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7.31% Amphibia AU: Far From Home (Owlphibia) / Chapter 3: Together Always

Kapitel 3: Together Always

After picking Mr. Boonchuy off the floor, Anne had to begin the tiresome attempt

at explaining the whole 'World of Talking Frogs' truth bomb to her parents.

After getting everyone seated in the living room, Anne had some crude drawings

scribbled in a hurry on various charts of paper prepared to act as visual aid.

Anne almost didn't get very far when she began her story with HOW she got the Calamity Box

(Needless to say, Anne's mother was LESS than pleased to hear that her daughter had shoplifted.)

But, the woman had to restrain herself to allow Anne to speak, and explain why

she was missing for Six Months, and just what she had been doing during that time.

(Which was a majorly edited version of what REALLY happened,

As Anne purposely left out the more dangerous and mind blowing parts.)

"...Okay, where was I?" spoke Anne, who lost track of where she was.

"uhh...The Third Temple?" spoke Sprig, raising his hand.

"I thought we were at the Battle of the Bands." said Olivier.

"Oh, yeah...That was AWESOME." said Anne, reminiscing on that day.

" soon as we charged the last stone, the music box opened a portal

that took me back to Earth. Before anything else could happen..."

Anne gave the Plantars a 'look', which prompted them to all nod.

"But, Oliver and the Plantars got sucked into the portal too." continued Anne.

"and now they're all stuck here until we find a way to get them back to their respected homes.

So yeah... You're pretty much caught up."

Bee and Oum Boonchuy bore horrified expressions (Bee most of all.)

"Hold on. Back up." spoke Anne's Father, finally. "You're telling us there's a whole world of talking frogs called "Amphibiland"?

"It's actually called "Amphibia." said Sprig.

"And thank goodness for that." spoke Olivier. "a name like "Amphibiland"

makes it sound like we all got lost in a Theme Park for six months."

"You made Larb with maggots?!" spoke Anne's Mother. "Was it good?"

"And, Oliver here is from some "Burning Island" in HELL!?" continued Anne's father.

"It's called the BOILING ISLES, Dad!" corrected Anne. "It's an archipelago of islands in a Boiling Sea

in a parallel dimension called The Demon Realm: I know it may SOUND like it, but It ISN'T Hell."

Anne's parents then drew their attention to their daughter's apparent new Boyfriend,

who was apparently a 'Kid Wizard' from another world of his own.

"Sooo...You like a wizard boy?" spoke Anne's Mother, Oum. "like from those "Cynthia Coven" books?"

("Azura the Good Witch" is a far superior series.") whispered Anne's Father to his wife.

"I don't know what ANY of that is, but yeah: I am a Half-Witch with magic powers." answered Olivier.

"Can you show us some Magic Tricks?" asked Bee Boonchuy.

Olivier looked annoyed. "Tricks are for Children. Besides, my magic is much weaker in this-

Before Olivier could finished, he noticed Anne's pet cat getting too close to his Falcon Palisman.

Both Bird and Cat were looking at each other like they wanted to kill the other.

Just as Domino readied to pounce upon Fleetwing (which wouldn't had ended well for the Cat.)

Olivier drew a circle of light, and blew a puff of blue sparkles at the cat...which made it drop into a deep sleep.

Bee clapped, impressed with this magic trick.

...though, Olivier looked like he was going to pass out. "ohhh, myyyy..."

As Olivier lost his balance, Anne tried to catch him. "OLIV-!"

Fortunately, Anne's mother got up quickly and caught the boy instead.

"oh, THANKS mom..." said Anne, as she helped Olivier to sit down. "Guess Oliver's old dizzy spells have come back again."

Anne's parents looked at her. "What dizzy spells?" asked Oum

"Are they LITERAL Dizzy Spells!?" asked Bee, concerned.

"no..." spoke Olivier, despite feeling lightheaded.

"In my world...most Witches, Demons and Halflings that can do magic

are born with a special organ that produces the magical energy needed to perform spells.." explained Olivier.

"but, Halflings that are part human, like ME, are born WITHOUT this vital organ.

Yet, despite this, I was born with a magic that flows throughout my body.

and, as such, casting even the simplest of spells can drain my own body of it's natural energy.

Unless I can channel magic from an external source (like my Magic Staff),

using it too much could cause me to pass out...or even kill me."

Bee and Oum stared in shock at what they just heard.

"It's true." spoke Hop Pop, who was frowning. "Now, Anne...I know you don't want me to tell this story, but-"

"But, WHAT?!" spoke Oum, her tone stern.

The old frog sighed. "One time...Anne wanted ta' cook us some of that Thai Food of yours.

But while she an' Sprig were lookin' for ingredients, Anne was bitten by a beetle that was highly poisonous."

As Oum gasped, Anne looked away. Feeling VERY embarrassed.

"...An' instead of telling me (loudly) LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE, Anne tried to hide it." continued Hop Pop.

"By th' time I learned what had happened...Anne was already on the floor, struggling to breathe."

Anne looked down, remembering that night all too well.

