Yao Mengqi's pale face was filled with suffering.
"Father, her son has been taught by her to be an accomplice and I got in a dangerous situation because I wanted to help him. However, he used his innocent appearance to confuse me, and so I fell into Yun Luofeng's hands. Not only did she cripple me, she even accused me of stealing! Honestly speaking, I haven't done anything."
Her voice was somewhat hoarse while her face was immersed in tears.
"However, her child cannot be blamed. If he did not obey her commands, she would definitely mistreat him again…"
"What?!" Yao Shu burned with rage and his hands slammed on the table while the veins on his face bulged.
"Father, I don't want her to die too quickly. I want her to have a taste of the same suffering I've undergone." A ruthless glint flashed through Yao Mengqi's downcast eyes as her voice was hoarse.
"I'll look find Yun Luofeng right now and get even with her!"
Arale is a fictional character btw, check this out here! https://www.google.com/search?q=arale&rlz=1C1GGRV_enSG829SG829&oq=arale&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.1594j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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