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19.19% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 19: Into the Frying Pan

Kapitel 19: Into the Frying Pan

May 6, 1998

Belgrade, Serbia

Sirius ran water over his stubbled face. The last few days had been long. Not since the Blood Wars had he gotten so little sleep, nor had he been running on so much adrenaline for so long. He was going over the disastrous last few weeks in his head. The Council's ministry couldn't fall, and he didn't trust half the Representatives left. Montenegro and Kosovo put in an emergency resolution Monday to split up the Southern Council. Sirius thought that a bad idea since all the main Floo network and other function were here in Serbia and the satellite locations in the other countries would be cut off or they would need their own people here.

After Franco had been sent back to Spain to recover, all those still looking for the new Dark Lord was in this flat. Sirius took in the group looking for Tom. Moody was sitting in the room outside the bathroom. The man looked tired. The eight others in the apartments that were maintained by the ICW for its representative looked just as haggard. A few were asleep in the chairs or where ever they had leaned against the wall.

"You need some rest," Moody said in his gruff voice.

"Once I get back home. We hand off operations to Representative Gustavus and the new Auror Captain later today," Sirius reminded Moody.

"Do you trust this new guy? There has been a lot of backstabbing around here," Moody asked.

"Alain trusts him. That is good enough for me," Sirius told him. "Besides, you all need some rest."

Moody and all the men with him had been in the field for the better part of the last two weeks hunting down the Woodmen and Tom. They had had very little success. Never mind the ambush that he had walked into with Franco and the Aurors that he was supposed to be responsible for.

"I don't want to give up the hunt," Moody growled.

"I know, Moody, but I will need you back in England. Alain says there are more Aurors coming, and we should have enough here to keep the ministry from falling," Sirius replied.

"And what about Wu? He hasn't done much," Moody scoffed.

"Wu is a bureaucrat that was given a field command," Sirius said, having figured that out over the last few weeks. "He is going to be replaced too. Verona is being promoted to captain for the diplomatic corps and will take over down here. Alain is hoping to send five more in a month or so. Franco is still going to be out for another week or two and we have funerals that I will need to be at over the next week."

Sirius wasn't looking forward to that. Three died in the last ambush, with two still in bad condition and a third that would recover soon. Turgeon was left behind when her mirror had exploded. Sirius was hoping they could get her body back.

"At least you can say we are up. If your body count was right, that's at least thirty to our eight," Moody said.

Only the grizzled Auror would break down the carnage like that. "And what about the dozens of Serbians and Albanians?"

"Casualties are the result of war," Moody succinctly remarked. "It could be a lot worse, lad. It was a lot worse the last time his older self was active. I find it odd that he is being so restrained."

Sirius scratched his stubble on his chin as he changed. "I am too. It's like he's not the same person. Even the one that Harry encountered his third year didn't care about killing people and certainly didn't care about his sycophants."

Moody nodded before eyeing a bowl of fruit. "Aye, it's unusual. Tom never used stunners. It was the Killing curse or something extremely painful and equally as deadly. You recon he is just acting?"

Sirius pondered that for a moment. "I don't think so. It looked like he was trying to shield his man when I banished all the debris at them. He's different too, but that could be the age thing. I don't think this Tom is as old. I think he was made from a horcrux after the diary, but before he applied to be a professor. It bothers me though, he looks much better than Dumbledore remembers."

Moody took an apple from the bowl and a knife out of his pocket. He cut off a hunk before saying, "This whole thing is wrong. The plans are more straight forward. It doesn't have some large Machiavellian plot point. He's not going after families for their blood status or beliefs, only those he needs out of the way to take over. There have been no mysterious muggle deaths. It just smells off."

Sirius was giving Moody a look. The man sniffed the apple slice before popping the whole thing into his mouth.

"What?" the old man asked after a moment, the apple only half chewed.

"I'm just impressed you know a word like Machiavellian," Sirius said with a smirk. He was dodging the apple a second later.

"I may look like a nutter but I ain't," Moody growled.

Sirius chuckled. "You were a right arse when you were training James and I."

"Well, you were prats that needed a good knock around," Moody groused, taking another apple out of the bowl. "Good to see you still have your wits about you. Constant vigilance, lad."

Sirius laughed. There had been little of that lately. He flicked his wand, all his stuff zooming into the trunk he had, then he shrunk it.

"I want you and the boys to take some time off, Moody. I mean it. At least two weeks. I have to get things ready for the Wizengamot meet next month and I want you with me."

"So, you don't mean to send us off after him?" Moody questioned.

"I think you and your team will be better to hunt down Malfoy and his lot. There are a few suspicious disappearances since the Ministry attack. Alain is going to get you all special assignment papers so you can operate under ICW laws under me, instead of home laws."

Moody gave an evil grin. "Don't worry, we'll find them."

"I know you will. Tom is still the priority if anything comes up about him," Sirius told him.

"But if those Death Munchers get back with him, we could be in some real trouble," Moody said.

"We may," Sirius agreed.

An hour later Sirius found himself back in the Southern Council's ministry. A dozen ICW aurors could be seen around the main atrium and workers didn't stay around long, usually rushing through from one department to another. Moody's group was escorting him. Before going to meet the new ICW representative, Sirius stopped in the Auror office.

Inside he found the eleven left from his diplomatic corps escort. They were having a late breakfast, and all stood, along with the half dozen local Aurors that were left, to salute him. "Representative Black," a blond woman greeted him.

"Captain Verona," he said with a nod. "I just wanted to stop in to see how everyone is doing and to say thank you for all you have done over the last few weeks."

