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37.5% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 39: Chap 39- Preparations:

Kapitel 39: Chap 39- Preparations:

Chap 39- Preparations:


( A/N: Small fix ^^ )


{ Pov Mumei; Mountain of the Owl; 05:36 p.m}

Opening my eyes I smile.-" Good morning, world."

I seem to be at the place I passed out first, my mother's tombstone, man this is tricky, I feel the same, but it's like I always have been around, but now have memories from that world... it's freaky, didn't have time to notice it before.

Like I can remember the pure depression I felt when mom passed away.... well going back to the now, I have some punchy-punchy to do.

Putting my right arm on the ground, I push my self up with its support, and getting on feet jumping a bit.


And bashing my clothes a bit out of any dust or dirt, these are unique, have to wash the ones I dirtied... I only have two sets clean.... need to remember that.

[{ Will put that on a list, *clicking sounds*, done... now Muun..... Are you calm?"}]

Looking away from my clothes, I look at the screen where Kro's voice is coming from and raise an eyebrow.-" Yeah, been pretty chill since being all complete thingy, like a weight I didn't know I had been removed from my shoulders, and now I can move on."

I hear a loud sigh coming from the other side, and judging on how she did it, she's with a hand in her temples, just know it, things you notice when looking too much at rare ores.

[{Sooooo..... I don't even know how to explain to you.... *click* read this resume my program made, it'll be easier, and read the end too.... just... don't do anything wouldn't want something to happen in that place you are....}]

Curious about why she was talking that, I slid down the texts, and was all stuff mom told me, about her days there *smile*.

She was such a person with great character... maybe I can.....

One day, I can think of some stances I will be able to do it....*nods*

As I read more and more, I realize, yep, Frieza.

And holy shit gecko..... THE TWO?! Like wasn't my Saiyan side enough, had to fucking go for the Civ-Owls too? I have all reasons to punch his face, until I can put it into a furnace and toast him like a bread, albino bread.

Could sell it, -' Mumei's Albino's bread' - Wouldn't need to beat bad people up for their exchanges then, but it feels good doing it, so I will stay as I am.

"Hmmm? Kid voice?"- Following the lines, I find at the most bottom, a red text with the bastard name.....




{ Pov 3rd}

As expected, no one would take it easily in that their father that they admire so much would have been probably killed by none other.

Then the Prince, he had something to do with her father.

She was trembling, trying to stay calm, her expression being totally darkened by a strange shadow....

'He shouldn't even born back at that time.... and if he was, he was an infant!'- Gritting her teeth her eyes sclera being totally black gains some red veins as her eyes that are on the hide of those shadows shine red with the yellow dot in the middle of them.

A strong humongous red and black aura of killing intent was expelled from the whole mountain top, luckily no one was trying to climb, but everyone around the world at that time felt random goosebumps all over their bodies.

And since Muun was being suppressed with Kro's help to not attract unnecessary attention, the other's only felt that, the goosebumps, some warriors even wondered what was it.

After a minute or so, Mumei blinked making everything go quiet once more...

She turns to her mother's grave, and gets behind the placket she craved, and passing her hand lightly, she burns the words behind it with a layer of Ki above her hand, and goes back to the front of it and bows.

"Mom... I know his doings... *eyes twitching*, I know he's as of right now..... not changed... and for that, I shall take him down from his high horse, for you who felt so lonely when dad wasn't there, and for dad too, I promise today, on the name of the Berry's, if he really did it..... I will fucking beat him so much, that the beating he got from Z Brolly will look like a total joke."

Her eyebrows frowning at the maximum they could, she took a deep breath and turned back to normal, and smiled.

That alone made Kro on the other side just laugh nervously, because if the bird was choosing not to think about it, and trying to move it to the side for now, it means she's pissed beyond comprehension.

'She's trying to lie to her brain, and forgetting Vegeta even exists... and when she let it run loosely.... god...'- Kro troublingly picked her cup of coffee she just got, and took a sip as her Owl got up from the bowing stance, and started flying and asking for some strange directions.

