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81.81% A Traveling Kaledeiscope / Chapter 9: Chp 9

Kapitel 9: Chp 9



"Slowly," I whisper carving out a simple inscription on a jewel with some tools in my 'workshop'

"AAAAANNNNNDDDDDD done," I say smiling at my first jewel which I managed to make

A simple low-quality ruby that contains a fire spell inside it that will cause an explosion of fire

Very simple, but an achievement nonetheless

I take a deep breath while deactivating my Circuits

I look to the side where I have some notes on mystic codes next to my Azoth sword given to me by Zelretch

Soon, I will turn my sword into one

I smile as I wipe the sweat from my forehead and eat a protein bar to help with my hunger

I leave my workshop and go to my room to rest as my Magical Energy is rather low 

Thinking about how my first encounter with Zelretch went, brings a small frown to my face

Right after he introduced himself and sent me to a room to rest and I talked more with him the next morning...


"You came from the further, still using the Second like that is dangerous, do you have any idea what you were doing?" He says before narrowing his eyes as he looks me over

"The further?" I ask to which he rolls his eyes

"It is past the area that I am capable of traveling myself due to certain, restrictions on my part," he explains and I take note of that as that seems very important

"Now, I asked this question last night, and I will admit, that I was a bit hasty with offering it, but will you be willing to become my student?" he asks me again

Last night, I was rather out of it and I couldn't quite think about much else

"Yes," I answer him as there is no real reason for me to not accept, it may seem dubious but at this point, I don't have much to lose

"Alright," he says letting out a deep breath

"Now what do you know of Magecraft, and what is your specific field?" he asks smiling while a notepad seems to appear from out of nowhere

"Umm, nothing," I say to which he turns to me confused

"Then how were you using the Second in the first place, oooohhh," He stops as he seems to get an epiphany before frowning at me

"That makes it even more curious as to how you got it, fuck, I hope it's not time travel..."


Thankfully, he did elaborate on the time travel part and I have to say, I hope I never have to deal with that bullshit but knowing my luck, I will have to deal with it one day

I haven't even learned any actual spells besides Reinforcement and some very simple fire spells even then, it's because my body is able to handle the Reinforcement spell much better than most other people, due to the changes made to my body by eating the food of the world that I was in before being far more beneficial for overall growth

Also, I have a vested interest in that spell as it plays very well with my overall fighting style

Being able to perform physical feats far beyond what I could before

Using it on my eyes, allows me to use see far better in the dark, as well as long distances

But, the most useful of them all, is that I can use magical energy to avoid having to eat or sleep for several days and when combined with my TCB, I can go for a max of 2 weeks without either

I can bend steel easily which was an incredible feat of strength on my part

The fire spells are nothing really special given that the actual fire spell I can use without any issue is Fire Sparks, which is useful for starting fires or as a distraction

The others take a bit too much magical energy for me to use them frequently

I can unleash a torrent of flames for a few seconds before I am nearly wiped out of magical energy, or I can launch a fireball that bounces around to cause fires

Again, I am nearly wiped of magical energy after using it once

Thanks to Zelrecth performing a ritual, I found that my element is fire, which means, I have an affinity for fire spells and by extension makes them easier for me to understand and cast

What it doesn't give me is resistance to my own fire spells at all

I can be easily burnt as well as whoever I use them on

I only have 23 magic circuits of average quality

Not a lot to work with but enough to start out with

Zelretch told me that if I keep this pace up, I will be ready to use the Second True Magic to refill my reserves to solve my issue with it

In the meantime, I need to research more about making mystic codes so that I can turn my sword into one

Zelretch praised it quite heavily and mentioned that it would be a worthwhile venture for me to pursue

I sigh as I haven't seen him in 3 weeks now

I wonder what he is doing...