"I think I speak for all of us when I say it's been a pleasure serving with you, sir," the woman said. The others nodded in agreement.

Sirius extended his hand. "Is everyone back to health?"

"Oui. Michaels and Erickson will return next week, and the captain is doing better," she told him.

Shaking each of their hands he wished them luck. Sirius didn't want to leave them behind, but they were needed here.

After they walked out, Moody commented, "You just had every Auror in the ICW want to be at your back now."

Sirius shrugged. "We fought together. It should be my responsibility to look after them as much as they look after me. Some of them died for me."

"Aye, they did. You are the leader I thought you could be all those years ago," Moody said, a little pride in his voice.

"Is that why you put me in charge half the time? You really are barking mad, Mad Eye," Sirius remarked.

The old man laughed. "The Boss thought so back then too."

Sirius made a face. "Crouch was just an arse." He may still be a little bitter at the man… or just a lot.

They both quieted as they walked into the portkey room. Sirius took up a position on the edge of the three platforms, unsure which one they would be coming in on. Moody and the group with him, mostly ex-Aurors, took up behind him. They all had their wands close at hand. The workers were sure they had fixed the wards and monitors now, but Sirius wasn't going to take chances after the last few weeks. He wanted to get back to Renee and see how large she had grown.

At a half-minute past nine, five men in the blue robes of ICW aurors stepped out of nowhere. Their wands were up, and they regarded Sirius and his group. "Representative Black?"

"I am," Sirius replied.

"Green-three-beta," the man said.

"Blue-one-theta," he replied, giving the passcode he had been given last night.

The man relaxed. "Just one moment, Representative Black," the man said as he took a mirror out of his pocket. Sirius was wondering just how many Harry had made now? He thought it was only ten sets of five, and three of those sets were already in use here.

Two minutes later three more Aurors and a tall, lean man with a goatee stepped onto the platform. The man gave a look around. Sirius could tell the man had seen action at some point. That made Sirius feel a little better. "Representative Black?"

"Oui. I assume you are Representative Gustavus?" Sirius speculated before taking a few steps forward and extending his hand. The man met him halfway.

"I read through your report. Are there any changes?" the man asked.

Sirius grinned. He liked a man that didn't pussy foot around. "No. It's been quiet the last few days, though there was a report this morning of the renegades meeting somewhere in Kosovo. The muggles are also experiencing an uptick in fighting in the region too."

The man nodded. "Troubling news. Should we?"

"We should," Sirius said, indicating for Gustavus to follow him. Sirius wanted to go over the situation and introduce the man to Aurors before he took his leave today.

It was later in the evening when he finally took a portkey, landing in France a few moments later. He rushed out of the room to the apparition point outside the ministry. Two apparitions later and he was inside the entry hall of the smaller country manor that Renee and her parents were living in.

Sebastian and Artemis lived in a very modest manor for the wealth the Delacours had. At five bedrooms and eight other rooms it was downright small, but Sirius loved it. It was so much homier than Grimmauld Place had ever been. The company was infinitely better than who he grew up with as well.

A house elf came out of the door that led to the kitchen. "Master Sirius! The mistress thought you would be back tomorrow."

"Hello, Simeon. Where is she?" he asked.

"In the parlour with the Master Sebastian and Mistress Artemis," the elf said. "Simeon will get you some tea to join them."

"Make it dinner. I haven't eaten yet," Sirius told him.

"Oui, monsieur," Simeon replied.

Sirius threw his travel cloak onto a table in the hall and walked down to find his parents-in-law and Renee talking before a lit fire. They lived in a valley in the Alps, and it was still cool this time of the year.

Renee looked up. "SIRI!" she exclaimed, moving as fast as she could to get up. She was definitely showing. Sirius thought her all the more beautiful for it as he moved to take his blonde little veela into his arms. Her hands moved to take his face, her lips meeting his before pulling back and looking him over.

"I thought you wouldn't be here until tomorrow. I've been worried about you. Tell me that you didn't get into any more trouble. Are you hurt? Are there any more scars? OH! I am so happy to see you," she said before she hit his chest. "Don't ever do that to me again, you stupid, silly man! I need you. Your little girl will need you. Damn you, Siri! You can't get yourself killed."

She was starting to cry. Sirius just wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in. She folded her arms between them and started to cry. He had never meant to worry her like this. "I'm alright, Renee. Mon chere. I'm alright. I'm back for you and I won't leave you behind again."

"You can't do that again," she told him. Sirius understood this was part of their bond and the veela in her. He didn't like seeing his twenty-eight-year-old wife breaking down like this.

Artemis gave him a sympathetic look. "She was worried for you, Sirius."

"I never meant to worry her this much," he told them.

"We know," Sebastian said, getting up to shake his hand. "It is not always easy for those of us blessed with such woman, but it is worth it, non?"

"Every moment," Sirius agreed.

Renee laughed into his chest. "When did you get sentimental?"

"When I realized I was in love," Sirius responded.

Renee laughed again. "You aren't supposed to make me cry more," she complained.

"That is just your baby hormones," her mother teased.

Renee chuckled. "Take me away?"

"Can I eat first?" he asked her.

"How about desert first, then I will let you eat," she told him, pushing him toward the door.

Sebastian chuckled. "Life is easier with a sated woman," he said.

That was advise Sirius was learning as he held Renee a while later and ate with one hand from a tray that Simeon brought him.

Renee was drawing things in the hair on his chest. She was nude with her large breast pressing against his side and her larger belly on display. He found her beautiful, even if she said she was fat. He didn't see it.

