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51.92% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 54: Chap 54- A Life's Beating

Kapitel 54: Chap 54- A Life's Beating

Chap 54- A Life's Beating:





" Boring...."

Pouting her lips forward while her eyes are half closed, a girl punches a soldier in the face while she's seated on a small mountain of similarly armored grunts.

She was tracking down the Emperor's presence but stopped by a village to do some cleaning, sadly all the locals were already dead when she arrived, but there still were some soldiers standing around searching for some things, and when they finally noticed the new addition.

They were already falling, and strangely enough, they all fell to be grouped into a small mountain one on top of the other, where the girl was sitting on top by now, with her right leg crunched up close to her chest.

While her left one dangled back and forth, when one of the soldiers who was the last to be exiting the house he was searching, was met with a scenery of pure horror.

All his colleagues were stacked on top of one another, with their mouths open like they were about to shout, and their eyes pure white, totally knocked out, or even dead.

You could see a fist-sized hole all over their armor on the stomach area with blood dripping from it, and what scared him the most, was the one sitting on top of all his friends.

She was just looking at him with those yellow eyes reminding him of an animal that was on its hunt like she was judging if he was worth her time or not, but even while his legs shook in fear he rushed forward, after all, he was a Frieza soldier!

But the result was already seen a few seconds ago, with him receiving a punch straight to his face, sending him rolling back all the way inside the house he exited, blood going out of his mouth and nose.

Feeling no more energies around Mumei pushed her dangling leg back and stood up, feeling a light breeze of wind that pushed her white hood off, as her long light-brown hair flowed behind her in a waving manner.

Grimacing a bit she pushed it back on, getting her hair over her double package once more.

[{ Awww.... you looked so cool like that...}]

"Heh.... So you don't like hair over breasts style? *Fake sad eyes*, How could you...."-

[{ Wha-}]


Not leaving time for the blue head to answer she just floated up, and shot towards her main objective, it now being closer than ever...

' Pretty beeg planet huh...'- As she flew faster.... her hood was pushed back.... along with her hair....

Making her deadpan the effort to put it back on earlier, it happened all the times she started to fly fast, but she kinda liked the feeling of her hair flying around like crazy.

[{ Free-hair style still the best.... and your tricks don't work on me anymore...}]

Squinting her eyes on the other side, Kro crossed both arms under her chest smiling proudly with her head high while looking forward to one of her monitor's screens, proud that she didn't fall from the fake earlier.

And this prompted the birb to crack up a mischievous grin.-" Okay...okay..... You win..... Darling~"

Like a magic word, the one crossing her arms started to gain a rosy-red color on her cheeks, and her mouth was changing like crazy, trying to turn into a happy smile as she tried her best to hold it in.

While trying to hold it, her facial expressions were turned into a war zone of conflicts that were now all red.


Seeing her win as the girl chucked like a drunk maiden, Muun just nodded, adding another point to herself as she was flying.

' And another one goes to the Owl~.....'










{ North's Namekian Village }

The tension between the two sides of the village could even be seen psychically, three heavy stares collided together with their auras, making the terrain shake up a little.

Little pebbles around the native people of this world jumped up and down repeatedly, but this wasn't something that would catch their attention as they were more focused on being thankful to the ones in front of them.

Who were smiling and side-eyeing each other as if asking who starts, but as the green one was going to speak, Raditz took a step back, confusing him, he of all people should have a huge beef with the other long forehead Saiyan.

Seeing his confusion he just shrugged and crossed his arms by his chest height.-" I wasn't the one who had my neck almost completely snapped against him. Yeah, I might have more reasons, so just don't kill him and we talking. *grins*"

Nor being one to refuse gifts, Piccolo stepped up his game and got his attention back towards the Prince, who was frozen in place trying to formulate a way for him to win or at least, survive.

" Looks like the first round is going to us, let's see who is going to be crawling on the ground this time around, shall we?"- Speaking in a voice full of bitterness he takes his stance, not giving the other party a second to refuse.

Vegeta wasn't stupid and knew they got somehow unreasonable stronger in the span of a month.

The kick earlier proved it, although it did not damage him seriously, if that attack had a little more strength behind it, he would have been sent flying somewhere without a ticket to return.

His chances were small, but now that they're going one round each, his survival chances are peaked, if he defeats Piccolo, then he could do something about Radit-

*BAM!* - " UAGHHHH?!?!?!?"

The moment he saw the green man move a step, he didn't see the next.

As soon as Piccolo took his first steps he dashed forward, but for the Prince, it was like he just appeared in front of him with a hand to his stomach, he didn't even try to go for the vitals.

