The medicinal pill that was made up of alternating black and white colour, was quietly suspended above a black coloured rock pillar. In contrast to the other medicinal pills, which were emitting a pungent Pill Qi, this medicinal pill appeared extremely quiet. In fact, one could not even sense the slightest Pill Qi from it and even the pill fragrance was absent. At a glance, it appeared just like a black and white spherical rock.
However, based on the seemingly uncontrolled rippling aura that was being emitted from within the stone talisman, Lin Dong could tell that this medicinal pill in front of his eyes, should be the thing that Little Marten dreamed of. Moreover, it was the thing which Lin Dong’s group had found after so much difficulty… the Samsara pill.
Lin Dong’s breathing quietly became a little heavier. He looked at the medicinal pill in front of him. Even with his self control, he still felt his head turning a little dizzy because of it.
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