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59.6% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 332: Chapter 299

Kapitel 332: Chapter 299

This had become a common occurrence.

I would come visit Salem for a day or two, staying the night in one of her guest rooms. However, she was acting a little more awkward than previously.

I wasn't oblivious to the reason.

I had kissed her.

It was a brief kiss, barely a peck on the lips, but it was a step forward. We had a sort of dynamic already, I would tease her a little bit, and she would 'hide' under her 'obligations' to perform to a certain extent in hospitality.

Had she shown any real dissatisfaction towards my advances, I wouldn't have pushed, even as mildly as I did. But she appeared open about it, so I took a shot and she accepted. However, she had become…..distant, or more so than before.

I mean, we weren't nearly as close as I was with my other girls, though much more familiar than when I first came over, but there was still a lot to work through. She basically told me that I was welcome to stay the night in 'my' room again before disappearing.

Maybe she just needed some time alone with her own thoughts.

I had a vague idea of how long it'd been since she was involved with someone. Thanks to Jinn, I did see quite a bit about her life – in very broad strokes. It might just take awhile for her to accept that I'm being sincere in my attempts. Though, I think she knows it, but just had trouble accepting it for whatever reason.

As long as she doesn't show actual distaste or annoyance, I'll continue doing what I've been doing.

"What do you think, squidward?" My faithful Grimm companion hovered nearby, as it did when I came over to visit. "Was the kiss to soon?" I elbowed him as I made myself some coffee.

It wiggled its tentacles as if to say 'meh'.

"I couldn't help it, she was being too cute. And the face she made afterwards, I had to force myself not to go any further." I let out a sigh, taking a seat nearby. "Should I apologize? I don't think it was a big step forward personally, but maybe I read the signs wrong."

Can't say I was infallible in that regard. For all I knew, I was completely wrong in my interpretations.

That's why communication is important.

Last time we did talk about the potential for something, this time we spent a sorta intimate moment together, and I leaned in for a simple kiss.

It could even be called a third date, if you looked at it a certain way.

God, seeing her actually blush for the first time. I've gotten her flustered before, maybe even some hint of embarrassment from teasing. But never a full on blush like what happened.

Especially the way it contrasts on her pale skin.

Way too cute.

"I really have gotten smitten with her." I hummed to myself.

Squidward made a strange sound in agreement.

"Oh shit, did someone actually make –" A familiar face pushed open the door, stepping in, only to pause when he saw me. "Ah fuck me."

I blinked at his reaction upon seeing me. "….sorry?"

"Shit, shoulda known you were here. No one else fuckin makes coffee, always gotta do it myself and they all steal it." He let out a sigh.

"… there something wrong with me being here?"

The kid groaned. Mercury, I think I recalled his name correctly. "Boss Lady said to stay far away after…..last time."

"Oh." I snorted. "Yeah, the one where Salem walked in when you – "

"Yeah, that." He chuckled depressingly. "Fuckin almost got burned to a crisp for that man."

"Really? I do it all the time." I took a sip of my coffee.

"You also flirt with the Scary-Magical-Grimm Lady." He pointed out.

"That I do." I chuckled.

"And somehow live afterwards."

I guess I could see how that would be a little intimidating from his perspective. "Honestly, it just makes her even more sexy."

"…..alright, that's true. Shit, so rank out of 10?" He asked.

"You really just have no fucks to give, don't you?" I raised an eyebrow at his question. Even after what happened last time, he was asking something like that again.

"Dad was an Assassin. Every day was 'Take your kid to work day' for him. If he was in a bad mood, he beat the shit out of me. If he was in a good mood, he beat the shit out of me with a smile on his face." The Silver-haired kid shrugged.

"Wow, alright then. If I was forced to say she's – oh hey Salem." I turned my gaze to behind him.

The kid froze, turning around with eyes wide open. Except, there was no one standing behind him. "oh fuck you."

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Dammit, I should really go. Cinder's going to get on my ass if she finds out. Cya later, man, it's nice to have someone without a stick up their ass around this place." He gave a quick wave before leaving in a hurry.

He's fun.

If I remembered correctly, he had prosthetic legs. Maybe I should enchant them, think he'd enjoy that. Would be entertaining to watch him fly around and whatever else I could come up with if nothing else.

