Carrying the little white tiger who was also covered in blood and grime, Zhou Weiqing went to look for a clean set of clothes, running buck naked to clean himself off. After all, the rest of the people living in the house were all men, and he wasn’t afraid of being seen. Furthermore with his character, even if he were seen by women, would this little rascal mind? Who knows if he would come up with something like charging to be seen!?
Filling up a large tub with water, he held little Fat Cat and jumped right into it. Poor little Fat Cat had no choice but to dog paddle to stay afloat, mewing in anger.
Zhou Weiqing gave a hearty laugh, washing the blood and grime off its matted fur before saying softly: “Fat Cat, no matter what, you are a female… Does this count as a Yuanyang Bath 1? Heh heh heh heh.”
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