your standards. Hell, Maze was the first woman I've touched with this once virgin body, out of six, and that includes the three Britney's and Ella."

He grimaced and I chuckled letting it go as we made it to the private airport twenty minutes later. There the business partner of the murdered man got caught in a lie until he admitted to killing his partner for the stollen diamond necklace that was still missing.

Dan and I were doing the follow up to find the stollen necklace and found Bashir Al-Fassad. He and his nephew were a bit pissed at their hired gun, Turkish Pete, who admitted to having someone steal the necklace right there in front of them.

He even supplied us with a name while asking for police protection now that he'd screwed himself. Bashir wasn't too happy or even very willing to let him go but then his claim over the necklace was pretty solid so once it was processed, he agreed to get it out the legal way.

Pete though was put into woodsec when he turned states evidence against Bashir and his organization. Lucifer did happen to show up but ended up leaving when I told him what happened and who was responsible for it all.

Though he was still pissed at George, Bashir's nephew who shot him outside his club last night. He gave him a scare for the road and we left to file paperwork once more. I spent the week in and out of court, testifying against all kinds of criminals we'd arrested as their numbers were up.

A few times I had to force the jury to come clean for taking bribes and blackmail attempts. It wasn't much but it certainly condemned those responsible to harsher sentences. Hell, even a judge admitted to being paid off from the massive truth compulsion I put on the humans in the court room.

It was a very tiring week for everyone as a ton of people went to jail for their crimes. I'm a decent person so those unrepentant of their crimes were compelled to kill like minded ones while in prison.

Several riots broke out by the time we were assigned to our next case as thousands died all across the state. It really was a trying time for the justice system as massive amounts of bodies were turned to ash and given to their surviving family members.

Most of them were unrepentant gangsters and serial killers that basically cleaned out the prisons of the worst of the bunch. With so many empty jail cells, the news was reporting on it all over the world.

A massive influx of souls went to my essence that was collecting them in competition with Azrael and several other deities of death. During that time I felt my brother's essence disappear from the underworld. My essence was working over time to pick up the major slack in some areas but I simply wasn't apart of his domain so I couldn't sense the souls of the innocent that were passing away.

Azrael was doing her job there while I heard whispers of the giants returning and Percy going missing from camp half-blood. Many major events were coming soon and that included Lucifer and Eve who showed up.

She of course took an interest in me but only as far as being Lucifer's son thank the gods. I was offered several chances to join them in orgies but vehemently turned them down. As time passed and they got closer, I started feeling more and more weird, like I was being put to sleep slowly over time.

My inhibitions lowered significantly like I was on drugs and for a moment I thought I'd been drugged. I was even there when an idiot shot Lucifer and threatened to blow up LUX to lure out his ex. When she showed up and stabbed him and raised her gun to point it at Chloe, I appeared behind her with my gun to the back of her head. "Lower your weapon and hand over the detonator or you'll die before we do."

My threat worked as I put a ton of killing intent into it. She dropped her gun and I took the detonator switch before cuffing her and calling it in to cancel the breach from SWAT.

They came in and disarmed the bomb while taking the bitch our and surprisingly saving her ex-husband. Lucifer got medical attention while Ella made out with Eve, nearly stripping her on the floor then and there. When Dan pulled them apart and asked what kind of drugs she was on, she told him it was Molly and coke.

I was worried for her but didn't show it as she rubbed on Dan now. I left them to deal with the paperwork. Ella and I were bad for each other. Apart of me wanted her because she reminded me of my wives. I could see a lot of each of them in her and it didn't bode well for any relationship we could have as that's all I really wanted from her. While she only felt the draw my divinity has on mortals and that simply was unfair.

Other than court and stakeouts, I did a few sessions with Linda over the next few weeks while going on random cases with Dan on occasion. I was mostly booked in court testifying as my record and word was solid while Dan's well, wasn't.

He spent most of his free time helping Chloe and Lucifer on cases while I was busy. When I heard about Lucifer breaking some idiot human trafficker and murderer's back, I wasn't too awful happy as what came next disappointed me.

Dan snitched our Lucifer to the idiot's father who then sent people to the penthouse for revenge. When I went to confront him that night, I saw him and Ella going at it on the evidence table in her forensics lab.

I left them to it and went home as something in me died a little. I wasn't heartbroken or sad, but I also wasn't happy either. It's like a dimmer switch was put on my emotions and dulled them down.

Over the next few months life became more routine and bland as if it had lost it's color or spark. Whatever exciting I felt about this world was being leeched away by something inside me. It wasn't until William McKinley was broken out of a prison transport that I woke a bit as I became anxious.

I'd been at the hospital seeing Linda and her baby boy that she'd just delivered a few days prior. It struck me like a bolt of lightning as the tiny half angel baby gripped my finger with his little hands that I came awake, albeit still dully.

I'd heard the news over the television and handed him off to Amenadiel and Linda saying. "I gotta go but if it helps, you shouldn't see too many special things except perhaps a power he may manifest like Amenadiel's time slowing or my shadow traveling. Just be prepared and put a baby tracker on him until he's old enough to speak and understand you and all should be fine. If nothing else I should be able to sense his location at all times if he accidentally teleports or something."

Linda was shocked asking. "Teleports? What am I supposed to-"

I waved her off. "I gotta go, ask Amenadiel here to watch over him. If nothing else Maze should be an excellent tracker to find him as well."

I went to the club and found a possessed priest and rapper talking to Lucifer. When Lucifer officially abdicated the throne and declared Dromos, the demon inside the late exorcist's corpse, king, I went to speak but they left in a hurry as he told them to.

Sighing I gave in and waited as the drama kicked into full gear. I'd finished the last of my open cases with Dan the week before and I was decided I g on whether to transfer to the DC or the New York headquarters of the FBI. I'd even taken a trip to Quantico for six months of field training before I was graduated early at two months in.

I had the highest test scores and my marksmanship was off the charts as I never missed.

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