Speaking of enhancements, I wonder if Salem would be upset if I…..upgraded Squidward. Give him some bitchin weapons to fling around with all his appendages. Maybe some armor too, something super intimidating for him to float into battle with.

It would be hilarious for Squidward to fire a cannon or something, only for the recoil to send it hurling away.

Or maybe, Sir Wiggles could use a mount.


I poked the floating eldritch abomination. It made a funny sound that seems to easily brighten my mood.

"I should have known you would be here."

I perked up upon seeing who spoke. "Good morning, Salem." I smiled warmly towards her.

Guess Mercury had good instincts…..or maybe she was waiting for him to disappear. I wouldn't put it past her, sounds like something cute she would do so as to not make an awkward situation again.

She eyed me for a moment, silently, before taking a few steps forward, finding a seat at the table opposite from me.

"Want some coffee?" I offered, along with my plethora of additions available.

I take my coffee seriously.

"I am not of the mood." She stated.

Hmm, she did say she doesn't require food and drinks anymore. But I can't fathom the idea of not enjoying either for the sake of it. .....maybe she simply didn't like coffee? It was a blasphemous thought, but I would be willing to bear with it if it meant I could spend more time with her.

"Did you just come to see me and Squidward then?" I asked, poking the Grimm again.

"….you named my seer such a ridiculous thing." She shook her head in exasperation. "You are aware I can see and hear everything it does, yes?"

I blinked, looking at Squidward. "Now that's awkward."

Betrayed by someone I thought I could trust.

"Hmph." She breathed out some air form her nose. "You are a strange man."

"Normal is boring. If I were normal, I wouldn't come to the Grimm lands because I heard there was a beautiful Queen here." I pointed out. "I wouldn't have been able to see that wonderful smile of yours when it's finally coaxed out. Nor would I have known about that adorable laugh of yours after working hard to make it appear."

"Perhaps I am the strange one for allowing you to act the way you do." She crossed her arms, lips pursed. "Falling for such obvious flirtations should be beneath one such as I."

She said that, but I could tell she was pleased atleast a little. "You know…" I took a sip of my coffee again. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Well, there was teasing and I did that, and then there was a true discomfort. I don't want to put her in a spot where it's the latter. "If I do something to overstep, or something you don't like – tell me and I'll stop immediately."

There was a small twitch of her lips as her arms unfolded. "I was merely surprised." She said quietly, obviously referring to the kiss.. " wasn't unpleasant."

And I really wanted to 'surprise' her some more right about now, but it didn't feel appropriate. No, it felt like something I should drop for the moment, let her get her own thoughts managed for another time.

Let's change the subject then. "So, how have you progressed on Runecraft?"

I don't know if she was just happy at the change of subject, or the Magic to discuss, but she noticeably perked up. "It is a very interesting piece of Magic. The nuances are deceptively simple once I began more experiments."

"They really are. I know some practitioners who basically use singular Runes for the most simplistic but convenient effects. Weave the correct one into the stitching of a glove, and it's great for bursts of enhance strength. Shoes for speed, clothes for some protection, etc. Viable effects for a minimal cost in Magical Energy."

"As inelegant an approach as that is, I cannot argue that it is an efficient use of such a concept." Salem muttered. "But my first failures came from using multiple together. It seems that the more that are combined, the more difficult it becomes to hold the spell from unraveling or imploding upon itself."

"Ah, I understand completely. I remember that when I began trying to create my own Runic sentences, even though I had much more knowledge on the subject than you. My own teacher would point out redundant choices, weird combinations, or contradictions that often made it fail upon actualization." I nodded along with her word. "While not exactly a good metric of basing one's ability in the area, how many Runes can you string together with certainty of non-failure?"

"A handful – perhaps three or four before I begin to lose confidence."


"Is it?" She sniffed. "I feel inadequate as this touches on many things I am learning and thus unfamiliar with."

"Even the best of Magic-users find things that are difficult to pick up if it's new to them." I soothed her a little bit. "As I said you're fumbling around in the dark right now. You're missing a lot of information."

"…..that is true." She acknowledged. "The books talk about things I do not have a reference for. Places, people, and if I am not mistaken, it references deities other than the Brothers. Does this come from a culture that worshipped something else – as misguided as that is?"

