Sinbad had finally arrived at the new home he was given. His car was perfectly functional, somehow, although on the way he was pretty sure he saw a woman typing on her phone and talking about the police...
But he just ignored it and kept driving towards the house until he finally arrived. It was a beautiful house, definitely not an over-the-top house, and it looked extremely comfortable. He took the key from his pocket that had been handed to him by Gunhee and quickly opened the door.
Or rather, he tried to open the door. The Door ended up failing to open until he noticed a reddish glow in the corner of his eyes, and when he looked to the side he saw a black device glowing red.
The Device seemed to be those types of 'Scanners', which would need to scan a part of the owner's body to open. Sometimes this was over the top or irritating.
{ So this house has a Scanner? Just to open the door? Bit of an exaggeration, you know... } Sinbad had thought as he brought his face closer to the scanner, letting it scan his eye.
He had done a few things in the room while talking to Gunhee and among them was something about these scanners. He didn't know why he would have scanner stuff carrying around with him, but he just accepted it and let it go without too many questions, seeing that it wouldn't do him any harm.
The Scanner analyzed Sinbad's eye perfectly before the light glowed green, the key it was inserted into the door slid to the side and the door opened. At the same moment, he felt an icy air pass through him, signaling that the house inside was at a good temperature.
{ This house has already convinced me. } He thought happily, as he entered the house and closed the door, locking it with a key. When looking inside, he noticed some very nice furniture throughout the place, as well as a large painting inside the Room, which, instead of being artistic: carried the design of this house.
(Here's what the house looks like from the outside)
Sinbad walked over to check all the rooms in the house and after a few minutes, everything was perfectly checked and he was completely satisfied.
{ That's a good house. There's even a system to prevent gas explosions } He thought as he celebrated his salvation, sitting on the couch in the living room.
{ Now... what do you have to offer? } He moved his gaze to the System screens that reappeared in his eyes, this time with the Monster Summoning Wheel appearing.
Roulette didn't carry names, numbers, or anything. It was purely a blank, colorless roulette wheel with an arrow on which he would decide where the roulette wheel landed. This made it impossible to know any kind of reward.
{ This is so poorly done, come on! } Complained in his slightly grumpy mind, he was expecting a kind of extremely well done and addictive 'gambling' game, which would serve to inspire him to seek more summons.
But apparently, it wasn't even close to his thoughts.
{ I refuse to create more expectations } He thought before moving his finger and clicking the button to start spinning the roulette wheel. The instant he clicked, the roulette wheel started spinning at an extremely high speed.
As the roulette wheel spun, Sinbad just stared at it. And this was his worst decision, because the moment the roulette wheel finished spinning, a huge glow happened to force him to close his eyes in pain.
'' MY EYES! DAMN ROULETTE! '' He yelled out loud as he put his hands over his eyes which were hurting, like a good 'idiot'.
After a few seconds, the glow had ended and Sinbad managed to open his eyes again, even though his vision was still a little strange. As he looked forward, he saw a message next to a creature on top of his desk.
[ Your only available monster summoning pass has been used. ]
[Congratulations, you've summoned a high-level Monster. ]
[ The Dragon of Apocalypse - Acnologia, was successfully summoned. ]
(A/N: I know this may not make much sense, but I have my reasons for this type of summoning to work. Acnologia after 300 Years, was more Dragon than Human in all respects, any being that can be considered a Monster in literal senses, is included in Summoning Monsters. It is not limited to just mindless beings. )
{ An dragon? } He looked at the creature with his eyes slightly widened, as he moved his hands to pick it up. But he ended up stopping halfway, remembering that everything that was summoned started Neutral, and could easily turn to hate him and destroy everything if he made a mistake.
{Aya, I have to be more careful} He thought differently than he is used to, as he watched the small creature staring at him with its stark white eyes.
It was a small dragon of no more than 40 Centimeters, with its skin entirely black and blue markings all over its body, the shape of its head was slightly strange but somehow beautiful, while its eyes were white.
