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30.76% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 32: Chap 32-There.... was more?.......

Kapitel 32: Chap 32-There.... was more?.......

Chap 32- There.... was more?....:


(A/N: Small Fix).


{Kami-House; 09:00 a.m}

Being left there confused for life at what has just occurred, Raditz has an existence crisis.

First his scouter was stolen by a strange girl, wearing some strange clothes who don't fit for any warrior he has seen so far.

Second is that despite her childish way of acting, she's strong, probably strong enough to foil him up like paper with just one hand.

And with these reasons he started thinking seriously about her propositions.

Knowing very well that in space he was nothing more than a piece of dust, even among the forces and average soldiers, he was considered weak... it was humiliating, being a Saiyan, that for him was great pride, but still being such a weak one! He even pushed himself in every mission.

He pushed himself in most missions, but even with that, it was strange, it was like destiny was holding him back from everything.

Even the Prince joked around him even being really a Saiyan, since he wasn't growing stronger at all.

The soldiers from the emperor, always joked at how he was going to die from a fallen piece of rock one time or another.

And looking at this girl who has the most punchable face he has ever seen in a long time, but yet the most genuine also. If, he doesn't take her warning, he'll die, without even support arriving... but what even was his so-called support going to do? Kill him themselves? Knowing them, very likely.

After all he wasted so much of their time in this trip, it could be the last drop for him, failing to get his brother could mean his death... but trying further also means death...

Sighing loudly he looks at the girl's, she exudes great amounts of power, from the looks of the other people behind her, he can tell that, they have been looking at her in shock for some minutes now.

'Th-This pressure.... God.... I am almost falling down!'- Yamcha was on his last toes trying to stay up, Muun was at her highest at the moment.

And this was the first time ever, they felt such a pressure, she until now was gradually increasing her output, even Piccolo and Goku were surprised.

They have never seen her use such a level!

"Son...*sweating* It seems we underestimated something here..."- He was looking at the Owl's back with eyes widen.

Goku, coming to his side also tries to stop his tense muscles.-" Yea-h... Ehehe, all this time... she was holding back... a LOT!"

Both were now tanking all the power intent for the humans behind them, giving them a room to breath, Yamcha and Krillin were doing it already for Bulma, Roshi and the turtle.

Being at the side of the turtle, Gohan was looking with a mouth gaping in awe, the feeling he was getting from his aunt, was something that you could just call it death if it had a feeling.

After all Mumei even in this level, was sill not at her maximum, and she was giving them a glimpse of her other side, not fully utilizing it, but Raditz could see a red shine in her yellow eyes.

But his eyes followed something else, above her head, two feathers, he didn't seem to notice them there earlier.

Pointing at them, he started trembling a little.

"Ho-How! Are you one of those Civilization Owls!? Weren't they all killed by Frieza men and the King forces all those years ago!?"- He spoke in a very scared and sweaty tone.

Prompting our Owl, to stop her play, and take a confused face.

"What? Explain yourself! Now!"- Walking up to him, he stays there now looking directly into her eyes.

She never heard of such a thing.

'Kro, anything to help here? I didn't think that I would have an ancestor...'

[{*clicking noises*, It's because you don't, or shouldn't have, this is strange... there shouldn't be anything like a race called 'Civilization Owl' in this universe... the only one, was Nanashi Mumei, but she wasn't from this universe, or even franchise to begin with.}]

'So basically an alternative universe?... shit... there goes most of the stuff I could predict...'

Gulping down the knot on his throat, Raditz continues.-" I-I don't have much information on it... it happened when I was just a brat, and was on my third mission, was about one or two years before the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

All I know is that the King of all the Saiyans together with the emperor's forces got together to end a race called 'Civilization Owls', and about the battle I just know stories from an older Saiyan, he said that those guys had power above the ten thousands, the strongest could get to thirty or more.

At the time luckily for us the Frieza forces helped, and we won in the end...."

Mumei just stared at his face, not processing what was just said.

'I... I... what....'- She couldn't comprehend it, a little lie she told Goku, somehow turned into a true story, well the part of her Owl race at least.