"That's right, they had their own beliefs." I smiled at her deductions.

"How strange. I can hardly recall any cultures during my time that did not worship the Brothers." Salem mused.

"I have a couple more books on Runecraft that may help you. As for their cultural history, well, I don't have anything specific on hand that details that. But…..I wouldn't mind telling you the stories I know about their beliefs and mythology." I offered as an alternative.

"…I would find that most enjoyable." That rare smile of hers finally appeared once again as she settled herself in to listen intently.

I could feel my heart melt when she looked at me they way she did. Without any delay, I began the recant the tales of how the Norse Pantheon came into existence from their Cosmological point of view.

This was turning out to be a wonderful morning.


Weaving another illusion around myself, I stepped out of a portal.

The time I spent with Salem was amazing, but I still had other things I wanted to accomplish before heading back home.

I'm a little sad I couldn't steal another kiss but it was clearly something she was still confused about.

Regardless, I left her Castle with her in a very good mood, so I would count that as a win. Spending hours talking about Magic seemed to be a good way to bring her some enjoyment.

I had considered telling her about everything, but…..I don't think we were quite there yet. There are still some things we need to talk about.

The fact that she was the Queen of the Grimm was a rather big deal. I've glossed over it thus far, but I couldn't ignored it entirely.

….maybe I'm just hesitant about bringing it up because I don't think I'll like what I'll hear and I don't want to ruin what has started developing between us. I had already made some progress in getting her to cease direct attacks on the Kingdoms, better to wait before pushing further.

I'll give it some more thought for now.

It might be a good idea to sit down and talk to Jinn about it too. This was her home, she should have a say in how something like this is handled – beyond the aspect of the Harem. However, she did give me her blessing – along with the others – to pursue Salem. So I don't need to go have a talk with everyone about that aspect of it.

But, that's something to think about at another time.

Right now, I was on a mission.

A very important mission.

Operation, bully Pyrrha.

Finding her took all my skill and cunning, for she could have been anywhere on remnant.

And by that, I men I called Junior and asked him if he knew where she was. She was a celebrity afterall, it wouldn't be difficult to find out.

She was actually in Vale. Not surprising since Junior told me that the Beacon semester was starting soon and I did talk about that with Pyrrha last time I saw here and Junior confirmed it.

But Junior also came through with her exact location. She unfortunately seemed to still have people following after her and all that, but what can you do.

That's how I found myself standing in what looked like a Mall.

Slightly different aesthetic, but it had the general multishop layout I was used to.

One clothing store was closed off with a crowd gathered around the outside.

I was annoyed and tempted to disperse the crowd from what I assume was Pyrrha's unwanted fan club, however, they admittedly weren't doing anything wrong. Pyrrha' feelings aside, they weren't being malicious – probably.

I felt oddly protective of the other Red-Head.

Bending light around myself, not that difficult with magic, even if it was noticeable with some effort and the right equipment/spells. The most basic form of 'invisibility' but it left a faint shudder around my frame if you looked close enough. With how chaotic it was right now, I doubted I would be noticed.

So, I just sidestepped the crowd and walked right inside the store.

Might seem odd that they were catering to a single person, but they could easily use this as a publicity opportunity.

The Pyrrha Nikos shops here!


There were some higher end brands and overall some pretty good looking stuff.

"Girl, you need to show off those legs more. Take these." I followed the sound of the voice.

And wouldn't you know it, there were two people I recognized.

Pyrrha of course, the adorably awkward girl was standing there with another girl shoving clothes into her hands.

A beret on her head, with sunglass worn inside, and just a tacky sense of fashion overall.

"A-are you sure? These are really….revealing. I don't know if I like –"

"I'm sure." I think her name was Coco? She forced the outfits into Pyrrha's hands and literally pushed her into the changing booth. "Try those on, then we'll go from there."

Gods, I haven't thought about that girl in forever. I think Miltia said that her parents owned a bunch of clothing stores, what are the odds?

This Coco seemed to utterly ignore Pyrrha protests.


Maybe I should help Pyrrha assert herself more in the future? She reminds me of Jeanne in that they both didn't like conflict and would make themselves miserable if it meant avoiding that.

