Savage Lord was enraged. Or he was trying to be. In truth, he was more confused than anything. There were five of them and one of Zhang Yang, yet he was already picking them off in the opening seconds of the battle! They did not even get the opportunity to use any life-saving skills!
"GRAH!" he bellowed, almost puking his guts out. All skills, including the ones that he had reserved for the boss, was unleashed. The man swung his axe and shot out a ray of silvery light. The light then morphed and formed itself into a white fiery bird that flew directly into Zhang Yang’s chest.
Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and decided to only use {Last Vigor}. The skill would push his maximum HP to over 140,000. With the 20% passive damage reduction skill, it would take a damage value of over 180,000 to kill Zhang Yang instantly.
Zhang Yang maintained his pace and charged towards King Kong’s Wrath.
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