Of all the times she had nearly died in Amphibia, THAT was the scariest.

"Ah' didn't know what to do...Ah' didn't even have TIME to make an antidote." continued Hop Pop.

"But Oliver was there, and used his 'Healing Magic' to purge the poison from Anne.

It worked, almost killed him. Ah' saw th' whole thing as it happened.

Oliver looked like he was DYIN' the longer he used his magic on Anne.

When Anne finally recovered...Oliver passed out, and didn't wake up until three days later."

Anne looked down, feeling shame creep over her. "those Three Days were hard." spoke Anne.

"I was worried that Oliver would NEVER wake up. That he would DIE, and it would've been my fault."

Anne's parents looked at their daughter with sympathy...then they looked to Olivier.

"Thank you for protecting her." said Oum, softly.

Olivier smiled weakly, feeling too shy to say anything.

After a long silence, Anne's father finally exhaled. "Honestly, This is a lot to take in. I wish we could've been eased into it."

Anne gave Hop Pop a stern look (to which the old frog chuckled nervously.)

"Anyway...Can the Plantars stay with us until we find them a way home?" spoke Anne.

Oum started laughing in response to this...Until she realized Anne wasn't joking. "'re serious?"

"Oh, mom!" exclaimed Anna, annoyed. "DAD, say something!"

"Anne...all of this is crazy." spoke Bee. "I wouldn't believe a word of it if the small frog wasn't kicking me right now!"

Indeed, Polly was laying on the couch, constantly kicking at the man's thigh. "New legs. You know how it is."

Anne's mother finally stood up, and faced her daughter. "Your adventure is over, Anne. You're home now.

Oliver can stay, but The authorities will take care of your friends-"

Anne gasped, a horrified look on he face. "With the police?! The government!?, As soon as they see talking frogs,

they'll be dissected in a secret lab, and used for all kinds of weird experiments!"

"Actually, they'll be Vivisected." spoke Olivier. "which is much, MUCH worse."

"Exactly HOW worse are we talking?" asked Hop Pop, understandably concerned.

"VERY Bad. You're still alive when they cut you open, and remove your organs." said Olivier.

Sprig screamed at this. "THEY CAN'T TAKE MY ORGANS!, I'M STILL USING THEM!"

Polly ran, and hugged Anne's ankle. "Anne, don't let them take us! DON'T LET THEM TAKES US!"

Now the entire Plantar Family was huddled around Anne,

who knelt down, and embraced them as if the world was ending this very day.

"don't worry, guys. I'll keep you safe." said Anne, hugging her Frog Family tightly.

"I was living in a cave when you found me. The least I can do is return the favor."

Anne's parents looked stared at Anne, and then looked at each other.

"Ahem..." Anne's parents looked at Olivier, as he stood up and faced them.

"You know...I may have helped Anne return here to her own home.

But, it was the Plantars that gave Anne a home LONG before I ever showed up.

And...It isn't very fair to show ME gratitude, but not extend the same courtesy to them.

They may be Frogs, but they've technically done more for your daughter than I did."

Anne's mother exhaled sharply. "Ok. They can stay...For now."

Anne immediately ran to her mother, and hugged her. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"

Anne's father, Bee, then got up and approached the front door. "Alright. If we're doing this, we gotta be extra careful.

(*bolts the door*) No one out there can know you exist. You're all on lockdown."

"You heard the man." said Hop Pop, standing next to Bee. "You're all on lockdown, got it?"

Bee stares down at the orange frog. "What?"

"Come on guys! Let's have some Earth style quarantine fun!" exclaimed Anne, joyfully.

"YEAH!" exclaimed Sprig, excited.

Olivier just rubbed the bridge of his nose, and groaned. "this...will not end well."

a Door creaked open, and Anne gazed into her old room.

It almost felt like forever since she was last here,

yet everything was exactly as she last left it over six months ago.

As she walked inside, Olivier and the Plantars followed.

"WOW...This was your room?" spoke Sprig. "It's much bigger than the basement back home."

Anne said nothing as she sat on her old bed. It was dusty, of course. causing Anne to sneeze for a brief moment.

After a few minutes, Hop Pop motioned to his grandchildren. "come along, kids. I think Anne needs some time to herself."

As the Frogs all left, Olivier remained behind to star at Anne. "You feel okay, Annie?" asked Olivier, calmly.

Anne shrugged. "I don't know...I'm glad to be home and everything.

But things here that were once familiar to feel Strange for some reason.

I am not the same girl that I was when I last left this room.

So, being back here now...It feels like I am in someone else's room.

"I see." spoke Olivier, listening to his girlfriend.

"Even this...Bed." continued Anne, who bounded up-and-down the mattress. "When I was in Amphibia,

i didn't think I would ever get used to sleeping on the ground, and wished I had my old bed back. that I have it back. It feels all I'm sitting on a-"

"Marshmallow?" said Olivier, finishing Anne's sentence for her.

Anne silently nodded. "yeah. It's weird, but...I feel like I just came back from fighting a War.

and no matter how hard I try to go back to my old, normal, BORING life...I just can't."