….and they're both very bulliable.

But only I'm allowed to bully the adorable cinnamon roll that is Pyrrha Nikos.

Pyrrha did follow the instructions, changing into a short skirt, and a cute sweater. It admittedly did look good on her, I wouldn't deny it, but she clearly didn't feel comfortable wearing it. Odd considering her 'combat' clothes are pretty revealing as well. But then again, that's mostly for the maneuverability and not something she thought about too much outside of her work as a 'huntress in training'. Or perhaps it was due to her nature as a sort of entertainer. On that note, it might not be remiss to bring up the topic of some different kind of protection later on.

Her casual dress was more a reflection of her tastes. She's a much more reserved woman than that, or so I understood.

Coco tipped down her sunglass. "Nice." She admired. "Could pop a cantaloup with those thighs."

Pyrrha of course got flustered at the comment, so I took that opportunity to – quite literally- work my magic.

Coco had another outfit in her hand, and with a flick of my own, I cast another illusion over it.

"Now try this." Coco held up the other outfit for her to try on, except –

"W-what!?" Pyrrha blurted out.

Coco blinked in confusion, looking down at what she was holding. It was a very provocative combination of leather straps and an accompanying gag even. An ensemble that would somehow come together to barely cover her most private of places, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Coco made her own squawk of surprise. "T-this isn't what I grabbed!? Why is this even here!?" She blurted out. Funny, I didn't take her for the type to get embarrassed so easily, but here we are. "I-I'm going to figure out who put this here and fire them!" She ran off presumably to the back where they keep things.

Pyrrha, stood there with a red face, unable to respond properly.

"I think 'Red' is the perfect nick-name for you. Your face definitely matches your hair right now." I took the opportunity to sneak up on her.

She jumped a little, startled by my appearance. She looked at me in confusion, I clearly looked very different, but her brow furrowed as if she realized. "Will…?"

"Hey Red, been awhile." I smiled towards her.

"Will!" Pyrrha exclaimed, and I was mildly taken as she initiated a hug. Usually I was the one to do that. I accepted it happily, of course. "You disappeared again, for like, three weeks." She sounded….sad.

"Sorry, Red. Had to take care of some things." I apologized, patting her on the back. "Wanna go somewhere more private? The bondage gear is optional, by the way."

"Y-you did that, didn't you!?" Pyrrha squeaked out, smacking my shoulder with a cute pout.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Guilty~"

"That was mean!" She huffed. "And now I feel bad about Coco."

"Don't, she's a tool." I rolled my eyes. "She wears sunglass in doors, and don't get me started on her beret! Not to mention she's a bit of a stuck up bit—"

"Language." She poked me with a stern look.

"Unpleasant person." I cleared my throat in clarification.

"Hmph." She untensed a little. "….is there still a crowd outside? I don't think I can get away without being seen, and you're…."

"Pyrrha." I chuckled again. "Did you forget who I am?" I waved my arms, opening a portal.

"…..I forgot you could do that." She admitted.


Appearing someplace more deserted, Pyrrha peaked around a moment before calming down. She looked at me again, pouting again before hitting my shoulder like many seemed to do. "You disappeared for so long. Do you know how worried I was!?" She began chastising me.

"Sorry, I was really busy with some stuff. Helped the misses handle some negotiations with some rival factions and all that." I vaguely replied.

"You better not be involved in any more criminal stuff." She let out a little huff.

"Hey, I've been on my best behavior."

"I don't believe you." She immediately replied.

"I may or may not have turned over a Schnee mining camp—"


"—That was using literal slave labor." I added.

She deflated right away. "...that sounds horrible."

"It was, but I handled it." I reassured her again. "So, what about you, Miss Dominatrix-in-Training?"

"Brothers, you're never going to let that go, are you?" Pyrrha covered her face with her hands. "And it was you who did it! I should be calling you that."

"If you want to call me your dommy daddy, I won't so no~"

The embarrassed sound she made was always fun to hear. "I would die of embarrassment if the press heard you even imply something like that."

"Oh, I could imagine the headlines – Pyrrha Nikos, Deviant!? The Secret to her strength, she likes to be spanked!"

"D-don't add on strange things like that!" She squeaked.