[{Muun.... breathe, don't think too much, you'll be okay.}]

The system core trying her best to comfort her beloved, was almost teleporting herself to this plane to hug her bird, not even caring about the consequences of not having a biological body and a mortal soul.

That's why she needs an upgrade card, she needs to evolve from just some lines of code, to actually be an "Alive entity" like the others.

Now coming back to our meeting between the long haired Saiyan and the bird.

"*breathes in*, Anything more? Don't hide a thing from me."- Her face morphs into a frown.

Luckily the others behind her can't see it, but the one whose right in front of her face, seems now red eyes looking at his soul, this is going to leave an instinctual fear in the poor guy...

"*trembling* I-I don't know anything more! The only one who got more information on such events would be the prince... he was one of the supports who joined later on... but besides that, I was just helping on some other planet's low level tasks at the time..."- Breathing fast, and talking even faster he explains, the bird nods.

She looks at the others, with her normal smiley face.-" Well, I think the answer was already given."

Walking to the group, she stops into their front, and spinning her foot and opening her arms in a celebrating manner.-" WELCOME RADITZ! I! Mumei the Owl, a hybrid of a Saiyan and a Civilization Owl, welcome you to our side of the coin!"

Hearing her, his eyes go to her waist, where she sets free her tail, and it moves around.

He and the other Z warriors all take a spit take.

The older brother, looks at her with an even more confused face, not understanding even more the situation.

"A Saiyan hybrid... even more with that race... how... or more, is it even possible... no....not having the information of happened there, I can't really say anything..."

Looking at the girl, he kinda sees her in a different light, even if she's a hybrid, she still partially a member of the Saiyan race, but that doesn't change the fact that, she's scary.

Krillin understanding the consequences of her belonging to the same race as Goku, widen his eyes.-" God.... she could destroy everything if she turns into that...."

Talking more to himself than anything, he still looks at the taller girl with even more fear now, she in his eyes, has the power to end it all.

"Uuuugh...*sigh*, you said earlier that you had a way for me to grow stronger? Hah, that's something I wanna see, I've been trying for a long time already, *looks down* and can't seem to go up from where I am..."

Mumei seeing this understands what he means.-'Having such a low power level, and having fought to conquer planets, his power should be at least on the 4k's with how much Zenkais he would've gotten...'

She walks to him again and puts a hand on his shoulder.

[{There must be a reason, but if it's some type of bad mutation, we could ask the dragon balls, and we would get another super warrior in the long run.}]

"*smile*, We'll solve that, but from now on, Raditz, brother of Son Goku or Kakarot, I want your resolve on getting stronger, not some stupid ass conquering planets' hobby, you'll not change in an instant, but give a try to an earthling life, it's better than almost dying all the time I bet."

Conflicted, the Saiyan raises his head and looks past Muun, at his brother, his only family, their father's face. Goku seeing the conflict in his brother's face smiles and gives a thumbs up,

The choice was already made, but he feels like that to go away from where he was before, that is not something he could do, but it's something he needs to try to achieve further.

"Mumei was it? Hah, don't expect much, I accept your proposition, and will keep it, if you show me, that you can make me go further as a Saiyan."

Going back to her eyes, that now show immense satisfaction.-" Oh I will, you and your brother, will go to heights that your parents would be proud of, after all what's the father and mother that aren't proud of their son's? Principally you guys, you're the sole survivors of an almost Instinct race, be more happy and enjoy it you fuckers!"

Laughing a bit, Raditz go pass her, and go walking to his brother.

Goku until now was just watching, taken back by the fact that he had more family besides his grandpa, and the taller man in front of him right now, is his blood brother.

"*Smirk* You really are like a painting of his face, don't expect me going easy on you from now on, I look forward to showing you how to fight like a real Saiyan, Kakarot."

Being both from a race of fighters, their interaction would be very strange for the spectators, but for some of them, it already showed that time doesn't cut relations.

Smiling excited back, Goku puts both hands on his hips.-" Ouh! You better! I am excited to show you the techniques we have here too! You're powerful, but your Ki is so out of control, it's funny even."

Blinking twice, Raditz looks at his brother confused.-" Ki?"