He just punched his right hand in the middle of the Saiyan's abdomen, making him cough out a good quantity of saliva as his face was forced into a grimace with one eye being wider than the other.



He took some steps back as the one who hit him stared at the pathetic once so proud man, now reduced to someone who couldn't even take one punch from a Namekian.

" Hard to believe we got so powerful by doing just some gravity training, in the end, Mumei was right after all.*smile*"- Not really believing his own strength Piccolo looked at the hand he punched Vegeta with.

Twirling it around with an excited face that wasn't going away any time soon, the one who was just watching the show from the sidelines nodded at his words too.

' Yeah, I knew we Saiyans had incredible adapting ability, but to abuse it like this, is really something else.... In the span of a month and a little more, we jumped in power to levels we would be called Gods in the past.... this truly is something to relish!'

Seemingly forgetting that the Namekian wasn't a Saiyan he continued thinking and praising how Saiyans were Incredible warriors.

Meanwhile, the one who finally got his bearings back was frowning heavily, after all just one punch already put him in such a state, if he lowered his guard again he might not be so lucky, and really end up dying.

He needed to size up all his options quickly, but one after the other they were falling to ashes.

'... Great Ape?... No Raditz would transform too..... Escaping too.... with our difference in power is useless.... Grrrrr..... Is there a damn thing I can do here!?'


Receiving his answer as a right jab nearly hits his left cheek, he had to step to the side with all his body to dodge the attack, but it still left a bleeding cut on his right cheek.

Clenching his teeth he raises both arms, getting ready once more. Piccolo was surprised his attack missed and turned slowly towards the Saiyan with a more serious face.

" It seems you aren't all just pure power."- Not even bothering to get back to his stance he steps forward, walking.

Seeing this arrogance made the Prince boil up, his head almost all red with his anger.



Curling his body down for a second he springs up towards the Namekian's face with a right uppercut, but Piccolo sidestepped to the side while slapping the back of the Saiyan's hand to the side.

Making him completely miss, but not ending his assault yet, he brought his left knee towards the green man's chest area, aiming for his rib cage.



His smile grew the second he felt his attack hit, but it disappeared the next second as he saw Piccolo grabbing his knee with one hand, holding it in place.

'How come these insects get so powerful!!!'

Not having time to spare the Prince fired his right leg under Piccolo's chin.


He got the hit in, arching the other man's head a bit upwards, and even while feeling the tremendous resistance, he still put even more strength into his leg, forcing it further into the green man's chin.

Seeing that this was his chance he brought both hands above his head in an overhead double axe, aiming to hit straight into the middle of the other man's face.


As his attacks closed in, on the side all the spectators watched their new savior not really doing anything.

Seeing them confused, Raditz took it upon himself to explain it with a proud chuckle.-" You guys don't know, but he's just paying back the treatment he received back on our planet, from what I was told their attacks were useless against him too, so he is probably paying back in the same coin."

Hearing this made the natives even more surprised and if Vegeta had heard it, he would be boiling tea with how much steam his rage would be producing.

In the villager's eyes, this warrior was super strong, and they knew that, but he was even playing with this strange powerful Saiyan like he was nothing!

' If someone like him meets Lord Guru and Nail..... we may be able to give an end to that evil energy that's roaming our Namek....'

The elder was already thinking about their chances against the even stronger evil individual that was on their planet, the one who was said to be killing all their brothers while collecting their prideful Dragon balls..... not sparing even the children...


His attack connecting again makes the Prince smile, it was like he didn't learn from the first time...

"Okay.... I think that should be enough."

"Wha- *PAM!!* UUUGH?!?!"- Spinning his right arm a bit in place Piccolo shot it toward with an explosive speed hitting the consciousness out of the Saiyan for a second, but being done he kneed the Prince up.

Vegeta that got back from his passed-out trip stared into the Namekian's eyes with anger, and as he reached eye level with the same he cocked his arms back just to rain punches on the green man.

Defending them all with the back s his arms while also trying to hit the Prince, they started to exchange attacks in the classic Dragon Ball manner, blocking, dodging and attacking, doing it all too fast for an untrained eye to even see them moving.


Hitting a right uppercut on Vegeta's blocking arms sending the Saiyan flying up, with Piccolo following behind with two yellow energy balls in each hand, his arms fall behind his body for a second as he springs them forward firing both orbs up to its target.


As they get closer the Prince notices them and aiming both hands to their side starts to fire bursting after a burst of purple Ki-blasts.




But the two yellow blasts just go through all of them, imploding the purple blasts as they pass through.

Watching it getting closer Vegeta flies to the side dodging them as they pass right where he was seconds ago, making him smile and look forward to the green man who missed his attacks as he flew up, to the same altitude as the big foreheaded Saiyan.