The Little Dragon, also known as Acnologia, slowly walked toward Sinbad. He wasn't using irregular steps, or he looked scared, no. It was firm steps that contained a great amount of pride, as if he knew perfectly well what he was doing, drawing Sinbad's interest.
Sinbad decided to just stand by and watch what happened. He facilitated the Dragon's approach by becoming more 'relaxed', as the dragon climbed onto his legs and stood there, standing still while staring into his face.
'' Where I am? '' A thick voice came out of the Dragon's mouth, making Sinbad go all over and slightly pale. The reason was not fear.
{ A man?! } He thought in horror as he glared at the Dragon, causing the Dragon to stare at Sinbad with a confused look.
Even in his previous World, Sinbad was overly exaggerated with things involving someone's 'Gender'. He had no Prejudice against people's sexual preferences because that was something quite difficult to see in his old world, but he would in no way approve of a Man, with a deep voice, sitting on his legs.
No matter the species. Especially if it's a Dragon, because in his World there were many things capable of changing shape.
'' You did not listen to me? Are you deaf by any chance? '' The Dragon asked with offensive words but proclaimed with a sense of question rather than offense.
Those words snapped Sinbad out of his overactive thoughts before he snapped back to reality and faced the Dragon again. He gave a slightly forced smile and commented to Acnologia.
''You are in Another World'' He declared to the Dragon, quite simply. He didn't think this would be a problem, after all, the dragon itself had consciousness and didn't seem surprised by the fact that he was in another location all of a sudden, with an extremely small size.
That could only mean one thing: The Dragon carried enough experience in things involving 'summoning' or 'sudden appearances'. With this line of thought, Sinbad felt slightly reassured as he declared where the Dragon was.
That after the answer, this same Dragon was silent for a few moments before returning to speak.
''So, in this world...are there Dragons? '' The Dragon asked with a voice that seemed to have become sharper and more oppressive, but directed specifically at Dragons.
This question ended up making Sinbad's eyes slightly more serious. He realized that there was a certain amount of remorse surrounding the Dragons and that depending on his response, things could end up getting out of hand.
'' Well maybe? '' He replied and felt the Dragon's aura lower a bit, as he tilted his small head in confusion. '' You know, in this world, there are many different things, so even I, who have been here for a few years, don't know everything. '' He explained to the Dragon, who nodded in confirmation. The Aura in the Dragon's body seemed to have calmed down.
''No Dragons then. What do I do? '' The Dragon asked, his dialogue sounded quite calm but also broken. It was like he wasn't used to communicating.
'' What do you say we talk? Find out more about each other since we're going to have to deal with each other. '' Sinbad offered a friendly idea, thinking it would be best to understand the Dragon to avoid causing further complications.
The Dragon was silent for a while, before nodding in confirmation, agreeing with the Idea.
'' Do you want to start? '' Sinbad offered him a Smile, as he moved the Dragon to the Sofa. In his head, he breathed a sigh of relief that the Dragon was off his legs.
'' ... '' The Dragon was silent for a while, in which time it became a few minutes, making Sinbad slightly uneasy at how strange this Dragon was.
But after these same Minutes, the Dragon seemed to have returned. Beside his return, his voice filled the air.
'' My name is Acnologia. I was a Human, who lived in a time when Dragons ruled and were the symbol of absolute power. '' Acnologia began to explain while staring into the air, seeming to be remembering his old days.
{ 'Were' the symbol of absolute power, eh? } Sinbad noticed this slight detail, finding it mildly interesting.
'' They did what they wanted because they knew that there was nothing that could stop them, except themselves. At least, not until that day came. The Day that Dragon Slayer Magic was created and spread to the world, by a Human. '' Acnologia commented out loud, with certain remorse creeping into her voice.
{ He resents both huh } He had heard the remorse in Acnologia's voice as he talked about both the Dragons and the Human.
'' The Human was Named 'Irene Belserion', and her disclosure ended up generating absurd consequences. The Dragons got angry and felt threatened, deciding to exterminate the Humans from the face of the Planet. And how could we mere Humans who hadn't even tried to master Dragon Slayer Magic protect ourselves or fight back? '' He commented as a slight black aura of anger surrounded his body, but it was perfectly under control.
