The door was suddenly burst open, and all of them were truly ignorant of how it happened. Everything in the room was in disorder. A chill ran down their backs!
"What happened?" It was said that as long as they entered the trading room, they would be safe because Jiang Liushi wouldn’t be able to attack them. However, facts spoke louder than words.
The gate made of iron was originally welded for preventing groups of zombies. That black market was their nest, so they tried their best to strengthen it. Even behind those windows, a thick iron mesh had been welded. As a result, after those people fled to the trading room, they felt temporarily relieved. Even, Yuan boss had dared to stand up. But now, their only safe place had been destroyed!
Editor's corner; "They are like moths drawn to flames" ;p I can't be the only one thinking that xD What will happen next? You'll all know on Friday's double release, or not? ;p