The only thing that puzzled the Prince was the arrogant smile the Namekian held as he crossed his arms and moved his head up and down towards the prince's side.

Widening his eyes he looked up just in time to see the same two yellow blasts right in front of his face, as his instincts kicked in he tried to raise both arms.


Feeling his body burning like lava was being poured on him as the yellow explosion ate him inside it.

Piccolo lowered his arms and stared forward seriously this time.-'' Also... Let me pay back a little something..."


" *Cough*cough* DAmnit...*cough*"- With the yellow explosion finally dissipating, we could have a better view of how Vegeta was....

His armor was cracked in multiple parts, and his blue clothing on both arms was ripped apart to just some pieces here and there, luckily his white gloves still didn't suffer much, just some small pieces being ripped off.

Other than his clothes being basically totally destroyed all over his body scratches and bleeding wounds were now present, making him flinch when moving.

But he forgot about something....


*BAMM!!* - "AUGH!!??!"

His opponent.

Appearing in front of him, Piccolo threw a left uppercut beneath the Saiyan's chin.

Making him fly up to his eye level one last time, just to stretch his right arm all the way back with his hand forced in a clenched fist.

It was like the world was in slow motion seem from the Saiyan's eyesight, he could see the anger that burned in the other man's eyes, as well as the attack that promised him a goodnight kiss, just not a gentle one.

" I guess Raditz will lose his turn..... well....*smiles*..... Bad for him, I guess. HAAAAAH!!!"


"GRRRAAAAAAHH!!!!"- With a strength that would put a world to sleep Vegeta was punched right in the middle of his face, his pupils going crazy for a second before rolling up to just the whites of his eyes being shown.




Pushing his hand even further forward, Piccolo flung the Saiyan back so hard he broke the sound barrier as he was shot back towards the many islands, going through one after another, not stopping.

Seeing him disappear from his view with his power lowering by the second with each island he got through, the one who was still with his arm positioned in the way he flung the big forehead man away grunts and turns back towards the ones watching, and descends to the ground level.

Just to be met with a.... Pouting Raditz?

" Hey! Didn't we agree with one round each!"

Hearing this, he just shrugged with both arms with a big drop of sweat by the side of his head.-" Hey, I didn't know he was that weak.... or better.... that we were this strong.... all that time I spent with you guys really broke my awareness of strength *sigh*."

Raising a hand to his temples while shaking his head he moves past the long-haired man who just blankly stares at him, going towards the ones behind him.

Following his actions, the elder of the village also walks forward with some children following him by his side.

Getting in front of each other the elder bows with the younger ones following his example.-" I thank you warrior, for saving our village.... We really thought that man was going to end us all...."

Huffing to their worries while crossing his arms.-" He needed the Dragon Ball, that guy wouldn't be so stupid as to try to kill the ones who know its location, even more since he knew he was running low on time."

Locking his head in the direction he threw Vegeta, he sawed a crater with smoke going out of it far away from the village they are, but there was not one trace of Ki on there.

' He either died.... or escaped....Heh, with how damaged he is, even a normal Namekian can probably kill him, he isn't going far.'

Seeing no need to worry about a dead man, he looked back at the elder who was telling something to the children, making them run together inside one of the houses, leaving Piccolo and Raditz, who just walked to the green one's side confused.

" So..... we knocked the crown out of the princess... now what?"- Waiting for the one who originally belonged to this planet to give a response, the Saiyan was looking around feeling all the energies around the planet.

And he was really anxious about the two monstrous strong ones who were getting closer to each other, he knew exactly who those two are, and it confirmed even more as only one of them was closing in on the other.

Who seemed not even be noticing this strong addition getting closer, even if she's hiding her power from normal scouters, the pressure the girl is emitting is not something you can forget once experienced personally.

*Random excited chatting*

A group of four Namekian children who ran inside the house exited helping each other carry a strangely big orange ball above their heads.

They got closer to the one who asked them to bring it, and he took it into his hands, looking at it for a second and smiling seeing his reflection on its surface.

Turning towards the so-called warrior of their race, he stretched his hands holding the giant orb towards him, looking seriously into his eyes.

" We would like for you to take care of it..... right now our priority is making sure they don't get their hands on them... if the Dragon Ball stays here it will be an easy find, so please take care of it."

He had to get someone capable of taking care of their pride, and throwing the Dragon Ball away would be too disrespectful in their eyes, so giving it to someone he knew would hide the ball well, while also knowing its value, who would be better than one of their own?

Seeing its size was a surprise for Piccolo, he didn't expect these to be this big, but he was quick to swipe it away and picked up the sphere into his own hands.