"Do you need to go back soon?" Renee asked.

He had to swallow before replying. "Alain wants me to go to England. The ICW representative is retiring at the end of the month, and he figures that it would be best for me to be there for my seat. Moody is also going back and will head up a special group to hunt down the people that attacked the ministry last month."

"I suppose you will let me go this time?" she asked.

"I will not leave you behind again. It will be just as safe there as here, I fear. Alain has said that some of the Death Eaters have been spotted in France and Poland. The wards on the ICW embassy are just as good as here, or we can live in Grimmauld Place, which is even better warded. Harry and Gabrielle will also be given their first field assignment under me in late July or early August," he told her.

She took his hand around her shoulder and swung his arm over her head. She put his hand on her belly. "Can you feel that?"

Sirius smiled. He remembered when Lily had done that with Harry. Sirius had been amazed to feel it. Now he was feeling his own child. He was getting a yearning to hold the child. "Why are you certain it's a girl?"

"It is a girl," she said resolutely. "My allure is greater. That often happens to a veela-blood when pregnant, especially if their child is to be blessed with their powers."

He smiled. "I hope she is as beautiful as her mother." He kissed her forehead.

"She will be even more so," Renee said with conviction.

"Maybe," he said, kissing her forehead again. Sirius was determined to protect her, his child and Harry. Getting rid of Tom and the others was the best way of doing that. He was also a little concerned. If her allure was greater, how many men was he going to have to beat away now?

"She will be," Renee assured him, putting his arm back over her shoulders and resting her head on his bare chest. It wasn't long before her breath evened out. He pulled the duvet over them. He didn't like covering his wife, but she looked like she needed her rest. He did too as he was soon sleeping with his head slumped over as he leaned against the headboard. It had been days since he had a full night sleep. Like any good house elf, he didn't see Simeon taking the tray away or making sure the fire was tended for the night.


May 15, 1998

Stockholm, Sweden

Harry let Gabrielle into the offices before him. Alain had requested to see them, so they were let into his offices without an appointment. The ponce that had been so rude to them on their first day looked up and then quickly looked down. Another man looked up. His eyes took on the slightly vague expression and greedy look that those susceptible to Gabrielle's allure did.

Harry glared at the man and had put a hand on her back when the man went to get up. One look at Harry and the man sat back down. Gabrielle stood a little taller, her shoulders back and cast him an appreciative smile.

Once in the office, Alain said, "Close the door."

Harry did and joined Gabrielle in the chairs across from her father. Two other men were in the room today. "I see that you two passed the regulations test with top marks?"

"Oui, Director Delacour," Gabrielle answered.

"Bonne. And the new training is better?" Alain questioned.

"Oui, Director Delacour. I have already been put into the year two course for aurors," Harry said. Gabrielle was a year behind him, but he was doing his best to get her there.

Alain nodded his head. "Bonne. Now, I have asked you both here because there is a request for Seigneur Potter from one of our embassies," Alain said. Harry had a sinking feeling since the man had insisted that he and Gabrielle get the proper training before going out.

Gabrielle and him sat and waited. Alain motioned towards the men standing to the side. "Heiress Delacour and Seigneur Potter, allow me to introduce Monsieur Pierre Garrotte and Monsieur Natal Boito. They work in the St Petersburg Embassy with the Russian Empire. It would appear that Prince Dmitri has not forgotten the impression you made on him at New Years."

Garrotte was a slightly rotund man with a comb over and easy smile. Boito was a stern looking man with an impeccably pressed suit robe and bristle moustache.

Harry kept a level face, as much as he wanted to frown at this. He had a sinking feeling. Gabrielle's hand twitched as though she wanted to take his.

"Natal, tell them what you told me," Alain said.

"Oui, Director. The ICW has been trying to work out a mutual protection pact with the Russian Empire for a few years now. With the increase in threats, they are seriously coming to the table, but one of the demands that Prince Dmitri is making is to have you, Seigneur Potter, to come to Russia for a few months to bolster relations and be part of a group that would train to respond together," Boito said.

Harry looked at Alain. This was the last thing he wanted. Alain didn't look pleased either.

"But papa, you said Harry and I would be going to England after our wedding," Gabrielle said, forgetting how they were supposed to act for a moment.

"And you are, but I think you will be getting some field experience before then. You will be spending some time with Monsieur Boito and Garrotte for the next few weeks. You will be taking a two-week field assignment in June before Harry needs to be in England to take his seat on the Wizengamot. So, in the mornings you will be training with the Aurors, and in the afternoon you will be reporting to the European Offices to learn about your first post," Alain said.

"I look forward to working with you, Seigneur Potter. I have heard what you did at the British Ministry last month and was at the New Year's Eve gala. Prince Dimitri is very interested to see you again, as is his daughter, the Duchess Adriana," Garrotte said. "Though, Alain, I don't understand why you would send your daughter? She was not requested and is still in training."

"Both Seigneur Potter and my daughter are still in training. My daughter will be going. They will not be separated at this time, Pierre," Alain said in a hard tone.

Harry met the man with an even glare. "I am well aware of the Duchess and why she would not want Heiress Delacour there." He turned to Alain. "We will be under full diplomatic immunity and protection?"

"Oui. You will also have a guard. As much as you are protected by this office, you are also heirs to a Council seat," Alain said. Harry had a feeling it was more towards his subordinate than Harry.

"That is all good. I will let Representative Ulis know and arrangements shall be made," Garrotte said happily.

"Very good. Seigneur Potter and Heiress Delacour will start reporting to you Monday afternoon. Let me have a few minutes to talk with them," Alain said. The dismissal was obvious, and the two men took their leave.