"Hmm, you didn't deny it." I pursed my lips. "Very suspicious."

"Nyeh!" She smacked my shoulder. "You're not allowed to spread lies like that!"

"Don't worry, Pyrrha. I won't spread your obvious deviant behavior." I promised with full sincerity.

She covered her face again, the red hue obvious at this point.

"I heard that the Deputy Head-Mistress at Beacon uses a riding crop. Maybe you should practice with a Whip – you know, to fit in better?"

"Stooooooooop" Pyrrha whined.

"Alright, alright." I pulled her in for another hug. "I'll stop teasing you."

"You're a bully." She huffed, accepting the hug again. "But…..I missed you." She whispered.

"Sorry, I really was busy." I breathed out.

There were no romantic feelings involved. I knew she didn't feel that way about me, beyond maybe a physical attraction, which in turn I could recognize she was very beautiful herself. No, I saw her as my friend, and I cherished that, even if it wasn't for very long.

"How long are you staying around?" She asked.

"…..couple hours, probably. Only came to visit because I had the time." I admitted.

"I see…." She sounded depressed about it, even if she forced herself not to frown.

"Hey now, don't get so down." I poked her nose. "You said you were attending Beacon, well, I'm going to make damn sure I'm around when you get accepted. You said they have an entry test after passing the enrollment verification, right?"

"Yes, I heard that every Academy has their own variation of a hands-on testing process, though I don't know the specifics…" She bit her lip, like she was pensive about something. "I, um...they said I don't need to take part in the test, that I'm welcome even without it."

"Oh? Oh." I realized what was troubling her. "You think they're only doing that because you're a celebrity?"

"I know it sounds silly, it's not like it's uncommon for well known names to bypass that test. There are some legacies that pop up, and they're usually pushed to the front of the line and everything. But….I just feel weird about it." Pyrrha replied.

"From an outsiders perspective, yes it did come out because of your fame." I admitted. "However, your fame arose due to your combat abilities. So in that thinking, is it strange to be against it? You completely earned your own strength, and that's what they recognized, Pyrrha. And, do you have to accept the line-jump? Couldn't you just take the test anyways?"

She did smile brightly. "Thank you, Will." She said with an honest sentiment. "I know it's silly, but I guess I just wanted someone who understood to tell me that. And….do you really think they'll not be against me doing the test like everyone else?"

"Pyrrha, they're willing to forgo the test in the first place to get you to their school. They're clearly willing to jump through hoops, so to do the opposite, shouldn't be any issue. Be humble about it, say something like 'you wanted to prove you could attend such an illustrious Academy like Beacon' or something, play up on their pride if anyone asks. They literally wouldn't be able to turn away your request at that point." I offered some advice.

"That sounds...devious." She muttered. "Yet…..kind?" She looked at me, with another light slap at my shoulder. "Why are you so good at being underhanded in nice ways?"

"Lots of practice." I chuckled. "You'll have to learn how to navigate situations like this eventually. You've had an Agent handle negotiations and stuff in the past, right?"

"Yeah, I have a good Agent. A friend of my mom." Pyrrha nodded. "Maybe I should start standing in for things like that for the future."

"Hmm, your mom, huh? I'm imaging a much older version of you. How about you introduce us at some point?" I wiggled my eyebrow.

"D-don't you dare try anything on my mom!" She squeaked out again. "Besides, you have a Daughter and wouldn't your…..girlfriend? Be upset with you about saying something like that" She puffed up indignantly.

"Actually, I have a Harem." I decided to drop that bomb on her without any set up.

Just like I did about Kunou.

Her reactions are always adorable.


"Alright, Junior, I'm here. What's the big emergency?" I opened up a portal to Junior's back room. He reached out to me via Scroll while I was wrapping up with Pyrrha.

However, once I realized who exactly was in the room, I couldn't help but sigh. "You know, I thought it was something important. How my day is ruined."

"Oh Kid, your words hurt. Don't you miss your old man?" Roman Torchwick replied with that shit-eating-grin of his.

"Where were you dad! You went out for cigarettes so long ago. Then next thing I hear, you're spending all your money on drugs, turning tricks on the corner for your next fix." I 'sniffled' wiping a fake tear from my eye. "Poor Neo, did she have to watch you spiral? One moment you're the 'great thief' Roman Torchwick, next, you're giving truck drivers hand jobs in the bathroom for some quick cash."