Walking closer, Piccolo clears his throat to explain to the Saiyan, earning himself the overall attention.-" Ki is basically the energy all around us and inside us, our power and strength, it can do a lot of things, destructive and constructive as well."




Jumping from one leg to the other, Muun gets to Gohan's side.-" It's basically what you call battle power Raditz, but we can control it, mine was always under half of my maximum output, what I showed you was my pure power without further techniques."

That statement, makes everyone who felt the pressure earlier look at her sweating even more.

The two aliens that had fought the bird understand what she meant, and just sigh at how absurd her statement is.

"See told you guys, she's a damn anomaly."- Muun grunts at that and just crouches down to pet the old turtle.

The other Z fighters seeing that things have ended peacefully go inside the house, to help Krillin cook some things, since now they have three extra guests.

Entering the house, from outside they could hear cries coming from a flying cat.

Now only the ones from space being left outside, Raditz turns to Piccolo. -" I wanted to ask it earlier, but is a Namekian doing here?"

Being irked by this, Piccolo looks at him.-" Namekian? That's new to me... I knew that like Son, I was from space, but to know what is really interesting."- He hums at the new information.

Seeing that giving the information wouldn't hurt.-"They were alive, well some climatic extreme changes happened a long time ago, so their home planet home was almost destroyed, it could explain you being here.*points the Piccolo*"

The conversation continued, with them exchanging some information, and Raditz learning some things he could potentially do.

And learning about how he could lower his power to almost nothing was something he wanted, such a technique could avoid scouts, and he knew how valuable it could be.

After a while, he was introduced to Gohan, he was even more surprised, his brother had a son, and looking at the boy reminded him of their mother, such a resemblance was pretty high, even his way of acting too in some points.

Even not having his scouter, the kid was giving a sensation of power, and that was something that made the older Saiyan understand.-'These people, are strong, it must have been...'

Turning his head slowly to the one who's sitting by the entrance stairs of the small house, he understands, she was serious.

"Hey Owl girl... so what now? I accept your terms."

She was watching the clouds pass, with her head on the stars, thinking about her past, and some theories.

But the raspy voice got her out of her thoughts, making her close her eyes.-" First, I need to do something to help you, later you'll train with Piccolo and Goku, they'll teach you valuable stuff, even I learned from them, and lastly and what I am going to do right now.*open eyes*, we're going to play a little acting.*FUSHH!*"

Flying away, the others stay, confused at her words.-" Ahh, is she always like that?"

"You get used to it, she is like a hyperactive kid, the bird is always doing something or sleeping and lazing around."- Piccolo starts to levitate, going back to meditating a bit.

"Yeah, most time, but she's a super good person! Oh, she also makes some jokes that I don't understand anything at all ahahaha!*scratches hair*"

Humming to his brother response, he looks down, seeing the little with a strange glow in his eyes.-" What is it kid?"

Asking, just to be bombarded.-" Hey uncle! What's space like? Did you pass by a black hole already? Did you already seem a supernova? Did you...."

The small child turning into an automatic rifle of questions, making the older man flinching at being called uncle, and later having to answer fast, mostly "No." or "I don't even know what that is!"

And after being bombarded by those questions he is now laid with his back on the ground.-" Give me a break...."

The kid was back to playing with turtle, even through he is pretty mature, he still a child, and such things shine at their maximum when the topic is the things he likes.



Flying back, Mumei holds a green scouter in her right hand. Seeing this Raditz was about to shout, but the Owl but a finger in her lips as saying for to not make a noise.

Stopping his small meditating session, Piccolo opens his eyes.

Just to see a smug smile on the girl's face.-"*cough*, I think he died, man that was a little tough, he said that there may be more, didn't he? Well, let them come, if they're like him, they must be weak after all! Isn't that right Piccolo?"


Launching the small device to the Namek, prompting for him to continue, not sure of what to do, he tried to follow what she said...-" Uh yeah... He was weak... they must be weaklings too...."

Being awkward, and not knowing how to proceed, he just overcharges the part that looks to be a small microphone.

"HEY! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!"- Raditz jumping up yelling, never expecting such a thing to happen.