When the door closed, Gabrielle shot up. "Papa! You can't be serious. You know that pute only wants Harry! We can't go there! Not before we are married! What if she throws a fit and causes an international incident? I will not be able to control myself if Harry is in danger."

Harry was up to stop her pacing and hopefully keeping her from getting too riled up. He took her into his arms. "I thought we were not going to go anywhere near there?"

Alain let out a long breath. "I do not want you to go, but Prince Dimitri is being very obstinate about this. Garrotte and Ulis say that his daughter talks about you incessantly and he has sent me a missive about the debt that is owed you. You will be under diplomatic protection and sanctioned by the ICW as attachés to Representative Ulis while there. You must hold your temper, my little bird. This is very important, or I would not have agreed to this."

"But papa, Harry is mine. You know this is only so that spoiled girl can get him," Gabrielle complained.

"That is my suspicions as well, but you both must act the politician here. Think, Gabrielle. You are betrothed to Harry. It is a contract that precludes others. You need be there only the two weeks. A small contingent of ICW Aurors is performing practices with the prince's forces. You and Harry stick only to that. I would assume there will be a state dinner or two, but you stick only to yourselves. You do not represent the Delacour or Potter families in this and are underlings to Representative Ulis. Use that," Alain instructed.

Harry held Gabrielle close. He knew that the duchess bothered her for a good reason. Harry was Gabrielle's as much as she was his. "Alain, do we have to go before we are married? Wouldn't it be safer after that?"

"I would like to hold it off, but this protection pact is important. You know what we are facing," Alain told him.

Harry nodded after a moment. "We will go, Gabrielle. We know how to act, and we will work with Representative Ulis. It will be fine."

She snorted as she put her head on his shoulder. "You have too much faith that the hag will not try to pull something."

"I have faith that I love you and will not stray," he told her.

She melted into him. "Papa, do we have to go?"

"For now. If I can get the prince to drop the demand, I will," Alain told them.

"Prince Dimitri won't drop this. Alain, if he tries to give me his daughter, how do I refuse?" Harry asked.

"I will coach you and Gabrielle. We can ill afford upsetting the Russian Empire, but it is not one person's decision on who will marry who, and concubines and other arrangements are not legal in France," Alain assured him.

Harry still had an uneasy feeling about this.


May 21, 1998

Paris, France

Sirius sat in the small conference room of the European Department in the Department of International Cooperation of the ICW. As he had walked in, he noticed some people looking at him. A few of the senior members of the department seemed envious as he had not worked his life here and had jumped over others that had wanted a diplomatic post. Internally he laughed at what his mother would think to see him here. She had wanted Regulus to make a department head and him to be the power of the Blacks, until he started to rebel about the time he went to Hogwarts, not wanting that.

Now, he was finding that his opinion held some sway, especially after how he held the Southern Council together. It didn't hurt either that his wife was the niece of the Director. He could see that this rankled some as he was seated two seats down from Alain in the briefing.

Gustavus was back in Sweden for the day to give an update.

"Things have been quiet for the last few weeks. There have been no sightings. Representative Shala and Jeknić have gone to ground. The Albanian Aurors took control of the satellite ministry in Kosovo, and we are expecting to take over the ministry in Montenegro any day now. It's almost like the Leder has left the country," Gustavus said.

Alain turned to him. "Black, do you still have some people on the ground. Have they dug up anything?"

Sirius shifted in his seat. "The hunter team came back with me and is now setting up operations in England. We do think that Tom Riddle and his group have left the region, but do not know for where."

"Thank you. How long before the Southern Council has a sizable enough Auror force for us to pull back the ICW Auror contingent?" Alain questioned.

"That is a little more complicated. The Council has just reformed. They passed a bill to raise fifty Aurors that would report to the ministry, but that could be two years out to get a competent force," Gustavus replied.

Alain nodded. "Thank you. Wiescroft, what do you have about Poland?"

Alain was working through the largest problem areas before getting to the other reports. A woman with white hair and a rather regal posture stood up to move to a board. "Thank you, Director. I am afraid to say that things in Poland and that region are not as calm. The crime syndicate, the Black Hand, has made a major play on the other underworld groups and creatures in the last few weeks. We are only getting hints or the local Aurors are only finding out about it after the fact, but there are reports of no less then thirteen major spell fights and rumours of three other crime leaders being killed. If reports are correct, Fenrir Greyback is active again and helping Robar Demetrios."

Sirius frowned. Greyback was a major issue if he was siding with a local crime lord.

Wiescroft had flipped over a page on the large board and an organization chart appeared. "From what we can gather, Demetrio has taken over the Teixeira of Luxembourg and the Reiters of Austria. He is in control of the bosses in Czechia and Slovakia. This poses a major threat to Poland and the Austrian and Russian Empires as they have been found to be operating in both. Prince Dagmar of Austria has asked the Polish Minister and a few others to a meeting next week to discuss this. I have been asked to join."

"What of Czechia and Slovakia? Wouldn't this risk destabilizing them as well," a man asked from down the table.

"They are already corrupt and in the pockets of the Black Hand. I have a meeting with the High Council later today to talk about this. Director, I think we will need a major intervention soon. The local Aurors are being overwhelmed," Wiescroft said.

Alain nodded. "I will be in that meeting as well. As you all know, we are working to formalize a new treaty with Austria and Russia. Those should be agreed upon next month. Until then, we can only help out our member states. I will make sure you get ten more security Aurors and will back your proposal for a seventy-five man Auror force to support the local Polish forces."