Staring towards his own reflection like the elder did a second before, he also nodded and put it under his armpit, like he was holding a sack of potatoes.

" We'll take good care of it, that I can assure you. Raditz, let's go."- Not even looking toward the one behind him the green man said they had to go.

"Uh-Wha- Ou! Yeah! Let's go."- Being snapped out of his trance as he was trying to figure out all those medium power levels he was feeling, he opened his eyes and stared to his front where the other villagers were bowing once more.

" We sincerely thank you...."- Speaking one last time before they parted.

But before jumping up, Piccolo eyes the craters at the edges of the village that had some burnt remains inside, frowning already having the idea of what happened to those powers they felt disappearing as they were flying here.

" Don't worry.... once we're done with those guys, we're going to fix all the damage these people are creating....*FUSH!!*"

Flying up being followed a second later by Raditz who gave the villagers a small wave before doing so.

The Namekians are left stunned for a second, before smiling at the words their new friend said.-" These people might be enough to save us."

That sentence started a huge cheering shout around their village, knowing that someone was going to save them from that monster that is terrorizing their planet.

"Good luck...."- And while wishing them luck, he also joins the commemoration, although it was small, it was still a moment to cherish.

While they partied up, flying their way back from where they came from, both aliens were in silence just feeling the energies all over the planet..... as all of a sudden multiple presences entered it from the skies, widening their eyes even further.

" More soldiers..... but who could these be.... they're pretty weak, just one of them seems to be about the strength of the Prince.... *looks back at Raditz*, any ideas of whom those could be?"

Staring toward the man's face who was frowning with a raised eyebrow while looking at the sky.-"Hmm.... These are so different from each other, but still stronger than Frieza's ordinary soldiers.... probably the Ginyu Force... but why would he call them... *widen eyes*... They're probably going to help on finding the dragon balls too."

With things matching together he realizes more people are soon entering this strange game, but Piccolo grunts, getting the man's attention off the sky, and towards him as he gets back to looking forward.-" The direction they are heading to.... we probably aren't going to see them later.*grins*"

Sensing once again where they were heading, a funny look got to the Saiyan's face as the wind hit it." PFT! AHAHA! THEY ARE GOING TO FRIEZA!!! THOSE POOR BASTARDS!! AHAHA!"

Laughing loudly with his mouth opening to inhuman size as he couldn't think of a worse place for them to land on.

Principally as a walking-world-nuke was heading towards there.

Not laughing as loud as the one flying behind him, but still cracking up a genuine smile, Piccolo shook his head.

" If they landed close to us, we could at least take them out quickly.... now I guess they're in the devil's palms."










{ Random Insland}

'Damn.... it....'



'How could me...'



'The Prince of all Saiyans.....'



"UGHHH!!"- Crouching down to his knees for support, a badly damaged Vegeta stands in the middle of a desert blue island surrounded by the blue-green large sea, following behind him was a trail of blood drops, coming from where he came walking from after landing here.

His armor was in shatters, his whole torso is exposed, and only his gloves and some pieces of blue clothing around his arms remained.

All around his cheat were cuts, not very deep ones, but still deep enough for him to feel the aching coming from every single one of them.

Scratches bathed him all over his body, from the small ripped-off parts of his pants to his entire torso.

But the worse was his face, a blood-dripping mess, every step he took would drip blood from his nose and mouth, his left eye almost fully closed as the right one was forced into a very deep angry frown.

"*Huff*.... They all..... will pay for this..... every single one of them.....*THUD*.... they.....will...."

Collapsing to his face, he wasn't able to see a pink and white aura landing on the edge of the island he used all his strength to fly to.

A 'man' with pink skin and a spike around 'his' wrists walked up to the fallen body of the Prince, with a green device on 'his' face that beeped repeatedly.

Smiling wickedly as 'he' picked the same on by the back of his neck, contemplating if it was better to end the service or bring him to Lord Frieza....

" Hmm.... he might know the location of those magical balls.... and knowing how rebellious he is.... he could very well have hidden one of them...."

Staring at the knocked-out man, Dodoria gets to a decision after thinking for a minute.-" It's better not to risk it..... we're so close to making Lord Frieza's wish come true...*smile*... you're coming with me... you naughty Vegeta~"

Getting a grip on the Saiyan by resting him over 'his' right shoulder, and starting to levitate up slowly, 'he' gets to a good enough height away from the ground.

"Well.... Let's go then."


Dashing forward in speed, he goes back with the Emperor a gift, or you could say he is giving him back what was his, to begin with.






His dear.... Monkey pet.

ReyKale ReyKale

Lalala la pet~

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