" Kro, track down where was West City again, we flied by there one time, so should be easier to find it."- And like nothing has happened she asked for directions.

Shaking her head while sighing, Kro started telling her where to turn and go.

' I need to have something already ready, things doesn't always go as you want, so it's better to have it ready by the get go. '

[{ But Muun, and the other's?}]

Hearing the question she closed her eyes, and felt their presences.-' Humans are okay, Goku isn't here yet, Senzu, Spikey and Boi are the aim for those two being the strongest, and with my power this suppressed. I can enter later, they're probably going to stall for time for us, and I am giving them a chance, let's see if they will want to continue after seeing a speck or what's coming next in terms of power.'



And there she goes, at full speed in her birdy form.





{Central City; 02:15 p.m}

**uuuuuuuushhh!* *

* *CLASHHH!* *

Two spheres land in the middle of Central City, people look at it in fear.

At first thinking it was from Capsule Corps, but their answers were given the moment they opened.

In one of them a bald tall man with a strange thing on his face, and as clothes he was wearing some strange armor.

On the second one, a shorty with a very spiked hair, gravity shouldn't allow that, and as for clothes the same battle armor as the taller one, but a different color pallet.


Putting his feet resting on the exit frame of his pod, the bald one looked around and seeing too many people he smiled wickedly, and raised one hand in front of him.

"Hey, don't look too much, it makes us feel embarrassed~."

And closing his other fingers he stretches only his middle and indicator one up together while aiming them up, making the earthlings more confused by the second.

"Hmm, give it a second."



The whole city was completely obliterated, in a dome of yellow and pure raging energy, everything that was around at a ten-kilometer radius was totally leveled in a kind of beautiful circle of dirt and death.

"Annnnd there you go. *Bip* Huh?"- As he puts his hands to his ear, the other smaller one starts to fly up.

"Nappa, come, I think I found our objective, this must be Kakarot, it reads about four thousand on the strongest, let's go end this."*USHHH!*

Flying towards it, Nappa followed close behind too.


'I think he's angry, oh well, when is that he isn't angry after all?'

And so that was when they landed, the Prince was already pissed without even have started fighting, and Nappa was being Nappa.





{ Wastelands; 02:47 p.m }

A wasteland, with just one snowy mountain in the distance to be seen.

That's where Piccolo decided to take their battlefield to, they knew that the moment the heavy hitters arrived, it was going to get messy.

So to prevent any human interference, they flew here in hope the Saiyans would come to them.

"This isn't the best scenario... where's my brother and the girl? They should be around already!"- Raditz who was wearing a mix of his original battle armor top and black saggy martial artist pants was kinda nervous.

They have already measured the Saiyans, and with Raditz help they knew that the strongest would be at least as strong as Mumei or more, and that was something scary.

At the moment they felt them getting closer and closer, but also some others coming in too.

Looking at the long haired Saiyan, Piccolo put a hand on his shoulder while maintaining a serious face.-" We just have to end one of them for good, the other is not our business in any way to start with, forget the prince, his head already has a bounty that isn't ours."

Finally calming down a bit, Raditz sighed and crossed his arms staring at a certain direction, right where they're coming from.-" So... can I ask him on a fight right? Or do you guy's have something in it too?"

He turned his head to them with a questioning tone, since he couldn't take one, he would go for the other best option, the clown.

The two gave him a funny look, even more Piccolo, liking to see how the rock headed Saiyan changed on the time here already.-" Sure, as of right now you should be the strongest in brute power out of us three here, just don't go overestimating yourself and all should be good, we're going to watch and help if needed, should work."

Accepting his request, the full-blooded Saiyan got even more excited, having a full fight for himself, with someone who always humiliated him, with every single chance he had, and now both of them weren't so far away in power, and as of right now, he is certain he's stronger than the bald man.

As they wait there, Gohan starts to picking up little rocks and throwing them at random things.

And the other two just stayed there in silence, looking at the sky.

"This is a very pretty planet, can see why people like it so much."- Talking his mouth out, trying to start a conversation to kill time.