Wiescroft nodded. "Thank you, Director."

"Merope, is it really that bad? Things have been quiet in Germany, and I would have suspected something like that to spill over," a woman across from him asked.

"Most of the Black Hands power is around Cracow, in the southern part of the country. There are even reports it spreads into parts of Ukraine. All the reports I have were sent to the department heads and their chiefs of staff," Wiescroft stated.

"Thank you, Representative Wiescroft. If that is all, I would look to hear from Representative Burgen," Alain said, turning to the man that was head of the Czechia and Slovakia embassy.


May 31, 1998

St. Petersburg, Russian Empire

Harry was holding Gabrielle's hand as they stepped out of the portkey onto the receiving circle in a large circular room. His first impression of the place was opulence. The portkey terminal was in a large domed room, lined with pink marble columns that were capped with gold fillagree sculptures. They all looked like strong men with wands pointing up and a hand on a sword. Each was different, except the sword was the same.

The three Auror guards that Alain had insisted on where waiting for them, as was a small contingent of pompously dressed and important looking men and woman with eight aurors in the more old fashioned guard uniforms that reminded Harry of the Napoleonic era. Harry thought it interesting that they all had wands, and long barrel muskets. They stood at parade attention.

Between them was a woman in her early twenties with golden blond hair, blue eyes and an attractive physique. Something about her said she was the one in charge and the four others behind her were aides or lesser officials. He recognized Representative Ulis, a middle-aged woman with a stern countenance, dark hair and dark eyes. Harry pulled himself up, reluctantly letting go of Gabrielle's hand. She pulled herself up to look as regally as he had ever seen her. They were attachés to Representative Ulis, but Prince Dmitri obviously thought them more. Alain had impressed on them that they were not to represent their houses. They were members of the ICW, heirs to a High Council seat and underlings to Ulis.

The woman in the centre stepped forward, a warm smile on her face. Their Aurors stepped to the side but didn't take their eyes off of the others in the room. She did a low curtsy to them before speaking in very good French. Harry was going to have to learn another language or ten soon. "Baron Potter, Heiress Delacour, I am Natalia Pahlenski, of his Royal Court. Prince Dmitri of the Royal Russian Empire and its duchies welcomes you to our hallowed lands. The prince would like to extend his personal greetings and has offered you rooms in the Zolotoye Mesto as honoured guests."

Harry went quickly through all they had learned over the last two weeks. This woman would be part of the Royal Court, and most likely the family, by her last name. Harry would guess relatively high up as well. He was surprised by the address though. He didn't rank a Baron, not even when he married Gabrielle. Technically, he would be the Lord-consort to her titles in the French Court, if there was one anymore, but the High Council seat would elevate him to the same level.

What was more interesting was the personal invitation to stay at the royal palace. They had been led to believe that only the prince's favourites or highly honoured guest were invited.

Harry was the one to speak first, even though Gabrielle was technically the higher rank. He gave a quarter bow to the woman. "Thank you, Miss Pahlenski. Heiress Delacour and myself humbly accept Prince Dmitri's welcome. We would be happy to accept Prince Dmitri's offer of residence in the diplomatic quarters for our stay at the Zolotoye Mesto." He had no choice but to accept. That didn't mean that he had to play by the rules the Prince wanted. They were diplomats.

The woman nodded her head. "I will ensure that two suites will be made for you. The Prince would also like to invite you to a dinner tonight in honour of your arrival. The prince is still very thankful to you for what you did at New Years."

Harry gave a slight nod. "We would gladly accept the invitation. If you would, Heiress Delacour and myself would like to report into Representative Ulis and prepare for this evening."

"Of course. If you would just come this way, we have carriages arranged to take you to the palace and I can show you to your rooms. Representative Ulis will be welcome to join you, as will a few of her staff," the attractive blonde told them.

She turned. The four people with her followed and Harry and Gabrielle came up to the middle-aged woman. Harry gave the woman a small quarter bow while Gabrielle curtsied. It was obviously a time for proper decorum. "Representative Ulis, we would report for our posting," Harry said, handing the woman the letter from Alain.

"It is nice to have you here," the woman said returning a deeper curtsy. She motioned for them to follow Pahlenski.

The ministry building was built for grandeur and to impress. Hundreds of people were moving around. Some looked like workers, while others were probably people going about their business or members of the aristocracy that worked as bureaucrats.

When they walked out into the sunlight, Harry was impressed that the ministry building wasn't really hiding. It was along a canal in the city with trees surrounding it. Carriages, carts with wares and more flying horses than he had ever seen were all about the courtyard and drive. The wards and charms on everything must be impressive as he saw a dozen or more carts or carriages flying to or from the building. To the right was a large open market with hundreds of people, animals and just a bevy of activity.

Gabrielle looked as impressed. They were led to three white carriages with the house crest of the Romanovs on it. It was easily two feet across and most likely solid gold. How much wealth did the royal family actually have?

Representative Ulis, Gabrielle and himself were led to the middle carriage where Pahlenski was let in by one of the guards. Pahlenski's adjutants were placed in the first carriage while the more utilitarian carriage in the back accepted the eight guards.

"I hope you enjoy the view. St Petersburg is quite spectacular. It will be about a ten-minute ride to the palace," she informed them. With a flick of the reigns, the large Granians started to trot behind the front carriage. A moment later, they were on a cobbled street next to the ministry, which looked more like an old palace, then the horsed started to run, their wings opened and a few seconds later they were in the air.

"Miss Pahlenski, how do you keep the normal people from seeing so much activity? I thought the ICW and others had determined it was too much of a risk to have open carriages and flying vehicles like this around major cities and settlements," Gabrielle enquired.