Olivier hobbled over to Anne with his magic staff, and sat next to Anne on the bed.

"You miss your old life in Amphibia, don't you?" inquired Olivier.

Anne wiped a tear from her eye. "yes...i do. Never imagined I would feel so homesick for that place

considering everything I went through to return back to my own world.

But, now I am here...and I STILL feel empty inside. Like I don't belong here, anymore."

Olivier was silent...but then spoke once more. " are right about one thing, Anne."

Anne looked at her boyfriend. "what's that?"

"You aren't the same person that you were when you last left this room." said Olivier.

"and, you can NEVER be that Anne Boonchuy again. she died in Amphibia long ago...and, things will need to change."

Anne nodded. "I know...and, I will. somehow."

Olivier leaned closer, and put his arm around Anne.

Anne snuggled in his embrace...and then kissed his softly on the cheek.

"I love you, Ollie." spoke Anne, her voice barely a whisper.

"I love you too, Annie." replied Olivier.

"I know it may sound selfish, but I am glad you are here with me."

Olivier paused as he continued to hold Anne close. "there are worse places I could be right now." began Olivier.

", I am thankful to still be here with the girl that I love, who I know loves me back."

Anne moved her head to look at Olivier...who cupped her face, and kissed her on the lips.

The two held their kiss for a long time, Time seeming to slow down around them like a bubble.

It was like their whole world was now condensed within this one room,

and nothing else existed beyond the door and windows.

It was Just THEM, and nothing else.

But, Olivier finally did break their kiss. Returning them to reality.

They smiled at one another, but Olivier then got up off the bed. "I'd...better go." spoke Olivier.

"no...Stay." said Anne, almost pleading.

"n-no, I think I should." said Olivier "I don't want your parents to get the wrong idea with me being here."

Anne blushed bright red, realizing just how it might've looked

had her parents walked in on them just a minute earlier.

The last thing she wanted was for her parents to distrust Olivier for ANY reason.

"and, besides...I think you really do need some some to yourself to think things over." continued Olivier.

"Not to mention get yourself cleaned up...Starting with a Nice, Hot Bath."

Anne took a moment to sniff her armpit...which she immediately regretted.

"Since when did..(*cough-COUGH*) TH-THAT ever bother you?" asked Anne.

"I tried to ignore it since we didn't have many options at the time." said Olivier.

"BUT, we do now. and I for one can't wait soak in water that ISN'T from a Swamp."

Anne chuckled, realizing that Olivier was right...and even she couldn't wait

to finally have a REAL bath after after Six Months of 'Roughin' It in the Wilderness.'

"I'll let you go first...I'm tired, and need to take a power nap." said Olivier.

"oh...okay. I'll make sure you aren't bothered." said Anne.

Olivier smiled. "thanks." As Olivier turned to walk away, Anne called out to him once more. "OLIVER..."

Olivier stopped, and turned at the door. "yes?"

Anne got up, and approached Olivier. "I meant what I said: I'm glad you are here with me."

Before Olivier could respond, Anne hugged him tightly. "i love you, oliver...forever, and ever."

Olivier held back a tear as he hugged Anne back.

For a moment...he thought back to his past living on the Boiling Isles.

How he once had a crush who he gave his heart to...only for his heart to be broken.

It was Anne who helped to mend his broken heart, and she was the only good thing

that ever came from falling victim to that 'Magic Trap' that left him stranded in Amphibia.

"and, you too...Anne." spoke Olivier, running his fingers through Anne's bushy hair.

"I wish I knew how to tell you how much I love much you mean to me." continued Olivier.

"If I had a chance to stop myself from being sent to Amphibia...I wouldn't. Not if it mean never knowing you."

Anne shed her own tear. "me neither."

As Anne and Olivier held each other...Olivier's magic began to mingle with Anne's Calamity Power.

Both glowing Gold and Blue, the pair could almost swear that they heard music.

Words seems to form in their minds that they felt compelled to speak aloud...

"If I never knew you. If I never felt this love.

I would have no inkling of How precious life can be.." sung Olivier.

"And if I never held you, I would never have a clue,

How at last I'd find in you...The missing part of me.

In this world so full of fear. Full of rage and lies

I can see the truth so clear...In your eyes, So dry your eyes.

And I'm so grateful to you. I'd have lived my whole life through..

Lost forever...If I never knew you."

"If I never knew you, I'd be safe but half as real.

Never knowing I could feel. A love so strong and true." sung Anne.

"I'm so grateful to you. I'd have lived my whole life through...Empty as the sky.

"Never knowing why..." sung Olivier.

"Lost forever..." sung Olivier and Anne, Together. "If I never knew...Yooouu."

As Olivier and Anne embraced again...Oum Boonchuy remained still at her hiding place

near her daughter's open bedroom door. her mouth covered, and eyes moist.

Not since her wedding day had she heard something so touching between two people.

The woman silently walked away, Unwilling to ruin their tender moment.

[End of Part Three]

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