Neo, who I absolutely knew was around, appeared next to me, mirroring my 'hurt' look.

Junior stared cracking up.

Roman twitched noticeably. "Don't worry kiddo, old daddy isn't going to ever leave you again!" He reached into his jacket, pulling out a bundle of papers, tossing them on the coffee table infront of us. "It's official kid, the adoption papers went through."

...he was way too smug to be just joking.

I looked at him, that unwavering grin on his face as I reached for the papers.

I read them, well skimmed them, but I was having trouble formulating a response. "… gigantic asshole."

"Pfft." Roman even had trouble holding back his cackling. "What's wrong kid?"

"Watermelon Torchwick." I repeated the name he apparently adopted me with. I tossed the papers back onto the table. "Was 'Wilhelm' apparently too difficult a word for you to spell."

"Hey, I take tradition very seriously." Roman grinned.

Neo, was falling over herself laughing silently, as she didn't speak.

Between laughs, Junior grabbed up the papers to read them. "Holy shit, these are legit." He finally said, wide-eyed. "Well, nice to meet you, Watermelon Torchwick."

"Fucking Roman." I face palmed.

"Oh come on, Kid. Is it really so bad."

"Fuck you." I sighed. "How did you even…."

"Lots of bribes." He said without a hint of shame.

"You really spent money, to do something like this?"

He pulled out a cigar, lighting it up. Taking a breath, he puffed out little bit of smoke. "Yup."

"You are a special kind of asshole."

"Hey." Roman wagged his finger. "Don't speak about your father like that."

"Damn Roman, if you went half as hard on your usual schemes as you did this crap, how much easier would they be? You even have a freaking birth certificate made." Junior continued to look it up.

Was this karmic pay back for teasing both Salem and Pyrrha earlier?

"Wait." I blinked. "Who the hell did you put for my 'mom' if you plagiarized a birth certificate." I turned towards Neo. Who which had a mischievous smile about her.

"Haha, fuck no." Roman laughed. "Neo would be insufferable If I implied anything like that between us. As for your mom, I put –"

"Your mom." Junior interjected.

"Yeah, but who?"

"No, your 'Birth Certificate' literally says – Your Mom, for her name."

I opened my mouth and closed it again. "God dammit Roman." I face palmed again.

"Don't mess with the master, brat." Roman cockily replied.

Well played, Roman. Well played. "And since I'm a hot topic, people are going to find this. They're going to call me Watermelon Torchwick."

"…..It has a nice ring to it." Junior seemed to mull it over.

"You're fucking with me."

"I am."

Neo literally fell over laughing at my expense.

"I really hope this isn't what you told me was 'so important' that I should come on over right away." I poked at the silent girl twitching on the ground.

"Alright, serious time." Roman clapped his hands. Neo's figure shattered, her Semblance having activated, she was now leaning against me, parasol in her hand as she spun it innocently. "It's a little dangerous to get together like this, especially for me to come over to Vale right now. Heat is still high, even if I've been working on this whole problem."

"You mean after you came by originally to fuck with Junior?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, brought more problems." Roman nodded. "Worth it, but still not really my best decision."

"Fuck you, Roman." Junior huffed. "Do you have any idea how many rides I took in the back of a Police Cruiser because of that little stunt? Or how many 'surprise visits' by some Hunters 'just checking up' on my club?"

"Listen, there was a very important reason for me doing so."

"Yeah, what was that?"

Roman looked at him for a moment before clapping his hands. "As I was saying, kid. Got a reason to call you over." Clearly ignoring Junior's question. "As I said, been trying to get us out of this little predicament. While I do so love being – as you put it – Roman Torchwick, Thief extraordinaire. Charming, Charismatic, Untouchable by the law. Feared and revered by all of Vale and most of the world. Ladies practically throwing themselves at such a –"

"Like, one or two words of that vomit is accurate."

"You hurt your father, Watermelon." Roman clutched his heart.

"You know I'll get you back for that, right?"

"I like to live in the now." Roman bit down on his cigar. "Like, right now, you're my precious little Watermelon."