"The Royal Russian Empire does not follow the conventions of the ICW, Heiress Delacour. Our mages have been able to work out strong wards to protect our enclaves and important buildings, as well as make strong rune disguise and muggle distraction charms. If they notice us, they think we are just a large bird flying overhead. All magical carts and carriages are required to have these rune enchantments. Failure to do so is not pleasant."

Harry wasn't sure if he wanted to know how unpleasant that could be. Gabrielle did a single head bow in acknowledgement.

"If you don't mind, Baron Potter, I have heard of your exploits at the New Year's Eve gala. May I enquire what you did? Prince Dmitri has said many times you saved him and the Duchess Anatalia," Pahlenski asked.

"Seigneur Potter and Heiress Delacour are not here to talk about past exploits, Natalia. They are my attachés for the next two weeks and will be working with my guards on the exercises that Prince Konstantin requested. I have informed the prince of their status," Representative Ulis stated.

"I was only trying to make small talk, Adina. There has been much speculation about what happened. Some of the things we have heard are not believable," the Russian woman replied easily.

Gabrielle nudged his leg. He looked over the side. It was a large city dotted with obvious magical places and some of the premier architecture of Russia and the old Muggle empire. As they flew east, the city grew sparser before they came to a huge forest just on the outskirts. Towards the centre of the forest was a small town with a wide drive leading to a huge Baroque style castle.

The carriages flew over the town and came to a slightly jarring landing on the drive. It was lined with manicured trees that had pink flowers on them. Lush gardens spread around them as they approached. Harry had never seen such wealth on display. It was like looking at the height of the European aristocracy in the eighteenth century. Harry had to admit that he was a little intimidated by all this. He knew he had wealth, but nothing like this.

A few minutes later the carriages pulled up to a wide set of stairs with guards making a path for them to go up them. Harry looked to Representative Ulis. This seemed rather extravagant. The woman just sat there poised and slightly stern. Harry took his cue from her and did the same. Gabrielle was sitting rather regally as the guards lined up before their carriage.

A valet opened the carriage door. Harry had worn a nice set of wizarding robes but thought himself underdressed at the moment. He was glad that he had a much more formal set and Gabrielle would need the gowns that her mother had insisted she take. Growing up in this type of High Society, Apolline had coached them as much as anyone else.

They followed Pahlenski up the stairs. Harry caught a few of the guards give Gabrielle a look he didn't like. The palace was a marvel of architecture, ostentatiousness, and wealth. The eight guards from the ministry fell in line behind them as they were walked through galleries and past dozens of rooms. Hundreds must live in the palace. The servants were in smart uniforms, bowing or curtsying as they passed. The other aristocrats or workers stopped as well, giving them a bow that was equal to their rank.

When they went through a double set of carved, handsomely painted and gold inlaid doors, Harry found they were in a hall at the end of the palace. "The prince has opened the Rosnof wing. You will have full access to all rooms and workspaces during your stay. If you wish to leave, a guard will follow you. I only ask you listen to them if they tell you that you are not allowed in an area."

"Of course, Natalia," Ulis replied.

"Now, the larger dignitary suites are for Baron Potter and Representative Ulis. Heiress Delacour, your rooms will be next to Representative Ulis's," Pahlenski said.

"Thank you, but I will be with my betrothed, as allowed by ICW protocol," Gabrielle informed the woman.

Pahlenski took a moment to respond. "I understand, Heiress Delacour. You have two hours to prepare, then I will be back to escort you to the dinner."

Harry gave his quarter bow while the women curtsied. Pahlenski turned and quickly left the wing. The guards took position just outside the door. Ulis looked at them for a moment. "I am unsure what you have done to catch the prince's attention so much, but I have never been extended a stay in the palace and never been given a whole wing for my staff, nor had an attaché treated better than me."

Harry looked the woman straight in the eye. "I have a feeling that Prince Dmetri has designs for me. I am not trying to offend you. Gabrielle and I can take one of the staff rooms."

Representative Ulis shook her head. "We can't risk angering the prince or the Royal Court. Your name was the only thing that has brought the prince to the bargaining table. Get ready. Report to my room in an hour. We need to talk about this dinner before we go," she ordered them.

"Yes, ma'am," Harry said.

"One hour? It should take hours to get ready for a state dinner," Gabrielle softly complained.

"Tell me what I need to do to help you," Harry told her.


Later that evening….

St. Petersburg, Russia

Gabrielle was dressed in a very elaborate and expensive dress. It was far more than a typical first year underling should have been dressed in, but being a representative of the ICW, and heir to one of the High Council seats, meant that she had the same standing as their boss, Representative Ulis. Harry, as her betrothed, had the same honorary rank, so he was in a very smart black wizarding robe set that had more of a No-Maj influence so that the robes looked like a long coat and the rest like a tux. It fit him very well and she knew it would bring most of the women's' eyes in the room to him. Of course, her own dress would do the same, never mind the way her allure was acting up tonight. She felt danger to her mate and her other self didn't like it.

An aide in an old-fashioned, mid-eighteen-hundreds uniform, was leading them towards the royal galleries. An honour guard of four soldiers followed them.

She held her head high as she let Harry lead her. As much as she hated that role, she was acting more the demure debutante. Representative Ulis had nodded at their attire before trying to give them another briefing on who they were likely to meet tonight and how they were to act.