"Yeah, I wanted to conquer it too, but after some bumps and downs, I sort lost the drive, and now I am better than before in everything, so kinda worth it."- Piccolo said while his cape flied behind him.

Sitting down, the full Saiyan just lazily stayed there.-" Yeah, can see why, this place gives you room to grow, on space, if you get too powerful, a certain someone might just kill you for now being 'his', and if you're loyal to him, you'll turn into a dog in a leash."

Bitterly speaking out as he clenches his fists, Raditz frowns remembering how Frieza treated his race, he didn't like one bit of it.

Side eyeing the one in anger, Piccolo seems confused.-" Really, who is that? I haven't asked since it doesn't seem that important at the moment, but even the bird knows him it seems. Who's that all powerful 'emperor'.?"

Stopping his arm with a rock mid-throw, the boy turns around, himself too wanting to know about what someone with that tittle could be like.

The one being asked just laughed a bit.-" Heh, he's the strongest in the universe, some say he can even transform, but I call it bullshit, his name is Frieza, and he commands the largest and most expanded force in space, The Frieza's Forces."

Flinching at the name, the green man smirked.-:" If a certain someone was here, I feel like she would call it ' lame as fuck', as with her own words, but how come we have never seen or heard about him in here? Isn't he the universe emperor?"

A good question, that Raditz was happy to answer.-" Albeit pretty beautiful, this planet has an average power of five to ten, the martial artist that do push beyond could reach I think around the two hundreds here, just a shot of mine."

A humming sound come from their side, prompting both to look at the one who did it.-" So they only go after strong planets? Building an empire only on the strongest...."

Smiling at how intelligent the boy is, Raditz shuffles his hair.-" YEAH! But we still had to conquer some to sell, at times, a race would ask for specific conditions in the world, weather, temperature, materials abundance, etc. And we would go to one that matched those and get it, already told you guys how before."

He looked down a bit ashamed for doing that as his job before, was doing that or dying...

"But we Saiyans have been doing that since I can remember, not the best thing to be remembered by, but it was what we got by, I always only wanted to be stronger, training daily, pushing my body on missions even if it was for it to be meaningful, planet conquering was a job, like how cleaning bodies is one too in here."





{Capsule Corp; West City; 05:45 p.m}

"..... We don't even know each other that well.... and in my eyes you're pretty crazy, what are you even going to do with a thing like that to begin with?"

A woman with light blue hair, that was in a casual white tank top and loose orange pants, and some black boots was looking pretty taken back by her visitor who just showed up and asked something pretty crazy that she did

not see the 'why', to do it.

"Come on Bulma! Help me here would ya? It's for later on, I got you the Raditz pod in a way, since I got him to join us, so do this for us! It'll help everyone, and if you wanted, you could join the trip with some super strong people!"

And the guest was trying her best to get what she wanted, this was something she needed to get it going already.

The sun shined behind the door of the workshop giving a bigger shine to her light brown hair and yellow shining eyes.-" Come on Bulma! You owe me one in a way! And if that isn't enough, I can promise you a favor, what you think? A favor from me who could stop a meteor with one hand is pretty big, huh? huh?"

Nudging the scientist by the side with her elbow, Muun was with a super sassy face right now.

Bulma face brightly lighted up in a smirk at that proposition.-' Could use her to test some unstable things, so I guess it works for the both of us.'

Lifting her hand, Bulma gave it to Mumei, who took it and shook with a still sassy smile.

"Guess it's our deal then, don't see why you would want a ship with a room that can crush you, but hey, you do you."

Laughing, Muun nodded and started to exit, leaving the blue head confused.-" Wait, wait, wait! You come all the way here just to ask that? Nothing more?"

Spinning around with her arms behind her neck Muun just nodded.-" Yeah, the Saiyans are already here, and Goku is almost arriving, so I am kinda in a rush here.*USH!!*"

Leaving the woman there with information, Muun just exploded in speed to the sky.

Her hair flying back wildly, Bulma was just in shock.-" They're already here? *Smirks* Now this is the perfect time to test that bad boy then!"