Looking at Muun who just crosses her arms and looks proudly of her doing. -" What? It's better if them come here, and if they really get angry with that, and they will, and I can imagine space travel isn't something Instantaneous. We have time to get stronger, and you too."

Wanting to fire back with a' It's impossible!', but their power is higher than his own, and with this girl around, and her saying she's even stronger...

But walking up to Piccolo he stretched his hand.-"Can I? Want to see how you guys are compared to them..."

In his last resort, he tries to have a light of hope in what she said.

Piccolo looks at the mechanism, and gives it back.

Rapidly putting it back on and clicking on the button, he looks at the girl in particular.-" 4.000...5.500..... 7.000...*BEP* 8.500... That is it? You are almost half as strong as the Prince?*frowns*"

Still having her arms crossed, she breathes out and like hot steam starts going out of her body, the surrounding air contorts a bit.

"What?! 9.000.....10.000!.....*BEP!* 12.500..... What the actual hell....."- He sweat drops, looking at the girl who could be considered a High Rank Saiyan Elite, and widen his eyes with her next word.

"There's more, but I don't think that thingy can handle my maximum effort, so here a little taste."- Her eyes turn yellow and her pupils into black slits.

Orange-Flames start to go around her in a small area close to her body, and the feeling she gives that of a predator.-" I can be almost two times stronger than this to put an example."

"...*BEP!BEP!* 17.500.... you.... you have practically the Prince power... and saying that you can go even further than that...what... what are you?"

She just forms a sassy smile, and going back to her base state stretches two hands forward and then points at them.-" The one who ughh*cough!**COUGH!* Sorry... I choked on my spit.... going back... I am Mumei... the one who's going to be the strongest lazy Saiyan.... sheesh lost all motivation to say it...*walks away*"


Entering the house with her head low, she pushes the door and closes it behind her...

"I.... kinda feel bad for her..."- Raditz wasn't really planning on this scenario.

"Yeah... don't worry about it, it happens, she's going to get better."- Shaking his head, Piccolo looks at the scouter... and hears some voices.... they seem to make Raditz go from calm, to totally tense in a second.

<< That Stupid Raditz.... losing to some weaklings like those earthlings! And they even mocked us, by comparing us to that failure of a Saiyan!>>

The one hearing it grits his teeth and fists, shaking in anger.-' DAMN IT!!'


{Pov Vegeta; Planet Nanaba}

We just heard something very interesting from our scouters, before it going to just static and random noises.

"Nappa, I know where we're going after this, you too don't you?*smiles*"- Eating a leg from this fruit looking race of sorts he nods.

"That Stupid Raditz.... losing to some weaklings like those earthlings! And they even mocked us, by comparing us to that failure of a Saiyan!"- He's right.

When he finally got something to prove he was somewhat.... usefulness... he just gets killed in a no name planet by some worms...

'*sigh* One less Saiyan I guess, seems like I will need Kakarot to take his spot, for him to kill Raditz, he must be stronger, and the earthlings too, seemed pretty powerful, it could be fun.'

Getting up from the ruins of the city we just destroyed.



I call ours ships.-" Come on Nappa, it's going to take one year to get there... we better go right now since we already ended our job here, and stop eating that!"

Looking at the bald head who throws the leg away, and enters his pod.-"It had Banana taste Vegeta! You should try it!"

Ignoring him, and entering my own pod.




We exit the planet, going to our dear friend little home.

[[ Entering hibernation mode, when the location { Earth } is reached, the hosts will be awoken. ]]

"Hehehe, you better be ready Kakarot, because I will not be gentle."

Hearing a bep from the microphone, I regret saying that.

"Oh Vegeta, you nasty~"


"Okay~ Nastygeta~"- I will get out off here and explode his ship before getting to Kakarot....

Closing my eyes... it seems this gas thing is starting to work....

"Let's meet, and see what you are going to do..... Kakarot...."

And that's how I slept, unaware, of what craziness of a world I was getting myself into.

ReyKale ReyKale

Idk about you all, but imagining Nappa saying -"Nasty~" -is too much.... if you watched TFS... imagine that Nappa.....


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