One officer glanced at his watch, before he suddenly barked, "It's time! Attack!"
At the same time, a number of soldiers carrying ray guns, charging out from the forest like leopards, storming towards the castle.
Following some loud cracks, the surrounding lights were all extinguished.
As darkness covered the area, it provided the soldiers with the best cover.
"What's going on?"
"What happened?"
"Keep calm!! Keep calm!! Eradicate those damn traitors!!"
The lights around the castle suddenly went dark, and the entire manor was thrown into panic and chaos. Due to the various officers being caught off-guard, they issued different orders.
From the gun-holes in the castle wall, multiple beams fired out in the dark, without any clear targets.
In the dark, such shots were mainly useless, the majority of them passing through the air and striking the trees and boulders around.
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