In this world named Erth every human-like individual has a blessing when they are born and a wish on their tenth birthday, along with their calling. This is a story of what happens when an arrogant ten year old learns about the three laws of life in the hardest way possible.
Now, you know what a blessing, calling and wish are right? No.
Ok, well a blessing is when a baby is born it's taken outside, by either someone in it's family who knows magic or the elder if there is no magic in the family's bloodline, then no matter what time it is a shooting star will go across the sky, and depending on what colour it is, shall be what blessing you get. Blessing are important because it help you guess which calling you will have, for example if you have a green colour star you colour be a farmer due to green being a colour of the land, although it isn't set in stone what you get because there is a huge variety of callings.
Now you may of guessed but a calling is just the job you will have for the rest of your life.
It's really this simple.
Ok this is my favourite one a wish. On your tenth birthday the star that blessed you will on the exact second, of the exact minute, of the exact hour, the star will start blinking out of existence existence very quickly and you must make a wish on it, and although it is cliche the only thing you can't wish for is more wish.
So now that's out the way, I will tell you my story.
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