'' In the end, most of the villages were annihilated and that included my village. Next to all my family, wife and daughter. I was left for dead, I had survived the attack luckily but was extremely injured, until that dragon appeared. ''
'' His name was 'Acnologia', stronger than most other Dragons I had encountered so far. He had taken an interest in me because I was a Mage Healer, who previously helped the Dragons. The same Dragons that ended up betraying me. '' The story was being told in a medium that was confusing to understand, demonstrating that Acnologia didn't have many social skills.
''He saved me and taught me Dragon Slayer Magic so that I could defend myself and serve something. With my hatred and rage as my motivation, after learning Dragon Slayer Magic I killed him and bathed in his blood and flesh. After him, hundreds of other dragons came, and those hundreds became thousands. ''
'' I bathed in enough blood to create an ocean of dragon blood, and this same blood was what made me stronger, enhancing my Dragon Slayer Magic. The same Magic that provided users with the ability to use Dragon powers to slay other Dragons. ''
{ This guy... } Sinbad narrowed his eyes slightly seeing Acnologia's History, he didn't judge him as Evil, as he had his focus on killing dragons.
He just considered his actions a little too extreme, for having killed even the one who taught him, but maybe he had reasons that he ended up forgetting to talk about. Who knows.
'' After so many Dragons died and my powers got stronger and stronger, I turned into a Dragon myself. In my Dragon form, I killed many more dragons than when I was Human, and after that, a Festival was created. ''
''The Dragon King Festival, that was the name they gave to the things I did with the Dragons, naming myself 'Dragon King Acnologia'. '' Acnologia finished speaking, after History.
Sinbad let out a sigh of sadness for Acnologia, thinking that this was relatively cruel to the being in front of him. To be called the King of the Breed he hated the was torturous, to say the least.
''Three hundred years have passed. Years in which I lived killing dragons, frightening the Dragon Gods who hid from me, and trying to destroy the entire World after being consumed by intense hatred. My hatred had become a double-edged sword, consuming all my sanity. ''
''Fortunately, I ended up being stopped at the End. In an era that had no more Dragons, I had no reason to destroy anything anymore. And for that, I was stopped by a small group of Dragon Slayers and their Leader, Natsu Dragneel. '' Acnologia had finished his Story this time around, shortening a lot of important events in his world that weren't that notable from his point of view.
Sinbad was silent for a few moments, digesting everything Acnologia had said.
{ Well, in a way he and I aren't that different. The only difference is that I didn't have an extremely brutal past at the level of his that generated hate. I think I was more of an idiot. } He thought to himself, remembering David. He was somewhat remorseful of David, but he didn't completely hate him.
He's had enough time to think about his actions over these years and he's just fallen into pure acceptance that the past is the past. Unable to change anything and that everything is already done, with its consequences.
From now on, he was a New Sinbad, without a People to take care of, people to lead, or much fewer friends who had accompanied him for years to help him.
{ Thinking about it, I was an asshole for considering them inferior to me. } He recalled the time when he considered his companions inferior to himself, unable to trust victory to their hand.
''Well, you have a big story behind you, Acnologia. '' Sinbad snapped out of his thoughts and commented aloud, after letting out yet another sigh.
His speech was answered by a Nod from Acnologia, who turned to Sinbad and asked him aloud.
'' And you? '' Little Acnologia seemed to be interested in Sinbad's History, considering that Sinbad was from a different world than him. He wanted to know what was so different about this world for him.
Well, here's the chapter. Perhaps some may find Acnologia's way of acting strange, but well, this has already been explained why.
If any questions remain, just ask.
Is Acnologia's Personality to your liking? I made it thinking of an Acnologia that wouldn't carry all that hatred that had consumed his sanity. I was relatively satisfied with the result, even though he didn't have moments to show his Personality once and for all, being in his Dragon form...which is impossible to see any feeling there.