She didn't miss that Representative Ulis had looked a little surprised when they were told they were going to go to the royal galleries. When they stopped, there was a small line of people waiting by a set of closed doors. Each were escorted by a valet or aide. They were the only ones with a set of guards. Gabrielle didn't know what that meant yet, but she had a feeling it was either a high honour or the prince didn't trust them.

The doors opened and Gabrielle caught a glimpse of a long room that was filled with people.

"That is the full court," Ulis said in a whisper.

"We are here as your aides," Harry whispered back.

"I think you are here as the Heiress Delacour and Seigneur Potter. You are to act as though you are here representing your father on the ICW, Mademoiselle Delacour. Monsieur Potter, you are to be the consort. Do you understand?" she said in a hushed, harsh tone.

Gabrielle understood. She was sure Harry did as well as he stood just that much taller, his back straight, chest out and putting on the airs of someone of great importance. He rarely did that, and she knew he hated it, but Merlin, was he hotter than normal when he did!

They moved forward when the doors opened again. They closed after the three people before them walked in. It was a woman and who must have been her two children. She didn't miss the slight glaze to the young man's eyes when he looked at her a little lustily or the way the chit of a girl, who was maybe sixteen, looked at Harry. This was going to be a tough night.

Representative Ulis was let in next.

When the doors opened for them, the guards took up on either side of the door. The aide motioned for them to go in. MERDE! This was what papa didn't want.

Harry led her in. She moved like she was floating. Those years of maman drilling that into hers and Fleur's head, not to mention her ballet, giving it the effect she wanted. Every eye in the long hall turned to them.

She had enough time to realise the hall was full of gold: golden statues, golden filigree designs on the wall and ceiling, golden sconces… She had little doubt that it wasn't gold leaf. The Romanov's were rumoured to be insanely rich, and the Russian Empire was a powerhouse in the wizarding economy for rare items, crops and precious metals. Their mines were as profitable as the goblins'. The wealth from that trade, and the health of the Empire, were on display in the castle, and especially in the Royal Gallery.

Like in her ancestral home, she could see a large set of double doors at the other end of the gallery that opened into another long gallery. These long galleries were the ballrooms of an age gone by, except here it looked like the norm.

There must have been two hundred or more in the galleries. Everyone was dressed in their finest. Those of the Russian court were in fashions that were more than a hundred years out of date. Other representatives, ambassadors or other honoured guest were in dress more appropriate to their home country. This was a royal ball, not just a state dinner.

A rather pompously dressed page banged a large staff on the floor. The murmuring and whispered conversations fell silent. The page was obviously speaking Russian, but a flawless translation charm was over the room. "May I present the honoured guests of the night, Duke Harry Potter, Scion to the House of Potter of Wales. He is escorting Heiress Gabrielle Delacour, heiress to the High Council seat of the International Confederation of Wizards and the Representative seat of the French Assemblée of Wizards."

There was a smattering of applause. While the page was announcing them, a path opened in the centre of the floor. As people moved back, everyone bowed, curtsied or made the sign of respect for their countries. Prince Dmitri was walking through with his family. He was in a white and gold dress uniform with all sorts of medals and gold braid on it. His wife, the Princess Elizabet, was in a decadent dress with just as much gold on it. The duchesses were not as lavishly dressed as their parents, but there was no doubt the young women were royalty in these lands. Gabrielle knew that the older daughter, Natalia, had just turned twenty. The one that was eying up Harry, Adriana, was their age. The fifteen-year-old heir, Prince Svetozar, had a slightly bored look on his face.

The prince and his family came up to them. Even though she knew they were about the same rank in European society, they were visitors in a royal court. She gave a half curtsy, declining her head to look at the floor as she did so. She didn't like letting go of Harry's arm, but it was required. Harry put his hands straight to his side and did a half bow.

When she stood up, she knew it would be the traditional thing for Harry to introduce themselves first. Harry didn't say a word though as the prince returned the same courtesy. He did a half bow towards them. The rest of his family did the same. Everyone else in the hall gave deep curtsies or bows.

"Duke Potter, Heiress Delacour, I am so pleased that you were finally able to take up my offer to join us," Prince Dmitri said as he stood up tall. "We are honoured to have such dignitaries join us. Especially ones that have given great service to myself and my family. Tonight, this ball is in your honour, and I would request you to join me to start. Please, if you would."

The prince stepped forward and extended his arm. Gabrielle knew she was being asked to be escorted by the prince. This was something of the highest honour and exactly what papa didn't want to happen. She moved to take the prince's arm. "I am deeply honoured, Prince Dmitri. On the behalf of the House of Delacour and our status on the High Council, I graciously accept your invitation."

"Excellent. Duke Potter, would you please escort the Princess Elizabet?"

"of course, Prince Dmitri. On the behalf of House Potter and my heirship on the Wizengamot, please accept my arm, Princess Elizabet," Harry offered.

She moved to the prince's arm, and he bowed his head to her. She graciously accepted and put her chin up. This was a true high society event. The prince led her through the crowd to the centre of the hall. "I must say, you are very fetching tonight, Heiress Delacour. You are your mother's daughter."

"Thank you, Prince Dmitri. You are very smart looking yourself," she returned.

He gave her a small smile before becoming serious again. "If you do not mind, I would ask to take you from your betrothed for this first dance of the night?"

"I would be honoured," she told him.

The man stopped in the centre of the floor. Next to them, Harry moved to be in the traditional stance for a grand waltz with the princess. The crowd around them made a wide circle. The prince took her hand as she stood and put his hand respectfully on her waist. When the music started, the man deftly led her around the floor. She was able to get a few glimpses of Harry. A smiling princess was spun around before she was herself.