Running around she started opening her boxes trying to find something, until she opened the last one.-" Found you!"

Picking it from where it was placed above a small cushion to not damage it, a small white scooter with the glass part in a blue color very similar to her hair.

Putting it on her ear, she clicked the button on the side of it.


"Hmm works fine, after all those upgraded versions, this is the only one I completely rewrote the lines of language, god it was awful to learn this stuff, but now one more language for me, I guess."


"Hmm? It's showing the location where Mumei just flew to..... *BAP!* tsk, it seems it's not fully configured, it's telling something powerful is in there, but it isn't showing their power, must be too far, will need to fix it later!"

Letting the scouter there, she turned to her workbenches, trying to find the keys for her vehicle, she wanted to test her new thing out after all.





{Pov Mumei; skies}

Ahhhhhhgg.... I thought she wouldn't accept it.....

That was scary, I need it done the earlier the best.

[{ Hmm, this could save us a lot of trouble when getting to Namek, well done Muun.}]

Yeah, thanks.

"!!!! *Smile*, He's back. *Stops flying*, Goku's already heading to there, so I guess I have time, the humans haven't died yet.

And Spikey seems to be against the movie director.

Floating above the clouds I look down at one of my darling screens~ ehehe.... never going to get old.


Jokes aside for a minute, Kro, any changes in my status or anything? Haven't seen that one for a while.

Could be a good thing to measure what I am expected to do in here.

Hearing some angry clicks, I see a pop-up blue screen in front of me, and oh boy, busted.

Everything got better.

But there was one tittle that made me smile.- "Guess 'I' am are the only one in here now.*smirks*"






■Name: Mumei Naya Berry

■Age: 27

■Gender: Female

■Race: Civilization Owl/Saiyan Hybrid

■Height: 178 cm

■Title: { [ Traveler ]; [ Owl Joker ]; [ System High Holder (Super-High intimacy) ]; [ Yuki's Dear Daughter ]; [ Complete ]; [ Mumei ] }

■Power Level: 15.000 PL

■Forms: □Owl [Mastery 52%](-0.5x PL, but flight is 3x faster) ( PL 7.500, SPEED-PL 45.000 )

● [{ To effectively use a form or skill, it is needed at least [ 5% Mastery ], there is the mark where you can use it easily, without the need to always have a trigger, or something. }] - Kro


●" Ki control "( Mid-High)[Mastery 14% ](Passive): Control the energies on the surroundings, and now control your own power to high levels and faster.


●" Flight "(Owl Trait)[Mastery 62%]: As the name says, you fly.


●" Zenkai Plus "(Owl + Saiyan Trait)(Passive): An exponential power that the Saiyans have, now works 5x or more on you as a hybrid.(Situation to work at 100% must be a to-the-death fight)


●" Owltra Instinct "[ Instincts(Fully Awakened)]: (Owl Trait)(Passive) [Mastery 31%][Increase in 80% in PL] You can dodge and attack on Instinct, only go as far as your own will goes, and when entered concentration levels increase as well, not to be confused with UI, because it's not an absolute thing as UI is.

• Working like a feeling of where the danger will come, and where an attack would be effective, but not always it works, since the mastery of such a sense is not at its max.}] ( PL 27.000 )

. After becoming complete and experiencing the real awakening of it, it's strength now shines fully

●" Martial Arts ": Low-Master [Mastery 2.1%](-A Rank): You're a master at arts of fighting, but your fists can still achieve further.


●" Owl Side ": [Mastery 10.5%]: The power that comes from the will to cause chaos, and have fun while doing it, gives a bonus in strength that can go from a little, to even overpowering, while exuding an aura of incredible killing intent.( PL 37.500 )

. A mutation, from being an outer being with roots outside, and with it bringing its power with you, but also being someone from the inside of the roots.

●" Power Ball ": [Mastery 1.6%]: A ball of energy that uses a lot of Ki, but also emanates certain rays that turn Saiyans into big monkeys, or Great Apes, as they call it, not mattering if that time of day is full moon or not.

ReyKale ReyKale

Have another :)

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