/ Book&Literature / A Potter's Journey in Westeros (HP X GOT)

A Potter's Journey in Westeros (HP X GOT) Original

A Potter's Journey in Westeros (HP X GOT)

Book&Literature 2 Kapitel 37.1K Ansichten

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I don't own Harry Potter or A song of ice and fire.

After Slytherin left the castle, Godric Gryffindor made a pact with the children of the forest. He left his home through a mystical forest and traveled to Westeros. He later became the last Hero by defeating the white walkers.

A thousand years later, Harry Potter was being hounded by the press and pestered by his fans. He decides that he needs to get away. When he learns of the house elves plight and Kreacher offers him an escape, who's he to refuse. In true Gryffindor fashion, he charges into this new world without even considering the consequences. Little does he know the true effect his presence will have on his new home.

Cover Art: arishatistic (Contact me if you want it taken down)

  1. Megiddo
    Megiddo Beigetragen 3
  2. TheNinjaWizard
    TheNinjaWizard Beigetragen 2
  3. little_howii
    little_howii Beigetragen 1

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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