Spying on my new apprentice, I watch as he completes his first gem and let out a very small smile as I see him cheer at his accomplishment

Turning away from the sight as he lets out a yawn as his magical reserves are low

I look for a world to send him to for his safety

A world that will soon be plunged into a civil war where dragons will eventually return filled with dangers that will force him to grow and learn

I mark it as I get a very brief overview of a magical school in the northern province

I am unable to grasp the full situation as this world seems to be far more than what I can grasp from my location as it is right at the edge of my reach

The next one is rather interesting

Beings wielding the power of their soul and by extension their very existence and channeling it through powerful soul-made blades

A world I am very interested in myself and if I were younger, I would be willing to risk my life to go there and learn more about their power system but alas, it is also right at the edge of my reach

Placing a mark on it I look for other viable worlds

An idea comes into my head as I remember a world where heaven and hell waged a three-way war between Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils which I managed to get 2 very interesting artifacts

A Crimson Colored King piece and a Joker Card with an image of an angel engraved on it

I let out a sigh as I remember fighting alongside the Dragon Of Dreams against the invaders which failed spectacularly resulting in both of us having to work to 'reboot' that worldline

I worked tirelessly on those 2 artifacts to see if there was some way I could heal myself while enhancing my overall power

I wasn't able to

My soul cannot bear the conceptual weight of the changes that would have to be performed in order to use either one, much less both and that is the least of the problems

I would need the knowledge necessary to avoid negatively affecting my Magic Circuits, knowledge that my teacher has, but our falling out left us on somewhat strained terms, though, I do still have that token he gave me

I am not foolish or desperate enough to use it

I shake my head as I look through some other viable worlds that I can send Tommy to

My eyebrows rise on their own as I see a world with a magical school called Hogwarts, and while it does show quite a bit of promise, most of the magic there is severely stunted where instead of Tommy progressing he would be stunted along with the rest of the magical civilization there

Sighing, I continue my search eventually coming to a worldline that is being obscured, even from my sight

I narrow my eyes as I very quickly look through it and see a variant of my former teacher involved in a Holy Grail War and I quickly turn my sight from it

I don't need another scolding from him

I have no doubt that the version that taught me is already aware of what I did to Tommy

He is honorable, loyal, hardworking, and adaptable

I already feel guilty for hypnotizing Tommy into accepting my offer to teach him Magecraft and how to use the Kaledeiscope

I frown at that

How is it that he has the Second Magic? How is it possible for someone to be able to use it subconsciously in response to the threat of death?

Some of my previous students spent years to even be able to bring about a true manifestation of it, some of them going mad while the lucky ones died due to shock

Several dozen theories come up in my head and I quickly dismiss them just as fast

I think about my interactions with my other selves and think about their own way of using the Kaledeiscope

Most of them are not all that different from the way that I use them myself, some of them use their own Jewel Sword as a magical computer to run the necessary calculations for a certain world and then they use their magical energy to make the jump while I much prefer to do it manually

My Jewel Sword can do it too, but it's nowhere near as efficient as theirs

Others instead use a golem made with jewels to possess it and move around in other worldlines

I, however, much prefer to see into other worldlines using my Mystic Eyes

Whatever the case, he has an incredible aptitude for it

I shake my head as I take a break from this as I have to give my new student a lesson about Jewelcraft and Mystic Codes as he did express interest in turning his blade into one...



"Impressive but it could use some more work," Says Zelretch inspecting my new Mystic Code using my sword as the basis

Nothing too special

I altered the pommel in order to fit in a jewel that holds magical energy to allow me to light my blade on fire

I can also swap the jewel once the magical energy in it has been used up

The blade itself has several engravings made with silver in them, that help me use reinforcement on it as well against creatures specifically Dead Apostles, and some runes to help increase its natural durability

"You used the engravings to aid you in channeling magical energy and in particular use Reinforcement easier, while the runes increase the overall durability of everything," He comments while turning it around and looking at the jewel

"Not too sloppy with the jewel, and the way that you altered the pommel to switch out the jewel with a new one is certainly creative," He says which brings a smile to my face even though I could have done a lot better carving out the jewel which was a ruby since it is the most compatible with fire spells

"Nevertheless, you created a decent Mystic Code," He says handing it to me before taking a look at the Sheath and raising an eyebrow

"I may have spent some time on it," I say rubbing the back of my neck as he picks up the sheath of my blade

"Uh," He says putting it back down as the sheath has numerous runes increasing its durability and a cleaning enchantment nothing really special

"Now, at this point, I have learned enough about you to be responsible with the knowledge I am about to give you about the Second," He says and I stand straight while paying close attention