When the music ended, she pulled back. The prince did so as well. He put his left hand to his front and his right to his back before bowing to her. She curtsied and he then extended a hand to lead her off the floor. With the initial niceties done, she was led to the side as others moved to the dance floor. Her stomach gave a slight growl. She had not eaten anything when they had arrived, fearing to offend the prince by not eating at dinner.

The prince gave her a smirk. "My apologies, mademoiselle. I am afraid that my aides did not give you a proper warning of what tonight was."

"It is nothing, Prince Dmitri. I am pleased with whatever hospitality you have," she said.

He chuckled as the princess and Harry joined them. She didn't miss that there was a fifteen-foot buffer between them and the nearest person but doubted that they weren't trying to be overheard. "Please, this night is meant to honour you and the young man that did much for me and my family." He waved his hand. "I assure you refreshments are on the way. Now, Duke Potter, I am especially thankful for you to join us tonight. I had been hoping to do this months ago, but I understand that you have been busy with completing your schooling and learning your new responsibilities when you marry Heiress Delacour."

The prince handed her back off to Harry.

"Yes, sir. The heiress and I have been very busy since New Years. I am pleased to say that we both received very high marks on our IWAL's and are now in the diplomatic program in the Department of International Cooperation. I look forward to sharing the responsibility with Heiress Delacour when Director Delacour finally decides to retire," Harry said.

"That was a very diplomatic answer, Duke Potter. How do you really feel?" Princess Elizabet asked.

Harry gave a little laugh. "Truthfully, I am still learning, Princess Elizabet. I am just lucky to have the heiress at my side to correct me when I make a mistake."

"You do very well, Seigneur Potter," Gabrielle said, feeling very pleased with him so far. She was just hoping she was reading the situation correctly as she added, "I don't see anything to correct you on. Not yet, anyways."

Harry gave her a little smile while the prince chuckled. "Yes, I would agree so far. Ah, some champagne from our vineyard to the south and some delicacies that my people are quite proud of," the prince said as a few waiters came over. It was small finger foods and a fluted glass with a pink, bubbly liquor that smelled fruity.

"Thank you," she said.

"Please don't think me rude, Prince Dmitri, but I must ask why you call me Duke Potter? My grandfather was a duke by award from the Great War against Grindelwald, but I know that title is not hereditary," Harry questioned.

The man nodded. "I am afraid that my over excited wife and daughter let the cat out on that one. I have planned a formal ceremony for tomorrow to award you with our highest honour; The Star of Service. With that comes our gracious thanks, a monetary award, a title in our court and the lands to back such a title, Duke Potter."

Gabrielle was happy she wasn't drinking. This made Harry equivalent to a lower member of the royal family in Russia. Harry's eyes grew a little large too. To the best of her knowledge, there were only five other dukes, with the king's daughters being two of four duchesses. It was a hugely prestigious position, and one that she suspected was a prelude to something else. Something that made her uneasy and her veela to cry out in warning.

Harry frowned and took a sip from his champagne before responding. "Prince Dmitri, I am honoured with such a prestigious rank, but I thought that by your charter only a citizen of your country could be part of the Royal Court, and only those of royal blood could hold the rank of Duke?"

The man gave him a smile. "Ah, Duke Potter, but don't you know? The Prince can do as he wishes. Also, my archivists assure me that you have some of the Romanov blood in you. Eight generations back, a daughter of Czar Alexia the third married a Romulus Black after he rendered a great service to the empire. I grant you citizenship based on your lineage and give you the lands that Arietta Romanov should have had if she had married a man of the Court."

Harry stared at the man in total surprise. She hadn't know that. Did papa? She had a feeling he would have warned her if he had known. Sirius would have as well.

The princess gave a tinkling laugh. "I do believe, Heiress Delacour, that your beau has made the first mistake of the night. Even if surprised, you should not show it."

She slipped an arm around her Harry's. He shook his head. "I did not know that, my prince. I… I don't know if I can accept this."

The prince frowned. "You would deny my gracious thanks?"

She stepped in before Harry could commit a major international incident. "No, Prince Dmitri, I don't think my betrothed means it in that way. I think he is concerned about the offer of citizenship." Now this was something her papa had warned them about. "Is it not true that to be a citizen of the Russian Empire, especially one of the court, you need to renounce all other citizenships? I am sure he is afraid that would harm his standing back in his home country, where he has a seat on the Wizengamot, and what it would mean when we are married, and he is heir to my families seat on the High Council."

The man seemed to get what she was saying. "Ah, you mean the oaths of fealty and the acceptance of peerage. I had not considered that. Perhaps we can talk more about this tomorrow after I have time to talk to my advisors?" She didn't miss the man's calculating eyes as he seemed to ponder this development.

"Ah but let us get onto more pleasant matters. A new round of dancing is about to start, and I see that the Duchess Adrianna is without a partner. Duke Potter, would you be so kind as to offer my daughter a dance for now. And you, Heiress Delacour, my nephew, Sven Olegson, from Norway, is an excellent dancer," the princess offered.

Every instinct she had was screaming against this. Harry had stiffened and she could feel the tension in him. They had been warned, repeatedly, to not make a scene. They had also been equally warned not to be manipulated.

They both knew what they had to do here. It tore at her to fight her veela down. "I would be honoured, Princess Elizabet." It was the only thing she could say without angering their hosts.

"One dance should be fine, Princess Elizabet. After, we should check in with Representative Ulis, since we are here as her aides for the next two weeks and not any personal travel," Harry said. The prince didn't look happy at that reminder, but it may be the only thing to save them from whatever machinations they had been drawn into.

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