/ Anime & Comics / A Bad Guy
No one is born evil, no one wants to kill other people... It's just the world that forces them.
Come and read the story of our Mc, a kind man who turned into an evil and how he made the world, tremble with his name...
This is my 2nd work, so there will still be a lot of mistakes, so don't be shy and tell me about your thoughts, also, if you liked the work, then a small donation, please?
(a dollar would be enough)
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionAutor mrCat
Dear author continue writing...kinda somewhat a bias review...... ...its 7 chps and I still dont know what world it is.........MC is a retard, like he is an ***** SI, and yet he is a retard, people bully him, his mother lives a **** life and he dosnt do ****...he has lived for 7 yrs or more in this world and he hasnt trained or anything [and reason this is important is cause he is an SI]..so yah, he is retarded and stupid.........BUT there is CD, its slow and kinda bad BUT its there and reason its bad is cause it all diverts back to a retard MC............its still C7 so kinda early but the MC is super annoying,, his retarded personality