"An issue that has plagued you is the very limited amount of magical energy that your Magical Circuits can produce and the amount your body can handle at a time although, your body is above what most modern humans can handle," he says and I nod at that

"A way you can use the Kaleidoscope is by..." He begins to explain the way to use the Second True Magic to gather magical energy from different versions of myself

He has already explained different ways to the Second, such as enlarging the inside of a bag, and increasing its storage capabilities, but gathering magical energy from other worldlines seems a bit more complex

Attempting to draw the magical energy under his guidance, I go through the motions, only for nothing to happen much to our surprise

"Is that supposed to happen..." I pause as I feel my magical energy disappear

"STOP," Zelretch screams before slamming his palm on my chest causing the air to leave my lungs and my Circuits to shut down


"What#whew# happened?"I ask him as he helps me stand up

"You do not appear to have any counterparts," He says as I flinch at that and he elaborates a bit more

"At least no counterparts that have Magic Circuits," He says and I nod at that incredibly disappointed at the fact that I am not going to be able to use the Second Magic to do that

Zelrecth looks incredibly focused as he stares at nothing but I am already aware that his sight is far beyond mine...

"I have no idea what to do," He says making let out a sigh

Of course

"A lot of lessons involve you having access to a greater amount of magic," He says looking at me

"So, what now?" I ask

"Now, well, I need change the lesson plans and think of somewhere to send you," He says and I blink at that

"Send me?" 

"Oh, yes, I will be sending you somewhere for you to learn,"

"Where?" I ask him

"I am leaning toward a world where a province is engulfed in a civil war and dragons will return one day to make a whole mess of things," He says and I deadpan at him

"Really, that's the best place you could think of?" I question him and he looks a bit sheepish at that

Coughing into his fist he gives me some more details and one in particular sticks out to me

"Magic School, huh," I whisper mostly to myself thinking about

I mean, the Clocktower that Zelretch told me about would also be a good place to go learn, but dealing with the political minefield of that place really puts me off from going there

Also, I am pretty sure, I would be getting into fights daily, and if people find out about me being Zelretch's student which is very likely to happen as I have experienced his...pranks

It would not end well as people would try to suck up to me and I am pretty sure I would punch someone during the same hour it gets revealed

"Yes, and I can do some 'maneuvering' to ensure you arrive a few years before the Civil War stars and quite some time before the dragons start to return," He says and I have to admit

Getting into a magic school seems very useful and quite frankly it brings back memories of an old movie I watched before about a child living in a cupboard with an abusive family and then finding out that he was a wizard

If only, I could remember its name...

I shake my head

"What's the catch?" I ask more than aware and used to him hiding some stuff from me causing the breath out

"That world is very near the edge of my reach, an issue you yourself will not have due to my 'circumstances,'" He says and I nod at that

Even if I were to 'master' the Second Magic, I would still not be able to truly challenge him in it, as he has a certain authority about it that I am still trying to wrap my head around those kinds of things

"Why are you sending me away?" I ask him which makes him frown

"It's not that I want to send you away but you need to spread your wings so to speak and the situation here is not exactly...favorable," He says and I am reminded of a certain ritual that is underway

The Aylesbury Ritual

A ritual to awaken the Dark Six

If they complete that ritual they will be on the edge of bringing back the Crimson Moon

Unfortunately, I can't help Zelretch at all with that

The Dead Apostle Ancestors from what Zelretch said have had centuries to learn new ways of avoiding people, even him

The Aylesbury Ritual started some time ago and the closer it gets to its completion, empowers the Dead Apostles who in turn makes their decisions far more dangerous now, as the Dead Apostles Ancestors are now hanging around in pairs

Fighting one is already a tremendous challenge, but fighting a pair is pretty much suicide, and more than that they are also rotating their partners

Zelretch has started to go back and forth to the Clocktower to get them to prepare themselves for the worst

Quite frankly, they are fucked in every conceivable way at this point

The modern humans of this world are much weaker than they were when the Crimson Moon was originally defeated

I clench my fists as a feeling of uselessness comes over me

"I know you want to help but it's alright," Says Zelretch

"I never had much hope to prevent the annihilation of this worldline," He continues and I see the tired old man behind that facade

He is old

Too old to do much any more

"How long?" I ask him to which he looks to the side

"9 to 10 years," He answers...

next chapter
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