"As much as I absolutely enjoy the kid's new legal name, get back to the point, Roman. This is a little important to just be coy about." Junior interrupted.

"Fine, fine." Roman shoved his cigar into an ashtray. "So, here's the thing. Doing lots of blackmail, bribing, and a few threats to the right people to pull all of our asses out of the fire. You can thank me later by the way." He puffed up his collar. "But...we hit a little snag. No way to beat around the bush, we're in some pretty deep water, and it's been hard to get this far as it is. So…..I may have a way to tips things in our favor, might just be able to drop the warrants completely in Vale."

"And this involves me?" I asked.

"A very influential Council member, not entirely above board, he wants….a favor. He does care about Vale, all that patriotic bullshit or what ever." Roman waved his hand flippantly. "But that helps because they're in a pickle right now. You heard about those Mutant Grimm?"

"Junior filled me in." I nodded.

"Good, that saves some time. Well, shit is getting pretty intense with them. This – nameless Council Member offered me a deal of sorts. He would throw his weight around in our favor, and believe me, that's some hefty mass he has to toss around. But…..he'll want a favor regarding the dealings with some unsavory things of the Grimm variety." Roman explained.

"So he wants me to clear up some Grimm? He couldn't ask Atlas to do it?" That seemed a little too easy… "And just like that, we're home free?"

"Please, don't downplay the effort I put in, son. Honestly, he could see the writing on the wall, he just wants to gain something before we managed to pull our petards out of the fire ourselves. It'll admittedly be a lot quicker with his help, okay with this?" Roman asked.

"But why me?" I was confused about that part. "They have Hunters, they have Atlas. It seems weird that he'd ask a 'criminal' like me to do it."

"Kid, do you not realize how scared shitless you've made some people?" Roman tipped his hat. "You threw a fuck-off laser at an almost Ancient Sea-Feilong, and killed it. That kind of thing makes people scared. People with that kind of power the Kingdoms try to force people into their service. Shit, if you did try to go the route of a Huntsman, they would have done anything they could to get you under their thumb."

"What about their own Huntsman? Couldn't they call up Beacon, have some of their experts go deal with it?"

"And risk losing their big sticks? Even Atlas has had some trouble dealing with these Mutant Grimm, why risk their own people when they can have you be their patsy?"

I rolled my eyes at his phrasing. "I'm not against it, it's just killing some Grimm. Sure, tell him I'll take care of it. By the way, what time frame are we looking at? Think you can manage to get us clear by the time Beacon semester starts?"

"With his help, sure I can have it settled a few weeks before Beacon gets rolling." Roman nodded happily. "He wont need the favor right away, honestly, that should be right around the same time. They've found one of those Labs with a bunch of the creepy crawlies right by the city, but they haven't made a serious push into it yet. They probably want a chance to investigate it before calling you in to go all pew pew at it." Roman shot off some finger guns.

"Fine, whatever." I shrugged.

Not a bad deal, I don't mind handling Grimm, and it would line up perfectly with Pyrrha so it wouldn't make it awkward if we were seen together, what with me being a wanted criminal and all that.

"Spectacular." Roman clapped his hands with a wide grin. "Can't wait to see the look on Iron-dick's face when he finds out that I'm a free man – in Vale that is." Roman straightened his collar. "I'm going to go get on this right away. Thanks kid, I really mean it."

"No problem Dad." I rolled my eyes.

"Keep out of trouble, Watermelon." He winked at me with that cocky smile of his. "Come along, Neo. I need you to hide us so the cops don't get stupid...stupider, that is."

Neo walked up to me, stealing a quick hug.

"We'll catch up later once we're in the clear. Drinks and Ice cream will be on me." I gave her a genuine smile.

She wordlessly made some motions with her hands, waving them all around, following up with some stabbing motions.

"Yes, we can find some things to stab. If you want to join me on the Grimm thing, we can do that too.

She threw a thumbs up before skipping off towards Roman.

Junior looked at the door then back to me. "Fucking Roman." He shook his head.

Yeah, fuck Roman.


Sorry for the delay, I meant to release both of these a lot earlier, but when I got home from work friday, i went to take a nap, and set my alarmt to AM instead of PM by mistake again.

Anyways if you want to read 7 chapters or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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